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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Colts @ London, England, Game Day Thread***
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This is just stupid. 

Another flag
He holds every play
This game is fixed. NFL is such a bad product
And the wheels on the GuS bus go round and round....round and round.....
Oh look the colts get another PI call...

Quote:I think ive seen this movie beforr
Yep. Got my popcorn and pepsi ready. Don't know if it's going to be a comedy or a tragedy but I'm sure going to enjoy the show.
[BLEEP] off with those flags!!!!
Here we go, jaguars. Here we go!
thats [BLEEP]


refs are giving them this game

Every Colt score is on a PI

Why is House still out there?
I'm not so sure on the PI there
Gus and co must be tired of coaching. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. L M A O
Hey another flag. We're going to lose.
[BLEEP] these [BLEEP] refs!
Arob can get completely butt [BLEEP] but you sneeze on anyone and PENALTY! BRING OUT THE EXECUTIONERS!

I'm gonna be sick
So that's a flag but not on AR15 hahhahhahhahahahhahahhahha IM DYING