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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Colts @ London, England, Game Day Thread***
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Lol what the hell? Call the whistle before he throws him down?
Ngakue is gonna be good
Ngakue getting home again. Nice job too coming on the left side. He may be the better pass rusher.
Oh boy first down on penalty. This is the most undisciplined team in the league.

Wth no
Quote:Yannick.. He is going to be a beast.

He already is
Screw davon house
Oh goodie...more flags
House is horrible
House,,, gawd
House is garbage I swear
House baby!
Get house off the field please
Quote:Another first down, more time on the field for the defense. The clots are going to absolutely open up the scoring in the 2nd half. We might get a 50 burger dropped on us.

 The way it has started, this game might not get to 50 if you combine both teams scores.
You've gotta be kidding me

Stupid penalty by house
Great job House...