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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Colts @ London, England, Game Day Thread***
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Too much dancing at the line
Bad read
It feels great to finally look like we'll get a win, but as long as Bradley remains coach and if Bortles doesn't improve dramatically there just aren't many more wins on their schedule. 


There was another example of terrible coaching. I know they converted on 4th, but they should have punted. Why give the Colts any momentum and great field position when it looks like they're a beaten team?

Quote:Linder looks angry
After the cheapshot on the qb
Come on Meyers
No flagg? Wow
3 points
Robinson has dropped like 4 passes today.

911? I'd like to report a mugging....
Damn. Come on A Rob!!
Quote:Jags came to play

I think you mean they came to trade FGs.
Another bad throw. Should have been back shoulder.
stupid refs again

Obvious interference but also a bad throw
That was close Myers but thanks for getting it in!

Blake's wind up sux
wow that was close

Ah miscommunication,bortles throwing the jump ball but A-Rob wanting the back shoulder
Myers Baby!