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Full Version: U.S. owes black people reparations for a history of ‘racial terrorism,’ says U.N. panel
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Quote:Germany had no problem paying reparations to descendants of the Holocaust. So again back to the original post...why is there such a problem when it comes to the descendants of Slaves?

But your Arbeit made you frei.

Because this is 2016 almost 2017 and not 1865.
Quote:Because this is 2016 almost 2017 and not 1865.

And that whole systematic annihilation plan might have been a huge part of it too.
Quote:Germany had no problem paying reparations to descendants of the Holocaust. So again back to the original post...why is there such a problem when it comes to the descendants of Slaves?

But your Arbeit made you frei.

Mainly because nearly everyone is the descendants of slaves.  My ancestry is Welsh and I certainly don't expect the Italian government to repay me for their ancestors conquering and enslaving my ancestors.  I certainly haven't suffered as a result.
Quote:Mainly because nearly everyone is the descendants of slaves.  My ancestry is Welsh and I certainly don't expect the Italian government to repay me for their ancestors conquering and enslaving my ancestors.  I certainly haven't suffered as a result.

I was quoting him. My comment was the last sentence.

Germany didn't pay its slave labor. The Poles,Slavs,POWs.

They made reparations for deaths, profit from gold teeth, jewelry, skin lampshades and use of lab rats...err...personal.

As both instances were not what our God would be impressed with, one cannot compare the holocaust with much else. Stalins, Maos exterminations, perhaps.

But I agree. If we start going back years and years and demanding reparations, every boundary in the world would change, which of course would lead to eventual wars, etc etc etc.

we should learn from the past. Try not to repeat mistakes. Don't use it as a crutch.
I was at the grocery store today and saw a black dude getting groceries. This thread popped into mind. I thought am I supposed to offer to buy his groceries as a sorry gift for something my ancestors may or may not have done. Well, he ended up leaving the same time I did. I saw his little clunker that I'm sure just barely made it to the store. I gotta say, his Cayenne was much nicer than my old beat down truck.
[Image: 0.jpg]

Quote:So what exactly is your goal with this thread?  An apology?  Money?  What?


The topic of this thread is reparations being paid out to blacks.  Please give me a good argument as to why that should happen.


The color of your skin holds you down?  Tell that to the current sitting President.


People living and growing up poor and in poor neighborhoods?  Tell that to Herman Cain.


People not having an education opportunity, especially raised in a single parent household?  Tell that to Dr. Ben Carson.


The point is, these black men have achieved great accomplishments because of their own hard work, not because it was given to them.

this is essentially the point I'm trying to make you don't have to let your surroundings hold you down.  Further more you can move somewhere else.  On top of that, if it is your peers that are holding your people down you have a bigger problem than just the police and government and reparations are not going to help anything.
I've got a novel idea. We've read stories of white and Mexican people who've had it rough and went through [BLEEP] and busted their [BLEEP] and had something to show for it. So, here's my idea for those, black, white, purple or green, go bust your [BLEEP] and make it happen for yourself. If not for you, do it for your kids. My parents had it rough (although not nearly as rough as others). Both grew up poor. But they bust their [BLEEP] to give my siblings and I opportunities they've never had, and what do you know, a poor kid from Philly is now nearly a millionaire. I don't think he is but from what I know, he's damn close. That helped his kids (me) to an extent. He was adamant about making his kids earn what they have. I've got a very successful brother. A sister that isn't doing to bad and here I am doing not too shabby either. And we weren't given [BLEEP] for free. If others of all races can do it, so can you. So get off your [BLEEP] and do it.

Sorry, no sympathy.
The best option is to give the next generation actual opportunities to improve their lot. Will require tax payer investment, so it's a shame presidential candidates won't pay their share of the tax burden
Quote:The best option is to give the next generation actual opportunities to improve their lot. Will require tax payer investment, so it's a shame presidential candidates won't pay their share of the tax burden
At least he isn't a criminal.
If you're waiting on the government to fix your problems, you may want to reconsider who you've been putting in office. But, I'm sure Hillary will fix it, right?
You get out of life what you put in. Today's generation doesn't want to work for anything. That's the case for most races. They always want a hand out. And they'll grasp at whatever they can to get it.

I know a guy that sued the city in which he lived in. He won. He was driving home under the influence and wrecked his car. No injuries. But a street light was out so he had no idea where he was going. Mind you, the street it happened on, was the street he freaking lived on. BOOM 15k!!!
Quote:At least he isn't a criminal.

Well nice to see you expect a lot from your presidential candidate...
Quote:Well nice to see you expect a lot from your presidential candidate...
I do.

What can you expect with yours? 20 years with possibility of parole with good behavior?
Quote:I do.

What can you expect with yours? 20 years with possibility of parole with good behavior?

He can't vote in our elections.
Quote:He can't vote in our elections.

Oh. I didn't realize he was not 'Murican.
Quote:Oh. I didn't realize he was not 'Murican.

He can still vote Democrat.
Quote:Based on the legal precedent, no it's not good enough. It takes a combination of the Congress and the President to pass and execute laws. Congress was dominated by Republicans whom would likely not care about this issue. I cannot blame Obama. In fact, the 2008 resolution was drafted by a Democrat...it would have never been brought up by modern day Republicans. Again, I ask what was the rationale by Reagan for using American tax dollars to pay reparations to the Japanese descendants? The internment camps only lasted 2 and half years, compared to 150+ of Slavery/Jim Crow/Institutionalized racism. 


Maybe because if you extrapolate it out....the financial cost would be quite significant....IF reparations were based purely on money and we used the numbers the Japanese descendants received ($20,000).


13 million blacks * $20,000 = $260,000,000. That's TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY BILLION DOLLARS.






Senate Votes to Compensate Japanese-


Germany had no problem paying reparations to descendants of the Holocaust. So again back to the original post...why is there such a problem when it comes to the descendants of Slaves?

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reparations_Agreement_between_Israel_and_West_Germany'>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reparations_Agreement_between_Israel_and_West_Germany</a>

Your memory of 2008 is quite skewed. Captain 4putt and his merry band of miscreants had control of both Houses and the Oval Office. Oblahblahcare passed without a single R voting Aye. Had they really cared about your people youd've had some action, that you didn't should tell you something about either the validity of your concerns or the sincerity of theirs.
Quote:The caveat of the entire 2008 resolution is that the mea culpa (acknowledgement of the wrongs of Slavery and Jim Crow) could NOT be used as legal rationale for reparations, financial or otherwise.


I have a problem with that. I argue that aside from the near genocide of the Native Americans, the century-plus of institutionalized racism towards blacks has been one of the greatest sins of this country. The timing, coming after close to two centuries of mistreatment of blacks and on the heels of this nation electing it's first African American president are also very interesting. It's like either a husband and wife leaving relationship counseling and saying the problem is fixed. Chapter closed! No its not.


By the way what was Reagan's rationale for tax funded financial reparations to the Japanese descendants? Did he feel an obligation to help them overcome their apparent marginalization?

It was paid to all those who were imprisoned. If you want to pay those that were enslaved, then I'm all for it but he didn't pay their descendants. You wouldn't have received a dime in that scenario.
Quote:I do.

What can you expect with yours? 20 years with possibility of parole with good behavior?

Our Prime Minister is also very rich but at least is self made despite his faults as leader.
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