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Quote:I really have difficulty responding to your posts because you typically dont seem to understand what I have said. Re-read all my posts in this thread and try again.


If it was done as a tax, that $$$ doesn't go to me nor any other black person I know.

You said you have an issue with all the wealth being held by wealthy whites. I suggested a high estate tax as an equalizer. You said no because the tax doesn't go to you or anyone you know. Alright... :turned:


So I guess what would you suggest as a method of equalizing wealthy whites with the lower class?
Quote:Racism is illegal and unlawful - think about the court cases...

Also, I think you skipped my income inequality point.

No, not all things are earned - many were handed down generationally. Income inequality proves this - but you have to understand it. That is truly the myth of America - that all men (and women) are created equal. Never happened.

systemic racism and in hiring yes, I was referring to the swamp guy who will never change.  You can't arrest someone because they used the N word.  It is frowned upon but a lot of racism falls under freedom of speech.

Income inequality.  Everyone in this country deals with income inequality in some sense.  You want to fix it, then find a way to get more income.  No one is stopping you from starting a business or learning a needed skill that pays well.

Everyone is created equal, that does not mean everyone starts in the same place.  You can earn a quality living and create wealth and leave it to your children.  That is an option you can succeed and then put the next generation in a place to succeed further.  Whats hard is when you have kids and you can't afford them so you rely on aid and then you never strive to better your situation and just blame the institution.  

Do something with your life that gives you an income you want.  Have a reasonable amount of kids, support the kids growth.  A couple of generations down you will have noticeable changes

do nothing with your life, struggle financially.  Have a bunch of kids, rely on government, abandon kids.  A couple generations down you will have noticeable changes.

This isn't for any race this is for all races

If you can better your situation you can better the next generations situation.
Quote:How much reparations should we give every black citizen in the United States to satisfy them? $1k? $15k? $100k? $1 million?


Should we amplify affirmative action x10 for blacks? Should we give every black citizen free healthcare and college?


What if instead of reparations we offered free flights and housing in Africa or their ancestral home?


Does anyone believe that these actions would satiate them or would they end up demanding more reparations or privilege over non-black citizens?

I know you are being sarcastic right?


Lets start with removing race from the job and university applications.


Then lets focus on the disparity regarding income between blacks and whites.


Third, lets focus on education and the quality of it and why its a difference between white and black neighborhoods.


Last, free health care? LOL. more like affordable health care.  
Quote:I know you are being sarcastic right?


Lets start with removing race from the job and university applications.


Then lets focus on the disparity regarding income between blacks and whites.


Third, lets focus on education and the quality of it and why its a difference between white and black neighborhoods.


Last, free health care? LOL. more like affordable health care.  

I agree with all these, though the first one you mentioned would invalidate affirmative action so I doubt it could happen. Addressing these issues aren't the reparations the UN is talking about, though. It is more tangible. Your issues are more related to general management of education, healthcare, and the economy. Everybody wants income disparity to be reduced, better quality public education, and more affordable healthcare. Your issues can be attributed to an ineffective political system and leadership rather than implicit bias (in my opinion).
I would be ok with a formal apologies to all ancestors with slave heritage. United States could pass some constitutional bill that basically apologized for the inhumane treatment of slaves during the slave period.

That's the reparations that I would be OK with. What won't work is some reparations that are paid by individuals who are now citizens of this country that weren't even in the country at the time.
Quote:You said you have an issue with all the wealth being held by wealthy whites. I suggested a high estate tax as an equalizer. You said no because the tax doesn't go to you or anyone you know. Alright... :turned:

So I guess what would you suggest as a method of equalizing wealthy whites with the lower class?

I apologize - the disconnect here is you think there could be a solution? No sir - there is no easy fix. No money, no apology, no litigation. (I had to re-read the thread title and every post)

No, I have no solution. Nothing can fix this but a slow process of acceptance of ALL AMERICANS by ALL AMERICANS. Which I believe can't ever happen.

If you want to try, let me give you an idea. It would help if you tried to make a connection with every black person you saw or know - and they did the same. Try to relate despite the obvious culture differences.

Nothing the govt can do - they are really just segregating us further - agreed?
Quote:I apologize - the disconnect here is you think there could be a solution? No sir - there is no easy fix. No money, no apology, no litigation. (I had to re-read the thread title and every post)

No, I have no solution. Nothing can fix this but a slow process of acceptance of ALL AMERICANS by ALL AMERICANS. Which I believe can't ever happen.

If you want to try, let me give you an idea. It would help if you tried to make a connection with every black person you saw or know - and they did the same. Try to relate despite the obvious culture differences.

Nothing the govt can do - they are really just segregating us further - agreed?

I agree that the government is segregating us further, yes.
Quote:I agree that the government is segregating us further, yes.

So it's up to the people, yes?
Quote:So it's up to the people, yes?

It was always up to the people. What are you suggesting? We vote the establishment out of office, because they represent the current segregationist government?
Quote:What exactly is the problem?
It's 2016 and people are still blaming every white person for something that happened a very long time ago?


At what point do we stop owing a certain group for something done generations ago?

Should we give the black communities certain areas like the Native Americans?

How about the Jews, Japs, and Irish that were all treated really poorly by White America?
Quote:It's 2016 and people are still blaming every white person for something that happened a very long time ago?

At what point do we stop owing a certain group for something done generations ago?

Should we give the black communities certain areas like the Native Americans?

How about the Jews, Japs, and Irish that were all treated really poorly by White America?

You are quite late to the party. But it sounds like you think blacks should be saying, "Well, at least it's all fair now" or something...
Quote:It was always up to the people. What are you suggesting? We vote the establishment out of office, because they represent the current segregationist government?

Always - since when? Since you were born? We just went through this...
Quote:Always - since when? Since you were born? We just went through this...

If it wasn't always people, then what was it? People run governments, people vote, civilization revolves around people...so who or what are you speaking about?
Quote:You are quite late to the party. But it sounds like you think blacks should be saying, "Well, at least it's all fair now" or something...
No... I'm not saying that.


I'm saying stop talking about oppression.


There are listless blacks who come from poor communities, gang filled cities, broken homes and such that make something of themselves. The opportunity is there for anyone willing to be a true American. Work through road blocks and earn your way. We have a black president. We have black athletes and actors being paid millions. Numerous politicians, teachers, police officers... we've come quite a long way but to hear the left say it...man I don't get it.

Well I do.. it divides us.



Too often I hear they are owed something because of slavery. Nonsense. Are blacks mistreated by racist people to this day? Absolutely. I'm a white guy who has been subject to racism a lot. Racism/hate will never go away. So stop acting like you're owed something for being born a certain race that was mistreated terribly a long time ago.

The democratic party has fed this narrative for a long time.


Jesse Lee Pederson is a brilliant black man who has all the answers to this idiocy. (I urge everyone black or white to check out his youtube/radio show) You can't cure hate or racism, but you can succeed despite it. It's been proven. 

Dabo Sweeney said it best (and I'm not a religious man) but he said "I don't think we have a race problem, I think we have a sin problem"


You can play the victim all your life if you want because you were born black... or poor... or dumb... or a foster child... or Muslim..... or whatever else... or you can do something about it.

Unfortunately many people feed the hate and divisiveness. Especially the Government and major media.


No... all is not "fair" these days. And it doesn't matter if you're black or white. We're all treated pretty unfairly by a government with all the control and none of the care.

They will find a way to continue to divide us. Race, religion, sexual orientation, "political party", gender.... And many of us continue to let them.

I would like to know where my white privilege went...because I would love to stop working 50+ hours a week and enjoy some of that privilege.
Quote:I would like to know where my white privilege went...because I would love to stop working 50+ hours a week and enjoy some of that privilege.

I feel ya buddy
One of my co-workers came up with a "fair" solution that I really thought was missing the point but on the right track:

Every white person only gets to collect 75% of their hard earned Social Security. The other 25% - yup goes to supplement the collective "descendant from Slaves in America" fund.

His logic is that very wealthy people don't care about their social security anyway, but this really lets the trust fund kids off easy, as they pay 0 into the SS system - while punishing the middle class who actually worked for it.

Exactly the incorrect way to right a wrong.
Quote:Guess we owe Asian railworkers, Irish, American Indian ,etc reparations.

Now. What if one is an immigrant? Say, a Canadian or Brit or German who moved here 5-10-15 years ago? Their ancestors had nothing to do with it. Their tax dollars have to go towards this?

Dumb question. Of course it would.

If it is soooo bad here, then I would agree to give reparations if some of the money is used to move to a better country, or their original origin.

Sorry. You were forced to come here. Yanked from your homeland. Here's a ticket back and enough money to get started.

How many would take up that offer?

Then, it's off to give back stolen land from Natives.

Where does it end?

Native Americans, the very few remaining tribes that are still left, are receiving reparations. Irish and Asian Americans were never enslaved.
Quote:It was always up to the people. What are you suggesting? We vote the establishment out of office, because they represent the current segregationist government?

There is no voting in the solution. People need to be treating others as equals, and not because they are legally obligated to do so. The answer is in your head - literally.

Has 0 to do with politics - everything to do with ethics.
Here's a question to ponder.  My ancestors never owned slaves nor were they actual slaves.  Would I still have to pay?

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