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Quote:Here's a question to ponder.  My ancestors never owned slaves nor were they actual slaves.  Would I still have to pay?

Or better yet, should you apologize?
Quote:I would like to know where my white privilege went...because I would love to stop working 50+ hours a week and enjoy some of that privilege.

What is your educational attainment?

When where you born?

What industry are you in?

Do you still live in Jacksonville?
Quote:Or better yet, should you apologize?

For what?
Quote:For what?

For white oppression and slavery.
Quote:For white oppression and slavery.

I thought that we were talking about something important here...  It seems that I have no reason to apologize and/or pay for past deeds of other people's ancestors.
Some will continue with hate in their hearts and a lust for revenge against those who had nothing to do with it at all, no matter what.

Quote:Here's a question to ponder. My ancestors never owned slaves nor were they actual slaves. Would I still have to pay?

Your paid for the Japanese and the Native Americans. What's the difference?
Quote:Racism is illegal and unlawful - think about the court cases...

Also, I think you skipped my income inequality point.

No, not all things are earned - many were handed down generationally. Income inequality proves this - but you have to understand it. That is truly the myth of America - that all men (and women) are created equal. Never happened.
Truth. I am a white female who was raised in a working class family and have had to work for every single thing I have. My secondary education was not paid for by anyone except myself. I am often considered weaker and less competent in every way in a small and still male dominant town because I am female. I don't get special anything because I am white. I also don't special anything just because I'm a woman. I do earn every single thing. 


There are people my age in my social circle who have nicer things and it's because they came from families who had money and they benefited from that. Is it fair? It doesn't matter because it is what it is and I refuse to hold it against them. We can't help who, when and where we were born into. What we do is accept it and move forward with our lives and do the best we can with what we have. If we want to improve on it it's up to us to do that- no one else. 


For the record, I agree that racism is still alive and rearing it's ugly head. Though my ancestors had no hand in any slave ownership I am sorry for those who suffered. There are movies about slavery I can't watch because the brutality is something I can't handle. And though I have had hardships in life I do acknowledge I've had it easier than my black female peers in many ways. But I will not apologize for what I have because the trip to get where I am is one where the cards were all stacked against me in ways neither you nor anyone else can't imagine and I am still here. 
Quote:What is your educational attainment?

When where you born?

What industry are you in?

Do you still live in Jacksonville?
Does it really matter if he's white? Honest question.
Quote:Some will continue with hate in their hearts and a lust for revenge against those who had nothing to do with it at all, no matter what.
Who are some? Who is wanting revenge?

The United States Government has made formal apologies and given tax funded reparations to the Japanese and to Native Americans. The ancestors of African Americans have never received a formal apology. It's unlikely we ever will either.

Here are the typical excuses:

Slavery wasn't that bad. Slave owners mostly treated Slaves kindly. Most whites didn't have slaves. The Irish and Jews also suffered.....but at the end of the day they themselves are white. I can't hide being black.

Reconstruction, Jim Crow, lynching (what lynchings?), burning of black churches, Voter suppression of blacks (which still continues to this day), the civil rights movement (why on Earth did blacks participate in this?), segregation (hey that wasn't all that bad right?), unequal access to education (pull your own boot straps) , racial discrimination (are you suggesting bias... No way) , racial profiling, police brutality against blacks... Etc etc etc.

But don't talk about it black people... That's victim mentality...and you won't receive any apologies from me because I personally didn't do anything...

It's all [BLEEP]. It's hard to explain to a privileged white male that they live in privilege.

Hell look at the College Football or the NFL... 70% of the players are blacks yet less than 5% coach at the college or professional level. Why do we need a Rooney rule? Why are there so few black coaches? Because the game is RIGGED, just like everything else if you aren't a white male.
Quote:Who are some? Who is wanting revenge?

The United States Government has made formal apologies and given tax funded reparations to the Japanese and to Native Americans. The ancestors of African Americans have never received a formal apology. It's unlikely we ever will either.

Here are the typical excuses:

Slavery wasn't that bad. Slave owners mostly treated Slaves kindly. Most whites didn't have slaves. The Irish and Jews also suffered.....but at the end of the day they themselves are white. I can't hide being black.

Reconstruction, Jim Crow, lynching (what lynchings?), burning of black churches, Voter suppression of blacks (which still continues to this day), the civil rights movement (why on Earth did blacks participate in this?), segregation (hey that wasn't all that bad right?), unequal access to education (pull your own boot straps) , racial discrimination (are you suggesting bias... No way) , racial profiling, police brutality against blacks... Etc etc etc.

But don't talk about it black people... That's victim mentality...and you won't receive any apologies from me because I personally didn't do anything...

It's all [BAD WORD REMOVED]. It's hard to explain to a privileged white male that they live in privilege.

Hell look at the College Football or the NFL... 70% of the players are blacks yet less than 5% coach at the college or professional level. Why do we need a Rooney rule? Why are there so few black coaches? Because the game is RIGGED, just like everything else if you aren't a white male.

Wonder if the 600k Americans who died fighting for their freedom can be considered an apology...
Quote:Your paid for the Japanese and the Native Americans. What's the difference?

No I didn't because it happened before I was born.
Quote:Does it really matter if he's white? Honest question.
It depends.
Quote:No I didn't because it happened before I was born.
But you family members did correct?


And actually the reparations to the 17 tribes to the tune of over 400 million dollars just happened recently under the Obama administration. But I suppose you were born yesterday.

Quote:Who are some? Who is wanting revenge?

The United States Government has made formal apologies and given tax funded reparations to the Japanese and to Native Americans. The ancestors of African Americans have never received a formal apology. It's unlikely we ever will either.

Here are the typical excuses:

Slavery wasn't that bad. Slave owners mostly treated Slaves kindly. Most whites didn't have slaves. The Irish and Jews also suffered.....but at the end of the day they themselves are white. I can't hide being black.

Reconstruction, Jim Crow, lynching (what lynchings?), burning of black churches, Voter suppression of blacks (which still continues to this day), the civil rights movement (why on Earth did blacks participate in this?), segregation (hey that wasn't all that bad right?), unequal access to education (pull your own boot straps) , racial discrimination (are you suggesting bias... No way) , racial profiling, police brutality against blacks... Etc etc etc.

But don't talk about it black people... That's victim mentality...and you won't receive any apologies from me because I personally didn't do anything...

It's all [BAD WORD REMOVED]. It's hard to explain to a privileged white male that they live in privilege.

Hell look at the College Football or the NFL... 70% of the players are blacks yet less than 5% coach at the college or professional level. Why do we need a Rooney rule? Why are there so few black coaches? Because the game is RIGGED, just like everything else if you aren't a white male.

So you want a formal apology?  Here it is.


I'm sorry that white people in my country held black people in slavery many generations ago.  I'm sorry that black people many years ago were segregated.  Does that make you feel better?


What makes you say "privileged"?  Being wealthy or having money?  Living a good life?  I'm not white but I do have a bit of money that I EARNED and live a pretty good life.
Quote:Your paid for the Japanese and the Native Americans. What's the difference?

Because the actual government is directly responsible for what happened to the Japanese and Native Americans. While they didn't prevent slave ownership, the government didn't round up black people and give them to people as slaves. Might not seem like it to you, but there is a big difference between the two.
Quote:But you family members did correct?


And actually the reparations to the 17 tribes to the tune of over 400 million dollars just happened recently under the Obama administration. But I suppose you were born yesterday.

I was talking about reparations to the Japanese.  It still doesn't matter.  This is 2016 almost 2017 and people are still upset about what happened over a century ago?  It looks like you just want "free stuff".  I'm sure that you were disappointed that Obama didn't provide it for you just like I think this woman has had a rude awakening.  I would be interested to see if she still has to worry about putting gas in her car or worry about paying her mortgage.


The bottom line is, black people in this country are owed nothing.
I guess that means the English owe me money for making my relations second class citizens and for the massive genocide committed during the "famine".
Quote:Wonder if the 600k Americans who died fighting for their freedom can be considered an apology...

They died protecting the Union, not necessarily slaves. It was not a war to free black people. 



The war was about the illegal secession and act of war by the confederate states bombing Fort Sumner, South Carolina


Lincoln addressed Horace Grant in an editoral, and clearly stated this:


"I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them." 

"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery." 

"If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."

"What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views."

"I have here stated my purpose according to my view of official duty; and I intend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men everywhere could be free..."
To repeat...there were those who saw how wrong this was, and gave their lives fighting it.

Yet the " acknowledgements" aren't very common. And demands for " acknowledgement" even less.

Then there the fact that money doesn't cure wrong doings. In fact it may cause greater divide,and isome cases dependency.
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