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Full Version: U.S. owes black people reparations for a history of ‘racial terrorism,’ says U.N. panel
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Quote:Our Prime Minister is also very rich but at least is self made despite his faults as leader.

I'm sure he wasn't referring to your PM. Since there's serious doubt he knows who he is.
Quote:Our Prime Minister is also very rich but at least is self made despite his faults as leader.

Good for him. It's a shame Trump just used his daddy's money to live the life of an international jet setting playboy that has done nothing for himself and is raising his kids the same way.
Quote:I'd be more proud of fighting off the Nazis personally in 1940...

Lucky the British were helping defend your freedoms.

Well naturally you would be wouldn't you?

We stayed neutral-ish during World War 2, I'm proud of that.
Quote:Good for him. It's a shame Trump just used his daddy's money to live the life of an international jet setting playboy that has done nothing for himself and is raising his kids the same way.

I know. Look at Trump's family. All losers.  None of them well-spoken, intelligent or positive human beings. 
Quote:He can still vote Democrat.

That's right. Hillary will have that bus swing around to take him to the ballot box.
Quote:I know. Look at Trump's family. All losers.  None of them well-spoken, intelligent or positive human beings.

Yep...just wasting their lives and burning through gramp's money too.
Quote:OK...  So I'm just gonna try and say this as nicely as possible...  And I'm not trying to be smug or arrogant about this...


But for some reason, as I read these types of threads, the conservatives come off as though they are annoyed by slavery.  As though these discussions about what happened to black people throughout the history of the USA is some sort of inconvenience that the black people should be over because white people have moved on from it.


It's really weird to read how upset conservatives get when these types of talks come up.  I just don't understand it.  Again, I'm not being a jerk about it.  But it's clear that this issue is one that should be completely opposite.


Black people have a legitimate gripe, and yet it's the conservatives that seem to be really annoyed with even the discussion.

I have read every single page in this thread, and have come away with the same perception.

In regards to the thread and the subject at hand, to answer the question in regards to whether or not slavery reparations should be awarded to descendants of slaves, I don't think so because there are a lot more ways the government can improve the socioeconomic discrepancies & disadvantages when it involves African Americans. but is a apology deserved and warranted? Yes.

We will NEVER see the day where this country will ever acknowledge let alone even apologize for the atrocities they committed when it came to the raping, killing, and torture of blacks both during the migration, slavery and pre-civil rights era. Those wounds cut deep.

Not to go off topic, or derail the thread but the responses in this discussion and the behaviors could mirror that of other issues like women's rights, LGBT rights, etc.

Recently, I had a close family member confide in me that he was gay. He was shocked at my reaction because in previous years I had a more conservative view and didn't really embrace the community. He wanted to know why my reaction was so welcoming and I explained to him I understood his struggle. I then began telling him how I wanted to help him feel more at ease with himself, and be peaceful and content, which led to a dialogue of why people in the LGBT feel the way they do and fight vigorously for equal rights.

My whole point in this is that if people are not able to meet you half way, then there is really no need for a discussion, because time, energy, and words are waisted.
Quote:So let's stop pretending it happened less than 60 seconds ago.

This dismissive attitude is exact problem.
Quote:This is the argument that I just don't understand. Where in any of the discussions that Rashean or Solid provided in this thread created an atmosphere that white people can't or don't want to understand the struggle. Maybe I missed it, but neither of them have used words which come off as antagonistic or ostracizing to the entire race of white people.

Is it possible that conservatives just cannot remove themselves from the guilt of America's sins, maybe? When someone tells you a story about thier experience, it's not an indictment of your innaction or apathy, or anything.

"They have no interest in moving forward". You created a straw man to be upset with. An entire group of black people that you can then equate to being the problem, and therefore you are no longer the problem when it comes to their struggles. This type of straw man allows one to remove themselves from the discussion and thus maintain thier own opinions without considering the opinions and experiences of those that may challenge those opinions.

There are two black people that are discussing this issue right here, and are not indicting or even looking to attack white people. They are just discussing the struggle. Why ignore the two people you are actually discussing this topic with? You are making blanket statements that are clearly false based on the fact that 2 black people have several times mentioned they are moving forward in this very thread.

However, the history is long, entrenched, and still affecting the present. Moving forward begins with acknowledgement. It seems like that's something Conservatives have a hard time doing.

Again, just my observations. But as an outside observer, it's just weird to read this thread. It seems that Rashean and Solid are trying to explain their experience, and the conservatives are talking right past them.
I have reread this entire thread twice in the 20 minutes I have been logged on and SS's responses have literally spelled out his frustration, and clearly defined thoughts. I am starting to believe some people who are responding back to him are intentionally trying not to understand his POV.

I don't think it's a communication, or dialog issue. I think it's more along the line of refusing to acknowledge someone's point with a counterpoint of but...but...but...but.
Quote:I have read every single page in this thread, and have come away with the same perception.

In regards to the thread and the subject at hand, to answer the question in regards to whether or not slavery reparations should be awarded to descendants of slaves, I don't think so because there are a lot more ways the government can improve the socioeconomic discrepancies & disadvantages when it involves African Americans. but is a apology deserved and warranted? Yes.

We will NEVER see the day where this country will ever acknowledge let alone even apologize for the atrocities they committed when it came to the raping, killing, and torture of blacks both during the migration, slavery and pre-civil rights era. Those wounds cut deep.

Not to go off topic, or derail the thread but the responses in this discussion and the behaviors could mirror that of other issues like women's rights, LGBT rights, etc.

Recently, I had a close family member confide in me that he was gay. He was shocked at my reaction because in previous years I had a more conservative view and didn't really embrace the community. He wanted to know why my reaction was so welcoming and I explained to him I understood his struggle. I then began telling him how I wanted to help him feel more at ease with himself, and be peaceful and content, which led to a dialogue of why people in the LGBT feel the way they do and fight vigorously for equal rights.

My whole point in this is that if people are not able to meet you half way, then there is really no need for a discussion, because time, energy, and words are waisted.

I see conservatives as more open minded and open to discussion than their counterparts.


They are mostly ignored and mocked.


So, yes - it does take two, not just you.  There's a lot for anti-conservatives to learn from, and vice versa.  But moreso from them, as they pretty much treat conservatives as lesser beings.  Sounds kinda familiar, huh?
Quote:This dismissive attitude is exact problem.

Not at all.  Quite the opposite.


No one can move forward/move on together unless we truly move on/move forward TOGETHER.


If some want no part of that, then yes - it will NEVER end.
Quote:I have read every single page in this thread, and have come away with the same perception.

In regards to the thread and the subject at hand, to answer the question in regards to whether or not slavery reparations should be awarded to descendants of slaves, I don't think so because there are a lot more ways the government can improve the socioeconomic discrepancies & disadvantages when it involves African Americans. but is a apology deserved and warranted? Yes.

We will NEVER see the day where this country will ever acknowledge let alone even apologize for the atrocities they committed when it came to the raping, killing, and torture of blacks both during the migration, slavery and pre-civil rights era. Those wounds cut deep.

Not to go off topic, or derail the thread but the responses in this discussion and the behaviors could mirror that of other issues like women's rights, LGBT rights, etc.

Recently, I had a close family member confide in me that he was gay. He was shocked at my reaction because in previous years I had a more conservative view and didn't really embrace the community. He wanted to know why my reaction was so welcoming and I explained to him I understood his struggle. I then began telling him how I wanted to help him feel more at ease with himself, and be peaceful and content, which led to a dialogue of why people in the LGBT feel the way they do and fight vigorously for equal rights.

My whole point in this is that if people are not able to meet you half way, then there is really no need for a discussion, because time, energy, and words are waisted.

Didn't someone point out how there was a formal apology in 2008? Do you want a different one?


People are upset because others are telling them that they should be financially responsible for something someone else did 150 years ago. Things that these people don't agree with, they're now being told that they should pay someone else for troubles they're ancestors went through. Do you not get upset with other people blame you for something you didn't do? When the government thinks they're entitled to your money? Do these things not upset you? 


If people are mad, it doesn't mean it's a white vs black thing. It's a government taking your money thing.
Quote:Didn't someone point out how there was a formal apology in 2008? Do you want a different one?


People are upset because others are telling them that they should be financially responsible for something someone else did 150 years ago. Things that these people don't agree with, they're now being told that they should pay someone else for troubles they're ancestors went through. Do you not get upset with other people blame you for something you didn't do? When the government thinks they're entitled to your money? Do these things not upset you? 


If people are mad, it doesn't mean it's a white vs black thing. It's a government taking your money thing.
It was pointed out by someone that it was not a good enough apology because it didn't set some type of legal standard for them to sue for/receive reparations.

Quote:Well naturally you would be wouldn't you?

We stayed neutral-ish during World War 2, I'm proud of that.

You are proud of staying neutral in a war against the Nazis? Wow. Lucky plenty of Irish were happy to fight with the British.
Quote:You are proud of staying neutral in a war against the Nazis? Wow. Lucky plenty of Irish were happy to fight with the British.
Very proud. The people of Ireland didn't want to join the war and we didn't want the British using our ports and making us a target. I'm proud we didn't sway to immense pressure and made our own choice.

Yeah thousands of Irish men still fought in the war but as a nation it was the right idea to stay out of it.
So you are alright with the holocaust? And the Germans conquering Europe? Wow.

But yeah bombing England is more important because you want to take over an area against the will of the majority...
Okay, you two take this fight somewhere else.
Quote:So you are alright with the holocaust? And the Germans conquering Europe? Wow.

But yeah bombing England is more important because you want to take over an area against the will of the majority...

Serious question here, do you know what neutrality means?

Nah the bombing campaign was ill advised but the cause and sacrifice were noble.

Speaking of taking over an area against the will of the majority...how do you think this all started? Come on you're better than this surely matey?
Quote:Didn't someone point out how there was a formal apology in 2008? Do you want a different one?


People are upset because others are telling them that they should be financially responsible for something someone else did 150 years ago. Things that these people don't agree with, they're now being told that they should pay someone else for troubles they're ancestors went through. Do you not get upset with other people blame you for something you didn't do? When the government thinks they're entitled to your money? Do these things not upset you? 


If people are mad, it doesn't mean it's a white vs black thing. It's a government taking your money thing.
Quote:It was pointed out by someone that it was not a good enough apology because it didn't set some type of legal standard for them to sue for/receive reparations.
Quote:Serious question here, do you know what neutrality means?

Nah the bombing campaign was ill advised but the cause and sacrifice were noble.

Speaking of taking over an area against the will of the majority...how do you think this all started? Come on you're better than this surely matey?

Yes but showing neutrality shows you don't think that the holocaust or the war was worth involving themselves. The fact you are proud of bombing England while they were fighting the nazis really is a bit embarrassing...


Sure be proud of being Irish and not being under British control anymore like many other countries in the world. But really...?
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