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Full Version: U.S. owes black people reparations for a history of ‘racial terrorism,’ says U.N. panel
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150 years after slavery.  How many generations is that?  50 years after the civil rights movement.  As soon as we get out of the mind set that everyone is owed something in this country is when we can come together and start being great.

Quote:150 years after slavery.  How many generations is that?  50 years after the civil rights movement.  As soon as we get out of the mind set that everyone is owed something in this country is when we can come together and start being great.

we're aren't far removed from the civil rights movement. i mean, 50 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things. it's going to take maybe another 100 years for people to finally move on. i think thats the unfortunate truth.

Quote:we're aren't far removed from the civil rights movement. i mean, 50 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things. it's going to take maybe another 100 years for people to finally move on. i think thats the unfortunate truth.

How much reparations should we give every black citizen in the United States to satisfy them? $1k? $15k? $100k? $1 million?


Should we amplify affirmative action x10 for blacks? Should we give every black citizen free healthcare and college?


What if instead of reparations we offered free flights and housing in Africa or their ancestral home?


Does anyone believe that these actions would satiate them or would they end up demanding more reparations or privilege over non-black citizens?
Quote:My white ancestry if any is minimal, certainly hasn't been any in the past 200+ years. How can I pay myself money with my own money? Makes no sense.

Then you get it.   It makes no sense.  


Who is supposed to pay whom and why?   If someone settles on a standard payment amount, and I can find 1/64th of myself was descended from a slave, to I get 1/64th of a share?  Are you sure you have no white ancestry?   Are you sure your black ancestors were all slaves?  Are you sure half of you isn't descended from some Jamaican who came over in 1922?  


Do we have to dig up every African slave to get their DNA, and then do a DNA test on everyone in the country?  


It's not workable because our DNA is all mixed up at this point.   I saw a news item a few years ago, and there were some black people and some white people at Monticello, and the white people had discovered they were descended from a slave on the Jefferson plantation, and the black people had discovered they were descended from Jefferson himself!   So in that case, do the black people owe money to the white people?

Quote:How much reparations should we give every black citizen in the United States to satisfy them? $1k? $15k? $100k? $1 million?


Should we amplify affirmative action x10 for blacks? Should we give every black citizen free healthcare and college?


What if instead of reparations we offered free flights and housing in Africa or their ancestral home?


Does anyone believe that these actions would satiate them or would they end up demanding more reparations or privilege over non-black citizens?

the idea is so stupid and impossible like peeps already been saying
Quote:the idea is so stupid and impossible like peeps already been saying

Of course, but I am interested to hear some serious responses to my questions. What kind of reparations are desired, and will they satiate in the end?
only 1.4 percent of white Americans owned black slaves at the HEIGHT of slavery.  If we are deciding who should pay the bill maybe only ancestors of the 1.4 percent of people who owned slaves would work.
Quote:Of course, but I am interested to hear some serious responses to my questions. What kind of reparations are desired, and will they satiate in the end?

there was some professor who thinks all white people just need to give their bank accounts to a black person to offset the privelege.  like for real. he was 100% serious.
Quote:Ok, so your are willing to contribute then. Alrighty. You do pay taxes correct?

Yes I do.
Quote:Yes I do.

and you realize if you are refunded everything you paid in, you didn't really pay taxes?
Quote:there was some professor who thinks all white people just need to give their bank accounts to a black person to offset the privelege.  like for real. he was 100% serious.

and people don't think our education system is broken

<div>only 1.4 percent of white Americans owned black slaves at the HEIGHT of slavery.  If we are deciding who should pay the bill maybe only ancestors of the 1.4 percent of people who owned slaves would work.


Well, in that case, they can do dig up my ancestors and present them with a bill.   Good luck collecting.  
My great, great grandfather was a Major in the Union army thus helping to end slavery. I figure that means black people owe me money.
Quote:My great, great grandfather was a Major in the Union army thus helping to end slavery. I figure that means black people owe me money.

Oh boy. He went there.
Quote:150 years after slavery. How many generations is that? 50 years after the civil rights movement. As soon as we get out of the mind set that everyone is owed something in this country is when we can come together and start being great.

So we all had equal opportunity??? Generations prior have helped you to have a significant upper hand while we start at the bottom from day 1.

Go read some history. Systemic subjugation for 450 years ---



/sarcasm. ZOMG - I just now realized - just now - that most white people really don't "get it". LOL.

Most of us aren't asking for reparations or apologies - just ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of the fact that EVERYTHING was stacked in your favor - and not mine. Get it now?

And I hope you don't believe racism ended just because it's now technically illegal. But you do - don't you?

Guess we owe Asian railworkers, Irish, American Indian ,etc reparations.

Now. What if one is an immigrant? Say, a Canadian or Brit or German who moved here 5-10-15 years ago? Their ancestors had nothing to do with it. Their tax dollars have to go towards this?

Dumb question. Of course it would.

If it is soooo bad here, then I would agree to give reparations if some of the money is used to move to a better country, or their original origin.

Sorry. You were forced to come here. Yanked from your homeland. Here's a ticket back and enough money to get started.

How many would take up that offer?

Then, it's off to give back stolen land from Natives.

Where does it end?
Quote:So we all had equal opportunity??? Generations prior have helped you to have a significant upper hand while we start at the bottom from day 1.

Go read some history. Systemic subjugation for 450 years ---



/sarcasm. ZOMG - I just now realized - just now - that most white people really don't "get it". LOL.

Most of us aren't asking for reparations or apologies - just ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of the fact that EVERYTHING was stacked in your favor - and not mine. Get it now?

And I hope you don't believe racism ended just because it's now technically illegal. But you do - don't you?


How do we acknowledge it? What do we do differently that we aren't already doing now?

On behalf of all white people, I OFFICIALLY acknowledge white privilege. Happy?

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