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Full Version: Trump heading to Mexico to meet with El Presidente Nieto
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Quote:What did he say? I did not hear it.  Did he say we deporting illegal immigrants again?  Clearly, this is something new from Trump that hasn't already been heard before.

It was a flip flop from his softening last week that some Hispanics thought was occurring.  Those few Hispanics now realize that is has been confirmed that trump is a bigot that has no compassion...  


You're right, most people, including most Hispanics already knew.  But there were some that wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.  


He's lost those that were giving him the benefit of the doubt...  That's all.
Quote:It was a flip flop from his softening last week that some Hispanics thought was occurring.  Those few Hispanics now realize that is has been confirmed that trump is a bigot that has no compassion...  


You're right, most people, including most Hispanics already knew.  But there were some that wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.  


He's lost those that were giving him the benefit of the doubt...  That's all.

Trusting news from TAM is like getting financial advice from Bernie Madoff.
Quote:Trusting news from TAM is like getting financial advice from Bernie Madoff.

Lol... You're very funny.

But nothing I said is incorrect.
Quote:It was a flip flop from his softening last week that some Hispanics thought was occurring.  Those few Hispanics now realize that is has been confirmed that trump is a bigot that has no compassion...  


You're right, most people, including most Hispanics already knew.  But there were some that wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.  


He's lost those that were giving him the benefit of the doubt...  That's all.

Isn't the idea to make legal immigration easier and not such a burden for individuals seeking a better life?  that's a bigoted concept though... sorry for mentioning that

Quote:Yeah he definitely lost all the illegal immigrant votes.  Legal immigrants loved the speech.

Yes, because they just love being called rapists and murderers.


When you generalize an entire ethnic race in a derogatory manner, you can't win them back.


Add the quote "There's my African American over there" and that (combined with the above) just pretty much lost any Black or Hispanic vote that he may have gotten otherwise.  Oh, let's add the Muslim vote to the list as well which consists of ~ 3 million voters.
Quote:Yes, because they just love being called rapists and murderers.


When you generalize an entire ethnic race in a derogatory manner, you can't win them back.


Add the quote "There's my African American over there" and that (combined with the above) just pretty much lost any Black or Hispanic vote that he may have gotten otherwise.  Oh, let's add the Muslim vote to the list as well which consists of ~ 3 million voters.

He never called an entire ethnic race "rapists and murderers".  I'll let you in on a little secret...  I know of quite a few Hispanics that are Democrats that are going to vote for him.
Quote:What did he say? I did not hear it.  Did he say we deporting illegal immigrants again?  Clearly, this is something new from Trump that hasn't already been heard before.

He claimed they never discussed the wall. Then had a rally back in Arizona and said the wall was going up and they were paying for it.

It gives the same impression of MB bully boys who talk big behind a keyboard, but in real life are really milksops.

He catered to Mexico, on how many he employs ( didn't say illegal or not) and how great they are. Not once bringing up his biggest and first campaign ploy...the wall. Then comes home and talks of them paying for it, no amnesty,blah blah.

Truly building credibility.
Quote:He never called an entire ethnic race "rapists and murderers". I'll let you in on a little secret... I know of quite a few Hispanics that are Democrats that are going to vote for him.

That percent isn't enough!
lol. I know several republicans that are severe racists. I wonder how our respective anecdotes apply to the populace at large. 

Quote:He never called an entire ethnic race "rapists and murderers".  I'll let you in on a little secret...  I know of quite a few Hispanics that are Democrats that are going to vote for him.

Here's another little secret, I know of more than a " few" who are not voting for him. Another thing..they're Mexicans, Chicano or maybe even Latino. The. " Hispanics" you refer to, seldom use the term, much less refer to themselves as such.
Quote:Isn't the idea to make legal immigration easier and not such a burden for individuals seeking a better life? that's a bigoted concept though... sorry for mentioning that
"Making legal immigration easier" isn't really the rallying cry that gets the trumpette all in a tizzy, is it?

No, the pitch is: get them all out and then we'll think about letting you law breakers back in.

Come on man, don't hump my leg and call it an earth quake. We all know who and what trump is pandering to...
Quote:He never called an entire ethnic race "rapists and murderers". I'll let you in on a little secret... I know of quite a few Hispanics that are Democrats that are going to vote for him.

By "quite a few", jib literally means 3 Hispanic democrats...
Quote:Here's another little secret, I know of more than a " few" who are not voting for him. Another thing..they're Mexicans, Chicano or maybe even Latino. The. " Hispanics" you refer to, seldom use the term, much less refer to themselves as such.

I'll bite and get into a urinating match with you.  I personally have used the terms Hispanic, Mexican, Chicano and Latino to refer to myself.  I would wager that I probably know many more of them than you do.  As the typical stereotype goes, I have a bunch of family, extended family and friends that live in the southwest.  The majority of them are in fact supporting Trump.
Quote:By "quite a few", jib literally means 3 Hispanic democrats...

I like how you seem to think that you know me well.  I know and am related to a lot of people in Alameda, the vast majority of them being life-long democrats.  Not all of them, but a large majority of them are either voting for Trump or Gary Johnson.
I think it's regional... In albuquerue, the term Hispanic is used the quite a bit.

I also know a lot of Hispanics... Most of them are not voting for trump.

And even the die hard republicans that are evangelical are on the fence with trump.

He's not winning the Latino vote.

And he's not gonna be President.

And he's not building a wall. He never would have even if he was elected.
Quote:I like how you seem to think that you know me well. I know and am related to a lot of people in Alameda, the vast majority of them being life-long democrats. Not all of them, but a large majority of them are either voting for Trump or Gary Johnson.

That still irrelevant.

Your data points doesn't even register 1%. And sure I believe that some will vote Trump, just as some women will too. Unfortunately for Donald he won't bring in enough percentage to do any damage to Hillary.
Quote:"Making legal immigration easier" isn't really the rallying cry that gets the trumpette all in a tizzy, is it?

No, the pitch is: get them all out and then we'll think about letting you law breakers back in.

Come on man, don't hump my leg and call it an earth quake. We all know who and what trump is pandering to...

Right, when he says something that sounds not bigoted and reasonable... it must mean something else.
Hillary will be in prison soon anyway..
Quote:I like how you seem to think that you know me well. I know and am related to a lot of people in Alameda, the vast majority of them being life-long democrats. Not all of them, but a large majority of them are either voting for Trump or Gary Johnson.

Lol, you trumpettes are so sensitive today... Is it that time of the month for you people? Have all you people sync'd up your cycles??

It was a joke. Lighten up, Francis
Quote:Right, when he says something that sounds not bigoted and reasonable... it must mean something else.

One compassionate sentence buried in 90 minutes of venom, destitute hopelessness, and out right bigotry tends to go ignored or unnoticed.
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