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Full Version: Trump heading to Mexico to meet with El Presidente Nieto
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Quote:Uh..... You don't think a papers please immigration policy would be considered racist by those that are being profiled?

Also, why do you need to triple a task force if all they are doing is the same job local law enforcement can or could already do?

You're basically creating storm troopers to go around and try to round up anyone that looks like they may be undocumented.

Again, if you're cool with them being here as long as they aren't braking the law, the tripling the number of ice agents is redundant and a waste of tax payer money.

Cops are already arresting people that are breaking the law.

The whole thing sounds fascist and clearly set out to harass anyone that may "look" like a Mexican.

No, I do not.  It is already being done to one extent or another in border communities.  They call them "translation calls" to the Border Patrol.  It's not a "all brown people must carry proof of citizenship thing."  That would be unconstitutional.  It's a reasonable suspicion thing.  If you can't speak English, in law enforcement it's called a clue... And it usually means that the person wasn't born in the United States... Which would justify further questioning by immigration authorities.


It's not just ICE Agents that need additional manpower/resources.  Its ICE Deportation Officers, Immigration Judges, Marshals, Marshals DEOs, Marshals AEOs, Correctional Officers and all mission support staff for these positions.  Not counting the massive amount of facilities that need to be added to actually enforce immigration law. 
Quote:some are. are you denying that rapists and thugs have come across the Mexican border? they're not all Mexican either just because they came across the Mexican border.

I'm denying there are 11 million rapists and murderers who are here illegally. But the broad brush stroke Trump uses would have you believe different.
Quote:I'm denying there are 11 million rapists and murderers who are here illegally. But the broad brush stroke Trump uses would have you believe different.

He never said there were 11 million rapists and murderers.  He said there were, in many cases, rapists, drug dealers, and murders coming into our country.  That is true.  A very significant number of illegal border crossers have criminal history in this country, let alone back in Mexico.  We aren't talking about visa overstays.  There is a reason why many of the border crossers choose to jump the fence rather than overstay a visa and its because they can't get a visa because of their pasts.
Quote:I'm denying there are 11 million rapists and murderers who are here illegally. But the broad brush stroke Trump uses would have you believe different.

You're getting angry with a caricature that doesn't exist. 
Quote:No no no... That's not how ANY of that works.

At current, we are releasing Criminal aliens back into the general population. There was one example of a guy who raped and held a woman captive for over a week that was rleased back into society. There is a back log of criminal aliens that are to be deported as we speak.

Right now We only have about 5000 Ice agents assigned for deportation. That's to serve the whole country. Some local police departments have more officers than that. We need an increase in human resources.

Also, this isn't a pure PAPER PLEASE system. Trump has stated that the priority is on those who have committed crime and specifically violent crime that presents a threat to our society. Those are going to be the people that are prioritized for deportation. This isn't a situation of taking anyone who looks Hispanic to a detention center. That's a caricature of the proposal that on the table and frankly its intellectually dishonest.

Couple things--- Obama is already prioritizing the deportation of criminals that are undocumented.

And where exactly are you getting your information about us releasing "criminal aliens"... You realize how obtuse that term is right?

Criminal aliens means non citizens that are and aren't documented and the crime committed can be non-violent.

Obama's policy is already doing most of this. Several news outlets have even stated it...

Dude this immigration issue is so overblown. But whatever, if it's your main issue that's fine.

But I'd be very careful about what you actually think trump is gonna do that's so different.

The only change here is the venom and hatred that his tone creates.
Quote:Couple things--- Obama is already prioritizing the deportation of criminals that are undocumented.

And where exactly are you getting your information about us releasing "criminal aliens"... You realize how obtuse that term is right?

Criminal aliens means non citizens that are and aren't documented and the crime committed can be non-violent.

Obama's policy is already doing most of this. Several news outlets have even stated it...

Dude this immigration issue is so overblown. But whatever, if it's your main issue that's fine.

But I'd be very careful about what you actually think trump is gonna do that's so different.

The only change here is the venom and hatred that his tone creates.

8 years.. Obama hasn't prioritized [BAD WORD REMOVED]
if the only thing that is going to change is the "tone" then you guys are getting upset for literally no reason


that's like thinking trump deporting somebody while frowning is WAY WORSE than Obama deporting somebody while smiling.  utter stupidity.

Quote:Couple things--- Obama is already prioritizing the deportation of criminals that are undocumented.

And where exactly are you getting your information about us releasing "criminal aliens"... You realize how obtuse that term is right?

Criminal aliens means non citizens that are and aren't documented and the crime committed can be non-violent.

Obama's policy is already doing most of this. Several news outlets have even stated it...

Dude this immigration issue is so overblown. But whatever, if it's your main issue that's fine.

But I'd be very careful about what you actually think trump is gonna do that's so different.

The only change here is the venom and hatred that his tone creates.

Not true. There are plenty of cases where criminal aliens (violent offenders) are let go and not deported. Not to mention sanctuary citizens in defiance of federal law.

When criminal aliens are caught, send them out. Build the wall and pass Kate's law. The dems didn't want to pass mandatory minimums for AGGRAVATED FELONS that have been deported and illegally re-entered the country. THAT'S EXTREME.

enforcing existing immigration law is just common sense.
Quote:Couple things--- Obama is already prioritizing the deportation of criminals that are undocumented.

And where exactly are you getting your information about us releasing "criminal aliens"... You realize how obtuse that term is right?

Criminal aliens means non citizens that are and aren't documented and the crime committed can be non-violent.

Obama's policy is already doing most of this. Several news outlets have even stated it...

Dude this immigration issue is so overblown. But whatever, if it's your main issue that's fine.

But I'd be very careful about what you actually think trump is gonna do that's so different.

The only change here is the venom and hatred that his tone creates.

Come on ... they have to have something to be afraid of.


What they are trying to avoid dealing with - in their own minds - is the fact that Donnie is no longer going to do what he said.


After at least a year of screaming he was going to deport 11 million - 'Every one of them. They all have to go." - he's now advocating what every other President has done: ignore them. Donnie lied, and his followers can't deal with it. He's pretty much going with the same policy as Obama, but he has to ramp up the rhetoric so his hardcore doesn't catch on. At the same time he wants to be able to say at the debates that he's not a meanie, that's he's not advocating breaking up families, etc.


He's also sounding just like a politician - this guy who hates political correctness, blah, blah, blah, - with his talk about boards, and commissions, and studies, etc. Only then will he decide what to do with the millions that remain.


And he thinks he's fooling anyone? Well, I guess he is, isn't he?
Quote:Come on ... they have to have something to be afraid of.

What they are trying to avoid dealing with - in their own minds - is the fact that Donnie is no longer going to do what he said.

After at least a year of screaming he was going to deport 11 million - 'Every one of them. They all have to go." - he's now advocating what every other President has done: ignore them. Donnie lied, and his followers can't deal with it. He's pretty much going with the same policy as Obama, but he has to ramp up the rhetoric so his hardcore doesn't catch on. At the same time he wants to be able to say at the debates that he's not a meanie, that's he's not advocating breaking up families, etc.

He's also sounding just like a politician - this guy who hates political correctness, blah, blah, blah, - with his talk about boards, and commissions, and studies, etc. Only then will he decide what to do with the millions that remain.

And he thinks he's fooling anyone? Well, I guess he is, isn't he?

Liar liar
Quote:Couple things--- Obama is already prioritizing the deportation of criminals that are undocumented.

And where exactly are you getting your information about us releasing "criminal aliens"... You realize how obtuse that term is right?

Criminal aliens means non citizens that are and aren't documented and the crime committed can be non-violent.

Obama's policy is already doing most of this. Several news outlets have even stated it...

Dude this immigration issue is so overblown. But whatever, if it's your main issue that's fine.

But I'd be very careful about what you actually think trump is gonna do that's so different.

The only change here is the venom and hatred that his tone creates.

I have no objections to deporting non-violent criminal aliens either. If you aren't a citizen and you're dealing drugs, stealing identities, whatever, then we shouldn't want you here.

And Obama targeting criminal aliens is a joke. Violent criminal aliens have always been priority in deportations. This is code for, "Our new policy means we ONLY deport violent criminal aliens." And even that is a farce as has been reported dozens of times in the news and I have personally witnessed.
Quote:Come on ... they have to have something to be afraid of.


What they are trying to avoid dealing with - in their own minds - is the fact that Donnie is no longer going to do what he said.


After at least a year of screaming he was going to deport 11 million - 'Every one of them. They all have to go." - he's now advocating what every other President has done: ignore them. Donnie lied, and his followers can't deal with it. He's pretty much going with the same policy as Obama, but he has to ramp up the rhetoric so his hardcore doesn't catch on. At the same time he wants to be able to say at the debates that he's not a meanie, that's he's not advocating breaking up families, etc.


He's also sounding just like a politician - this guy who hates political correctness, blah, blah, blah, - with his talk about boards, and commissions, and studies, etc. Only then will he decide what to do with the millions that remain.


And he thinks he's fooling anyone? Well, I guess he is, isn't he?

I think you're behind.  Those reports of him "flip flopping" were exaggerated (by main stream news. SHOCKER). He's clarified his stance since and it's exactly what everybody thought it was to begin with.

Also, 9-11 could have possibly been prevented if we had enforced visa overstays.

They also estimate some 30 thousand illegal entrants across the southern border last year came from states known to be home to terrorist activity.

I for one am in favor of immigration, as is trump. But we have to express our national sovereignty otherwise we don't have a country.
Quote:He never called an entire ethnic race "rapists and murderers". I'll let you in on a little secret... I know of quite a few Hispanics that are Democrats that are going to vote for him.

No you don't.
Quote:He never said there were 11 million rapists and murderers. He said there were, in many cases, rapists, drug dealers, and murders coming into our country. That is true. A very significant number of illegal border crossers have criminal history in this country, let alone back in Mexico. We aren't talking about visa overstays. There is a reason why many of the border crossers choose to jump the fence rather than overstay a visa and its because they can't get a visa because of their pasts.

A very significant number. Half? 10%? 5%? 1%? Less? This is an argument for wasting billions on a wall which won't work. What's a very significant number?
Quote:A very significant number. Half? 10%? 5%? 1%? Less? This is an argument for wasting billions on a wall which won't work. What's a very significant number?
I thought the argument was that Trump is a racist, not the fiscal responsibility associated with a wall's cost?

As far as numbers go, it depends on which reports you read, but it is generally between 20 and 30%. That is significant considering that the Border Patrol alone apprehends 300-500,000 people per year.

On top of that, most of the remaining people are family units that are scamming US immigration law by using children as pawns to get themselves into the country.
Quote:No you don't.

Have you self destructed yet?
Quote:No, I do not. It is already being done to one extent or another in border communities. They call them "translation calls" to the Border Patrol. It's not a "all brown people must carry proof of citizenship thing." That would be unconstitutional. It's a reasonable suspicion thing. If you can't speak English, in law enforcement it's called a clue... And it usually means that the person wasn't born in the United States... Which would justify further questioning by immigration authorities.

It's not just ICE Agents that need additional manpower/resources. Its ICE Deportation Officers, Immigration Judges, Marshals, Marshals DEOs, Marshals AEOs, Correctional Officers and all mission support staff for these positions. Not counting the massive amount of facilities that need to be added to actually enforce immigration law.

Your points are reasonable.

To me the problem is this-- of the 11 - 20 million undocumented how much benefit is there to kick them all out. Trump keeps talking out of both sides of his mouth.

One day he's saying they all have to go. Then the next day he's describing a plan that sounds a lot like Obama's current policy.
Border security isn't part of the current administration policy. We've already talked about inefficiencies in criminal deportation.

In 84 they granted amnesty to 3 million people under the promise that the border would be secured and we're effulgent be having this discussion. The amnesty happened, the border wwsnt secured now were talking about 11 million more. What will we be taking about in another 30 years?

there is no political path to amnesty or legalization without legitimate border security and enforcement of immigration law.

Trump has carved out a big beautiful door in his policy for some form of legal status once the situation is stabilized and our sovereignty is reasserted.
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