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Full Version: Trump heading to Mexico to meet with El Presidente Nieto
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Quote:One compassionate sentence buried in 90 minutes of venom, destitute hopelessness, and out right bigotry tends to go ignored or unnoticed.

What venom? What bigotry?  You're falling right in line with the main stream news dramatics. (Not surprising)


Honestly, tell what is the big deal here.  I have yet to see anything that is SOOOOO BIGOTED.  It's nothing but hot air coming from his opposition and it got old like 6 months ago.

Quote:Lol, you trumpettes are so sensitive today... Is it that time of the month for you people? Have all you people sync'd up your cycles??

It was a joke. Lighten up, Francis

First of all, I was starting to re-gain some respect for you, but don't you ever call me a trumpette.


And if you call me Francis again... I'll kill you.   ^_^
Quote:Hillary will be in prison soon anyway..

You know what really grinds my gears?

In the very first Democratic debate, Bernie gave Hillary a free pass on the emails. He said he was sick of the topic and wouldn't attack her on it.

Imagine if Bernie went hard on the email thing. Maybe he'd be the nominee instead of what we have now...

Quote:I'll bite and get into a urinating match with you.  I personally have used the terms Hispanic, Mexican, Chicano and Latino to refer to myself.  I would wager that I probably know many more of them than you do.  As the typical stereotype goes, I have a bunch of family, extended family and friends that live in the southwest.  The majority of them are in fact supporting Trump.

You want to bet on who knows more " Hispanics" ?

You may want to contact your candidate. He needs their vote. Badly.

He will not come close to carrying their vote.

Not after Trump passed a Taco Bell on a trip to Arizona and said...holy piss...they even have their own phone company
Quote:First of all, I was starting to re-gain some respect for you, but don't you ever call me a trumpette.

And if you call me Francis again... I'll kill you. ^_^

I'll make you a deal, don't call me "you liberal" or "liberals like you" and I'll never insult you again.

Though I think snowflake should remain fair game. Lol
Quote:What venom? What bigotry? You're falling right in line with the main stream news dramatics. (Not surprising)

Honestly, tell what is the big deal here. I have yet to see anything that is SOOOOO BIGOTED. It's nothing but hot air coming from his opposition and it got old like 6 months ago.

Dude, I listened to his speech last night.

It was all venom. I was literally scared with how he was yelling and hissing in that gutteral way he does.

I had to change the channel to big bang theory every few minutes to cleanse my nerves before I changed it back.

It was a venemous speech. I think that's the best description of what I witnessed from him Last night.
Quote:Dude, I listened to his speech last night.

It was all venom. I was literally scared with how he was yelling and hissing in that gutteral way he does.

I had to change the channel to big bang theory every few minutes to cleanse my nerves before I changed it back.

It was a venemous speech. I think that's the best description of what I witnessed from him Last night.

Haha which part exactly?
Quote:Dude, I listened to his speech last night.

It was all venom. I was literally scared with how he was yelling and hissing in that gutteral way he does.

I had to change the channel to big bang theory every few minutes to cleanse my nerves before I changed it back.

It was a venemous speech. I think that's the best description of what I witnessed from him Last night.

as usual, when confronted with a common sense plan to remedy a problem all the lefty can do is talk about "Dark... venomous" or the like to try and dismiss it in his own mind.  I guess you were watching big bang theory when he clearly said that after the construction of the wall, stabilizing enforcement, tripling Ice agents on the interior and deporting criminal aliens that we would be able to take stock of our priorities after we assess the population of undocumented workers left in the country at that time. 


You forget that in 2012 latinos were protesting in front of Obama's white house because they had been promised comprehensive immigration reform for the last 30 years.  The best path to legal status for the law abiding undocumented workers is building the wall, securing the border, deporting the criminal illegals and changing the political environment of the country to make it more palatable for a path to legalization.   Just sitting back and letting the democrats lie to them every 4 years isn't helping anything, and the absence of the rule of law is hurting their communities the worst because they are on the front lines. 
Quote:Haha which part exactly?
Pretty much the entire speech.  Even the angel moms was venomous.  As if every undocumented Mexican is killing our kids.


Trump just talks in the wrong tone....  



[Image: 9493ba3a9dc36c5eb2cb87eb2bce7dc0.jpg]
Quote:as usual, when confronted with a common sense plan to remedy a problem all the lefty can do is talk about "Dark... venomous" or the like to try and dismiss it in his own mind.  I guess you were watching big bang theory when he clearly said that after the construction of the wall, stabilizing enforcement, tripling Ice agents on the interior and deporting criminal aliens that we would be able to take stock of our priorities after we assess the population of undocumented workers left in the country at that time. 


No offense, but the tone he said all of that in was not in a manner that provided a sense of well being.  It was spoken in the context that our country is being over run and these people need to get out otherwise we're all doomed.


[Image: 9493ba3a9dc36c5eb2cb87eb2bce7dc0.jpg]
Tell that to the angel moms.... Lola.

I can't disagree with the policy, but his TONE....

30K estimated entrants from terror related countries across the southern border, and he's worried about tone.

10 trillion in new debt.... He's worried about tone.
This is a classic example of confirmation bias

They can never cite exactly which part is racist because if they do it's easily explained as not being racist. But they've already accepted the idea that he's racist so anything he says will be interpreted as racist.
Quote:Pretty much the entire speech.  Even the angel moms was venomous.  As if every undocumented Mexican is killing our kids.


Trump just talks in the wrong tone.... 

If they are overwhelming the school system, is that helping or hurting your kids?  It's not just about deporting the criminals, Trump wants to deport those taking advantage of our freebies.  That hurts all of us - we can't afford to support everyone who wants to come here.  
So first off...  This ain't ever gonna happen.  What he's selling you is a pipe dream.  You're a fool if you think he's building a "great wall". 


<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'proxima-nova', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;">Number One: We will build a wall along the Southern Border.

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'proxima-nova', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;">On day one, we will begin working on an impenetrable physical wall on the southern border. We will use the best technology, including above-and below-ground sensors, towers, aerial surveillance and manpower to supplement the wall, find and dislocate tunnels, and keep out the criminal cartels, and Mexico will pay for the wall.

"Number Three: Zero tolerance for criminal aliens.

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'proxima-nova', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;">According to federal data, there are at least 2 million criminal aliens now inside the country. We will begin moving them out day one, in joint operations with local, state and federal law enforcement.

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'proxima-nova', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;">Beyond the 2 million, there are a vast number of additional criminal illegal immigrants who have fled or evaded justice. But their days on the run will soon be over. They go out, and they go out fast.

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'proxima-nova', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;">Moving forward, we will issue detainers for all illegal immigrants who are arrested for any crime whatsoever, and they will be placed into immediate removal proceedings. We will terminate the Obama Administration’s deadly non-enforcement policies that allow thousands of criminal aliens to freely roam our streets.

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'proxima-nova', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;">Since 2013 alone, the Obama Administration has allowed 300,000 criminal aliens to return back into U.S. communities – these are individuals encountered or identified by ICE but who not detained or processed for deportation.

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'proxima-nova', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;">My plan also includes cooperating closely with local jurisdictions to remove criminal aliens."

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'proxima-nova', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;"> 

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/do...z4J3IfvF3h 



And this was his 3rd point, I think this is like within the first 5-10 minutes of his speech.  And he's guttural and screaming like a fascist...  It's a bad look.


On top of that.  We all know what this means.


A criminal alien is any alien that is caught without papers...  You know this.  The talking point we all know is that if you are hear illegally you're breaking the law.  So every undocumented worker in the USA is a criminal alien!!!!  Do trumpettes really think Latin Americans are stupid?  Do you really think that Hispanics of all nationalities don't see this as a paper's please national policy where every white person is looking at you and wondering if you're an illegal?  It becomes a facist state where anyone that's brown is suspect.  It's the wrong tone.  It's racist.  And it's his 3rd policy...  


But hey.  Do you.  If you want to think it's cool.  Fair enough.  In my humble opinion, It's facist. It's the wrong tone.  And it's clearly not "softening" or "compassionate".  It's red meat for the racists.  The vast majority of people that pay attention see it as such.  
So does he plan to steal the private land on the border? Does this mean Republicans now support eminent domain?
I heard part of the speech this morning.  It was literally a monotone speech.  Just him talking. Haha.


He was saying that we will work with Mexico in a joint operation to stop illegal immigration, and work to keep industry and manufacturing in this hemisphere.  That makes total sense considering Mexico has its own problems with illegal immigration.  And Mexico's competition for factories and jobs is with other nations like China.  This is a common sense approach; what Trump has done all along.  Meanwhile he's called racist for this. Complete insanity.


And you know what happens if you get caught in Mexico as an illegal?  You get deported or put in prison.  Are they racist too?


The joint operation opens up the opportunity to truly co-sponsor the wall on our border, and then that might include the US helping Mexico with its southern border wall.
You heard the speech and thought it was monotone?

Quote:"Number Three: Zero tolerance for criminal aliens.

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'proxima-nova', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;">According to federal data, there are at least 2 million criminal aliens now inside the country. We will begin moving them out day one, in joint operations with local, state and federal law enforcement.

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'proxima-nova', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;">Beyond the 2 million, there are a vast number of additional criminal illegal immigrants who have fled or evaded justice. But their days on the run will soon be over. They go out, and they go out fast.

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'proxima-nova', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;">Moving forward, we will issue detainers for all illegal immigrants who are arrested for any crime whatsoever, and they will be placed into immediate removal proceedings. We will terminate the Obama Administration’s deadly non-enforcement policies that allow thousands of criminal aliens to freely roam our streets.

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'proxima-nova', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;">Since 2013 alone, the Obama Administration has allowed 300,000 criminal aliens to return back into U.S. communities – these are individuals encountered or identified by ICE but who not detained or processed for deportation.

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'proxima-nova', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;">My plan also includes cooperating closely with local jurisdictions to remove criminal aliens."

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'proxima-nova', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;"> 

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/do...z4J3IfvF3h 



And this was his 3rd point, I think this is like within the first 5-10 minutes of his speech.  And he's guttural and screaming like a fascist...  It's a bad look.


On top of that.  We all know what this means.


A criminal alien is any alien that is caught without papers...  You know this.  The talking point we all know is that if you are hear illegally you're breaking the law.  So every undocumented worker in the USA is a criminal alien!!!!  Do trumpettes really think Latin Americans are stupid?  Do you really think that Hispanics of all nationalities don't see this as a paper's please national policy where every white person is looking at you and wondering if you're an illegal?  It becomes a facist state where anyone that's brown is suspect.  It's the wrong tone.  It's racist.  And it's his 3rd policy...  


But hey.  Do you.  If you want to think it's cool.  Fair enough.  In my humble opinion, It's facist. It's the wrong tone.  And it's clearly not "softening" or "compassionate".  It's red meat for the racists.  The vast majority of people that pay attention see it as such.  

Completely wrong.  Being caught without papers isn't a crime.  


He is clearly talking about deporting undocumented aliens after they are arrested for another crime - which makes them criminal aliens if convicted.


These people come into this country knowing full-well that entering in the manner in which they do is illegal and that they are subject to deportation if they get caught.  Then you want to pretend like they are victims of systemic racism for being deported.  
Quote:Completely wrong. Being caught without papers isn't a crime.

He is clearly talking about deporting undocumented aliens after they are arrested for another crime - which makes them criminal aliens if convicted.

These people come into this country knowing full-well that entering in the manner in which they do is illegal and that they are subject to deportation if they get caught. Then you want to pretend like they are victims of systemic racism for being deported.

Oh, so you are ok with the undocumented workers staying here so long as they don't commit crimes?

That's kinda where I'm at.

But if that's the case, why do you need a massive deportation force? The police will catch those criminals and we'll deport them...

No need for tripling the number of ice agents if your just doin that.
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