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I'd go one further.  In addition to remaining crime free (not counting infractions), they need to have a job.  If those boxes are checked, they should be allowed to stay.  Welfare, in its current form, is a pitfall, not a safety net.  It needs to be overhauled.  

Quote:Oh, so you are ok with the undocumented workers staying here so long as they don't commit crimes?

That's kinda where I'm at.

But if that's the case, why do you need a massive deportation force? The police will catch those criminals and we'll deport them...

No need for tripling the number of ice agents if your just doin that.

I'm okay with them being deported whenever they are caught.  If they are pulled over for speeding and an officer suspects they are here illegally, immigration should be called to investigate.  If they are found to be here illegally they should be set up with a NTA with an immigration judge to decide their fate.  If they fail to appear, then they are deported in absentia and the next encounter with them should be jail until they can be removed.  With the IJ at least if they are deported they would be given time to get their affairs in order before leaving the country.


You need a massive deportation force because we are currently unable to deport the ones we want to deport and the numbers would be 10 fold with Trump as president.  These people are walking across the border and turning themselves in to Border Patrol Agents because they know that only roughly 5% of them are actually getting deported under current policies.
Quote:In 2013, we deported <a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/10/02/u-s-deportations-of-immigrants-reach-record-high-in-2013/'>438k illegal immigrants. </a>

In 2013, the Obama administration spent $18 Billion on <a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/01/07/obama-immigration-enforcement/1815667/'>immigration enforcement.</a>

Lets assume we triple those numbers to 1.3 million illegal immigrants per year and $54 billion per year. After 8 years of Trump deportation at that rate, that is 10.5 million illegal immigrants deported and $432 billion after 8 years.

If we only doubled it to 876k illegal immigrants per year and $36 billion, after 8 years it is 7 million deported and $288 billion.

You can also add another $15-20 billion to the final cost for the border wall.

According to the <a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.fairus.org/publications/the-fiscal-burden-of-illegal-immigration-on-united-states-taxpayers'>Federation of Immigration Reform</a>, the cost of illegal immigration on the US government, federal and state, is $113 billion per year. After 8 years, that would be $904 billion.

So, over 8 years: Spend $450 billion to erase a $904 billion deficit. Surplus of $454 billion. Seems worth it to me. This is a very simplified look at the finances of the whole thing, but just throwing numbers around. This doesn't including negative or positive impact to the economy (which there will be both).
So $450B to deport people and an unspecified budget to created a wall. Hard to estimate as it keeps getting taller every other week and now he says it will be so high tech it will somehow prevent tunnels from being dug underneath it.

So.. what's the impact when 11 million illegals are gone? Do you anticipate job growth for Americans as 11 million legal job seekers will suddenly flood the migrant farmer/nanny/construction/maid industries?

Or will there be some unintended consequences with this 11 million person void? Can you admit that many of these people are doing jobs entitled naturally born citizens don't have the work ethic and desire to do?

Are you at all concerned about states like Texas, New Mexico and Arizona all of a sudden having deportation hit squads that will harass and target millions of legal citizens based on their name and skin tone on this witch hunt? No. Of course not.

We couldn't put $450B to better use in a hundred different ways?

The fact you consider his trip to be very, very presidential tells me you are sold on every pipe dream this carnival barker sells and would gladly follow him into the mouth of an erupting volcano so long as he told you to. His entire campaign has been about blaming others for what is wrong with America. In this case, Mexicans. Not illegals. Mexicans. Because anyone who even remotely looks Mexican (close enough to Arabic if you squint) is going to be harassed to no end by whatever goon squad he assembles to exact this plan.

And what about the additional cost to re-deport those who come back after being booted? Was that factored in?
"Deportation hit squads" hahaaaaa


This stuff applies to people of all colors.  I dont know why that concept seems lost on the left.  Probably because they're obsessed with skin color.

Quote:So $450B to deport people and an unspecified budget to created a wall. Hard to estimate as it keeps getting taller every other week and now he says it will be so high tech it will somehow prevent tunnels from being dug underneath it.

So.. what's the impact when 11 million illegals are gone? Do you anticipate job growth for Americans as 11 million legal job seekers will suddenly flood the migrant farmer/nanny/construction/maid industries?

Or will there be some unintended consequences with this 11 million person void? Can you admit that many of these people are doing jobs entitled naturally born citizens don't have the work ethic and desire to do?

Are you at all concerned about states like Texas, New Mexico and Arizona all of a sudden having deportation hit squads that will harass and target millions of legal citizens based on their name and skin tone on this witch hunt? No. Of course not.

We couldn't put $450B to better use in a hundred different ways?

The fact you consider his trip to be very, very presidential tells me you are sold on every pipe dream this carnival barker sells and would gladly follow him into the mouth of an erupting volcano so long as he told you to. His entire campaign has been about blaming others for what is wrong with America. In this case, Mexicans. Not illegals. Mexicans. Because anyone who even remotely looks Mexican (close enough to Arabic if you squint) is going to be harassed to no end by whatever goon squad he assembles to exact this plan.

And what about the additional cost to re-deport those who come back after being booted? Was that factored in?

I find it humorous that they believe he will force a sovereign nation to pay for this ridiculous idea.

The boogie man wants to give criminal illegal aliens the boot.. Grab your pitch forks and follow me!!!
Quote:I find it humorous that they believe he will force a sovereign nation to pay for this ridiculous idea.

We could always take the $500 million in foreign aid that we give them and apply it to the cost of the wall...
Quote:We could always take the $500 million in foreign aid that we give them and apply it to the cost of the wall...

They could just pull an Argentina and nationalize the American owns plants.
Quote:"Number Three: Zero tolerance for criminal aliens.

According to federal data, there are at least 2 million criminal aliens now inside the country. We will begin moving them out day one, in joint operations with local, state and federal law enforcement.

Beyond the 2 million, there are a vast number of additional criminal illegal immigrants who have fled or evaded justice. But their days on the run will soon be over. They go out, and they go out fast.

Moving forward, we will issue detainers for all illegal immigrants who are arrested for any crime whatsoever, and they will be placed into immediate removal proceedings. We will terminate the Obama Administration’s deadly non-enforcement policies that allow thousands of criminal aliens to freely roam our streets.

Since 2013 alone, the Obama Administration has allowed 300,000 criminal aliens to return back into U.S. communities – these are individuals encountered or identified by ICE but who not detained or processed for deportation.

My plan also includes cooperating closely with local jurisdictions to remove criminal aliens."

Read more: <a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/donald-trump-immigration-address-transcript-227614#ixzz4J3IfvF3h'>http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/donald-trump-immigration-address-transcript-227614#ixzz4J3IfvF3h</a>

And this was his 3rd point, I think this is like within the first 5-10 minutes of his speech. And he's guttural and screaming like a fascist... It's a bad look.

On top of that. We all know what this means.

A criminal alien is any alien that is caught without papers... You know this. The talking point we all know is that if you are hear illegally you're breaking the law. So every undocumented worker in the USA is a criminal alien!!!! Do trumpettes really think Latin Americans are stupid? Do you really think that Hispanics of all nationalities don't see this as a paper's please national policy where every white person is looking at you and wondering if you're an illegal? It becomes a facist state where anyone that's brown is suspect. It's the wrong tone. It's racist. And it's his 3rd policy...

But hey. Do you. If you want to think it's cool. Fair enough. In my humble opinion, It's facist. It's the wrong tone. And it's clearly not "softening" or "compassionate". It's red meat for the racists. The vast majority of people that pay attention see it as such.

Quote:Oh, so you are ok with the undocumented workers staying here so long as they don't commit crimes?

That's kinda where I'm at.

But if that's the case, why do you need a massive deportation force? The police will catch those criminals and we'll deport them...

No need for tripling the number of ice agents if your just doin that.

right now there are only 5k ice agents available for deportation. We are looking at 2-4 million criminal aliens.

Police officers are going to be able to turn over criminals for deportation but you need the human capital to turn them over to.
Quote:I find it humorous that they believe he will force a sovereign nation to pay for this ridiculous idea.


Your lack of imagination is not a lack of possibility
Quote:"Deportation hit squads" hahaaaaa

This stuff applies to people of all colors. I dont know why that concept seems lost on the left. Probably because they're obsessed with skin color.

I thought Mexico was sending rapists and murderers? Do I need to clean my ears?
Quote:So $450B to deport people and an unspecified budget to created a wall. Hard to estimate as it keeps getting taller every other week and now he says it will be so high tech it will somehow prevent tunnels from being dug underneath it.

So.. what's the impact when 11 million illegals are gone? Do you anticipate job growth for Americans as 11 million legal job seekers will suddenly flood the migrant farmer/nanny/construction/maid industries?

Or will there be some unintended consequences with this 11 million person void? Can you admit that many of these people are doing jobs entitled naturally born citizens don't have the work ethic and desire to do?

Are you at all concerned about states like Texas, New Mexico and Arizona all of a sudden having deportation hit squads that will harass and target millions of legal citizens based on their name and skin tone on this witch hunt? No. Of course not.

We couldn't put $450B to better use in a hundred different ways?

The fact you consider his trip to be very, very presidential tells me you are sold on every pipe dream this carnival barker sells and would gladly follow him into the mouth of an erupting volcano so long as he told you to. His entire campaign has been about blaming others for what is wrong with America. In this case, Mexicans. Not illegals. Mexicans. Because anyone who even remotely looks Mexican (close enough to Arabic if you squint) is going to be harassed to no end by whatever goon squad he assembles to exact this plan.

And what about the additional cost to re-deport those who come back after being booted? Was that factored in?
He just said those people though. That doesn't mean me. I am not those people. 
Quote:I'm okay with them being deported whenever they are caught. If they are pulled over for speeding and an officer suspects they are here illegally, immigration should be called to investigate. If they are found to be here illegally they should be set up with a NTA with an immigration judge to decide their fate. If they fail to appear, then they are deported in absentia and the next encounter with them should be jail until they can be removed. With the IJ at least if they are deported they would be given time to get their affairs in order before leaving the country.

You need a massive deportation force because we are currently unable to deport the ones we want to deport and the numbers would be 10 fold with Trump as president. These people are walking across the border and turning themselves in to Border Patrol Agents because they know that only roughly 5% of them are actually getting deported under current policies.

Uh..... You don't think a papers please immigration policy would be considered racist by those that are being profiled?

Also, why do you need to triple a task force if all they are doing is the same job local law enforcement can or could already do?

You're basically creating storm troopers to go around and try to round up anyone that looks like they may be undocumented.

Again, if you're cool with them being here as long as they aren't braking the law, the tripling the number of ice agents is redundant and a waste of tax payer money.

Cops are already arresting people that are breaking the law.

The whole thing sounds fascist and clearly set out to harass anyone that may "look" like a Mexican.
Quote:"Deportation hit squads" hahaaaaa

This stuff applies to people of all colors. I dont know why that concept seems lost on the left. Probably because they're obsessed with skin color.

You may want to act oblivious here, but most people know exactly who would be targeted.

People aren't as dumb as you want them to be.
Quote:I thought Mexico was sending rapists and murderers? Do I need to clean my ears?

some are.  are you denying that rapists and thugs have come across the Mexican border?  they're not all Mexican either just because they came across the Mexican border.
Quote:You may want to act oblivious here, but most people know exactly who would be targeted.

People aren't as dumb as you want them to be.
Oblivious and willfully ignorant are not that same thing. 
Quote:You may want to act oblivious here, but most people know exactly who would be targeted.

People aren't as dumb as you want them to be.

No, you're making an assumption based on your own prejudices.  It's projection.  It doesn't matter what color you are.  If you're here illegally, you are going to be dealt with.
Quote:Oblivious and willfully ignorant are not that same thing. 

Ignorant of what exactly?  Please enlighten me, oh wise one.
Quote:Uh..... You don't think a papers please immigration policy would be considered racist by those that are being profiled?

Also, why do you need to triple a task force if all they are doing is the same job local law enforcement can or could already do?

You're basically creating storm troopers to go around and try to round up anyone that looks like they may be undocumented.

Again, if you're cool with them being here as long as they aren't braking the law, the tripling the number of ice agents is redundant and a waste of tax payer money.

Cops are already arresting people that are breaking the law.

The whole thing sounds fascist and clearly set out to harass anyone that may "look" like a Mexican.

No no no...  That's not how ANY of that works. 


At current, we are releasing Criminal aliens back into the general population.  There was one example of a guy who raped and held a woman captive for over a week that was rleased back into society.  There is a back log of criminal aliens that are to be deported as we speak. 


Right now We only have about 5000 Ice agents assigned for deportation.  That's to serve the whole country.  Some local police departments have more officers than that.  We need an increase in human resources. 


Also, this isn't a pure PAPER PLEASE system. Trump has stated that the priority is on those who have committed crime and specifically violent crime that presents a threat to our society.  Those are going to be the people that are prioritized for deportation.  This isn't a situation of taking anyone who looks Hispanic to a detention center.  That's a caricature of the proposal that on the table and frankly its intellectually dishonest. 
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