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(12-04-2023, 08:37 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-04-2023, 11:20 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]That's a big part of the problem with the election deniers. They don't get how much pppl hate that candidate and how easily they were rallied to vote. 

Yeah - lots of ppl hate Biden too - but they overwhelming intersect with the same 50 mil who will vote for Trump again. The reach of Biden hate doesn't extend as deeply into mobilizing unregistered voter territory. 

It is almost hilarious how many times I've stated in this thread that ppl won't turn out FOR Biden but merely AGAINST Trump and each of you guys keeps trying to put the words in my mouth anyway. 


Gotta love the catch phrases... "election deniers." Such a supercilious way to start a discussion. 

Anyways, I will take this time to clarify that I agree that a disdain for Trump created a bump in turnout. I assumed that went without saying, but I can see that was not clear in my post from the reread. I should have said that bump was not exclusively driven by Trump hate. Mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, big establishment money, and political activism also played a crucial role, which I believe lead to a fraudulent election and indifference from our power-hungry bureaucrats, both elected and unelected. 

People HATE Joe Biden. Many, many people are saying they won't turn out for the man. Many lifelong democrats. This is with the knowledge that Trump is waiting. 2020 does not equal 2024, but you keep believing the hype. Trump almost certainly won't get re-elected. It will be because of Trump hate, but it's not the masses that make that happen.

You are an election denier. 

You should let that sink in. 

Instead of accepting the result of a fair election that has been investigated and challenged to no avail in multiple courts of law, YOU choose to don a tinfoil hat and invent a fantasy (or adopts some other nut's fantasy) that the election should have had a different outcome.

You are denying that the official result is accurate despite having zero proof and mountains of evidence to the contrary. 

You should accept and embrace the term.  It is what you are.

I stated it quite matter-or-factly. Nothing supercilious about that at all.

You know what IS supercilious? The fact that you think you are somehow above the very accurate label.
Would you prefer "ballot-counting-alternate-math aficionado?"
Or "refuter of provable facts?"
How about "unconscious objector?"

Election Denier is a title, like anti-vaxxer, climate denier, or far right. It's a tactic called label shaming, that is designed to create an ingroup and an outgroup. It can't be reasoned with. You either have the correct opinion or you get the label. It can only be removed if the outgroup changes their opinion and becomes part of the ingroup. The left does this all the time, and it's by design. If you've read Foucault's analysis of power and knowledge, you would understand this phenomenon, but since you're just repeating what you are told, you trot out your LOLs and your labels, confident that you hold the correct "fact" opinion. It's such a neat little tool for manipulating the masses. It removes nuance and accountability in favor of being on the "right side of history." AKA superciliousness.

I'm sure this will be dismissed, though, as some type of conspiracy or illusion, right?
(12-06-2023, 10:10 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Election Denier is a title, like anti-vaxxer, climate denier, or far right. It's a tactic called label shaming, that is designed to create an ingroup and an outgroup. It can't be reasoned with. You either have the correct opinion or you get the label. It can only be removed if the outgroup changes their opinion and becomes part of the ingroup. The left does this all the time, and it's by design. If you've read Foucault's analysis of power and knowledge, you would understand this phenomenon, but since you're just repeating what you are told, you trot out your LOLs and your labels, confident that you hold the correct "fact" opinion. It's such a neat little tool for manipulating the masses. It removes nuance and accountability in favor of being on the "right side of history." AKA superciliousness.

I'm sure this will be dismissed, though, as some type of conspiracy or illusion, right?

Foucault was a hard leftist and he was wrong.
There is more to claims of fact than their implications for power structures.
Claims of fact are foremost true or false and the power structures (and sentient beings who believe the claims) can deal with it.
Your claims of fact about the 2020 election are mostly false. Deal with it.
(12-06-2023, 10:10 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Election Denier is a title, like anti-vaxxer, climate denier, or far right. It's a tactic called label shaming, that is designed to create an ingroup and an outgroup. It can't be reasoned with. You either have the correct opinion or you get the label. It can only be removed if the outgroup changes their opinion and becomes part of the ingroup. The left does this all the time, and it's by design. If you've read Foucault's analysis of power and knowledge, you would understand this phenomenon, but since you're just repeating what you are told, you trot out your LOLs and your labels, confident that you hold the correct "fact" opinion. It's such a neat little tool for manipulating the masses. It removes nuance and accountability in favor of being on the "right side of history." AKA superciliousness.

I'm sure this will be dismissed, though, as some type of conspiracy or illusion, right?


You really are in denial. 

Scrambling for psycho babble bull [BLEEP] to explain why you have no good argument for being an election denier. 

Your haphazard - "you repeat what you're told" is some flimsy garbage since you do the same with whatever YouTube nut jobs you subscribe to with your conspiracy theory nonsense. I've seen it firsthand here several times. 

Define the terminology all you want. Explain why it has some connotation you don't like all you want. It is what you are. 
An election denier. 

I asked what you'd prefer to call an American citizen who denies the proven result of a fair election. No answer. 
Clearly - you consider yourself some sort of special thinker since you read that one book that one time. 
Please stop being so supercilious by defining your deflective argument with a required bibliography. 

I'm not dismissing your post as conspiracy or illusion. It's 100% worthless blathering about terminology and another feeble attempt at attacking the nature of fact versus fiction. 

You've got truth, and you've got lies. One or the other. 
And after all this time you still want to inject "nuance" into an equation where in has no business.

Every time you can't defend your position you attack me and attempt to paint my argument in some negative light without addressing the actual topic. So weak. 

Let me make this clear - I don't give a [BLEEP] what you think about my attitude and I don't care that you read a book about psychology.  You are an election denier and you are unable to produce any good reason besides  "You're sheep and I don't trust the establishment so the election was stolen" 

Everyone should be an election denier after 2020..

If you're not, then you just choose not to see the problem because it would affect your candidate. So, who cares if they stole the election, as long as Trump isn't President!!

That's who calls someone an election denier..
So the news today is Biden’s approval has gone down even more. It’s now in the mid-30s, per CNN and low 30s in another poll. Biden has come out and said he doesn’t even want to really run again and is doing it solely because he’s afraid Trump may win.

Lovely…so our 100-year-old President, who is on the verge of the lowest approval rating of any president trying to run for re-election, doesn’t even want to be president but is it only doing it so someone else won’t win? What a great reason.

I get not wanting Trump to win and all…I would rather have Haley or DeSantis…but the Dems have a much better shot of winning if they put someone up who actually can win. I honestly don’t think Biden can. Not with his mental health failing the way it is and his approval plummeting.
(12-06-2023, 02:31 PM)Jagger Wrote: [ -> ]So the news today is Biden’s approval has gone down even more. It’s now in the mid-30s, per CNN and low 30s in another poll. Biden has come out and said he doesn’t even want to really run again and is doing it solely because he’s afraid Trump may win.

Lovely…so our 100-year-old President, who is on the verge of the lowest approval rating of any president trying to run for re-election, doesn’t even want to be president but is it only doing it so someone else won’t win? What a great reason.

I get not wanting Trump to win and all…I would rather have Haley or DeSantis…but the Dems have a much better shot of winning if they put someone up who actually can win. I honestly don’t think Biden can. Not with his mental health failing the way it is and his approval plummeting.

The TDS crowd is hell bent on destroying the country because of Trump..

Be glad I'm not in charge, I'd turn communist real quick and throw all them [BLEEP] out..
(12-06-2023, 10:44 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-06-2023, 10:10 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Election Denier is a title, like anti-vaxxer, climate denier, or far right. It's a tactic called label shaming, that is designed to create an ingroup and an outgroup. It can't be reasoned with. You either have the correct opinion or you get the label. It can only be removed if the outgroup changes their opinion and becomes part of the ingroup. The left does this all the time, and it's by design. If you've read Foucault's analysis of power and knowledge, you would understand this phenomenon, but since you're just repeating what you are told, you trot out your LOLs and your labels, confident that you hold the correct "fact" opinion. It's such a neat little tool for manipulating the masses. It removes nuance and accountability in favor of being on the "right side of history." AKA superciliousness.

I'm sure this will be dismissed, though, as some type of conspiracy or illusion, right?


You really are in denial. 

Scrambling for psycho babble bull [BLEEP] to explain why you have no good argument for being an election denier. 

Your haphazard - "you repeat what you're told" is some flimsy garbage since you do the same with whatever YouTube nut jobs you subscribe to with your conspiracy theory nonsense. I've seen it firsthand here several times. 

Define the terminology all you want. Explain why it has some connotation you don't like all you want. It is what you are. 
An election denier. 

I asked what you'd prefer to call an American citizen who denies the proven result of a fair election. No answer. 
Clearly - you consider yourself some sort of special thinker since you read that one book that one time. 
Please stop being so supercilious by defining your deflective argument with a required bibliography. 

I'm not dismissing your post as conspiracy or illusion. It's 100% worthless blathering about terminology and another feeble attempt at attacking the nature of fact versus fiction. 

You've got truth, and you've got lies. One or the other. 
And after all this time you still want to inject "nuance" into an equation where in has no business.

Every time you can't defend your position you attack me and attempt to paint my argument in some negative light without addressing the actual topic. So weak. 

Let me make this clear - I don't give a [BLEEP] what you think about my attitude and I don't care that you read a book about psychology.  You are an election denier and you are unable to produce any good reason besides  "You're sheep and I don't trust the establishment so the election was stolen" 


Herpy derp is a good way to end that post. I gave specifics. You name call without addressing my points. Supercilious. I point out that you are othering and you offer more smugness. You have no concept of how the world is shaped by others because you have no epistemic humility. I repeat myself because you are consistently, arrogantly asserting your world view as fact. We can keep doing this.
(12-06-2023, 10:25 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-06-2023, 10:10 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Election Denier is a title, like anti-vaxxer, climate denier, or far right. It's a tactic called label shaming, that is designed to create an ingroup and an outgroup. It can't be reasoned with. You either have the correct opinion or you get the label. It can only be removed if the outgroup changes their opinion and becomes part of the ingroup. The left does this all the time, and it's by design. If you've read Foucault's analysis of power and knowledge, you would understand this phenomenon, but since you're just repeating what you are told, you trot out your LOLs and your labels, confident that you hold the correct "fact" opinion. It's such a neat little tool for manipulating the masses. It removes nuance and accountability in favor of being on the "right side of history." AKA superciliousness.

I'm sure this will be dismissed, though, as some type of conspiracy or illusion, right?

Foucault was a hard leftist and he was wrong.
There is more to claims of fact than their implications for power structures.
Claims of fact are foremost true or false and the power structures (and sentient beings who believe the claims) can deal with it.
Your claims of fact about the 2020 election are mostly false.  Deal with it.

I love it when you play philosopher. Foucault's impact is definitely felt in the modern discourse. Not only because he's a "hard leftist," as you say, but because he's touching on truths. While it's easy to dismiss contributors to postmodern thought as radicals, they are addressing real concerns and problems. It's for this reason that they have helped shape our current world outlook. 

In Foucault's concept of power-knowledge, (read Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-1977 if you want to learn something new today) he proposes that power and knowledge are not separate entities but rather intertwined. This relationship can be summarized in two key points:

Power Produces Knowledge: According to Foucault, power relations within society actively produce and shape knowledge. This means that what is accepted as 'knowledge' or 'truth' is not independent of the power structures within which it arises. Institutions and individuals in positions of power have the capacity to define and disseminate knowledge that reinforces their authority.

Knowledge Reinforces Power: Conversely, the knowledge thus produced feeds back into and reinforces power structures. By defining and categorizing people, behaviors, and ideas, this 'knowledge' legitimizes certain forms of power and control. For example, scientific, legal, or moral discourses can create categories of 'normalcy' and 'deviancy,' which in turn justify various forms of societal control and intervention.

So how does this apply to label shaming within the power/knowledge framework? 

Labeling as a Form of Knowledge Production: When a group or individual is labeled (e.g., as 'anti-vaxxer,' 'conspiracy theorist,' etc.), it's not just a neutral descriptor. It's a form of knowledge production that categorizes and defines what is considered acceptable or deviant within society. When people like NYC use these terms, they are either enforcing or reinforcing acceptable knowledge put forward by people with power. NYC likes to say this is psycho babble, but it's pretty [BLEEP] common sense if any of you arrogant pricks actually read a book with words (see, that's name calling, and it's different than label shaming). 

Labels Enforce Power Structures: These labels, once established, become part of the accepted discourse and serve to reinforce existing power dynamics. They can marginalize certain viewpoints or groups and legitimize the exclusion or control of those labeled as such. Btw, this shouldn't need to be said, but people have been labeling others for centuries. That's not new. What's is new is the prevalence in which label shaming has been used by power structures in America, which in turn are trotted out and repeated by followers to silence and dissenting opinions. Election Denier is categorical. It is reductive. It's supercilious.  

Resistance and Counter-Discourse: Foucault also emphasized the potential for resistance within these dynamics. Just as power-knowledge can be used to enforce conformity, it can also be challenged and redefined. This aspect is crucial in understanding how label shaming might be contested or subverted in public discourse. For Foucault, it was important not only to stave off label shaming from the power structures, but to also to use it as a weapon. We saw this acted out in the 90's and 2000's, and we're seeing the power dynamic shift in favor of leftist ideology. What was being used to throw off oppression is now being wielded as a tool for compliance. This is also common in history, but when it shows up, things usually get ugly. 

But hey, I guess if you don't know anything about history or philosophy this just sounds like psychobabble about a hard leftist who was wrong about everything. You guys are geniuses. Really.
(12-07-2023, 01:38 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-06-2023, 10:25 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]Dude.
Foucault was a hard leftist and he was wrong.
There is more to claims of fact than their implications for power structures.
Claims of fact are foremost true or false and the power structures (and sentient beings who believe the claims) can deal with it.
Your claims of fact about the 2020 election are mostly false.  Deal with it.

I love it when you play philosopher. Foucault's impact is definitely felt in the modern discourse. Not only because he's a "hard leftist," as you say, but because he's touching on truths. While it's easy to dismiss contributors to postmodern thought as radicals, they are addressing real concerns and problems. It's for this reason that they have helped shape our current world outlook. 

In Foucault's concept of power-knowledge, (read Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-1977 if you want to learn something new today) he proposes that power and knowledge are not separate entities but rather intertwined. This relationship can be summarized in two key points:

Power Produces Knowledge: According to Foucault, power relations within society actively produce and shape knowledge. This means that what is accepted as 'knowledge' or 'truth' is not independent of the power structures within which it arises. Institutions and individuals in positions of power have the capacity to define and disseminate knowledge that reinforces their authority.

Knowledge Reinforces Power: Conversely, the knowledge thus produced feeds back into and reinforces power structures. By defining and categorizing people, behaviors, and ideas, this 'knowledge' legitimizes certain forms of power and control. For example, scientific, legal, or moral discourses can create categories of 'normalcy' and 'deviancy,' which in turn justify various forms of societal control and intervention.

So how does this apply to label shaming within the power/knowledge framework? 

Labeling as a Form of Knowledge Production: When a group or individual is labeled (e.g., as 'anti-vaxxer,' 'conspiracy theorist,' etc.), it's not just a neutral descriptor. It's a form of knowledge production that categorizes and defines what is considered acceptable or deviant within society. When people like NYC use these terms, they are either enforcing or reinforcing acceptable knowledge put forward by people with power. NYC likes to say this is psycho babble, but it's pretty [BLEEP] common sense if any of you arrogant pricks actually read a book with words (see, that's name calling, and it's different than label shaming). 

Labels Enforce Power Structures: These labels, once established, become part of the accepted discourse and serve to reinforce existing power dynamics. They can marginalize certain viewpoints or groups and legitimize the exclusion or control of those labeled as such. Btw, this shouldn't need to be said, but people have been labeling others for centuries. That's not new. What's is new is the prevalence in which label shaming has been used by power structures in America, which in turn are trotted out and repeated by followers to silence and dissenting opinions. Election Denier is categorical. It is reductive. It's supercilious.  

Resistance and Counter-Discourse: Foucault also emphasized the potential for resistance within these dynamics. Just as power-knowledge can be used to enforce conformity, it can also be challenged and redefined. This aspect is crucial in understanding how label shaming might be contested or subverted in public discourse. For Foucault, it was important not only to stave off label shaming from the power structures, but to also to use it as a weapon. We saw this acted out in the 90's and 2000's, and we're seeing the power dynamic shift in favor of leftist ideology. What was being used to throw off oppression is now being wielded as a tool for compliance. This is also common in history, but when it shows up, things usually get ugly. 

But hey, I guess if you don't know anything about history or philosophy this just sounds like psychobabble about a hard leftist who was wrong about everything. You guys are geniuses. Really.

Right.  You're wrong about this thing, so we can, and those with power can, ignore what you say about the thing.  Tough cookies.  Now if you were right about it, and people with power said you were wrong, that would be hard.  We would have to help you struggle against that power.  The power would be corrupt.  But that's not the case, at least not regarding the 2020 election or Covid.
(12-07-2023, 11:23 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-07-2023, 01:38 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]I love it when you play philosopher. Foucault's impact is definitely felt in the modern discourse. Not only because he's a "hard leftist," as you say, but because he's touching on truths. While it's easy to dismiss contributors to postmodern thought as radicals, they are addressing real concerns and problems. It's for this reason that they have helped shape our current world outlook. 

In Foucault's concept of power-knowledge, (read Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-1977 if you want to learn something new today) he proposes that power and knowledge are not separate entities but rather intertwined. This relationship can be summarized in two key points:

Power Produces Knowledge: According to Foucault, power relations within society actively produce and shape knowledge. This means that what is accepted as 'knowledge' or 'truth' is not independent of the power structures within which it arises. Institutions and individuals in positions of power have the capacity to define and disseminate knowledge that reinforces their authority.

Knowledge Reinforces Power: Conversely, the knowledge thus produced feeds back into and reinforces power structures. By defining and categorizing people, behaviors, and ideas, this 'knowledge' legitimizes certain forms of power and control. For example, scientific, legal, or moral discourses can create categories of 'normalcy' and 'deviancy,' which in turn justify various forms of societal control and intervention.

So how does this apply to label shaming within the power/knowledge framework? 

Labeling as a Form of Knowledge Production: When a group or individual is labeled (e.g., as 'anti-vaxxer,' 'conspiracy theorist,' etc.), it's not just a neutral descriptor. It's a form of knowledge production that categorizes and defines what is considered acceptable or deviant within society. When people like NYC use these terms, they are either enforcing or reinforcing acceptable knowledge put forward by people with power. NYC likes to say this is psycho babble, but it's pretty [BLEEP] common sense if any of you arrogant pricks actually read a book with words (see, that's name calling, and it's different than label shaming). 

Labels Enforce Power Structures: These labels, once established, become part of the accepted discourse and serve to reinforce existing power dynamics. They can marginalize certain viewpoints or groups and legitimize the exclusion or control of those labeled as such. Btw, this shouldn't need to be said, but people have been labeling others for centuries. That's not new. What's is new is the prevalence in which label shaming has been used by power structures in America, which in turn are trotted out and repeated by followers to silence and dissenting opinions. Election Denier is categorical. It is reductive. It's supercilious.  

Resistance and Counter-Discourse: Foucault also emphasized the potential for resistance within these dynamics. Just as power-knowledge can be used to enforce conformity, it can also be challenged and redefined. This aspect is crucial in understanding how label shaming might be contested or subverted in public discourse. For Foucault, it was important not only to stave off label shaming from the power structures, but to also to use it as a weapon. We saw this acted out in the 90's and 2000's, and we're seeing the power dynamic shift in favor of leftist ideology. What was being used to throw off oppression is now being wielded as a tool for compliance. This is also common in history, but when it shows up, things usually get ugly. 

But hey, I guess if you don't know anything about history or philosophy this just sounds like psychobabble about a hard leftist who was wrong about everything. You guys are geniuses. Really.

Right.  You're wrong about this thing, so we can, and those with power can, ignore what you say about the thing.  Tough cookies.  Now if you were right about it, and people with power said you were wrong, that would be hard.  We would have to help you struggle against that power.  The power would be corrupt.  But that's not the case, at least not regarding the 2020 election or Covid.

Again, you're missing the essential point. This isn't just about being right or wrong. It’s about how those in positions of power are crafting narratives that dictate our perceptions of rightness and wrongness. There's nothing inherently wrong in believing that the 2020 election might have been rigged, just as there's nothing wrong in believing it wasn’t, provided you have your reasons. The real problem lies in how institutional power is quick to slap labels on people for deviating from their sanctioned 'truths.' This is a classic case of othering, creating a divide between the 'acceptable' thinkers and the 'heretics,' and it’s about reinforcing what they call 'acceptable knowledge,' which is fundamentally (but not necessarily) different than TRUTH.

If I were to broadly claim that all elections are rigged or all vaccines are inherently bad, then yes, labels like 'election denier' or 'anti-vaxxer' might make sense, especially coming from an individual. But that’s not what we are discussing. We are addressing the rampant misuse of labels to shut down anyone who doesn’t conform to a certain narrative, completely disregarding the nuances of their arguments. It’s a way to stifle dissent and mold thought. These labels are broadcast by our institutions, then adopted and brandied about by the masses. They aren't wholly organic. You'd think people with a modicum of intellectual honesty would see through this charade. Reducing complex arguments to mere labels? That’s not just simplistic; it’s arrogantly dismissive and intellectually lazy.

I am not an "Election Denier," just because I am pointing out corruption in our system, any more than a person is a Jags fan because it's the only channel they get, and the game just happens to be on. There is nuance. Election denying is not part of my identity. It's not a mantle I've donned. Choosing to use a label over addressing the points I made, even in brevity, is textbook superciliousness. Declaring outright that I'm wrong without acknowledging probability, plausibility, or reasonability is incredibly close-minded. Sure, there's a limit to entertaining these things, but I'm nowhere near it. Everything I post here is rooted in good data and rational thought. Some of it requires foresight and critical thinking, which is where I lose half of you. Yeah... that last comment? That was supercilious.

I wonder what Judge Libby [BLEEP] Brain will say about this? Haha
(12-06-2023, 08:34 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-06-2023, 10:44 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah.

You really are in denial. 

Scrambling for psycho babble bull [BLEEP] to explain why you have no good argument for being an election denier. 

Your haphazard - "you repeat what you're told" is some flimsy garbage since you do the same with whatever YouTube nut jobs you subscribe to with your conspiracy theory nonsense. I've seen it firsthand here several times. 

Define the terminology all you want. Explain why it has some connotation you don't like all you want. It is what you are. 
An election denier. 

I asked what you'd prefer to call an American citizen who denies the proven result of a fair election. No answer. 
Clearly - you consider yourself some sort of special thinker since you read that one book that one time. 
Please stop being so supercilious by defining your deflective argument with a required bibliography. 

I'm not dismissing your post as conspiracy or illusion. It's 100% worthless blathering about terminology and another feeble attempt at attacking the nature of fact versus fiction. 

You've got truth, and you've got lies. One or the other. 
And after all this time you still want to inject "nuance" into an equation where in has no business.

Every time you can't defend your position you attack me and attempt to paint my argument in some negative light without addressing the actual topic. So weak. 

Let me make this clear - I don't give a [BLEEP] what you think about my attitude and I don't care that you read a book about psychology.  You are an election denier and you are unable to produce any good reason besides  "You're sheep and I don't trust the establishment so the election was stolen" 


Herpy derp is a good way to end that post. I gave specifics. You name call without addressing my points. Supercilious. I point out that you are othering and you offer more smugness. You have no concept of how the world is shaped by others because you have no epistemic humility. I repeat myself because you are consistently, arrogantly asserting your world view as fact. We can keep doing this.

You mean you failing miserably at defending indefensible opinions? 
Yes, we can definitely keep doing this.

I mean - you really [BLEEP] suck at it - but we can keep doing it. 

If you can come up with a way do defend your position as an election denier without "nuance" or deflection, or posts with a bibliography that blather pointless rhetoric of no value - go for it. 

In the mean time  -  get another big giant heaping of smugness - because I'm right and you're wrong and you have not a [BLEEP] kernel of truth to help defend your position.
There's +5,000 federal ballots only in just Phoenix. AZ somehow lost a lawsuit where you have to provide state ID and be verified to vote in state elections but you can register with no proof of citizenship or ID and just give a utility bill or similar. So anyone can register to vote in federal elections in AZ.

Sent from my SM-T970 using Tapatalk
If Nikki Haley were to run, it could be the most landslide election win since Reagan. She has a 17-point lead on Biden! I’ve never seen any poll in any Pres election that big…not even in the Obama-McCain ones. So if the GOP cares more about just getting their party in, she’s the safest route. And if I were her, I’d make that a centerpiece.

Biden’s chances of winning continue to seemingly go downhill. I think there’s a plan in place at the Convention for him to step aside, which will open it up the delegates who they want. I assume they will choose Newsom. Depending on how the Trump trial goes, the same could happen on the GOP side.
Nikki Haley lolol

I'd rather die than vote for that communist..
(12-11-2023, 11:45 AM)Jagger Wrote: [ -> ]If Nikki Haley were to run, it could be the most landslide election win since Reagan. She has a 17-point lead on Biden! I’ve never seen any poll in any Pres election that big…not even in the Obama-McCain ones. So if the GOP cares more about just getting their party in, she’s the safest route. And if I were her, I’d make that a centerpiece.

Biden’s chances of winning continue to seemingly go downhill. I think there’s a plan in place at the Convention for him to step aside, which will open it up the delegates who they want. I assume they will choose Newsom. Depending on how the Trump trial goes, the same could happen on the GOP side.
(12-11-2023, 12:08 PM)WingerDinger Wrote: [ -> ]Nikki Haley lolol

I'd rather die than vote for that communist..
Look who is putting the articles out and polls for Haley. It's all liberals, they want her to win because she is easy to beat, especially when they replace Biden.

Her complete image is a fraud, including her name. She wants everyone to have to use their real name on the internet but won't use hers. That tells you everything you need to know that she hides something simple as her name.

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(12-11-2023, 12:12 PM)p_rushing Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-11-2023, 11:45 AM)Jagger Wrote: [ -> ]If Nikki Haley were to run, it could be the most landslide election win since Reagan. She has a 17-point lead on Biden! I’ve never seen any poll in any Pres election that big…not even in the Obama-McCain ones. So if the GOP cares more about just getting their party in, she’s the safest route. And if I were her, I’d make that a centerpiece.

Biden’s chances of winning continue to seemingly go downhill. I think there’s a plan in place at the Convention for him to step aside, which will open it up the delegates who they want. I assume they will choose Newsom. Depending on how the Trump trial goes, the same could happen on the GOP side.
(12-11-2023, 12:08 PM)WingerDinger Wrote: [ -> ]Nikki Haley lolol

I'd rather die than vote for that communist..
Look who is putting the articles out and polls for Haley. It's all liberals, they want her to win because she is easy to beat, especially when they replace Biden.

Her complete image is a fraud, including her name. She wants everyone to have to use their real name on the internet but won't use hers. That tells you everything you need to know that she hides something simple as her name.

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Yup.. Yup to all of it.. It's such a shame too.. Or shall I leave off the E and just call her a sham?
(12-11-2023, 12:08 PM)WingerDinger Wrote: [ -> ]Nikki Haley lolol

I'd rather die than vote for that communist..

I personally like Nikki. The only GOPer I hate running is Christie. 

Btw, CNN is having a panic attack right now. Kinda fun to watch. Just released their state by state polls and show Trump kicking the living [BLEEP] out of Biden in states like Michigan and Georgia. Michigan looks like it will go red in 2024. When someone has a double digit lead in a state, that’s never good for the person losing.
(12-10-2023, 07:48 PM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-06-2023, 08:34 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Herpy derp is a good way to end that post. I gave specifics. You name call without addressing my points. Supercilious. I point out that you are othering and you offer more smugness. You have no concept of how the world is shaped by others because you have no epistemic humility. I repeat myself because you are consistently, arrogantly asserting your world view as fact. We can keep doing this.

You mean you failing miserably at defending indefensible opinions? 
Yes, we can definitely keep doing this.

I mean - you really [BLEEP] suck at it - but we can keep doing it. 

If you can come up with a way do defend your position as an election denier without "nuance" or deflection, or posts with a bibliography that blather pointless rhetoric of no value - go for it. 

In the mean time  -  get another big giant heaping of smugness - because I'm right and you're wrong and you have not a [BLEEP] kernel of truth to help defend your position.

What are you, 12? You don't know you're right. You BELIEVE the authorities, which I have no problem with people trusting the authorities. You don't KNOW, though. You're just assuming you're getting the full truth, which is almost always not the case, whether you're right, left, or independent. It's almost remarkable you can't seem to make that distinction. Oops, my bad, forgot you don't do nuance. It's why you're "always right," but that's pretty typical chauvinistic behavior. 

CISA said 9 days after the election that this was the most secure election in US history. 9 days. This was trotted out all over the media and by political figures in the US. It's still the go-to quote for people who blindly defend the election. CISA does not have the capacity or charge to declare the entire election secure. They only look at cybersecurity infrastructure and foreign threats. Their claim it was the most secure in US history has nothing to do with actual fraud. That's nuance. You should never site this in defense of your cause, yet supercilious know-it-alls like you love to repeat this one. 

CISA, btw, was just busted for censoring Americans leading up to the election, even though it's outside their purview. CISA knew it wasn't supposed to be censoring Americans, so they set up a go between that worked on their behalf to notify social media which accounts to censor. One of those social media groups was Facebook. You remember me talking about the Zuckerberg initiative before? You just ignored it. Too busy beating your chest to be bothered to address the difference his organization made in the election to the tunes of 10s of thousands of votes. But, hey, he's just a billionaire who's also totally trustworthy unlike those Koch brothers and Elon Musk. 

What about the investigations? Let's just take the GA one (since it's the most infamous). I acknowledge that the GBI along with the FBI looked into the night in question. I read the 10-page report that was released by the secretary of state's investigations division. 10 pages. That's it. It took them 4 months to do an investigation and we get a 10-page report. It's not detailed. It doesn't break down specific questions asked. While it does attempt to address some of the confusion surrounding the night, the entire investigation hinges on whether or not observers were ordered to go home. They were not. Instead, they went home when someone yelled to the other workers that they were shutting down for the evening. When the workers began packing up, the observers left. The elections supervisor received a phone call (according to the report), then told the workers he didn't know why they were stopping (45 minutes later) and reordered them to start again. So, there was no "order" for the observers to go home, but it was clearly communicated they were stopping. They stopped, the observers left, then they started again. Not proof of fraud, of course, but odd behavior. Could just be human error. 

Additionally, they examined the "suitcases" to see if they were out of the ordinary from the other ballot carriers, which they were not. That's it. That's the sum of the investigation. They didn't actually look at the ballots in question. How does that tell anyone anything? It's certainly not proof of cheating, but it's also not definitive proof there was no cheating. It's still shady as hell, but without looking at the ballots themselves, what could they possibly find? Oh, that's right... nothing. Especially not if authorities are not pushing for it to be more rigorous. Even recounts can't determine that information. Ballots have to be examined. 

All of this doesn't even factor in political bias that is rampant in our bureaucratic agencies. I know, I know. That's impossible. The FBI would never have agents who would want to stop Trump. They'd never willingly cover in a lie like Russiagate. They probably don't have any agents who took illegal foreign money and played key roles in propagating a lie that the national media spread for 2 years. They'd never fire agents who spoke out about the agency's political bias. Our authorities are above reproach, and it's just a stupid conservative conspiracy theory why anyone would question them. Right? 

Regardless, just like I can't point to these things as any proof of cheating, you can't point to them and say it's not cheating. I have been happy from the beginning just to clean these things up so they don't happen again, but half of the country is acting like all these irregularities are just normal. So, that will never happen so long as political chauvinists, who are louder than they are educated, keep running around pointing fingers at "election deniers."

(12-11-2023, 12:12 PM)p_rushing Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-11-2023, 11:45 AM)Jagger Wrote: [ -> ]If Nikki Haley were to run, it could be the most landslide election win since Reagan. She has a 17-point lead on Biden! I’ve never seen any poll in any Pres election that big…not even in the Obama-McCain ones. So if the GOP cares more about just getting their party in, she’s the safest route. And if I were her, I’d make that a centerpiece.

Biden’s chances of winning continue to seemingly go downhill. I think there’s a plan in place at the Convention for him to step aside, which will open it up the delegates who they want. I assume they will choose Newsom. Depending on how the Trump trial goes, the same could happen on the GOP side.
(12-11-2023, 12:08 PM)WingerDinger Wrote: [ -> ]Nikki Haley lolol

I'd rather die than vote for that communist..
Look who is putting the articles out and polls for Haley. It's all liberals, they want her to win because she is easy to beat, especially when they replace Biden.

Her complete image is a fraud, including her name. She wants everyone to have to use their real name on the internet but won't use hers. That tells you everything you need to know that she hides something simple as her name.

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You guys get too caught up in right and left. It's just establishment hacks. I really don't think anyone in the establishment would mind hitting the reset with Haley. I think she would win in a landslide. We'd get 4 years of platitudes, people would calm down, she'd probably get some legislation passed that removes anonymity from the internet and tax breaks for the rich, and it'd be business as usual in a few years.
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