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Quote:They named it BLACK Lives Matter because it's NOT about skin color? Somebody's got some 'splaining to do.

Dr King was a member and leader in the NAACP.

They called themselves colored back then, not black. But other than that, the leadership and goals of the BLM and the NAACP appear to be the same.


Quote:Dr King was a member and leader in the NAACP.

They called themselves colored back then, not black. But other than that, the leadership and goals of the BLM and the NAACP appear to be the same.
And he thinks he would be rooting for MLK if he was alive in this day and age, not realizing Dr. King faced the same reaction he is giving BLM.
The advancement of colored people???? That's racist!

I'm for the advancement of ALL people!!!!

You see know how stupid that argument is, now????
Quote:And he thinks he would be rooting for MLK if he was alive in this day and age, not realizing Dr. King faced the same reaction he is giving BLM.

Dude, I think we just blew the doors off that stupid argument.

Eat it, Rudy Giuliani!
I learned about MLK from newspapers, not history books.  So I've had a chance to see his message become perverted beyond recognition.


What was the question again?  

Quote:I learned about MLK from newspapers, not history books. So I've had a chance to see his message become perverted beyond recognition.

What was the question again?

Don't worry about the question... the answer is, "eat it, Giuliani"


Seriously though--if you remember how the media, and those against Dr. King, co-opted the peaceful message of the NAACP, why are you so quick to allow the same thing to happen in this situation.

Peaceful protest and civil disobedience is what BLM is also pushing. Those small number of children and fools that ignore the message and use the peaceful protests as a front to incite mayhem are not part of the movement and should not be associated with them.

Just as, nobody held Dr. King and the NAACP responsible for the actions of the Black Panthers.

Nobody blamed Martin Luther King for the actions of a group he DIDN'T belong to. 


Are you saying BLM leaders have no responsibility for the actions of the group they DO belong to?

Quote:Nobody blamed Martin Luther King for the actions of a group he DIDN'T belong to.

Are you saying BLM leaders have no responsibility for the actions of the group they DO belong to?

I'm not aware that the leaders of BLM were inciting violence and riots.

Do you have some information that would back up your claim? If so, please provide your source.
Blocking the Interstate is violence.  Travelers become hostages.  If they have to harm their captors to escape, that is completely legal. 

Quote:Blocking the Interstate is violence. Travelers become hostages. If they have to harm their captors to escape, that is completely legal.
Public nuisance? Yes. Violence? No. Being annoying does not equate to being violent. If they're being violent while being annoying, then yes, violence. If their being annoying prompts drivers to become violent, then, well, violence, but not on the part of the protesters. You're using the type of logic that creates free speech zones and safe spaces.
If I blocked your driveway, would that be a form of violence?  Or would you say I'm creating a safe space around your yard?

While the supposed "leadership" of BLM is all about being peaceful and protesting peacefully, the facts say otherwise.


The opening quote from the blog.


This remarkable and shocking video comes from a “Black Lives Matter” meeting in Portland. Several black speakers advocate for violence against police openly. And they scorn white people
for sitting there applauding too.

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/portland-black-...z4FB6aZJat

I find it interesting that the notable black "leaders" don't speak out regarding this.  You all know, Jessie Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton, etc.


It doesn't help matters any either that our President has a history of "jumping the gun" and accusing police officers of acting "stupidly" even when he doesn't know all of the facts regarding the situation.  That whole episode is what probably launched much of the divide that we are experiencing today.

Quote:Blocking the Interstate is violence.  Travelers become hostages.  If they have to harm their captors to escape, that is completely legal. 

Bwahahahah!  That's all you got?!  OK, so move along, there's nothing to see here.  It's civil disobedience, not violence.


Also, blocking a driveway of a persons house is private property.  A thoroughfare is public property.  They are assemblling without approval, it's clearly against the law, that's why it's called civil disobedience.


Come on man.  Try to be objective here.  Marching on the streets is not violence.  You know that.  I'll consider this matter closed, with our side winning, your side not so much.  :-)
If I'm in the public street blocking your driveway, no problem, right?  It's free speech in a public space.  You can't go to work, can't earn a living, can't go get groceries, can't visit friends or family.  I'm just protesting on public property.  I'm doing great things here.  Changing the world, one driveway at a time.  And if you try to push me out of the way then you are the one being violent.


Now consider that shutting down the Interstate is like blocking the driveway of 40,000 motorists.  Consider that fire trucks and ambulances cannot get through.  How many millions in lost wages?  How many school children stranded?  How many people will die? 


Note that the few motorists that did ram through the Interstate protests, strewing bodies left and right, were not even ticketed by police.   

Give em the chrome horn.
Quote:Nobody blamed Martin Luther King for the actions of a group he DIDN'T belong to. 


Are you saying BLM leaders have no responsibility for the actions of the group they DO belong to?

BLM is not a national organization. There are no national leaders, it is a number of local BLM groups acting independently.
Quote:If I'm in the public street blocking your driveway, no problem, right?  It's free speech in a public space.  You can't go to work, can't earn a living, can't go get groceries, can't visit friends or family.  I'm just protesting on public property.  I'm doing great things here.  Changing the world, one driveway at a time.  And if you try to push me out of the way then you are the one being violent.


Now consider that shutting down the Interstate is like blocking the driveway of 40,000 motorists.  Consider that fire trucks and ambulances cannot get through.  How many millions in lost wages?  How many school children stranded?  How many people will die? 


Note that the few motorists that did ram through the Interstate protests, strewing bodies left and right, were not even ticketed by police.   
I'm sorry, but you will never convince me that blocking a road is violent. You're grasping at straws here and looking pretty moronic in the process.
Quote:BLM is not a national organization. There are no national leaders, it is a number of local BLM groups acting independently.

Proof that some people will believe anything. 
Quote:I'm sorry, but you will never convince me that blocking a road is violent. You're grasping at straws here and looking pretty moronic in the process.

It's a form of passive violence that deprives other people their rights and a crime.
Quote:I'm sorry, but you will never convince me that blocking a road is violent. You're grasping at straws here and looking pretty moronic in the process.

It's a form of passive violence that deprives other people their rights and a crime.
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