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Pigs in a blanket... What do you want? Dead cops!
Quote:Agreed... I'm hoping he comes back around, he was actually a good poster up till a few months ago...

Perhaps you and your ilk that refer to police officers as "pigs" will also one day come around.  Maybe then one of you won't get triggered by a general comment... and yes in this case (this particular comment) I'm talking specifically about TJBender.


The thing is, it's people like you two as well as others that are part of the problem.  It's the culture of "police officers are pigs" that drives certain people to commit the horrendous act like the one in the subject of this thread.  Combine that with terrorist groups infiltrating a cause and you get the powder keg that just went off.
A pig is a hasa that don't fly straight.

At this point, jib, that includes you.


Quote:A pig is a hasa that don't fly straight.

At this point, jib, that includes you.



Whatever.  If that's the best that you've got, it says a lot.  Know this hijo, I'll lose exactly as much sleep tonight that I lost last night after TJ's insult to me.  The fact that you and him can't admit that you are part of the problem says a lot.


I wonder if RJ or any other posters want to come in here and back up the claim that it was "one poster" that referred to police officers as "pigs"?
I'll put it in plain language - somebody high up wants a race war / civil war in America.  I do not know if military sniper teams are behind some of these incidents, but we always have reports of multiple shooters and then it comes down to a "lone wolf" who is conveniently dead. 


We know the media is fomenting racial tension.  We know Obama wants to use each incident to push gun control.  We know they want Federal control of local police departments.  We know billionaire Hillary backer Soros is paying Black Lives Matter to be professional protestors and agitators. 


Black Lives Matter has meetings with Obama, with Loretta Lynch, with the U.N. even.  I wonder what they talk about.  


Quote:I'll put it in plain language - somebody high up wants a race war / civil war in America. I do not know if military sniper teams are behind some of these incidents, but we always have reports of multiple shooters and then it comes down to a "lone wolf" who is conveniently dead.

We know the media is fomenting racial tension. We know Obama wants to use each incident to push gun control. We know they want Federal control of local police departments. We know billionaire Hillary backer Soros is paying Black Lives Matter to be professional protestors and agitators.

Black Lives Matter has meetings with Obama, with Loretta Lynch, with the U.N. even. I wonder what they talk about.

Thanks for stepping up and answering. Not sure how much you have read up on BLM or what contact you've has with members but I do encourage you to research. I agree the media is pulling us apart and one of the best things we can do to counter is honest, civil discourse.

I would on the other hand like to hear FBT's explanation from his own "mouth."
Quote:Whatever. If that's the best that you've got, it says a lot. Know this hijo, I'll lose exactly as much sleep tonight that I lost last night after TJ's insult to me. The fact that you and him can't admit that you are part of the problem says a lot.

I wonder if RJ or any other posters want to come in here and back up the claim that it was "one poster" that referred to police officers as "pigs"?

I bet you cried when Michael Corrleone put a bullet right between the eyes of that pig, Captain McCluskey, didn't you snow flake?

You're pathetic. That you cannot see the difference between a pig, corrupt coward that gets away with excessive force, and the rest of the police force shows alot about your intelligence, as well as your honesty upon this topic.

Because of that, you've lost all credibility and respect.
Quote:Whatever.  If that's the best that you've got, it says a lot.  Know this hijo, I'll lose exactly as much sleep tonight that I lost last night after TJ's insult to me.  The fact that you and him can't admit that you are part of the problem says a lot.


I wonder if RJ or any other posters want to come in here and back up the claim that it was "one poster" that referred to police officers as "pigs"?
I only remember one and I've already said what I have to say about it. If there were any others I didn't catch it and I'm not going back through the posts to find any. 


I actually like you, but something seems to have snapped in your brain that is making you argumentative and unlikeable to the nth degree. I don't know what the issue is but the JIB I like is welcome to come back any time.
Quote:I bet you cried when Michael Corrleone put a bullet right between the eyes of that pig, Captain McCluskey, didn't you snow flake?

You're pathetic. That you cannot see the difference between a pig, corrupt coward that gets away with excessive force, and the rest of the police force shows alot about your intelligence, as well as your honesty upon this topic.

Because of that, you've lost all credibility and respect.

As I said before, I'll lose exactly... 0 sleep worrying about what you think of my credibility and whether or not you respect me.  Movie references for you seems to be "reality".  Guess what?  What you see in the movies != reality.  Get over it.  You and your ilk are part of the problem.


I posted a comment that triggered your liberal brother and have not only him, but an admin coming after me.  I used the same language that you and your liberal brother used and I get accused of "singling out somebody".


I think that it's pretty clear that there is more than one poster on this board that refers to police officers as "pigs".  You seem to be stuck into some kind of movie or TV world that thinks that police are exactly as portrayed on the Hollywood screen.


Let me ask you this.  Were the three police officers murdered in cold blood (the subject of this thread) pigs?


Quote:Perhaps you and your ilk that refer to police officers as "pigs" will also one day come around. Maybe then one of you won't get triggered by a general comment... and yes in this case (this particular comment) I'm talking specifically about TJBender.

The thing is, it's people like you two as well as others that are part of the problem. It's the culture of "police officers are pigs" that drives certain people to commit the horrendous act like the one in the subject of this thread. Combine that with terrorist groups infiltrating a cause and you get the powder keg that just went off.

Please then tell us what drives police officers to commit brutality. If that stops, what then would be the impetus for attacks?


Quote:As I said before, I'll lose exactly... 0 sleep worrying about what you think of my credibility and whether or not you respect me. Movie references for you seems to be "reality". Guess what? What you see in the movies != reality. Get over it. You and your ilk are part of the problem.

I posted a comment that triggered your liberal brother and have not only him, but an admin coming after me. I used the same language that you and your liberal brother used and I get accused of "singling out somebody".

I think that it's pretty clear that there is more than one poster on this board that refers to police officers as "pigs". You seem to be stuck into some kind of movie or TV world that thinks that police are exactly as portrayed on the Hollywood screen.

Let me ask you this. Were the three police officers murdered in cold blood (the subject of this thread) pigs?

If it's pretty clear it was more than one poster using that language, name them.
Quote:As I said before, I'll lose exactly... 0 sleep worrying about what you think of my credibility and whether or not you respect me.  Movie references for you seems to be "reality".  Guess what?  What you see in the movies != reality.  Get over it.  You and your ilk are part of the problem.


I posted a comment that triggered your liberal brother and have not only him, but an admin coming after me.  I used the same language that you and your liberal brother used and I get accused of "singling out somebody".


I think that it's pretty clear that there is more than one poster on this board that refers to police officers as "pigs".  You seem to be stuck into some kind of movie or TV world that thinks that police are exactly as portrayed on the Hollywood screen.


Let me ask you this.  Were the three police officers murdered in cold blood (the subject of this thread) pigs?
Nevermind. It's pointless.

Quote:I only remember one and I've already said what I have to say about it. If there were any others I didn't catch it and I'm not going back through the posts to find any. 


I actually like you, but something seems to have snapped in your brain that is making you argumentative and unlikeable to the nth degree. I don't know what the issue is but the JIB I like is welcome to come back any time.

I certainly appreciate your comment.


What snapped in me is the way that certain people talk, post, say, etc.  I'm all for rational discussion, but some of it needs to be addressed.  When you have people calling police "pigs", that's a problem.  When you have people saying that "Black Lives Matter" that's a problem, especially in light of recent events.  The fact of the matter is that ALL AMERICANS MATTER.


To get to the root of some of the problems, harsh words need to be said.  No PC stuff, just put it out there bluntly and straight to the point.  Apparently when I made a comment earlier in this thread, it became all about the person that I was "supposedly targeting" rather than the frustration that some people just seem to think that all police are bad.


It was a harsh comment and sparked some discussion, but you know, sometimes that's what it takes.


FWIW, I'm still the same poster and still give my opinion as I always have done.  I'm still the same man that shared a table with you and my wife at a Jaguars event back in the day.  IIRC you used to drive a Jeep.   :thumbsup:
Quote:If it's pretty clear it was more than one poster using that language, name them.
Quote:Nevermind. It's pointless.

What does naming posters out accomplish?  Nothing at all.


Naming the root part of the problem is the key.
Quote:I certainly appreciate your comment.


What snapped in me is the way that certain people talk, post, say, etc.  I'm all for rational discussion, but some of it needs to be addressed.  When you have people calling police "pigs", that's a problem.  When you have people saying that "Black Lives Matter" that's a problem, especially in light of recent events.  The fact of the matter is that ALL AMERICANS MATTER.


To get to the root of some of the problems, harsh words need to be said.  No PC stuff, just put it out there bluntly and straight to the point.  Apparently when I made a comment earlier in this thread, it became all about the person that I was "supposedly targeting" rather than the frustration that some people just seem to think that all police are bad.


It was a harsh comment and sparked some discussion, but you know, sometimes that's what it takes.


FWIW, I'm still the same poster and still give my opinion as I always have done.  I'm still the same man that shared a table with you and my wife at a Jaguars event back in the day.  IIRC you used to drive a Jeep.   :thumbsup:

You don't care about PC or not PC, at least not in regards to this. That's completely disingenuous. If you cared about people not being PC you would not care if someone called cops pigs because not doing that is PC. What it really is, is you want to say what you want and you want other to not say what they want. That your feelings and opinions are the only valid one. You want your own personal safe space on this topic. That has nothing to with PC. This has to do with you being mad and hurt because in your eyes cops can do no wrong and you simply don't care about any other point of view at least in regards to this.


There is no invisible or implied "only" in front of "black lives matter". You and yours act like there is. Maybe that's what you and yours are so thick headed and seemingly incapable of understanding what it means.  


Quote:What does naming posters out accomplish? Nothing at all.

Naming the root part of the problem is the key.

For one it helps see who is calling cops pigs. Truthfully, you have no one to name. Also, Black Lives Matter is not about asserting black lives over others. You continue to skirt the issue of brutality, yet claim "naming the root of the problem is key." I can tell you are smart from some of your other posts, so it's clear you see the contradiction. It's not a betrayal to your blue comrades to admit there is a problem. By ignoring it, you only give them consent through your silence. If you are going to be vocal about the backlash that is occurring but turn a blind eye to what incited it, you must at least on a subconscious level condone it. Just come out and say police should be able to act without impunity. Others may not like it, but most will respect it and others will stop trying to rationalize your behavior as misinformed.
Quote:You don't care about PC or not PC, at least not in regards to this. That's completely disingenuous. If you cared about people not being PC you would not care if someone called cops pigs because not doing that is PC. What it really is, is you want to say what you want and you want other to not say what they want. That your feelings and opinions are the only valid one. You want your own personal safe space on this topic. That has nothing to with PC. This has to do with you being mad and hurt because in your eyes cops can do no wrong and you simply don't care about any other point of view at least in regards to this.


There is no invisible or implied "only" in front of "black lives matter". You and yours act like there is. Maybe that's what you and yours are so thick headed and seemingly incapable of understanding what it means.  

You open up a different argument here, that being the whole BLM deal.


What brought on this whole firestorm of posts against me was my initial post.  I've since pointed out that some of the language used by other posters is pretty much inappropriate and only contributes the problem that led to the OP.


Let me ask you this.  What exactly is the BLM thing all about?  Why did they organize a ride to Ferguson Missouri?  Why were there riots there?  Was Micheal Brown innocent?


What good has the whole BLM movement really done?
Quote:For one it helps see who is calling cops pigs. Truthfully, you have no one to name. Also, Black Lives Matter is not about asserting black lives over others. You continue to skirt the issue of brutality, yet claim "naming the root of the problem is key." I can tell you are smart from some of your other posts, so it's clear you see the contradiction. It's not a betrayal to your blue comrades to admit there is a problem. By ignoring it, you only give them consent through your silence. If you are going to be vocal about the backlash that is occurring but turn a blind eye to what incited it, you must at least on a subconscious level condone it. Just come out and say police should be able to act without impunity. Others may not like it, but most will respect it and others will stop trying to rationalize your behavior as misinformed.

Name one incident that has taken place within the last year that was a clear and adjudicated case of "police brutality" or otherwise.  Name one case where police acted "above the law".  The fact of the matter is, it's not there.
Ok...everyone shut the piss up.

Let's agree for now that BLM stands for Blakes Life Matters. We need him to stay healthy and lead us to the playoffs.

Over n out.


Quote:Name one incident that has taken place within the last year that was a clear and adjudicated case of "police brutality" or otherwise. Name one case where police acted "above the law". The fact of the matter is, it's not there.

Are you saying police brutality has not had a cumulative effect? If what you say about BLM is true, what's the harm in researching to see if your perception meets reality? Are you afraid of a paradigm shift? I have a case in mind to suggest, but I want to make sure I understand what you mean by "clear and adjudicated."
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