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Full Version: 7 cops shot, 3 dead in Baton Rouge
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Quote:Name one incident that has taken place within the last year that was a clear and adjudicated case of "police brutality" or otherwise. Name one case where police acted "above the law". The fact of the matter is, it's not there.

You sure do love that Blue Wall of yours.

Edit: Sorry I didnt answer, www.policemisconduct.net tracks all you boys' criminal activity on a daily basis. Gosh, only 10 entries for Monday, must'a been a slow weekend.
Quote:You sure do love that Blue Wall of yours.

Not another friggin wall. Doh.
Quote:You open up a different argument here, that being the whole BLM deal.


What brought on this whole firestorm of posts against me was my initial post.  I've since pointed out that some of the language used by other posters is pretty much inappropriate and only contributes the problem that led to the OP.


Let me ask you this.  What exactly is the BLM thing all about?  Why did they organize a ride to Ferguson Missouri?  Why were there riots there?  Was Micheal Brown innocent?


What good has the whole BLM movement really done?
Ok let's try again. One more time. To explain something that has been explained over and over again. 


It started as a means to bring awareness of the perception the black community has that blacks are treated completely differently by law enforcement than whites or even other minorities. That is the point of it. Not that white lives or mexican lives don't matter but that, in their eyes, black lives matter less to law enforcement. 


What it has done is brought wider awareness to things like excessive force by police, disproportionate sentencing for blacks and other minorities as well as general us against them mentality when it comes to police and communities. That said, you don't believe  any of that but that's not really the point. To a whole lot of the country police abuse is a real thing, you just see these abuses as perfectly fine because cops. 


Now, you have had it explained again. You won't care because it goes against your boys in blue and that just can't be for you. They are terrorists to you and I have just wasted my time explaining again to you what it means. 



You won't believe this because I don't give them a pass to do whatever they want, but I respect the hell out of police. It is a dangerous job and they do a service most of the populace can't or won't do but that's just it, they are doing a service and due to their position in our communities I hold them to a higher standard than the average person.

Quote:Whatever.  If that's the best that you've got, it says a lot.  Know this hijo, I'll lose exactly as much sleep tonight that I lost last night after TJ's insult to me.  The fact that you and him can't admit that you are part of the problem says a lot.


I wonder if RJ or any other posters want to come in here and back up the claim that it was "one poster" that referred to police officers as "pigs"?

I said I saw one poster do it, you've pointed out another instance. Mea Culpa, you win on a technicality.


Still, where has anyone cheered the deaths of police?


Quote:Name one incident that has taken place within the last year that was a clear and adjudicated case of "police brutality" or otherwise.  Name one case where police acted "above the law".  The fact of the matter is, it's not there.

You do understand, don't you, that police brutality is often covered up by fellow officers? Can you possibly be that naive?
Quote:I certainly appreciate your comment.


What snapped in me is the way that certain people talk, post, say, etc.  I'm all for rational discussion, but some of it needs to be addressed.  When you have people calling police "pigs", that's a problem.  When you have people saying that "Black Lives Matter" that's a problem, especially in light of recent events.  The fact of the matter is that ALL AMERICANS MATTER.


To get to the root of some of the problems, harsh words need to be said.  No PC stuff, just put it out there bluntly and straight to the point.  Apparently when I made a comment earlier in this thread, it became all about the person that I was "supposedly targeting" rather than the frustration that some people just seem to think that all police are bad.


It was a harsh comment and sparked some discussion, but you know, sometimes that's what it takes.


FWIW, I'm still the same poster and still give my opinion as I always have done.  I'm still the same man that shared a table with you and my wife at a Jaguars event back in the day.  IIRC you used to drive a Jeep.   :thumbsup:

This is what boggles my mind, you are for a rational discussion. Now, people have acknowledged there are SOME fanatics who like to incite violence by using the BLM movement as a facade. This has been reiterated over and over again which im certain you have seen at some point.


We are on day 3 of this conservation, and other than one sentence with you barely acknowledging police brutality exists, you are still under this notion that people who have a issue with rouge cops all of a sudden hate all policemen, which in turn, you feel like all are being labeled as pigs which is not the case.


I dont know if you have blocked me because I have asked the same question now twice which I will ask again.


What do you expect people refer to rouge cops as who commit murders, misconduct, etc.? 
Quote:You open up a different argument here, that being the whole BLM deal.


What brought on this whole firestorm of posts against me was my initial post.  I've since pointed out that some of the language used by other posters is pretty much inappropriate and only contributes the problem that led to the OP.


Let me ask you this.  What exactly is the BLM thing all about?  Why did they organize a ride to Ferguson Missouri?  Why were there riots there?  Was Micheal Brown innocent?


What good has the whole BLM movement really done?


As for the bolded part im going to brutality honest here. 


I believe in my heart when you initially saw this thread you anticipated seeing (not exactly celebration) but some sort of "support" of the cops being murdered. 


When you made your first reply , I hoped you were not intentionally seeking out those type of responses, but it has become clear to me that you were, and when you were met with sharp criticism, you simply could not be honest about your intent. 


As for the rest of this response, I literally posted the other things BLM protest about. Feel free to unblock me to see my posts and click on one of the links. 
Quote:I said I saw one poster do it, you've pointed out another instance. Mea Culpa, you win on a technicality.

Still, where has anyone cheered the deaths of police?

You do understand, don't you, that police brutality is often covered up by fellow officers? Can you possibly be that naive?

He's not naive, he's actively engaging in it here.
Quote:Name one incident that has taken place within the last year that was a clear and adjudicated case of "police brutality" or otherwise.  Name one case where police acted "above the law".  The fact of the matter is, it's not there.

I freggin gave you ONE 


Thabo Sefolosha!!!!
Quote:As I said before, I'll lose exactly... 0 sleep worrying about what you think of my credibility and whether or not you respect me.  Movie references for you seems to be "reality".  Guess what?  What you see in the movies != reality.  Get over it.  You and your ilk are part of the problem.


I posted a comment that triggered your liberal brother and have not only him, but an admin coming after me.  I used the same language that you and your liberal brother used and I get accused of "singling out somebody".


I think that it's pretty clear that there is more than one poster on this board that refers to police officers as "pigs".  You seem to be stuck into some kind of movie or TV world that thinks that police are exactly as portrayed on the Hollywood screen.


Let me ask you this.  Were the three police officers murdered in cold blood (the subject of this thread) pigs?

I bet when you saw Denzel Washington getting killed in Training Day, you shed a tear and went home and lit a candle, didn't you snowflake?


I didn't read any of your post except for the bolded and the very first sentance, because I truelly have no more respect for you right now.  Your words are hollow and trollish.  I honestly hope you regain your senses soon...  You were once a really good poster.  Now you're just a shell of a person, I feel sorry for you.


As for the bolded:   That you cannot grasp the difference between the discussion that several posters have had regarding this issue makes me see that either you are completely unhinged or are trolling every one.  Did you know that the black officer that we lost had written in social media his support for the city AND PROTESTERS and a call for calm?  He'll be missed by many, I'm sure and my heart goes out to his family.  Notice how I used the word "officer"?  But I get it, you don't want to see nuance.  You want to see black and white, that's the typical sign of the bigot.  Just beware that that is what you are becoming.  

Quote:Ok let's try again. One more time. To explain something that has been explained over and over again. 


It started as a means to bring awareness of the perception the black community has that blacks are treated completely differently by law enforcement than whites or even other minorities. That is the point of it. Not that white lives or mexican lives don't matter but that, in their eyes, black lives matter less to law enforcement. 


What it has done is brought wider awareness to things like excessive force by police, disproportionate sentencing for blacks and other minorities as well as general us against them mentality when it comes to police and communities. That said, you don't believe  any of that but that's not really the point. To a whole lot of the country police abuse is a real thing, you just see these abuses as perfectly fine because cops. 


Now, you have had it explained again. You won't care because it goes against your boys in blue and that just can't be for you. They are terrorists to you and I have just wasted my time explaining again to you what it means. 



You won't believe this because I don't give them a pass to do whatever they want, but I respect the hell out of police. It is a dangerous job and they do a service most of the populace can't or won't do but that's just it, they are doing a service and due to their position in our communities I hold them to a higher standard than the average person.

The system is failing true police officers and letting the corrupt ones run free.  It makes for a situation where there is distrust between the community and the police.  The system needs to be changed.  The war on drugs needs to be ended and community policing needs occur.  There was actually a good discussion on solutions in another thread that was very productive.


This discussion with this particular poster is lost, unfortunately. 
Quote:The system is failing true police officers and letting the corrupt ones run free.  It makes for a situation where there is distrust between the community and the police.  The system needs to be changed.  The war on drugs needs to be ended and community policing needs occur.  There was actually a good discussion on solutions in another thread that was very productive.


This discussion with this particular poster is lost, unfortunately. 
What you see from him is the epitome of the "us against them" mentality. It's the same mentality that sees the cover up of bad cops by PD's  and other cops around the country. "We can do no wrong because we are cops" or "we are all in this together so we can't let him go down"
Quote:What you see from him is the epitome of the "us against them" mentality. It's the same mentality that sees the cover up of bad cops by PD's  and other cops around the country. "We can do no wrong because we are cops" or "we are all in this together so we can't let him go down"

"He's got my back on the street, I got his in the courtroom!"
Quote:Ok let's try again. One more time. To explain something that has been explained over and over again. 


It started as a means to bring awareness of the perception the black community has that blacks are treated completely differently by law enforcement than whites or even other minorities. That is the point of it. Not that white lives or mexican lives don't matter but that, in their eyes, black lives matter less to law enforcement. 


What it has done is brought wider awareness to things like excessive force by police, disproportionate sentencing for blacks and other minorities as well as general us against them mentality when it comes to police and communities. That said, you don't believe  any of that but that's not really the point. To a whole lot of the country police abuse is a real thing, you just see these abuses as perfectly fine because cops. 


Now, you have had it explained again. You won't care because it goes against your boys in blue and that just can't be for you. They are terrorists to you and I have just wasted my time explaining again to you what it means. 



You won't believe this because I don't give them a pass to do whatever they want, but I respect the hell out of police. It is a dangerous job and they do a service most of the populace can't or won't do but that's just it, they are doing a service and due to their position in our communities I hold them to a higher standard than the average person.

Here's the thing though.  As you said, it's perceived by (some) in the black community that blacks are treated differently by police, and in some cases that might be correct.  However, police brutality and excessive use of force is really not the major problem.  Yes it happens, but it's done by a far minority of police officers.


Perhaps the real problem is the culture that many blacks, especially in urban areas are raised in.  A vast number of them are taught that whites, police or any authority figure is "against them".  They are taught that they shouldn't "snitch" when police are conducting an investigation.  They are taught that police are "pigs".  Take a listen to some of the rap lyrics that are popular among young black people.


What about the black-on-black crimes that happen on a daily basis?`  How about the fact that there are higher numbers of children, particularly black children being raised in single parent homes?  Could the disproportionate sentencing be because the percentage of blacks committing crime is higher in certain communities?


Now of course, I'm not talking about ALL black people,.but when looking at some of the ones involved in these past incidents there seems to be several common denominators including a history of violence, drug abuse and prior convictions.


I know that I'm going to be accused of being racist or a bigot, but I don't really care.  This is the real problem that needs to be discussed quite openly and frankly.
Quote:Here's the thing though.  As you said, it's perceived by (some) in the black community that blacks are treated differently by police, and in some cases that might be correct.  However, police brutality and excessive use of force is really not the major problem.  Yes it happens, but it's done by a far minority of police officers.


Perhaps the real problem is the culture that many blacks, especially in urban areas are raised in.  A vast number of them are taught that whites, police or any authority figure is "against them".  They are taught that they shouldn't "snitch" when police are conducting an investigation.  They are taught that police are "pigs".  Take a listen to some of the rap lyrics that are popular among young black people.


What about the black-on-black crimes that happen on a daily basis?`  How about the fact that there are higher numbers of children, particularly black children being raised in single parent homes?  Could the disproportionate sentencing be because the percentage of blacks committing crime is higher in certain communities?


Now of course, I'm not talking about ALL black people,.but when looking at some of the ones involved in these past incidents there seems to be several common denominators including a history of violence, drug abuse and prior convictions.


I know that I'm going to be accused of being racist or a bigot, but I don't really care.  This is the real problem that needs to be discussed quite openly and frankly.

Im going to ask you a very stupid question, do you believe minorities have a right to criticize police who commit misconduct and the department covers up those crimes?


Not that im going to get an answer from you anyways...but..............
Quote:This is what boggles my mind, you are for a rational discussion. Now, people have acknowledged there are SOME fanatics who like to incite violence by using the BLM movement as a facade. This has been reiterated over and over again which im certain you have seen at some point.


We are on day 3 of this conservation, and other than one sentence with you barely acknowledging police brutality exists, you are still under this notion that people who have a issue with rouge cops all of a sudden hate all policemen, which in turn, you feel like all are being labeled as pigs which is not the case.


I dont know if you have blocked me because I have asked the same question now twice which I will ask again.


What do you expect people refer to rouge cops as who commit murders, misconduct, etc.? 

First of all, I don't block anybody.  We may disagree politically or otherwise, but I am of the belief that everyone is entitled to their opinion and are free to express it.


Refer to my comment to boudreaumw above.  That outlines part of my not speaking much about rouge cops or police brutality.  Yes it does exist.  Is it common?  No.  Is that what the real problem is?  No.


There are bad cops out there and they do get weeded out.  There is a division in every major police department commonly called IA (Internal Affairs).  That is the proper procedure to use if a citizen has a complaint against a police officer.  Trust me, they will weed out the bad officers.  In most cases, if an officer is reported to IA it will have an effect on his career, and if he is found to be in the wrong he faces penalties including suspension or up to and including arrest and being fired.


As far as the answer to your question, of course if a cop is found guilty of murder I really don't care how people refer to him.  The fact of the matter is, there is a pretty large segment of the population that refer to all police officers as "pigs".  In a case such as this thread those people say that they meant "only the bad ones".  And before people start asking me to "name usernames", I'm just using this thread as an example.


Quote:As for the bolded part im going to brutality honest here. 


I believe in my heart when you initially saw this thread you anticipated seeing (not exactly celebration) but some sort of "support" of the cops being murdered. 


When you made your first reply , I hoped you were not intentionally seeking out those type of responses, but it has become clear to me that you were, and when you were met with sharp criticism, you simply could not be honest about your intent. 


As for the rest of this response, I literally posted the other things BLM protest about. Feel free to unblock me to see my posts and click on one of the links. 

In all honesty, you are wrong regarding my intent with that post.  I posted that because I was angry about what happened and angry about what this country has become.  There are some people out there and likely some on this board that just hate cops.  I get it.
Quote:I bet when you saw Denzel Washington getting killed in Training Day, you shed a tear and went home and lit a candle, didn't you snowflake?


I didn't read any of your post except for the bolded and the very first sentance, because I truelly have no more respect for you right now.  Your words are hollow and trollish.  I honestly hope you regain your senses soon...  You were once a really good poster.  Now you're just a shell of a person, I feel sorry for you.


As for the bolded:   That you cannot grasp the difference between the discussion that several posters have had regarding this issue makes me see that either you are completely unhinged or are trolling every one.  Did you know that the black officer that we lost had written in social media his support for the city AND PROTESTERS and a call for calm?  He'll be missed by many, I'm sure and my heart goes out to his family.  Notice how I used the word "officer"?  But I get it, you don't want to see nuance.  You want to see black and white, that's the typical sign of the bigot.  Just beware that that is what you are becoming.  

I really could care less what you think my opinion is.  If you think that I'm a bigot you couldn't be further from the truth.
Quote:Im going to ask you a very stupid question, do you believe minorities have a right to criticize police who commit misconduct and the department covers up those crimes?


Not that im going to get an answer from you anyways...but..............

First of all, no question is ever stupid.


Yes I believe that everyone, not just minorities have the right to criticize police who commit misconduct.  Regarding the second part of your question, I don't believe that any department covers up those crimes.


Let me ask you this.  BLM had organized protests in Ferguson after Michael Brown was killed which resulted in a lot of rioting and violence.  One of the three police officers killed in the subject of this thread was black (Officer Montrell Jackson).  Did BLM hold any kind of protest for him?
I think everyone has agreed that there are some rogue police officers. But a quick Google search I'm seeing there are around 1 million police officers in the U.S. The site I saw was a few years old so let's just say there are more now. Maybe 1.1 or 1.2 million? Idk, doesn't really matter to me what number you use. That's a small, small percentage of the U.S. population. Of those police officers, roughly 12% of them are black. I think we can deduct those officers from the number because I highly doubt black officers are saying or thinking "oh [BLEEP] yeah! I get to kill me some blacks today!!" I hope that sounds asinine because the other officers aren't saying that either. Whether some choose to believe so or not. So, of our million or so officers less the black officers, we have maybe a million officers who aren't black in the U.S. Take from that number the officers that stick to the oath they swore to. What I'm getting at is, the rogue officers are few and far between. So let's not make it out that there is some huge epidemic of black hatin' cops on the loose looking for a brutha to kill. I'm willing to guess, the amount of police haters vastly outweigh the number of rogue cops. Even if just 1/4 of one percent of the American population hated cops, you'd have almost the amount of non black cops on the street. Yeah, I admit, I'm just throwing out hypothetical percentages out there now. But, I think you get at what I'm saying.
Quote:I think everyone has agreed that there are some rogue police officers. But a quick Google search I'm seeing there are around 1 million police officers in the U.S. The site I saw was a few years old so let's just say there are more now. Maybe 1.1 or 1.2 million? Idk, doesn't really matter to me what number you use. That's a small, small percentage of the U.S. population. Of those police officers, roughly 12% of them are black. I think we can deduct those officers from the number because I highly doubt black officers are saying or thinking "oh [BAD WORD REMOVED] yeah! I get to kill me some blacks today!!" I hope that sounds asinine because the other officers aren't saying that either. Whether some choose to believe so or not. So, of our million or so officers less the black officers, we have maybe a million officers who aren't black in the U.S. Take from that number the officers that stick to the oath they swore to. What I'm getting at is, the rogue officers are few and far between. So let's not make it out that there is some huge epidemic of black hatin' cops on the loose looking for a brutha to kill. I'm willing to guess, the amount of police haters vastly outweigh the number of rogue cops. Even if just 1/4 of one percent of the American population hated cops, you'd have almost the amount of non black cops on the street. Yeah, I admit, I'm just throwing out hypothetical percentages out there now. But, I think you get at what I'm saying.

Thank you.  That's pretty much what I'm saying too.  The problem isn't with the police.
Quote:Thank you.  That's pretty much what I'm saying too.  The problem isn't with the police.
Some people just have it in their head that there are people out to get them. Or perhaps, they just don't look at the facts. I really wish there was a way to get those people to understand or see it. The events that are going on are sickening to see. I'm not really sure what the anti-cop group expects to resolve with the violence. If anything, it'll have the opposite affect they are seeking. Who knows, maybe they want a race war, idk.

I find it funny on the football threads everyone is so quick to say "he was found innocent by a jury, therefore no crime". Yet, officers are being acquitted of their charges and a lot of people (whether on this board or not, don't want a witch hunt asking me to name names) are upset that justice wasn't served. Which reminds me of when Megyn Kelley made two people look like fools on day 1 of the convention. During one of the interviews they break to show that black sheriff's speech. Right off the bat, he references the shootings they were talking about and praising the acquittal.
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