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Full Version: Are the Jacksonville Jaguars next in line for relocation to London?
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Quote:Im bored and i want attention. Im gonna start a thread, " Are the New England Patriots moving to London "

Good one but it's hard to believe you thought of this all by yourself? Man don't be a jerk and if you don't like the discussion feel free to ignore it.
Jagz aint goin nowhere.

Quote:Its being reported that Shad is having a practice facility being built and i truly hope this isn't the first step of our team being ripped from us as a city.

He's also building an indoor practice facility in Jacksonville. 


It's as if the man is worth billions of dollars and is spending some of it to ensure his team has adequate practice facilities. 
Quote:Shad Khan is a legitimate billionaire who has far more to gain by making Jacksonville, a city many consider having no business being considered a major U.S. location, a legitimate football and economically sound town.

Look at the dudes history. He prides himself off doing the stuff people think is unlikely to impossible. He doesn't care about making a few xtra dollars in london. He's building the practice facility over there so he can corner a market and build a brand, all the while making money hand over fist, all the while owning the team from Jacksonville and only sacrificing 1 game a year, which a quarter of the league does already anyway. The man is absolutely nothing short of brilliant, business wise.

I might be wrong, but I'd bet heavy otherwise.

Khan has invested heavily in Jacksonville both directly impacting the team, and also in the city itself.  That will continue.


Quote:If Shad Khan wanted to move us to London, why is he building the 5,000 seat amphitheater here and trying to lure the combine/draft to Jacksonville? Why would he build the worlds largest video scoreboards and the nicest locker rooms in the NFL? He also had a verbal gentleman's agreement with the Weavers to not move the team. I think Khan is a man of his word and all these signs are pointing to him keeping the team in town and investing in the city. 



I think what Khan wants is for the Jaguars to be an international team. Home is always Duval but we have a lot of games overseas and we have a wider fan base.


The Bills seem like a good candidate to move. That stadium must be nearly 50 years old, buffalo is a small market, and it sucks. Maybe they can move to Toronto or something. 




Well, this kind of article won't allow hand wringers to grind.


Quote:I was watching ESPN and Ashley Foxx was discussing about the league's desire to put a team in London and they will vote on it in 2020. Its being reported that Shad is having a practice facility being built and i truly hope this isn't the first step of our team being ripped from us as a city. I love the NFL and most importantly, i love my team like a family member so it would break my heart if i have to suffer the same fate as a fan just like the citizens of San Diego, Oakland and St. Louis respectively. I hope someone on here can shed light on the latest reports and i truly hope that Shad is truly committed to the city of Jacksonville. If it's not this team Ashley Foxx referring to in her recent live report on Sportscenter then what other team being placed in London if that's the league desires in the near future? 

She has zero insight into which team it could be, or even if the league is fully committed to putting a team in London.  That much is clear, so all of the hand wringing your doing over this is pretty much wasted energy.
There is no way that the NFL could place one team in Europe.  It would be logistically impossible.  

Agree.  If only one team were in Europe, that team would have to fly to the United States and back basically every other week...not gonna happen.

Albert Breer (Peter King's MMQB (SI.com)) talked with an owner on the international committee, who made it clear that there is nothing on the immediate horizon, although they are certainly interested in London as a site. According to Clark Hunt (Kansas City owner) the most likely scenario would involve a team which has a bad stadium situation - a stadium that is in need of repairs, etc., and nothing is being done to solve the problem (just like in Oakland). It always seems to be a stadium issue that leads to relocation talk.


As of now Jacksonville / Khan are working together closely regarding stadium improvements/upkeep. If that situation changes we may have to worry. For now all indications are that the Jaguars are rooted in Jacksonville for the foreseeable future. 

Quote:Agree.  If only one team were in Europe, that team would have to fly to the United States and back basically every other week...not gonna happen.

The NFL is considering the possibility of playing games in London in blocks - i.e., three on, three off - something like that. Not impossible at all, if the NFL wants to do it.


They are a long way away - but if an owner has a bad situation at home and can make a bunch of money in London? - suddenly all things are possible.
Quote:There is no way that the NFL could place one team in Europe.  It would be logistically impossible.  
Agreed.  In addition, labor laws would be a nightmare to comply with, as well as taxation issues. 


There's so much to contend with that I doubt there's seriously going to be a team calling London home for a long, long time.


These analysts who suggest that the next team to relocate will be... don't have any factual basis for doing so. There's nothing that says there always has to be a team in the chamber for potential relocation.  History has proven that at least with the most recent relocations are strictly based on stadium issues.  Considering the manner in which EverBank has been updated and maintained, the one issue the Jaguars do not have is with their stadium or facilities.
Quote:There is no way that the NFL could place one team in Europe.  It would be logistically impossible.  

It's as if people don't actually think about HOW you could even have a team in London.
Quote:It's as if people don't actually think about HOW you could even have a team in London.
The media doesn't help matters with their ignorance on the subject.  They just assume some team is destined to relocate to London now that LA and Vegas have been allocated, and they dig into their shallow well of knowledge about potential relocation candidates and use nearly a decade old notion that the Jaguars are next on the list.  There's no logical reason to think this unless you're looking at it through the biased eyes of big market vs small market.
Quote:The media doesn't help matters with their ignorance on the subject.  They just assume some team is destined to relocate to London now that LA and Vegas have been allocated, and they dig into their shallow well of knowledge about potential relocation candidates and use nearly a decade old notion that the Jaguars are next on the list.  There's no logical reason to think this unless you're looking at it through the biased eyes of big market vs small market.

That is because their company handles all of their travel and they have no idea what it would be like to be a bottom of the roster player.  The cost to even work out a player would require Visa processes, Passports and tons of other logistic problems.


This article shows a realistic scenario


if Jags move to London, we all can kiss goodbye to our off-season championship hats and shirts. Ain't nobody trying to move to Europe and go back and forth between EU and US.

The streak will be ending 2020 Sad. LOL
I think just the thought of a team in London is horrendous.


Football to them is soccer let's just leave it that way

Here's a legitimate question:

How much longer until it's time to build a new stadium?

With the upgrades, I feel like the stadium is in good shape for quite a while longer. I was in Denver recently, and that stadium is trash comparatively for example.

Will Jacksonville be able to eat the majority cost of a new stadium when the time comes? That's another good question.

Either way, the Jags are definitely going to be here for the foreseeable future, and that's something we couldn't say 10 years ago.
Quote:I'm just gonna stop you there. 


I'm kidding, but you should know that network/website spins metric tons of manure constantly and makes Jacksonville their whipping boy whenever  NFL relocation comes up in the "news."  


Don't take it seriously.  It's "sports infotainment." 


If any of those who traffic in the "Jaguars to move to __________" rumors had any shred of integrity, they would have readily observed the Jaguars were NOT among the teams to apply to relocate to Los Angeles.  Had they any command of facts, they would know that stadiums are what drive relocation, and that the Jaguars have a very good stadium situation.


If we could begin imposing a monetary fee of 500 US dollars for starting a thread about moving to London. anywhere.


[Image: d26db99aee6c803f092f4da7330938d1_that-wo...0-418.jpeg]

Quote:Jags aren't moving to London.. North Korea maybe.. But definitely not London..

I can't imagine Jalen Ramsey playing for this dude.


[Image: 2013-08-01-02-01.jpg]
Quote:Here's a legitimate question:

How much longer until it's time to build a new stadium?

With the upgrades, I feel like the stadium is in good shape for quite a while longer. I was in Denver recently, and that stadium is trash comparatively for example.

Will Jacksonville be able to eat the majority cost of a new stadium when the time comes? That's another good question.

Either way, the Jags are definitely going to be here for the foreseeable future, and that's something we couldn't say 10 years ago.

We're decades from needing a new stadium.  The beauty of the current facility is the flexibility that they have to do upgrades to keep it current with other stadiums around the league, and in fact keep it among the better venues in the NFL.  The new amphitheater/practice facilities simply augment that fact as they expand the capabilities of the facility for events beyond game day, including potentially hosting the NFL draft, or other league related events in the future.


We'll cross that bridge when the time comes.  Since we're so far off from requiring a new facility, who eats the cost is irrelevant.
Could you imagine meeting Kim Jong Un?  I could only imagine how close I am to dying at any moment for the simplest mistake.

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