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Full Version: Are the Jacksonville Jaguars next in line for relocation to London?
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Quote:When is this "vote" scheduled?  You did say "when."


I can discuss when your murder trial will begin, but that doesn't make it real.  I guess we could discuss it, making it a "slight possibility" by your standards until it's disproven by not "being scheduled."
Nice try, but me being on a murder trial isn't a real thing. The NFL exploring London is....


I spoke of "when" because as you know there is not a set date on it. The topic the OP is speaking about is in 2020.
Quote:Nice try, but me being on a murder trial isn't a real thing. The NFL exploring London is....


I spoke of "when" because as you know there is not a set date on it. The topic the OP is speaking about is in 2020.
Yeah - but you were talking about some imaginary "vote" that likely will never happen.  Any real chance of it happening would come at a time when young members of this board are probably old and grey and guys like me are dead or dying. 


This league will have to expand greatly before the logistics of cross-continental travel on a weekly basis makes sense for teams - and it doesn't present a travel detriment to teams in the division of the London team(s.)


When they can expand by a full division spread about the UK and mainland Europe -  and each team can charter a super-sonic jet weekly - this NFL team based across the pond thing will start making sense.  


Right now it's a logistical nightmare. 
Quote:Nice try, but me being on a murder trial isn't a real thing. The NFL exploring London is....


I spoke of "when" because as you know there is not a set date on it. The topic the OP is speaking about is in 2020.

"Nice try"


More like: game, set, match.


There is no "when."  Neither is there a "when" for your murder trial.


The NFL has what it wants in London.  They have fans, and are selling tickets and merchandise.


Unlike NFL Europe, NFL teams are participating.


There's no logical fit for a resident team in London.


There's a better argument for a team in Mexico, before London.
Quote:Rico, cmon man, this doesnt mean much. Sure there are no stadium flashpoints on the near horizon.

The stadium issue is currently not an issue. But where will we be 5 years from now when NFL teams can start using London as leverage?

This is the whole point of my statements.

Breaking a lease is easy for owners to do. Especially if there are clauses in them.

I know you are thinking with your heart. But can you honestly say that you guarantee the Jags to be in JAX for another 15 years?

You need to be skeptical about this London thing.
Did you read the article? Specifically about teams having to 'open the books'. And as far as thinking with my heart...bullcrap. I think you're just assuming way...way...too much.
I think people should take Khan investing in facilities in London with a grain of salt.


In case some people have forgotten, Khan owns another major sports franchise that is already located in London that will make use of these facilities.

Quote:Yeah - but you were talking about some imaginary "vote" that likely will never happen.  Any real chance of it happening would come at a time when young members of this board are probably old and grey and guys like me are dead or dying. 


This league will have to expand greatly before the logistics of cross-continental travel on a weekly basis makes sense for teams - and it doesn't present a travel detriment to teams in the division of the London team(s.)


When they can expand by a full division spread about the UK and mainland Europe -  and each team can charter a super-sonic jet weekly - this NFL team based across the pond thing will start making sense.  


Right now it's a logistical nightmare. 
I understand. And I hope it never happens. I am aware about the logistical nightmare. I am aware about all the cons.

I am also aware that owners ONLY care about money and profitability. This is the point. 

It is going to be a discussion if we like it or not.

If Khan is not satisfied (which we can all agree that he currently is not) then he would be inclined to move.
(ignores the fact a home team in London would not be profitable)

Quote:I understand. And I hope it never happens. I am aware about the logistical nightmare. I am aware about all the cons.

I am also aware that owners ONLY care about money and profitability. This is the point.

It is going to be a discussion if we like it or not.

If Khan is not satisfied (which we can all agree that he currently is not) then he would be inclined to move.

He is clearly dissatisfied with what? The performance of the team? I think that's the only thing 'we all agree on'. That is a completely different subject.
Quote:(ignores the fact a home team in London would not be profitable)
Maybe I missed something here. Can you refer me to what you are speaking about?
Quote:Maybe I missed something here. Can you refer me to what you are speaking about?

I think you've discovered your problem.  You really haven't thought this through.  At all.
Quote:He is clearly dissatisfied with what? The performance of the team? I think that's the only thing 'we all agree on'. That is a completely different subject.

Honest questions here as I want to hear your opinion.


1) Why does Lamping always emphasize the importance to playing 1 home game in London annually when speaking about local revenue?

2) Why did Lamping have a slide in his presentation to show where Jacksonville ranks vs other NFL stadiums?
Quote:I think you've discovered your problem.  You really haven't thought this through.  At all.
There is a reason for discussion. It is to garner different views and see responses in a different light.


I am still waiting for your reasoning why a team in London wont be profitable. Please elaborate.
Quote:There is a reason for discussion. It is to garner different views and see responses in a different light.


I am still waiting for your reasoning why a team in London wont be profitable. Please elaborate.

If you aren't going to bother to do your own homework, I would suggest you listen to others instead of continuing to bringing fantasy to the "discussion."


It's not hard to do research.  All it takes is curiosity and the willingness to learn from others.


The NFL is losing money as is, even with sellouts.


Placing a full time team there would lose even more.


I don't understand how you struggle with this so mightily.


It's not an endeavor they are likely to find a viable financial solution for.  Ever.


But then, if you want to continue to overlook all the indicators that show why it's not viable, that's your prerogative.


[Image: psrez.jpg]
Quote:I understand. And I hope it never happens. I am aware about the logistical nightmare. I am aware about all the cons.

I am also aware that owners ONLY care about money and profitability. This is the point. 

It is going to be a discussion if we like it or not.

If Khan is not satisfied (which we can all agree that he currently is not) then he would be inclined to move.


What makes you think he's dissatisfied with anything other than the product on the field right now?  Are you saying that because the team sucks, he's going to move it? 

Honest questions here as I want to hear your opinion.


1) Why does Lamping always emphasize the importance to playing 1 home game in London annually when speaking about local revenue?

2) Why did Lamping have a slide in his presentation to show where Jacksonville ranks vs other NFL stadiums?
I'm not Rico, but I'll take a stab here.

  1. Because the Jaguars take a lion's share of the revenue for the game they host in London as the home team.  That includes everything from the gate to marketing opportunities.  They charge significantly more for the tickets, and have a larger inventory for that one game than they do at EverBank.  But, as I mentioned earlier in this thread, part of the "rabid" popularity of NFL football in London is the fact that it's a novelty.  If a team landed there permanently, that new car smell would go away very quickly, and if the team struggled, Londoners would most likely go back to the football they actually prefer.  The die hard population of NFL or even Jaguar fans isn't as embedded as some want to believe.
  2. Because revenue is important to the team in order to remain competitive.  Why did Lamping have multiple slides in the same presentation talking about how they intend to bolster the revenue stream locally?
Nobody is denying revenue is an important aspect of running an NFL franchise.  However, this is a side venture for the owner of the Jaguars, and not his primary source of income.  For Khan, owning an NFL franchise has more to do with being part of an exclusive club revolving around a sport he loves than it does being his primary revenue generator.    Not every owner is focused strictly on the bottom line.  The fact that the team has continued to remain profitable after enduring several years of mediocrity on the field is a testimony to the dedication of the fan base continuing to support the team even in the down years.  London helps keep the team in the green.

Quote:What makes you think he's dissatisfied with anything other than the product on the field right now?  Are you saying that because the team sucks, he's going to move it? 

I think "we can all agree" that the increase in value of the franchise (paid $770M, currently valued at $1.95B) has made him quite happy and satisfied with his Jacksonville purchase.  As you've pointed out, he's only expressed dissatisfaction with wins and losses.
Quote:I think "we can all agree" that the increase in value of the franchise (paid $770M, currently valued at $1.95B) has made him quite happy and satisfied with his Jacksonville purchase.  As you've pointed out, he's only expressed dissatisfaction with wins and losses.

Well, last time I checked, the product on the field would only be a factor in relocation if the fan base collectively demanded the team leave, and stopped showing up for games because the team stinks.  I don't recall seeing that happen.
Jacksonville is one of the fastest growing markets in the country. It also was before the Great Recession as well. If the team didn't move in the last 5 years I'm confident they won't be moving anytime soon. Our stadium has a much longer shelf life than 5 years. Sure we'll revisit this in 15 years when the stadium is showing its age and if the unfortunate event occurs that we're dealing with incompetence at city hall leading up to that time frame. Florida is a desirable place to move to for weather, finances or otherwise and it will be for the foreseeable future. This desire to get worked up over this given the actual information that's out there is a little over the top.

Honest questions here as I want to hear your opinion.

1) Why does Lamping always emphasize the importance to playing 1 home game in London annually when speaking about local revenue?

2) Why did Lamping have a slide in his presentation to show where Jacksonville ranks vs other NFL stadiums?

Listen, you have yourself convinced that it's something to be concerned about. I think you're blowing it way out of proportion. Knock yourself out.
Men who spend billions on what boils down to hobbies for them are not concerned about profit and loss at that point. Period.

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