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This is sad regardless of your political leanings. I did not agree with the majority of his positions and sometimes despised things he has said but I respect his convictions to his principals.

One of my favorite quotes is one his.

"A bill of rights that means what the majority wants it to mean is worthless"
Quote:Yes we should all wait to see what the guy who has [BAD WORD REMOVED] on the constitution his entire term nominates. A president that has openly said he sees the constitution as a restriction on the way he thinks government should work, yea I want the Senate to block him. Then just pray like hell we don't have a socialist, trump or Clinton picking the next 3 justices.

The longest confirmation process from nomination to resolution was Brandeis at 125 days.  Obama has 342 days left.  That anyone, including Mitch McConnell is saying the next president should make this choice is asinine.
Quote:The longest confirmation process from nomination to resolution was Brandeis at 125 days. Obama has 342 days left. That anyone, including Mitch McConnell is saying the next president should make this choice is asinine.

Well here's to breaking records. Count me as one who wants to see that record broken
Quote:True colors showing. Defend the Constitution above all..   until this happens and a representative of your party ISN'T sitting in the White House.   Now you want the Senate to block Obama's ability to name a replacement.  Scalia's body isn't even cold yet and you want to take a dump on his legacy.  Scalia would demand the sitting president name the new justice.  The Constitution requires it.


True patriots here. If I could give you all American flag lapel pins, I would.
I am sure your tune would be different if you thought that the supreme court would shift towards being even more conservative. 


Everyone tries to look out for their interests. Sorry, buddy. It is just the truth. I value gun rights and having the deck stacked against them is not something I look forward to. I won't say that the GOP should pull some underhanded stuff to delay the appointment but I can't say I am overly excited to have President Obama being the one making the call.
Presidents should not be appointing Supreme Court Justices to the position.

Period. End of story.
Quote:Presidents should not be appointing Supreme Court Justices to the position.

Period. End of story.

And what's your better idea for how Supreme Court Justices get the job?  Elections? That's one of the problems with our justice system as it is.  Judges should NOT be an elected position.  That just puts even more politics into the system than there is already.  
Quote:And what's your better idea for how Supreme Court Justices get the job?  Elections? That's one of the problems with our justice system as it is.  Judges should NOT be an elected position.  That just puts even more politics into the system than there is already.

And the current selection process is completely without politics? GMAB. The problem with our entire political system is that it's not about or for We the People, it's about who has the most lobbyists, campaign money and corporate America in their pockets. The People haven't been a true factor nor beneficiary of our government and political "leaders" in decades.

So yeas, the system is broken but it's broken on all fronts.
Quote:Presidents should not be appointing Supreme Court Justices to the position.

Period. End of story.

They should also have term limits. One thing the founders got completely wrong.
The President selects, Congress vetts, and the Judiciary remains independent. The system works fine.
Quote:The President selects, Congress vetts, and the Judiciary remains independent. The system works fine.

The system does not work fine when both the President and congress are controlled by a single party. This is why we have proven leftists Sotomayor and Kagan as justices for the next 50+ years, maybe longer considering medical advances.
Quote:The system does not work fine when both the President and congress are controlled by a single party. This is why we have proven leftists Sotomayor and Kagan as justices for the next 50+ years, maybe longer considering medical advances.

Elections have consequences. Just because you lost doesn't mean the system is flawed.
Quote:Elections have consequences. Just because you lost doesn't mean the system is flawed.

Just because you lose an election shouldn't mean you lose the ability to assign bi-partisan justices. This is a republic, not a mob-rule democracy.
Quote:They should also have term limits. One thing the founders got completely wrong.


    My guess is the founders didn't anticipate life expectancy being much higher than it was in the late 18th Century.


    I completely agree with you that term limits are needed for Supreme Court Justices.   The same regarding those that serve in Congress.
Very sad news.  My thoughts and prayers are with the family of Justice Scalia.

2008 - Obama's gonna take away your guns.

2009 - Obama's gonna take away your guns.

2010 - Obama's gonna take away your guns.

2011 - Obama's gonna take away your guns.

2012 - Obama's gonna take away your guns.

2013 - Obama's gonna take away your guns.

2014 - Obama's gonna take away your guns.

2015 - Obama's gonna take away your guns.

2016 - Obama's gonna take away your guns.

Imagine if people believed in climate change like they believe in this boogeyman. America may run out of potable water and breathable air, but even before LaPierre's campaign of fear I would have said we will never run out of guns. For many, a little blue pill isn't enough compensation.
Quote:Well here's to breaking records. Count me as one who wants to see that record broken

When Jefferson said the government is best which governs least, I don't think he meant they are so ineffective at their jobs they are doing less for the people or move at the same pace as a glacier. This is what we have had, and you promote the idea our government should slow things further. Idiocracy.
If jefferson saw our current tax system he would lead a second revolution.
Quote:2008 - Obama's gonna take away your guns.

2009 - Obama's gonna take away your guns.

2010 - Obama's gonna take away your guns.

2011 - Obama's gonna take away your guns.

2012 - Obama's gonna take away your guns.

2013 - Obama's gonna take away your guns.

2014 - Obama's gonna take away your guns.

2015 - Obama's gonna take away your guns.

2016 - Obama's gonna take away your guns.

Imagine if people believed in climate change like they believe in this boogeyman. America may run out of potable water and breathable air, but even before LaPierre's campaign of fear I would have said we will never run out of guns. For many, a little blue pill isn't enough compensation.

It won't be Obama. It will be the next person up. There were attempts made on 2nd Am rights but due to Scalia they would end in 5-4 votes that were in favor of gun rights. That doesn't bode well down the line.
Oh and I completely believe in climate change and needing to make sure we have sound environmental laws. I live in WV and got a taste of what Flint is going through because our state EPA gave coal companies a pass on following the laws on the books.
Quote:When Jefferson said the government is best which governs least, I don't think he meant they are so ineffective at their jobs they are doing less for the people or move at the same pace as a glacier. This is what we have had, and you promote the idea our government should slow things further. Idiocracy.

By any means necessary I support impeading the federal government at all levels. But I'm always told this congress gets nothing done and I'm curious what is it that you've been hoping for that hadn't been done?
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