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Quote:I was aware of the rule about felons but not domestic violence. Never heard that before. That's a good thing. I am trying to clarify which criminals we are talking about tho. Point being it seems there could be more done on the front end before they use the gun to become a criminal. And it is much less about taking guns from legal owners and much moreso about restricting who can become a legal owner before they become a criminal.
Criminals are those who have already committed a crime, whether they've been caught or not. Those who have a specific kind of record should not be allowed to purchase and own firearms. Period. And if they already own a firearm and commit a crime that nullifies them from being able to own one then what they have should be confiscated.


You want your rights then don't commit crimes that take them away from you. No one took those rights away from you, you did when you committed the crime.
Quote:Good question. One option might be a medical screening. There could be a check done to see if are actively taking anti-psychotic medication. Cross check that with members of the household too. Sandy hook comes to mind. That kid should never been allowed to have access to guns.

The Sandy Hook Shooter got his weapon from his mother.  Which is part of the reason we need gun licensing.  I know everyone will disagree with me here, but if you want to own a gun you should be required to pass a safety test.   If you don't know how to store a weapon properly, then you shouldn't be owning one.  There's too many accidental shootings.  
Quote:The Sandy Hook Shooter got his weapon from his mother.  Which is part of the reason we need gun licensing.  I know everyone will disagree with me here, but if you want to own a gun you should be required to pass a safety test.   If you don't know how to store a weapon properly, then you shouldn't be owning one.  There's too many accidental shootings.  

Hmm... that sounds to me like education is needed for a gun-buying public.  Should that education be free?  Should the proper handling and storage of firearms perhaps be taught in school?  I know that's where I got my education regarding firearms.  My education happened at the 5th grade level and was voluntary.
Quote:Hmm... that sounds to me like education is needed for a gun-buying public.  Should that education be free?  Should the proper handling and storage of firearms perhaps be taught in school?  I know that's where I got my education regarding firearms.  My education happened at the 5th grade level and was voluntary.

That brings a whole new meaning to calling public schools "government indoctrination centers".
On the other side what's the point of locking guns up? Apparently you may need them at any moment due to all the people trying to murder you in home invasions?
Quote:On the other side what's the point of locking guns up? Apparently you may need them at any moment due to all the people trying to murder you in home invasions?

Yes, your gun should not be a minute away if you have seconds to live.
Quote:Should the proper handling and storage of firearms perhaps be taught in school? I know that's where I got my education regarding firearms. My education happened at the 5th grade level and was voluntary.
Are you trying to increase school shootings by 5000%? Because that's how you increase school shootings by 5000%.

Also, no. If funding isn't available for the arts and physical education, no [BLEEP] way should money go towards gun safety classes.
I'm for radically changing our education system. I talked about here before but I read a study one time where they had this school plan where they started younger kindergarden was at 4 and they did all their elementary studies by 10 from 11 to 16 it was focused on core studies history language math and science and they where done with highschool at 16. From 16 to 18 it was either vocational training or local community colleges to complete their AA they got the kids done earlier by cutting out extra stuff like art music and sports.
Quote:Are you trying to increase school shootings by 5000%? Because that's how you increase school shootings by 5000%.

Also, no. If funding isn't available for the arts and physical education, no [BAD WORD REMOVED] way should money go towards gun safety classes.

Except that school shootings went up when guns were taken out.

And there's more than enough funding for comprehensive secondary education, it's simply controled by people with no skills at managing it.
Quote:I'm for radically changing our education system. I talked about here before but I read a study one time where they had this school plan where they started younger kindergarden was at 4 and they did all their elementary studies by 10 from 11 to 16 it was focused on core studies history language math and science and they where done with highschool at 16. From 16 to 18 it was either vocational training or local community colleges to complete their AA they got the kids done earlier by cutting out extra stuff like art music and sports.

Art, music and sports create educated and well rounded individuals. We need more of those opportoonies, not less.
Quote:Except that school shootings went up when guns were taken out.

And there's more than enough funding for comprehensive secondary education, it's simply controled by people with no skills at managing it.
The first part was more facetious on my part than anything else. I still don't think that keeping a bunch of guns locked up on campus somewhere, even disabled weapons, is a good idea. I also think it would be a complete waste of money in a public school system that already wastes enough money.


Quote:Art, music and sports create educated and well rounded individuals. We need more of those opportoonies, not less.
Agreed 100%. I like Eric's ideas on altering education to a point, and that point comes when art, music and sports are removed from the curriculum. Beyond that, I do like the idea of focusing on core competencies from K-8, more specialized educational paths in 9th & 10th grade based upon what the student wants to do in life, and 11th & 12th grade being dedicated to career prep, trade school, getting an AA or college prep.
Quote:Are you trying to increase school shootings by 5000%? Because that's how you increase school shootings by 5000%.

Also, no. If funding isn't available for the arts and physical education, no [BAD WORD REMOVED] way should money go towards gun safety classes.

I don't think it's a bad idea to teach gun safety in school.  You don't need physical guns to actually teach safety precautions with them.  

Of course I also think our education system should be well funded.  And I don't think school should be exclusively about preparing people for a job.  A well educated populace is a free populace.  
Quote:Criminals are those who have already committed a crime, whether they've been caught or not. Those who have a specific kind of record should not be allowed to purchase and own firearms. Period. And if they already own a firearm and commit a crime that nullifies them from being able to own one then what they have should be confiscated.


You want your rights then don't commit crimes that take them away from you. No one took those rights away from you, you did when you committed the crime.
I am sure that will stop the bad guys from getting their hands on whatever they want. They wouldn't steal or anything.
Quote:The longest confirmation process from nomination to resolution was Brandeis at 125 days.  Obama has 342 days left.  That anyone, including Mitch McConnell is saying the next president should make this choice is asinine.
Oh really? Then what are your thoughts on Obama regarding this? He tried to filibuster George W. Bush's nominee in 2007. His rational? "a bad addition to the supreme court". Oh, and Bush still had 19 months in office.
Quote:Oh really? Then what are your thoughts on Obama regarding this? He tried to filibuster George W. Bush's nominee in 2007. His rational? "a bad addition to the supreme court". Oh, and Bush still had 19 months in office.
Yes, but Obama's rationale was that Alito was not a good choice.  He wasn't stalling until the next president was elected so that the next president would get Bush's appointment.


McConnell's rationale is purely political, and we'd all be better served if he just admitted such.
Quote:Yes, but Obama's rationale was that Alito was not a good choice.  He wasn't stalling until the next president was elected so that the next president would get Bush's appointment.


McConnell's rationale is purely political, and we'd all be better served if he just admitted such.
And you think Obama's reasoning had no political tone to it? Democrats, Obama included, at the time said that NO Bush appointee should be approved. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Quote: Democrats, Obama included, at the time said that NO Bush appointee should be approved. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

I was there, don't remember that at all.


Find me the link, and I'll concede the point, but at least there was a named Bush appointee that Obama had reservations about.  In our current situation, there hasn't been a nomination and the Senate leader is already saying he won't do what the Constitution demands.
Quote:That brings a whole new meaning to calling public schools "government indoctrination centers".
Quote:Are you trying to increase school shootings by 5000%? Because that's how you increase school shootings by 5000%.

Also, no. If funding isn't available for the arts and physical education, no [BAD WORD REMOVED] way should money go towards gun safety classes.

The program was actually voluntary and after school.  If I remember right, my parents paid for it which was a very small fee at the time.  It was called a Hunter's Safety Course which dealt with not only hunting rifles/shotguns, but also the proper use, maintenance and storage of handguns.  We went through several hours of instruction on how to use the weapons, how to clean them, how to properly and safely store/transport them etc.  At the end of the class, I was able to get a hunting license at the age of 10.


What gets me is the fact that "education" is only centered around certain topics/courses rather than real-life.


To get back on topic, President Obama does need to appoint a new justice.  Like it or not, that's his duty regardless if this is an election year.  That being said, he does need to appoint a better qualified candidate than his last two appointments (Kagan and Sotomayor).  Although both of them have impressive qualifications, they both were obviously and clearly partisan candidates.  Another appointment such as Kennedy is the right choice to make.  It needs to be someone as close to the center on the political spectrum as possible.  Anything other than that and the congressional republicans should actually block the nomination.


Those on the left will agree with me that President Obama should appoint someone into the position.


Those on the right will disagree, but there is nothing to back that argument up.
Quote:I was there, don't remember that at all.

Find me the link, and I'll concede the point, but at least there was a named Bush appointee that Obama had reservations about. In our current situation, there hasn't been a nomination and the Senate leader is already saying he won't do what the Constitution demands.

The constitution doesnt demand the senate confirm his nominee.
Quote:The constitution doesnt demand the senate confirm his nominee.

Nor does it establish a timeline or process for doing so.
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