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Quote:You know, I want to retract that----when you have a President with this mentality, you can see that the mentality of the gun faction:







I can see that---that can lead to some really quick evaporation of rights.  REAL quick.  You can see through the intent of that statement.


Just trying to scare us when we have all of these gun crimes happening.

Point taken, but is there no reasonable limit? If an AK-47 is allowed, why not a 50 caliber mounted on a tripod?


Is any line drawn in the sand a threat to a constitutional right?
Quote:Nobody has ever said we shouldn't be allowed to purchase guns to protect our homes. But that's the narrative you are buying. Which is why gun sales are at all time highs. Unfortunately, all the other collateral damage that comes with having so many guns is also trending upwards.

What the heck? Do you seriously not know what the laws in DC, Chicago, and California said about hand gun ownership? How can you say no one is talking about doing it when it took a USSC decision to stop them from doing it?
Quote:Point taken, but is there no reasonable limit? If an AK-47 is allowed, why not a 50 caliber mounted on a tripod?

Is any line drawn in the sand a threat to a constitutional right?
No, every line is a potential threat whether we are talking about guns, words or activities. That's why my first response to more government power or less freedom is ALWAYS reject it. Otherwise you end up with Oklahomies "your rights are just agenda items the government hasn't gotten around to regulating yet" shtick.
Quote:Point taken, but is there no reasonable limit? If an AK-47 is allowed, why not a 50 caliber mounted on a tripod?


Is any line drawn in the sand a threat to a constitutional right?


I forgot to mention who said that:





Very insane liberal known attacker of conservative gun rights.



I'll save a spot in my bunker for you.
Quote:Who's going to enforce martial law? The folks in uniform who are our brothers, sisters, sons and daughters? It will never happen. In the almost impossible event the government ever imposed nationwide martial law, it would be enforceable for only a short while before mutiny upset it. Military folks aren't robots, Eric.

It's happened everywhere else in the world at some point
Quote:As long as you pass the background check, what has Obama or the SCOTUS done to endanger your right to own a gun?
Seriously? All Obama and the democrats talk about is gun control. And it never targets the criminals, just those of us who legally own.
Quote:Seriously? All Obama and the democrats talk about is gun control. And it never targets the criminals, just those of us who legally own.

All gun control is gonna do is take away our rights. Criminals will end up with banned weapons anyway simply because they're criminals. Its what they do.

Is Obama simply THAT STUPID to think that criminals are going to follow the rules? Jeez that guy and anyone who buys into his load of crap is as brain dead as he is..
RIP Justice Scalia.  Should you be looking down on us, you'll no doubt be laughing at some of the tricky political positions that you've put the Senate in.


Presidential candidates who have been saying President Obama has not been doing his job are now calling for him to ignore the Constitution and not do his job, which is to nominate a replacement.  11 months is apparently not enough time to confirm one.


So the Senate will obstruct the nomination of next Supreme Court justice, effectively making the US public elect the next justice this fall when they choose which party to vote for.  Which is exactly what the framers of the Constitution DIDN'T want.


Justice Scalia would have loved the irony.

Quote:Seriously? All Obama and the democrats talk about is gun control. And it never targets the criminals, just those of us who legally own.

Don't forget Ron. He thought the same way.

Dang liberal.
Quote:It's happened everywhere else in the world at some point

In a free and open democracy for an extended period of time? I think you're reaching.

Quote:It's happened everywhere else in the world at some point
And the fact that people don't believe it can happen here are not paying attention. Just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean it won't. I'm not super freaked about it but I don't have my head stuck in the sand about it either. 
Quote:Seriously? All Obama and the democrats talk about is gun control. And it never targets the criminals, just those of us who legally own.

You are a law abiding citizen who obtained a gun legally. Short of the AK47 scenario, he has not threatened your right to own a firearm.
Quote:And the fact that people don't believe it can happen here are not paying attention. Just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean it won't. I'm not super freaked about it but I don't have my head stuck in the sand about it either. 

Under what scenario could it happen here?
Quote:No, every line is a potential threat whether we are talking about guns, words or activities. That's why my first response to more government power or less freedom is ALWAYS reject it. Otherwise you end up with Oklahomies "your rights are just agenda items the government hasn't gotten around to regulating yet" shtick.

In that case, you are rejecting every law ever proposed.
Quote:In a free and open democracy for an extended period of time? I think you're reaching.

Just takes the right crisis. I hope you're right, but everything I've observed is the American populace will enlarge trade rights for security, they sometimes think it might only be temporary but more times than not temporary becomes permanent. It's a long way to think we would have marshal law as you see in the movies, but a soft kill or gradual martial law is already happening. 20 years ago few of us would have believed we'd accept the compromises we see as a normal way of life today.
Quote:Just takes the right crisis. I hope you're right, but everything I've observed is the American populace will enlarge trade rights for security, they sometimes think it might only be temporary but more times than not temporary becomes permanent. It's a long way to think we would have marshal law as you see in the movies, but a soft kill or gradual martial law is already happening. 20 years ago few of us would have believed we'd accept the compromises we see as a normal way of life today.

I don't see the compromises you're alluding to. I live my life as open and unhindered as I did 20 years ago. Security is a lot tighter going through airports, but otherwise I still live well within my constitutional protections. There are no black helicopters and cadres of secret government agencies and operatives working to enslave the American people. Regardless of political stripe, there is one characteristic that all Americans share - we want to be free. Even the people who are accused of colluding to usurp our rights. It's very important to not allow the fringes to set the narrative. The truth is always in the middle.
Quote:In that case, you are rejecting every law ever proposed.

Yes, and? For someone's preference to be codified as law it should pass the most stringent test of neccesity.
Quote:I don't see the compromises you're alluding to. I live my life as open and unhindered as I did 20 years ago. Security is a lot tighter going through airports, but otherwise I still live well within my constitutional protections. There are no black helicopters and cadres of secret government agencies and operatives working to enslave the American people. Regardless of political stripe, there is one characteristic that all Americans share - we want to be free. Even the people who are accused of colluding to usurp our rights. It's very important to not allow the fringes to set the narrative. The truth is always in the middle.

Ever heard of a "free speech zone"?

A d no, the Gray Zone Fallacy is just a fallacy.
Scalia found dead with 'pillow over his head'

<div>Since Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead in his resort hotel room at Cibolo Creek Creek Ranch on Saturday, questions have been flying about the immediate declaration of “natural causes” as the means of death.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/02/scalia-found-...gJz4sXD.99

I think it is great that people are willing to stand up against alleged abuse by the government. Problem is, I think that so many people are so sure that everything the people in government do is a step towards totalitarianusm, that they make a giant deal of every little thing.

I mean, I constantly read things like Jefferson would be outraged. Jefferson , the strict constitutional constructionist, ignored it when he wanted to buy Louisiana. Adams ignored it. Andrew Jackson, ignored the constitution, like, all of it. Lincoln, who by the way, is widely considered the greatest president, wiped his backside with the Constitution. I don't think they should have broken the law, but, if these American legends stepped over the line, in the manner they did, and America persisted, I am sure America can survive another Obama appointment.
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