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My wife and I will be there. Hopefully, if some people cancel in the SEZ that gives us a chance to move to better seats. 

If I didn't live in California I'd have season tickets for sure. I've considered buying them in the past just as support but have not.
Quote:I won't renew my NFL Game Pass next season unless I'm employed. I just don't have the money to spend on this sort of thing. Too many medical bills and other stuff for a one income household. And it's not even due to Gus, though that's not helping. 

That to me sounds more of a personal fiance problem rather than a lack of loyalty towards your favorite team due to the Head Coach remaining because you stated unless I'm employed.   The team personally doesn't gain much from the NFL game pass which revenues are shared among the 32 teams, but if you weren't purchasing season tickets that directly effects them and them alone.
Quote:If you aren't happy, cancel them all. There are plenty of good cheap seats to individual games available and your season tix will still be available when you finally want to renew.

Show your displeasure the only way fans can.

Well, I thought about doing that, but the fact that I've been a season ticket holder since the beginning prevents me from doing that......for now. How the team responds to the situation in 2016 will determine whether I remain a season ticket holder.
Quote:I don't have any real friends either.  All my friends are in cyber space.  I kind of like it that way.

Lots of friends.......very few gluttons for punishment.
Quote:My season tickets have been renewed for 20+ years, and will continue to be renewed regardless of who the coach is, who the owner is, who is on the field, how big the screens are, how unique the pools are, or how cold the water fountains are.  I've been a Jags fan from the start.  I'll be so until the end.  Not renewing tickets thinking that's going to send the team a message may seem sensible to some, but as the team turns the corner and continues to improve, the tickets are going to become more difficult to get, and more expensive.  In the meantime, it's still the NFL, and we're still given the gift of being able to see football played at the highest level possible.  The city was awarded the franchise.  The city earned the opportunity to host an NFL franchise, and regardless of wins or losses, it's still a privilege for a city to have an NFL team.  I'll support it until I physically am unable to do so.


I too have been a STH since 1995, and I've been telling people now is the time to get STH.


We actually have a good young QB prospect who was second in the league in TDs.


We have at least two good young receivers.  One of which is the team's first drafted Pro Bowler (for us) since MJD.


Playing in the same offense another year with another year's experience playing together should only make them better.


The board as a whole went crazy after that 2014 draft.  Most outside observers lauded us for that draft.  Hell, even TMD loved that draft.  Now, that 2014 draft class is showing why the reaction was the way it was.  It's not just myopic homerism.  The first from that class made the Pro Bowl, and several others would have gotten pro bowl nods if the team as a whole was better and a little more experienced.  We followed it up with what appears to be a good 2015 draft, which might get even better if Fowler is what the team thought he would be.


The team has a ton of cap money to spend on free agents, and with the team's burgeoning reputation of being willing to spend and a team on the rise with a good young QB, it's going to be attractive to more free agents.


If Caldwell hits on a defensive version of that 2014 draft along with some good free agents, the talent level here will reach a tipping point where, even if you think Bradley isn't the guy, he could only mess things up so much.  Even Barry Switzer won a Super Bowl with a talented team.  Even Rich Kotite got a team to the playoffs.


The time is returning soon where people will be outside the stadium in droves bugging you to see if you have any tickets to sell, and you will smile inside knowing you aren't that desperate guy because you already have your seats.  It already started happening late this year for me.


If you want to witness this team's ascent live and in person in the future, now is not the time to give up your seats if circumstances allow you to keep them.



I too have been a STH since 1995, and I've been telling people now is the time to get STH.


We actually have a good young QB prospect who was second in the league in TDs.


We have at least two good young receivers.  One of which is the team's first drafted Pro Bowler (for us) since MJD.


Playing in the same offense another year with another year's experience playing together should only make them better.


The board as a whole went crazy after that 2014 draft.  Most outside observers lauded us for that draft.  Hell, even TMD loved that draft.  Now, that 2014 draft class is showing why the reaction was the way it was.  It's not just myopic homerism.  The first from that class made the Pro Bowl, and several others would have gotten pro bowl nods if the team as a whole was better and a little more experienced.  We followed it up with what appears to be a good 2015 draft, which might get even better if Fowler is what the team thought he would be.


The team has a ton of cap money to spend on free agents, and with the team's burgeoning reputation of being willing to spend and a team on the rise with a good young QB, it's going to be attractive to more free agents.


If Caldwell hits on a defensive version of that 2014 draft along with some good free agents, the talent level here will reach a tipping point where, even if you think Bradley isn't the guy, he could only mess things up so much.  Even Barry Switzer won a Super Bowl with a talented team.  Even Rich Kotite got a team to the playoffs.


The time is returning soon where people will be outside the stadium in droves bugging you to see if you have any tickets to sell, and you will smile inside knowing you aren't that desperate guy because you already have your seats.  It already started happening late this year for me.


If you want to witness this team's ascent live and in person in the future, now is not the time to give up your seats if circumstances allow you to keep them.

I agree........which is why I'm holding on to 2 tickets........Look, after 20 years and some $ 80,000 of my hard earned money, my sitting in searing heat and humidity, through rain and freezing cold, I don't think I owe anybody an explanation . It's time that the team started rewarding loyal fans like me with results on the field.
Quote:I agree........which is why I'm holding on to 2 tickets........Look, after 20 years and some $ 80,000 of my hard earned money, my sitting in searing heat and humidity, through rain and freezing cold, I don't think I owe anybody an explanation . It's time that the team started rewarding loyal fans like me with results on the field.
Of course you owe no explanations to anyone regarding your season tickets.


I agree it's long past time the team started winning.  The way I see it, we are 16 years overdue for one of those big shiny trophies they give to the league's best team.


But I don't think they days we seriously contend for one of those trophies are too far away.
I didn't renew this last season for a couple of personal reasons, but I'm sure not enticed to renew for next season.
I will renew mine

I'm boycotting the hotdogs!!!
I wasn't being selfish and suggesting only I be the one getting a discount.

I was proposing everyone that's held a ST the last 2 years get something for their support of the team.

Even a token or one free beer every game per ticket......something would be classy.


Wish I had the money some of you do....but I don't.

Many of the posts in this thread certainly lend credence to the adage 'Hope springs eternal'. For me, the sear of skepticism burns deep. Especially after the last game.

(sigh) The arduous journey of a Jags fan trundles on.
I'd love to have ST. I contimplated it last year. But I have 2 babies right now and I don't get out of my job until 12:30 on Sundays. Maybe next year when the kids are a bit older.

While watching your team lose sucks, I enjoy the exciting atmosphere.
Quote:I'd love to have ST. I contimplated it last year. But I have 2 babies right now and I don't get out of my job until 12:30 on Sundays. Maybe next year when the kids are a bit older.

While watching your team lose sucks, I enjoy the exciting atmosphere.

I hear God is a Jags fan. What better allegory for steadfastness of faith in times of trial and tribulation exists?

Start service an hour earlier, He'll understand. Wink
Quote:I don't live in Florida.

I find it funny that the people that put $0 into season tickets are the ones that are typically most critical.
Quote:I hear God is a Jags fan. What better allegory for steadfastness of faith in times of trial and tribulation exists?

Start service an hour earlier, He'll understand. Wink

So the Jags are Job then? It makes sense that the last several years are the outcome of a cosmic bet.  :thumbsup:
I'm debating my season tickets.  I've had my tickets for 10 years now and before that my parents had them.  Is a bit of it frustration with Gus being retained?  Yes.  Is it more frustration of watching lackluster football week after week?  Yes. 


The money, and especially time, that goes into the Jaguars games takes away time from my son. 


I've had this back and forth now a couple times here....I will be in my seat again come preseason next season, I just can't stay away.

Quote:I find it funny that the people that put $0 into season tickets are the ones that are typically most critical.
I'm glad you find that funny.

If it makes you feel better, I had ST when I did live in Jax.

...perhaps you didn't read the other posts I've made in this thread. Not sure how critical I was. As stated before I took the OP the wrong way. Or am I not allowed to have an opinion since I no longer live there?
Quote:With the abundance of Fire Gus threads. The clear disappointment that Khan didn't fire him. The team going nowhere and heading in the wrong direction opinions.

I was curious. How many here will not renew their tickets next year because of this?

How many will not purchase tickets because of Gus still being the coach.
Willing to bet half of the crowd on here that complains non stop don't even have season tickets.
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