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Full Version: Who won't renew tix?
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I haven't had season tickets since Blame Gabbert was drafted. I also don't plan on getting them again until we prove that we're a competent team on both sides of the ball... If we're able to pick some exciting  players in the draft and land some key FA's for defense, I might reconsider. 

We will renew this season , We have nothing but good times when we drive down from NE Alabama for the games. Its a great weekend getaway for us even though we travel 1000 miles round trip , It also gives the wife and I a lot of time together as during the week with our jobs we don't get to spend the quality time together.


As for the games , We have club seats on the visitors side in section 236 on the 45 yard line I would not hesitate to say the view is one of the best possible for this stadium.


When we come down we usually soak up the sun in the Fernandina Beach area. If someone knows of a better area please let us know , As we like to roam to different areas to visit. 


We are also in the E parking lot , So if anyone nearby that area ,  we would love to meet some fans and tailgate.

You know, I do think that it is special those of us that have stuck it through.

Does it actually make us BETTER fans.....maybe, not sure how you'd measure that.

If you made a decision to not be a season ticket holder, or finances or circumstances made that decision for you, I can get that, anyone can.

But I really believe it will be a select amount of fans that will know how special it is to have sucked it up, persevered, found a way, and endures some bad bad times and a few really amazing moments mixed in.

I'm still mad about missing that one game since I moved here a decade and 1/2 ago, and they had to take 4" of intestines out for that to happen.

I can't imagine how amazing it would be to be a Day One fan.

Now THAT is making a STATEMENT.
Quote:I haven't had season tickets since Blame Gabbert was drafted. I also don't plan on getting them again until we prove that we're a competent team on both sides of the ball... If we're able to pick some exciting  players in the draft and land some key FA's for defense, I might reconsider. 

This explains quite a lot.  Everything, actually.
Quote:This explains quite a lot.  Everything, actually.

I can understand someone not renewing for economic reasons.  But the decision rests solely on success/lack of success and not passion for the team?


Let me guess... you have UF tickets you won't give up no matter what.  Amirite?
Quote:I haven't had season tickets since Blame Gabbert was drafted. I also don't plan on getting them again until we prove that we're a competent team on both sides of the ball... If we're able to pick some exciting  players in the draft and land some key FA's for defense, I might reconsider.

There a patriots and steelers fans who watched their team suck for 3 decades before they became dominant. I'm sure they both have tons of fans like yourself.

Fact is, none of us care much about whether or not you renew. Come time for the team to start winning games, we will know who the bandwagoners are and who the diehards are. It's not bad being a bandwagon fan when the team sucks; I don't think you'll enjoy it as much as I do when the team is good, however.
Quote:For the record, I am not cancelling my season tickets because Gus was retained nor due to financial reasons. Actually, none of the reasons you named in health, work, finances, or social aspects made my decision for me. The sheer fact that I would spend an entire Sunday (tailgate, game, recovery, hangover) and come home feeling like I just paid someone to kick me in the junk is the main driving factor of not renewing.
This was my debate. Call me fairweather but, spending $500+ a weekend to get kicked in the jimmy sucks.


Everyone knows the definition of insanity....however I'm in for another season. 
Quote:I can understand someone not renewing for economic reasons.  But the decision rests solely on success/lack of success and not passion for the team?


Let me guess... you have UF tickets you won't give up no matter what.  Amirite?
I still go to a couple games every season, but why would I consistently spend my hard earned money for a gut punch? Eventually you feel betrayed at the fact that you spend money and try to support them, but they don't give anything in return. All they give you is disappointment, a headache, and a ton of traffic on the way home... 


Now I'm leaning closer and closer to getting season tickets again to support our young guys, cause you know, they're actually exciting to watch in person - but I want to see how next season plays out first. I'll be there for the opener and the prime time game, but that'll probably be it. And as for the Gators, I haven't been to the Swamp in about 10 years. So no, you aren't right.
Quote:There a patriots and steelers fans who watched their team suck for 3 decades before they became dominant. I'm sure they both have tons of fans like yourself.

Fact is, none of us care much about whether or not you renew. Come time for the team to start winning games, we will know who the bandwagoners are and who the diehards are. It's not bad being a bandwagon fan when the team sucks; I don't think you'll enjoy it as much as I do when the team is good, however.
If I was a bandwagon fan I wouldn't be on this forum and I wouldn't waste my time watching them lose every Sunday. Haha, its funny cause I was a season ticket holder since 1999 - 2011 and I'm being told I'm a bandwagon fan because I didn't join in on the "fun" the past 4 seasons.
Posting on this forum doesn't make you a diehard, and that much should be obvious. Sitting in that wretched stadium, paying $9 for a beer, and screaming for your team on 3rd down when you're pretty damn sure they're gonna lose, makes you a diehard.

If you have to argue why you're not a bandwagon fan, then that's exactly what you are. Fight it all you want, but it's the way it is, and I doubt any fan who's watched this team lose in person for the last decade would disagree.
Quote:Posting on this forum doesn't make you a diehard, and that much should be obvious. Sitting in that wretched stadium, paying $9 for a beer, and screaming for your team on 3rd down when you're pretty damn sure they're gonna lose, makes you a diehard.

If you have to argue why you're not a bandwagon fan, then that's exactly what you are. Fight it all you want, but it's the way it is, and i doubt any fan who puts up with the win or lose would disagree.
I wish I could drink that swill. 


I'm $32 a drink in that [BLEEP].
Quote:Posting on this forum doesn't make you a diehard, and that much should be obvious. Sitting in that wretched stadium, paying $9 for a beer, and screaming for your team on 3rd down when you're pretty damn sure they're gonna lose, makes you a diehard.

If you have to argue why you're not a bandwagon fan, then that's exactly what you are. Fight it all you want, but it's the way it is, and I doubt any fan who's watched this team lose in person for the last decade would disagree.
Where are your season tickets and how many games have you attended? Why do I feel like you've never been to more than 5 games?
Quote:If you have to argue why you're not a bandwagon fan, then that's exactly what you are. Fight it all you want, but it's the way it is, and I doubt any fan who's watched this team lose in person for the last decade would disagree.

pretty much, and he admit's it while claiming the opposite


and doesn't even realize as much
Quote:I'm a bandwagon fan because I didn't join in on the "fun" the past 4 seasons.

Doesn't matter if you go to games or watch them on tv. If you believe you're a diehard fan, then you are and no one can tell you otherwise. I don't give a damn what either of you think and I'll spend my money the way I want to spend it. If that means skipping out on season tickets for a few seasons, so be it - it's my decision. You two can sit here and attempt to belittle other fans of this team if it makes you feel better, but you should probably do something more productive with your lives.

Quote:If I was a bandwagon fan I wouldn't be on this forum and I wouldn't waste my time watching them lose every Sunday. Haha, its funny cause I was a season ticket holder since 1999 - 2011 and I'm being told I'm a bandwagon fan because I didn't join in on the "fun" the past 4 seasons.

It will always mean that when the going got tough, you couldn't stick it out.

That's a choice, an understandable one, but you will always have that. Doesn't mean you aren't a "true fan" but I do think it has meaning. It has meaning when someone only shows their support when the going is good (which I'm not saying is you) so this surely has meaning as well.

It also surely has meaning is you are one of the ones who stuck through it all and were there every Sunday.
Quote:Sitting in that wretched stadium,

Wretched stadium? I like being at the stadium, I think it's fairly nice.
Quote:Posting on this forum doesn't make you a diehard, and that much should be obvious. Sitting in that wretched stadium, paying $9 for a beer, and screaming for your team on 3rd down when you're pretty damn sure they're gonna lose, makes you a diehard.

If you have to argue why you're not a bandwagon fan, then that's exactly what you are. Fight it all you want, but it's the way it is, and I doubt any fan who's watched this team lose in person for the last decade would disagree.

Perhaps you don't understand the urban definition of a bandwagon fan.


Quote:There a patriots and steelers fans who watched their team suck for 3 decades before they became dominant. I'm sure they both have tons of fans like yourself.

Fact is, none of us care much about whether or not you renew. Come time for the team to start winning games, we will know who the bandwagoners are and who the diehards are. It's not bad being a bandwagon fan when the team sucks; I don't think you'll enjoy it as much as I do when the team is good, however.

Using the Patriots as a guideline is a bad example. Go look at their attendance stats before they became good.  I'm pretty sure they had years where they were in the 30k range....that's not good.
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