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Full Version: Who won't renew tix?
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Quote:So there is a huge difference between fair weather and bandwagon fan. Got it.
No. You can substitute bandwagon for fair weather..theyre pretty much interchangeable. Hope that clears it up somewhat
Quote:No. You can substitute bandwagon for fair weather..theyre pretty much interchangeable. Hope that clears it up somewhat

No. It doesn't clear it up. They could be seen as similar but have big differences IMO.


Bandwagon fans typically don't have a team. They root for whomever is good at the moment. 


Fair weather fans typically have a team they like and only support that specific team when they are doing well.
Fair weather fan is one who attends games only in fair weather.


Regards.................the Chiefjag

Quote:1.What has Jax have to do with Teal then? 

2.Too hot? Ok...some can tough things out more than others

3.12th man has nothing to do with overall attendance

4.You'd rather watch Cinemax than actually participate. At least your hand is getting a good workout
Does my decision bother you? Nowhere did I say I wouldn't attend games, I just said I wouldn't have season tickets. And you know good and well this city bleeds teal, why ask that question?

Quote:I am very directly telling you exactly that.


You will never know what it is like to have stuck it out and seen it through.  


That's fine, your call, so be it.


But you don't know, and you never will.  (Thank you, Jim Mora)


That ship has sailed.
Man, I guess I won't... What a bummer! I can't believe I missed out on watching Gabbert live!
Quote:Man, I guess I won't... What a bummer! I can't believe I missed out on watching Gabbert live!
Your decision is your own.  Whatever works for you.


What nate is saying in his post is something I agree with.  Those of us who have been there for both the good and the bad this team has endured tend to appreciate the good times a lot more than those who tend to only arrive when things are going well.  We relish those opportunities to celebrate success because we've endured the ugliness that people such as yourself have decided to bail on until such time as the happy days return. 


There's nobody who can tell you or me which is the right viewpoint to take.  Every individual is different.  You will support the team when they're winning.  That's fine. I'm going to support the team regardless because it wasn't an owner that was awarded that franchise.  It was the city.  To me, supporting the team also supports the city of Jacksonville.  I appreciate what it means for this city to have an NFL franchise, and whether they're winning or losing, I want to do the only thing I can do to assure that we can always celebrate the highs and suffer through the lows here in Jacksonville. 


It's fans like nate, me, or others who ride out the down times who assure that the bandwagon will still be here when the wind changes in a direction you prefer. 

Quote:Your decision is your own.  Whatever works for you.


What nate is saying in his post is something I agree with.  Those of us who have been there for both the good and the bad this team has endured tend to appreciate the good times a lot more than those who tend to only arrive when things are going wellWe relish those opportunities to celebrate success because we've endured the ugliness that people such as yourself have decided to bail on until such time as the happy days return. 


There's nobody who can tell you or me which is the right viewpoint to take.  Every individual is different.  You will support the team when they're winning.  That's fine. I'm going to support the team regardless because it wasn't an owner that was awarded that franchise.  It was the city.  To me, supporting the team also supports the city of Jacksonville.  I appreciate what it means for this city to have an NFL franchise, and whether they're winning or losing, I want to do the only thing I can do to assure that we can always celebrate the highs and suffer through the lows here in Jacksonville. 


It's fans like nate, me, or others who ride out the down times who assure that the bandwagon will still be here when the wind changes in a direction you prefer. 
There were down years way before 2011 though. It's not like I ditched my tickets as soon as we stopped winning super-bowls.


I support the team no matter what. I don't have season tickets anymore,(I just couldn't justify paying to see that Gabbert/Mularkey era in person) but I still go to a few games every season. Just because I didn't renew my tickets doesn't mean I lost interest or that I don't care. What about the other thousands of fans that don't have season tickets? Are you and the others going to tell them the same thing? Are you going to tell them that they are fairweather fans that don't support the team or don't care as much as you? Just because they don't go to 7 home games? 


I'm glad you guys still have season tickets and haven't missed a game. That's awesome, but don't get so emotional and judge someones fandom over season tickets.

Quote:There were down years way before 2011 though. It's not like I ditched my tickets as soon as we stopped winning super-bowls.

I support the team no matter what. I don't have season tickets anymore,(I just couldn't justify paying to see that Gabbert/Mularkey era in person) but I still go to a few games every season. Just because I didn't renew my tickets doesn't mean I lost interest or that I don't care. What about the other thousands of fans that don't have season tickets? Are you and the others going to tell them the same thing? Are you going to tell them that they are fairweather fans that don't support the team or don't care as much as you? Just because they don't go to 7 home games?

I'm glad you guys still have season tickets and haven't missed a game. That's awesome, but don't get so emotional and judge someones fandom over season tickets.
The thing is you say it means nothing.

You can make your decision, obviously completely your prerogative.

But to say that it doesn't carry and significance and meaning to stick it through and see it through, and that it doesn't give those people something special.....just wrong

The good news is you will never know what you don't know, I guess.
Quote:There were down years way before 2011 though. It's not like I ditched my tickets as soon as we stopped winning super-bowls.

I support the team no matter what. I don't have season tickets anymore,(I just couldn't justify paying to see that Gabbert/Mularkey era in person) but I still go to a few games every season. Just because I didn't renew my tickets doesn't mean I lost interest or that I don't care. What about the other thousands of fans that don't have season tickets? Are you and the others going to tell them the same thing? Are you going to tell them that they are fairweather fans that don't support the team or don't care as much as you? Just because they don't go to 7 home games?

I'm glad you guys still have season tickets and haven't missed a game. That's awesome, but don't get so emotional and judge someones fandom over season tickets.

I'm not judging your fandom. I'm simply pointing out the fact that unlike you and others of your mindset, I recognize that my ticket purchase isn't as much about where the team is at, good or bad, at any particular moment.

My ticket purchase is an acknowledgment that the city of Jacksonville has an NFL franchise, and that whether they win or lose, it's still a privilege to host one of 32 teams. That privilege is only as secure as the fan support allows.

So, when fans like you decide you'll find other ways to spend your money, you've got no skin in the game when it comes to whether or not the team remains a Jacksonville product or not. Buying the occasional scalped ticket, or posting on a message board, or buying a jersey or other merchandise is all fine and good, but at the end of the day, the perception of the strength and dedication of a fan base is almost always determined by whether or not the stadium is full enough. Those of us who recognize this have been doing our part for a long time to assure that when your whims change and you decide you can support the team by buying tickets because they're good again, there's still a team to support here in Jacksonville.
Gonna renew our tickets for the 22nd consecutive year as soon as the invoice gets here!

Quote:Your decision is your own.  Whatever works for you.


What nate is saying in his post is something I agree with.  Those of us who have been there for both the good and the bad this team has endured tend to appreciate the good times a lot more than those who tend to only arrive when things are going well.  We relish those opportunities to celebrate success because we've endured the ugliness that people such as yourself have decided to bail on until such time as the happy days return. 


There's nobody who can tell you or me which is the right viewpoint to take.  Every individual is different.  You will support the team when they're winning.  That's fine. I'm going to support the team regardless because it wasn't an owner that was awarded that franchise.  It was the city.  To me, supporting the team also supports the city of Jacksonville.  I appreciate what it means for this city to have an NFL franchise, and whether they're winning or losing, I want to do the only thing I can do to assure that we can always celebrate the highs and suffer through the lows here in Jacksonville. 


It's fans like nate, me, or others who ride out the down times who assure that the bandwagon will still be here when the wind changes in a direction you prefer. 
This reply is among the best I have ever read here on this board. Perfect. 


I had the misfortune of having to move back to Indy because of ailing parents. You have no idea how much I would love to sit at Everbank Field nine times a year and see even "bad football", be around fellow Jaguars diehards every day instead of insipid Colts mouth breathers, and be able to go see practices and just be around the team in the summer. If you're really a Jags fan, I can't imagine passing up any opportunity to sit in those stands. 


I am renewing.  I cant believe people are arguing about this - I really hope everyone renews and/or comes to games - but it is not my place to second guess anyone's decision.  For me, nothing is better than game day, tailgating, seeing my seatmates, loving a win, hating a loss - I would not trade it for the world,  and because I want to keep that option open to us here in Jax I will keep season tickets as long as I am financially able.  Finanaces and/or family concerns, however, would be the only reason that I personally would not renew.  Who the coach is or the record is immaterial to me - I want the experience.  I agree with the other posters - having sat through all the losses and walks of shame will make the winning so much sweeter!

I wish I had the opportunity to become a season ticket holder. From Texas, so it would be difficult. I disagree with the sentiment that because you're not a season ticket holder, you're not a true fan. Anyone who is still a fan of this team through all the years of Gabbert and Gus, is a true fan, in my eyes.

Hopefully, I will make it to a game next season, which would be my 2nd time in jacksonville. Ticket prices are not bad at all. When I went in October 2014, I sat in a really good section
I live 3 hours away from Jax so I don't have season tickets. If I did live in Jax I wouldn't renew, but I'd still show up to some home games when I feel like it.
Quote:I live 3 hours away from Jax so I don't have season tickets. If I did live in Jax I wouldn't renew, but I'd still show up to some home games when I feel like it.

That's a real fresh take!
Quote:My season tickets have been renewed for 20+ years, and will continue to be renewed regardless of who the coach is, who the owner is, who is on the field, how big the screens are, how unique the pools are, or how cold the water fountains are. I've been a Jags fan from the start. I'll be so until the end. Not renewing tickets thinking that's going to send the team a message may seem sensible to some, but as the team turns the corner and continues to improve, the tickets are going to become more difficult to get, and more expensive. In the meantime, it's still the NFL, and we're still given the gift of being able to see football played at the highest level possible. The city was awarded the franchise. The city earned the opportunity to host an NFL franchise, and regardless of wins or losses, it's still a privilege for a city to have an NFL team. I'll support it until I physically am unable to do so.

Pretty much this
I'm not renewing my tickets. I have made an investment in the team for the past 10 years in buying season tickets and all they keep doing is putting lipstick on a pig. Sure the color changes every year to dazzle us but in the end it's still a pig. Save my 1,600 dollars a year on tickets and spend it elsewhere. This team hasn't shown a thing since I've first bought tickets; we've seen maybe 12 wins at home in the 10 years and we keep getting suckered into 2 full priced scrimmages a year (pre-season). The NFL and Jaguars only care about your money; they might tell you otherwise but it boils down to a business. I ask you this; would you keep spending money at any other business if they performed like this year after year??
Quote:Gonna renew our tickets for the 22nd consecutive year as soon as the invoice gets here!
That's my plan, too.
Quote:I'm not renewing my tickets. I have made an investment in the team for the past 10 years in buying season tickets and all they keep doing is putting lipstick on a pig. Sure the color changes every year to dazzle us but in the end it's still a pig. Save my 1,600 dollars a year on tickets and spend it elsewhere. This team hasn't shown a thing since I've first bought tickets; we've seen maybe 12 wins at home in the 10 years and we keep getting suckered into 2 full priced scrimmages a year (pre-season). The NFL and Jaguars only care about your money; they might tell you otherwise but it boils down to a business. I ask you this; would you keep spending money at any other business if they performed like this year after year??
While I do not begrudge you your ability to choose to not renew, your closing statement is problematic.


First off, the Jaguars play a schedule of opponents for 16 games in a season.  There is direct, on field competition.


Not so with businesses.


Seriously, do you go to the BEST department store EVERY single time?  How would you know?


Can we accuse you of settling for less if you decide to go to Chili's or TGIF instead of Ruth's Chris?
Quote:While I do not begrudge you your ability to choose to not renew, your closing statement is problematic.

First off, the Jaguars play a schedule of opponents for 16 games in a season. There is direct, on field competition.

Not so with businesses.

Seriously, do you go to the BEST department store EVERY single time? How would you know?

Can we accuse you of settling for less if you decide to go to Chili's or TGIF instead of Ruth's Chris?
Every business competes against others every day to earn or keep your business. A funny thing I see is that Tampa Bay offers discounts to their season ticket holders for food and merchandise compared to single game pass holders. What do we get?? Oh 10% to re-up your season tickets to see the new lipstick color on the pig. Before you say what a great deal we have with the "teal deals" they do me a lot of good down in Orlando.

My wife and I drive over 2 hours to every home game to watch garbage. If I want to see garbage I can go to the landfill 30 minutes away and not spend $1600 a year on it.

You're crazy if you think the NFL is any different than any other business competing for customers. It is exactly like any other business out there.
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