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Quote:C'mon man, you're being willfully ignorant.  


This division was primed for us to win it.  The fact that we couldn't with superior talent has ALOT to do with the coaching.  You can make excuses for the defense all you want.  But the lack of preparation, the lack of execution, and the inability to come out strong in the last 5 games when a play-off birth was on the line is all on the coach.


If you don't want to fully believe that, fine.  But don't play dumb.  It's beneath your football IQ.


Those of us who think that Bradley held back the team this year have constantly conceded that a portion of our ills is due to the lack of defensive talent.  Don't be so disingenuous to pretend as though those who are critical of the head coach have no basis in our critiques.

The defense fell apart (Injuries, Age, Lack of talent) , The kicker fell apart (Literally cost us 2 games) and Bortles only emerged after game 5 or 6. Ignorant is using hypothetical situations to further your agenda. 
Quote:49ers beat ATL.

Tons of teams beat the Chargers. Titans beat Saints.... And we can't? Hmmmm

Yea, Blaine Gabbert beat the Falcons. Wowzers.
Quote:I keep seeing this but there is no way to prove it...This is an assumption and not a fact...I would love to see some evidence that any coach could do any better with what he has, but there is no way to do that...Are there better coaches than Gus? Well yeah...there's also worse...But to say any coach in the playoffs could find a way to fix stupid mistakes such as missed field goals, receivers running wrong routes and dropping balls in the early part of the season, OL missing blocks, snapping balls too soon, too high, defensive scheme doesn't have the right players to work, and all that other stupid young player mistakes which cost a few games has no merit based on the inability to show proof...Is it possible/ Sure it is, but it's not an absolute

The change in KC when Andy Reid took over proves that coaching can make a huge difference.


The Jags could not pressure the opposing QB with just four pass rushers. Yet they were near the bottom of the league in rushing five or more. Sure, blitzing can result in a big play, but if something is not working you need to do something else. The Jags defense did not try anything else, they just kept rushing four for all 15 games.


The Jags are dead last in 3rd down defense. They are 31st in points against. The Jags players on defense aren't great, but they are way better than 31st. They aren't the Seattle players, and the coaching should not try to copy the Seattle scheme. But that's what Bradley and Babich have done.


One doesn't need to be a professional pilot in order to see that continually trying to land on too short a runway is a mistake. Stop blaming the runway.

Quote:I keep seeing this but there is no way to prove it...This is an assumption and not a fact...I would love to see some evidence that any coach could do any better with what he has, but there is no way to do that...Are there better coaches than Gus? Well yeah...there's also worse...But to say any coach in the playoffs could find a way to fix stupid mistakes such as missed field goals, receivers running wrong routes and dropping balls in the early part of the season, OL missing blocks, snapping balls too soon, too high, defensive scheme doesn't have the right players to work, and all that other stupid young player mistakes which cost a few games has no merit based on the inability to show proof...Is it possible/ Sure it is, but it's not an absolute
Do you see players do that on well coached teams? No. Bad coaching results in sloppy play and mental mistakes. 
Good decision Shad. I approve. We have much more to gain than to lose by keeping Gus one more season. It's do or die next year as opposed to giving a new HC a free year one pass and having Bortles learn yet another system

Quote:C'mon man, you're being willfully ignorant.  


This division was primed for us to win it.  The fact that we couldn't with superior talent has ALOT to do with the coaching.  You can make excuses for the defense all you want.  But the lack of preparation, the lack of execution, and the inability to come out strong in the last 5 games when a play-off birth was on the line is all on the coach.


If you don't want to fully believe that, fine.  But don't play dumb.  It's beneath your football IQ.


Those of us who think that Bradley held back the team this year have constantly conceded that a portion of our ills is due to the lack of defensive talent.  Don't be so disingenuous to pretend as though those who are critical of the head coach have no basis in our critiques.

Well put AMan.


This sums it up pretty nicely, especially the part about the last 5 games. It's not just that they went 1-4, it's HOW they went 1-4, losing to teams on 6 game losing streaks and 10 game home losing streaks against a rookie QB and starting out the game just looking flat, unprepared and uninspired, all with an actual opportunity to win the division.


I just can't imagine an easier opportunity to win the division then this year and Gus just seemed to blow every opportunity there was to build some momentum after his mini 2 game win streak against the Ravens and the tacks.


It's just been a disgusting end to the season after the Jags found themselves just a game back in the division.
I've thought about this ever since it was announced,,,,,,I'm still let down.

But, we as fans have no choice.....it's Gus for 2016.

So we will see.
Quote:C'mon man, you're being willfully ignorant.

If you want to see it that way, that's your choice. I am not going to judge him until he has a complete team. Could he have MAYBE won another game or two. MAYBE. But to think anybody could have done anything with that horrible defense is dreaming, IMHO. Guess we'll see next year.
Quote:If you want to see it that way, that's your choice. I am not going to judge him until he has a complete team. Could he have MAYBE won another game or two. MAYBE. But to think anybody could have done anything with that horrible defense is dreaming, IMHO. Guess we'll see next year.

Very few coaches get the luxury of a "complete team." Remember the game sealing INT at the end of Superbowl 49? Malcolm Butler was an undrafted guy who was on the back of the Patriots depth chart, but a great coaching staff had a guy who had hardly played and wasn't even thought highly enough to be drafted ready to make the game winning play in the Superbowl. You'll never see that level of coaching out of someone like Gus, either bring him a defense full of guys already primed and ready to win or give him excuses, because there's nothing in between for him.
I don't like advocating for a coach that needs players to make his decisions coaching proof.  That is what we have at this point.  When I look at this year only the second Indy game was a worthy coaching performance.  This season is littered with bad game plans and rinse repeat do the same thing without adjustments.


My goal for the team was met in my expectation to see real improvement on offense this year.  That was a very low bar.  I see a 2016 team that is going to have to gut out wins despite the head coach.  Is what it is.

I firmly believe when your team makes boneheaded mistakes its directly related to the head coach, and I promise anyone with even the slightest football IQ would agree. The decision to keep Gus is curious however it was also expected. Maybe we should look at this a different way, a fresh take might help us all swallow this giant turd of a pill. Here's what I see, Gus is our high school guidance counselor getting us from pimple faced freshman to ready for the next level seniors, at the end of next year our Jags will walk down the aisle and move on to a higher level thinking coach to get us ready to conquer the world
Quote:Good decision Shad. I approve. We have much more to gain than to lose by keeping Gus one more season. It's do or die next year as opposed to giving a new HC a free year one pass and having Bortles learn yet another system

As much as I dislike Gus as a coach and post bad jokes about him, I agree with this. Firing Gus probably means an entirely new coaching staff. We can't be like the Browns.

Hopefully Gus improves his game management and shows some flexibility on defense instead of running the same crap zone every play. Perhaps an infusion of talent on defense will lead to more variety by the defense.
Quote:As much as I dislike Gus as a coach and post bad jokes about him, I agree with this. Firing Gus probably means an entirely new coaching staff. We can't be like the Browns.


Or the Raiders.


Instead, let's keep Lane Kiffin for another year. That's the ticket!
Quote:Or the Raiders.


Instead, let's keep Lane Kiffin for another year. That's the ticket!

It shouldn't come as a shock. Look at so many areas of life, people don't see failure as an indication that they're doing the wrong thing, they just see it as an indication that they're not doing the wrong thing hard enough.
Quote:Very few coaches get the luxury of a "complete team." Remember the game sealing INT at the end of Superbowl 49? Malcolm Butler was an undrafted guy who was on the back of the Patriots depth chart, but a great coaching staff had a guy who had hardly played and wasn't even thought highly enough to be drafted ready to make the game winning play in the Superbowl. You'll never see that level of coaching out of someone like Gus, either bring him a defense full of guys already primed and ready to win or give him excuses, because there's nothing in between for him.

Telvin Smith.  5th round pick.  But wait, he probably developed on his own.


And who the hell said anything about a complete team?  I love the way people want to twist things.  Give me a single star on the defense.  Come on...just ONE.  Butler, as you said, was on the BACK of the depth chart.  This team was so lacking talent they didn't have the luxury of stuffing anyone on the back of the roster.  Hell, even the people they brought in weren't studs on other teams' defenses.  They brought in a bunch of guys.  


I'm not saying that Bradley is even the right choice but to try to paint him as 'incompetent' is ridiculous.  It's kind of irrelevant anyway.  He's back next year and he, more than likely, will have something to work with on the defensive side of the ball.  We'll see what happens.  Of course if they do well, then I'm sure it will be painted that Bradley had nothing to do with it.    


And I'm done here.  I've stated my opinion.  See ya. 
Quote:Telvin Smith.  5th round pick.  But wait, he probably developed on his own.


And who the hell said anything about a complete team?  I love the way people want to twist things.  Give me a single star on the defense.  Come on...just ONE.  Butler, as you said, was on the BACK of the depth chart.  This team was so lacking talent they didn't have the luxury of stuffing anyone on the back of the roster.  Hell, even the people they brought in weren't studs on other teams' defenses.  They brought in a bunch of guys.  


I'm not saying that Bradley is even the right choice but to try to paint him as 'incompetent' is ridiculous.  It's kind of irrelevant anyway.  He's back next year and he, more than likely, will have something to work with on the defensive side of the ball.  We'll see what happens.  Of course if they do well, then I'm sure it will be painted that Bradley had nothing to do with it.    


And I'm done here.  I've stated my opinion.  See ya. 

Telvin? He plays with great athleticism, but I'm failing to see what Gus has done for him. He's still terrible in coverage. And you literally said you wouldn't judge Bradley until he had a "complete team." What's your problem? Don't go hide just because someone engaged you on your point.
Thank god Gus is coming back.. So which 5-6 games do we win next season?
Quote:Thank god Gus is coming back.. So which 5-6 games do we win next season?

Whoa there, pardner, don't be so optimistic. Going to be a much harder schedule next year. Just focus on getting better every game, the W/L ratio isn't important.
Yeah, great choice Mr. Khan.
How does Khan see this as improvement?

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