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Rand is so far above everyone else, it's laughable


Rand and Ted are the only two viable options

Quote:Wonder why Congress was coined as the do nothing Congress? Watch this debate. They can't get along on the same team. Personal agendas and one upmanship seemed to be the status quo.

Build up the 6 th fleet. Carpet bomb. Missiles in Poland. Wow.

Wait till Hillary uses Carlys quote on women getting things done.

Many of these candidates can look down at their own feet after last night and see a bullet hole.

The GOP , IMO, had better get someone more centrist to get nominated than the the few I heard last night that are dying to push that button and thumping their chests proclaiming how tough they are.

The GOP needs a centrist, while the Democrats are free to elect far-left Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton?


No. Donald Trump has shifted the Overton window to the right. The Democrats are going to get roasted in the nationals unless they start moving towards the center. Hell, you look at the trash Bernie and Hillary spew on twitter you would think we were living in social paradise Sweden.
Quote:What details have Rubio and Cruz provided that you support? I think it is kind of scary that Rubio openly supports war with Russia by enforcing a no-fly zone where they are stationed. Also, Cruz has already pushed forward a bill, along with Rand, on curbing refugee and Islamic immigration to the US. It failed 89-10 in the Senate. What makes you believe he could pass that same bill as President when he couldn't get it passed as senator?


Also, since you are under the impression Trump hasn't laid out any policy, please see https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions
I don't necessarily support any of them, I think based on what I watched last night, Trump, IMO, comes off like he has some broad thoughts, but lacks details on how to put those actions into place.


IMO, I feel Trump is appealing to the "kill em all and let blankedy blank sort it out", but his tactics would cause more anger towards the west than any of the other war mongers. Christie falls into this as well. I felt like he was trying to be an over the top tough guy. 
I would prefer Rand Paul but he stands no chance at all. If it ends up being some combo of Cruz/Trump vs. Clinton/Sanders. I will likely stay home. Two opposite ends of the same turd sandwich.

Same ^^


although I like Cruz, I would be deterred if he teamed up with the Donald as it shows a lack of conviction and morals. would likely stay home as well.

I'm also having a hard time finding any candidate I like.   But I would still want to vote for someone for President.   I might wind up looking at one of the fringe candidates.   I'm getting sick of these two political parties.  

Last night's "debate" seemed to be a contest as to who would be the greatest killer. I think Trump wins by a nose.


Thank god for Donald Trump - the king of unintentional comedy. I can't tell if he actually believes what he says - he's telling them what they wants to hear - or if he's just playing to the idiocy level, as he sees it, of the base of the party. Either way it's working. But what if people start actually putting some thought into this? Then he's in trouble.


And how many clips from last night will show up in Hillary's ads? Made the GOP look like the Mafia. Donald as the Godfather. With Ted Cruz as his lapdog.

Quote:The GOP needs a centrist, while the Democrats are free to elect far-left Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.
If the Republicans want to hold back the far left, they need a moderate. Otherwise, the vast left will win. Some combination of Paul and Kasich is the ideal ticket, but the far right clowns and the Trump party would never allow that.
Quote:Some combination of Paul and Kasich

Paul, maybe, but Kasich? It is like you are asking the Republican base to stay home. Neither one of them can fire up the GOP base like Obama did for the Democrats. It would be another McCain/Romney election (which is what you want maybe?). There is a reason why Trump appeals to moderates and independents more than any other candidate while also polling the best with likely GOP voters. I am not sure why you willfully ignore that.
Polls are not votes people they are snap shoots of a small segmant of likely voters, people keep acting like leading the polls is evuvilant to winning primaries. Trump isn't going to win Iowa or New Hampshire so in a few months all this 40% polling nonsense is pointless.
Quote:Hopefully. A lot more effective than carpet bombing innocents trying to root out ISIS in civilian centers.

Wouldn't that be the same as putting Ted Bundy's family in the electric chair for the crimes he did? Family doesn't always follow the same path or mindset.
Quote:Paul, maybe, but Kasich? It is like you are asking the Republican base to stay home. Neither one of them can fire up the GOP base like Obama did for the Democrats. It would be another McCain/Romney election (which is what you want maybe?). There is a reason why Trump appeals to moderates and independents more than any other candidate while also polling the best with likely GOP voters. I am not sure why you willfully ignore that.

Um kasich is the definition of a moderate candidate why do you think he wouldn't pull independents?
Quote:Wouldn't that be the same as putting Ted Bundy's family in the electric chair for the crimes he did? Family doesn't always follow the same path or mindset.

There seems to be a perceived blood lust out there that Donald Trump and his boy, Ted Cruz, are particularly trying to feed into.


My fear is that image will become that of the Republican Party - good 'ol boys driving around in their pick-up trucks with their long-guns, looking for Muslims to harass. Not a fair image, but one that will be easy to portray. Not an image that will gain a majority of voters (particularly among women?) in my opinion.
I came away thinking what I have thought through the whole process Rand Paul is the only worthy one.

Quote:There seems to be a perceived blood lust out there that Donald Trump and his boy, Ted Cruz, are particularly trying to feed into.


My fear is that image will become that of the Republican Party - good 'ol boys driving around in their pick-up trucks with their long-guns, looking for Muslims to harass. Not a fair image, but one that will be easy to portray. Not an image that will gain a majority of voters (particularly among women?) in my opinion.

I'm certainly not okay with it. You don't kill people because they happen to be related to a serial killer, terrorist, etc.

And I know a good deal of rednecks who go to my church who don't look for trouble but will defend themselves and their families if it comes down to it.
Trump appeals to the lowest common denominator and lowest possible IQ. It is beyond my powers of comprehension how he appeals to anyone thinking rationally.

How would u know exactly?
Quote:How would u know exactly?
Because those educated folk with liberal arts degrees tend to not support Trump. Meanwhile those backwards blue collars who specialize in "tradeskills" do. This is just blasphemous to the intelligentsia.

Good thing it has long been proven that educated != intelligent.

I suggest everyone who still can't understand Trump watch this video before further commenting.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://youtu.be/55NxKENplG4'>https://youtu.be/55NxKENplG4</a>
The Rosie O'Donnell thing was awesome. The man is a genius.
Quote:Trump/Cruz 2016

I'd go for that
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