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We believe!!!!
Quote:[Image: 52829769.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_mvatu3WAHo1qda125o1_250.gif]
Quote:What's winning?


[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-01-12-at-4.10.07-PM.png]

Gus Bradley's answer  "That's a good question"

Well I guess there's always 2017

I find it funny when people on this board cry about perceived "negative press" in the national media.  A story written in national media is posted, yet many "refuse to click on the link" and "refuse to read" it because it doesn't fit their agenda.


I assume that many on this board are part of the "entitlement generation" where they have to have things right now.  Every national news piece or "twitter" should match their agenda, otherwise it's wrong.  If some opinion piece or "power rankings" doesn't have the team on the upside, it's "hating" and "wrong".


The article that the OP posted is dead on, but it doesn't fit the narrative, so people are going to hate.

from the article:


Quote:Well, let's start by recognizing three things:


A) The initial plan, again, was to build the offense first before devoting full attention to the defense.


Dante Fowler
 Jr., the third overall pick in the 
2015 NFL Draft
, suffered a season-ending injury 
on his first day of work


C) Upon arrival, Caldwell and Bradley found this organization in a dismal state.


And now, forget Bill Parcells' overvalued philosophy that "you are what your record says you are." Such a shortsighted perspective might be the very reason why Parcells himself failed to stick around Dallas and Miami long enough to complete a makeover.

The truth is, the 
 should not be defined by their record at this point -- and outside any lack of progress by the season's end, nobody should be calling for anybody's jobs. (By the way, according to multiple high-level sources in the Jags building, patience does indeed remain intact despite frustrations with the defense's progress.)


After just 2 1/2 years, the best way to gauge this team is to consider the area that has received the most attention: the offense. Specifically, the passing offense.


In his 13 starts last season, 
Blake Bortles
 threw nine touchdown passes against 15 interceptions. This year? He already has 13 TD strikes against seven picks in six games -- and no quarterback in the NFL has more pass attempts over 20 yards on the season. Beyond the numbers, 
 sources are specifically impressed with the way Bortles is escalating his game as a playmaker, something that is likely not even recognized by a bulk of the NFL audience that has watched very little of the 
 this season.


And remember last year's highly touted group of rookie wide receivers across the NFL, including first-rounders 
Sammy Watkins

Mike Evans

Odell Beckham
Brandin Cooks
Kelvin Benjamin
? This season, 
 second-year receivers 
Allen Robinson
Allen Hurns
 (the latter of whom was signed last year as an undrafted free agent) have more yards than all of those big names except Beckham...


It doesn't excuse all of the self-inflicted wounds caused by penalties, missed kicks, dropped passes and a few of those INTs, but the points made above are indeed valid and worthy of consideration. 


I still think Gus is on the hot seat if they win 5 or less  -- and they probably will. 
This team has talent. Talent that isn't being led in the right direction by the right man. Every week it's the same stupid penalties, mistakes and lack of adjustments. Next yr when this team gets a new coach we will see better results and maybe finally see what the word accountability actually means. 

Quote:Actually a sensible article from a national sports writer. For some on here it doesn't fit the narrative so they will keep writing dumb comments. Thanks for the link MJF.
What's more likely here: a coach is 8-30 and a bad coach OR a coach is 8-30 and will turn it around?
Quote:from the article:

It doesn't excuse all of the self-inflicted wounds caused by penalties, missed kicks, dropped passes and a few of those INTs, but the points made above are indeed valid and worthy of consideration.

I still think Gus is on the hot seat if they win 5 or less -- and they probably will.
Valid? Saying Parcells failed because he understands moral victories mean nothing and that real victories are the true indicator of how good your team is?

What a joke.
Quote:8-30 is a hard fact to swallow no matter which way you look at it.

Everyone knows that, but you are either blind or not watching games if you don't see improvement on our offense. The writer is 100% correct that we are getting better on that side of the ball and not as bad as our record. I see it too. It's just very frustrating when the fans want to see that improvement turn into wins and it is not happening because of our defense. I understand that and don't like losing either, but I also know why we lost so many games the previous two seasons - lack of talent. With more talent on the roster now (and more experience for the second-year players), the wins will come - just not soon enough for impatient Jaguars fans.
Quote:This team has talent. Talent that isn't being led in the right direction by the right man. Every week it's the same stupid penalties, mistakes and lack of adjustments. Next year when this team gets a new coach we will see better results and maybe finally see what the word accountability actually means. 

Have you checked the rankings in number of penalties for each team? Even the best teams get yellow flags every week; you know that. I don't think coaching alone helps reduce them - it also is on the players. However I do agree the lack of halftime adjustments is a major issue that needs to be addressed.
Quote:from the article:

It doesn't excuse all of the self-inflicted wounds caused by penalties, missed kicks, dropped passes and a few of those INTs, but the points made above are indeed valid and worthy of consideration.

I still think Gus is on the hot seat if they win 5 or less -- and they probably will.

Thanks for posting this. And you are right, these things mentioned in the article are sensible and can provide context for our miserable first 2 seasons.

However, the fact remains that this stretch of 3 losses has nothing to do with the narrative described above.

No, the coaching and the lack thereof is the result of this year's ineptitude.

This year falls on Gus. Yes, the last two years can be rationalized as a combination of a rebuild and a young roster. This year, there is no excuse for the mistakes, lack of adjustments, and terrible scheming we are seeing. This year, and particularly the last three weeks is the responsibility of Bradley. Thus year shows that Gus is deficient in terms of what it takes to win in the nfl.

I don't see how anyone that knows anything about football can say he's not on a seat of raging flames.
I need to write down the names of the idiots who defend Gus so when he's fired and the other coach wins with the same roster they can't come and say he was awful. Guarantee they're the same folks who trusted in Gene.

Quote:I need to write down the names of the idiots who defend Gus so when he's fired and the other coach wins with the same roster they can't come and say he was awful. Guarantee they're the same folks who trusted in Gene.

That's fine, but whether you agree with what he said, it is one of the few well written articles from the outside. We constantly complain about someone who writes something and gets a name wrong or mentions someone who isn't on the team, but at least this guy did his research and made a reasonable argument for keeping the regime intact. Most of the stuff we get on here is the same take about ice cream and sprinkles or the record, but it is nice to read something that offers more than the repetitive regurgitated thoughts from a certain segment of fans. I always appreciate someone who can bring more to the table whether I agree with them or not. Some should learn to do the same, but that would require a little effort and time.
It's another "Don't judge the Jaguars by their wins and losses" article.


Not even going to read it. I can tell that's what it's about.

Quote:I find it funny when people on this board cry about perceived "negative press" in the national media.  A story written in national media is posted, yet many "refuse to click on the link" and "refuse to read" it because it doesn't fit their agenda.


I assume that many on this board are part of the "entitlement generation" where they have to have things right now.  Every national news piece or "twitter" should match their agenda, otherwise it's wrong.  If some opinion piece or "power rankings" doesn't have the team on the upside, it's "hating" and "wrong".


The article that the OP posted is dead on, but it doesn't fit the narrative, so people are going to hate.

I'm confused, isn't this what the apologist have been doing for years on here? 


Any article that even remotely suggest that a 5-11, 2-14, 4-12, 3-13, or 1-5 team is bad gets immediately rejected just off the headline. 

Quote:I find it funny when people on this board cry about perceived "negative press" in the national media. A story written in national media is posted, yet many "refuse to click on the link" and "refuse to read" it because it doesn't fit their agenda.

I assume that many on this board are part of the "entitlement generation" where they have to have things right now. Every national news piece or "twitter" should match their agenda, otherwise it's wrong. If some opinion piece or "power rankings" doesn't have the team on the upside, it's "hating" and "wrong".

The article that the OP posted is dead on, but it doesn't fit the narrative, so people are going to hate.
So 3 years is right now?

I'm hungry. I think I'm gonna eat right now. What time does Chipotle open in 2018?
Quote:It's another "Don't judge the Jaguars by their wins and losses" article.

Not even going to read it. I can tell that's what it's about.

I'm cool with ignoring the wins and losses of the last two years.

However, only a complete buffoon would ignore the wins and losses of this year. These losses all fall on Gus.
Quote:I'm cool with ignoring the wins and losses of the last two years.

However, only a complete buffoon would ignore the wins and losses of this year. These losses all fall on Gus.

Yeah, when will the wins and losses start to matter? What season? 2016? 2017? 2018? 2019? 2020? 2021? 2022?.............................................................
Quote:Valid? Saying Parcells failed because he understands moral victories mean nothing and that real victories are the true indicator of how good your team is?

What a joke.


When I said "points" I meant the ones clearly outlined/delineated in the article. (not some Parcells reference)   Look again. Maybe you'll find them this time.  They have giant alphabetical letters next to them.

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