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So glad we played Brady and not Garropolo ....
Quote:Haha. Funny.


I believe in playing a team at less than 100% whenever you can. We are what we are. Winning makes people happy and potentially puts us in solo 1st in AFCS after the 1st quarter of the season. When is the last time that happened?
Im still with you on that. Like I said in my first post, I'll take a win anyway I can lol
Also, I want to see how Gus responds to him not playing and see if we can actually blow their doors off. This will be a telling game for Gus either way.

TBH I hope luck forces himself to play through the injury. It's clearly affecting his throws and we have lots of tape on him from this year. Do we really trust our team to game plan for a backup with potentially different offensive strategy? Until they prove capable of that, I'd rather roll the dice on a damaged luck. He doesn't scare me at the moment.
I would love Luck to play and for us to pick him off a lot.... However I still have that bad feeling he'd burn us.

Quote:TBH I hope luck forces himself to play through the injury. It's clearly affecting his throws and we have lots of tape on him from this year. Do we really trust our team to game plan for a backup with potentially different offensive strategy? Until they prove capable of that, I'd rather roll the dice on a damaged luck. He doesn't scare me at the moment.

The answer to this question should be yes, but I'm not sure about Gus and his staff.
clots beating us with an injured luck would add insult to injury.

I would never again want to hear...."we learned some things to work on as we go through this process."


So don't come at me with that.

The Sharks need to be circling... The blood is in the water!
Must win game

must win game

This game must be won

Win Game Must.

If we get blown out, I'll probably take the year off from football. I don't think that will happen, but this game is VERY winnable and laying an egg will drive me insane.
Win is a must for this game!
Win this game must we.

Game must win
win this game we must

Quote:I tell you what, if Luck doesn't play there will be a lot pressure on Gus to win this game, if you can't beat the Colts without Luck who can you beat? The Jaguars need to take advantage of this opportunity otherwise heads are going to roll.



The jaguars only convert 36% of the time on 3rd downs while their opponets have succeed 52% of the time.  If that doesnt change it might not matter if its Luck or Hasselback.
Quote:You mean like when we would lose to Charlie Whitehurst?

You always lose when you are up against Jesus.
There is a slight chance Luck doesn't play. Hassbelback says he is ready to go if Luck can't. Either way it is a must win game. 

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