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Quote:It's contagious. We'd better nuke San Francisco before it becomes an epidemic.

It's a biologically self correcting mutation.
Quote:It's a biologically self correcting mutation.

Astute analysis regarding the Republican condition. Tongue
[Image: LDSWXWq.png]

Quote:[Image: LDSWXWq.png]

You PC bro?
Quote:I tend to look at things logicaly as well (at least it makes sense to me damn it). So, really do get where you're coming from with what your stance. I don't judge you for it, it's perfectly natural for you to question something that really doesn't make sense to you. "But, you have a weiner, you're a boy". I do get that.


I don't necessarily agree with person in question calling it bigotry. I feel a more than adequete solution was offered, which really I must applaud. We've come a long way in that regard right there. This is one one of those sticky situations that I feel has to be handled case by case. I don't think one size fits all when it comes to situations such as this. Just because one person requests something doesn't mean we have to change all the rules. It can be determined based on that specific case. I think it was handled fine.
It's hard to take someone throwing the bigotry card in this seriously because we're talking about teenagers. They're still trying to figure out who they are post-pubescent with all of the raging hormones much less trying to deal with a He who thinks he's a She and vice versa. I don't care how 'smart' kids are these days, they're still kids and people calling them bigots is showing the mindset of those throwing that word around. If it's a kid throwing the word around they're getting it from somewhere and it's nowhere good. 


I too think the solution provided was adequate and can't see the problem. I think part of the issue is, in today's society, no matter who or what you're talking about individually or as a group, it's almost demanded of them to cry foul if they don't get their way. Words like bigot, close-minded and racist are becoming more commonplace in social society because people aren't getting their way. I'm not saying there aren't real issues, because there are, but the way a lot of it is being handled by those who feel offended is not the best way. Calling people names is not a good way to get people to listen to what you have to say. 
Behaviors, including bigotry, are learned in childhood.
Quote:It's hard to take someone throwing the bigotry card in this seriously because we're talking about teenagers. They're still trying to figure out who they are post-pubescent with all of the raging hormones much less trying to deal with a He who thinks he's a She and vice versa. I don't care how 'smart' kids are these days, they're still kids and people calling them bigots is showing the mindset of those throwing that word around. If it's a kid throwing the word around they're getting it from somewhere and it's nowhere good. 


I too think the solution provided was adequate and can't see the problem. I think part of the issue is, in today's society, no matter who or what you're talking about individually or as a group, it's almost demanded of them to cry foul if they don't get their way. Words like bigot, close-minded and racist are becoming more commonplace in social society because people aren't getting their way. I'm not saying there aren't real issues, because there are, but the way a lot of it is being handled by those who feel offended is not the best way. Calling people names is not a good way to get people to listen to what you have to say. 

Winner winner chicken dinner.
Quote:Behaviors, including bigotry, are learned in childhood.
Your statement is true to a point. 


I was raised in a home with parents who were very close minded about a lot of things. Believe me when I say I did not leave their home with the same POV they had. 
Quote:Winner winner chicken dinner.

Tell JJ that.
Quote:So you'd rather innocent kids be bullied, abused and possibly violated by members of their birth gender because of who they are than just let them use a different bathroom to change?


Wouldn't it be hilarious if your daughter realized around her 15th birthday that she is actually a boy?

This is nothing about bullying, its about those "confused" children along with some adults who will push their lifestyle on others and if they feel uncomfortable, then they are treated as an outcast.  


It would be naive for people to think a perverted man could put on a dress, claim to be transgender or whatever, just to get a peek in the womens restroom.


My daughters wouldnt even have that though come to their mind. Since birth, they have been raised in a NORMAL environment where they know who they are as a sex and clearly identify with that.  

Quote:I imagine similar things were said during the fight over desegregation. 

I didnt know I can change the pigmentation of my skin. 
Quote:I know, right? I mean, it wasn't that long ago people thought homosexuality was a sickness. Now they're everywhere.

It still is. 


Pick a lifestyle you dont agree with, and think of the reasons why you dont like it. 
Quote:It still is. 


Pick a lifestyle you dont agree with, and think of the reasons why you dont like it. 

No it isn't.

I can think of plenty of lifestyles I don't agree with, and I doubt many people would appreciate it if I called it a 'sickness'
13 year old transgender boy being pumped full of estrogen by his parents.




That poor child. Rather than being treated and provided a normal,  healthy life, he is being abused and manipulated by his parents into believing he is a girl. Now they are totally disrupting his growth pattern by injecting him with estrogen. He can kiss his sanity goodbye and be welcomed into a world where he will more than likely experience prostitution, depression, suicide, disease, and self-mutilation (statistically speaking, of course).


I will never understand how this is not child abuse. But hey, at least the parents get some popularity for a little while and whatever duplicitous psychologist/doctor they have diagnosing the boy gets a fat check.

Quote:13 year old transgender boy being pumped full of estrogen by his parents.




That poor child. Rather than being treated and provided a normal,  healthy life, he is being abused and manipulated by his parents into believing he is a girl. Now they are totally disrupting his growth pattern by injecting him with estrogen. He can kiss his sanity goodbye and be welcomed into a world where he will more than likely experience prostitution, depression, suicide, disease, and self-mutilation (statistically speaking, of course).


I will never understand how this is not child abuse. But hey, at least the parents get some popularity for a little while and whatever duplicitous psychologist/doctor they have diagnosing the boy gets a fat check.
A 13-year-old? Someone who's still in the early stages of puberty?


Even I have an issue with that. I strongly question whether a 13-year-old mind is developed enough to get to that point. By all means, allow the 13-year-old to be who they are, dress how they like and do what they want, but pumping them full of hormones at that age? I hate to use the term "just a phase" because of how dismissive it is of legitimate feelings and decisions, but...what if this is actually "just a phase"? What happens if this child turns 15 and realizes that he actually is a boy? He's now a developmentally-altered boy who's loaded with female hormones. That's a huge risk to take with someone that young.
A friend of mine's kid is transgender and has known since she was two. She is in kindergarten now and most people wouldn't even know she has male body parts if they weren't told. Don't question whether they are old enough to make that call and don't chastise parents for making what is seemingly a difficult decision in loving their kid as they are no matter how uncomfortable or how much struggle comes with it. If you want an education on what it means to be transgender, don't go the Kardashian route, watch the series I am Jazz. Otherwise, try to understand that you may not know what you are talking about on this subject and your assumptions can be pretty offensive.
Quote:A friend of mine's kid is transgender and has known since she was two. She is in kindergarten now and most people wouldn't even know she has male body parts if they weren't told. Don't question whether they are old enough to make that call and don't chastise parents for making what is seemingly a difficult decision in loving their kid as they are no matter how uncomfortable or how much struggle comes with it. If you want an education on what it means to be transgender, don't go the Kardashian route, watch the series I am Jazz. Otherwise, try to understand that you may not know what you are talking about on this subject and your assumptions can be pretty offensive.

So everything you know about transgenderism comes from anecdotal evidence and a bad reality show.


Quote:13 year old transgender boy being pumped full of estrogen by his parents.




That poor child. Rather than being treated and provided a normal,  healthy life, he is being abused and manipulated by his parents into believing he is a girl. Now they are totally disrupting his growth pattern by injecting him with estrogen. He can kiss his sanity goodbye and be welcomed into a world where he will more than likely experience prostitution, depression, suicide, disease, and self-mutilation (statistically speaking, of course).


I will never understand how this is not child abuse. But hey, at least the parents get some popularity for a little while and whatever duplicitous psychologist/doctor they have diagnosing the boy gets a fat check.

I would not only label that as child abuse, but I would go so far to say that it's not only disturbing, it's downright disgusting.   Sick
Quote:So everything you know about transgenderism comes from anecdotal evidence and a bad reality show.

Not the right person to throw that garbage at. Was trying to make a point without being combative, but since you want to be a [BLEEP]. ..no. I also know other transgender people here in Jax and woman who is transitioning to a man next month. Any other ignorant comments you wanna sling my way?

P.S. I am straight.
Quote:P.S. I am straight.

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