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Quote:A friend of mine's kid is transgender and has known since she was two. She is in kindergarten now and most people wouldn't even know she has male body parts if they weren't told. Don't question whether they are old enough to make that call and don't chastise parents for making what is seemingly a difficult decision in loving their kid as they are no matter how uncomfortable or how much struggle comes with it. If you want an education on what it means to be transgender, don't go the Kardashian route, watch the series I am Jazz. Otherwise, try to understand that you may not know what you are talking about on this subject and your assumptions can be pretty offensive.

All I can say is WOW.  So now a 2 year old boy "knows" that he's really a girl?  Really?  I do chastise the parents for not loving their child for what they are.  It sounds to me like they wanted a girl but ended up with a boy.
Why would any parent choose that life their kid? I can assure you this is not what they would have chosen for themselves. Her mom is a girl I knew from high school. Their neighbors didn't like it when they realized the girl they had been waving at from across the street was actually a boy who only felt happy wearing girl's clothes. They forced her landlord to evict them. This happened in the most liberal state you could name (note: Jax does not protect people against being evicted like this here either). I was sharing her story because there isn't a lot of public knowledge on the subject as it is pretty rare. I know people who identify as transgender, even one that knew from the age of two. So I can't sit here silently on the subject. If you want to educate yourself on the subject it would be great. I had the audacity to point to one positive example and got the "you don't know what yer talking about" keyboard warrior response. If you want to call them freaks and throw stones at them, that's your own private hell. I get that it's weird. Because it's pretty friggin rare. But it exists. Deal with it. Just know I'm gonna be right next those freaks throwing those stones back at you harder.
Quote:Why would any parent choose that life their kid? I can assure you this is not what they would have chosen for themselves. Her mom is a girl I knew from high school. Their neighbors didn't like it when they realized the girl they had been waving at from across the street was actually a boy who only felt happy wearing girl's clothes. They forced her landlord to evict them. This happened in the most liberal state you could name (note: Jax does not protect people against being evicted like this here either). I was sharing her story because there isn't a lot of public knowledge on the subject as it is pretty rare. I know people who identify as transgender, even one that knew from the age of two. So I can't sit here silently on the subject. If you want to educate yourself on the subject it would be great. I had the audacity to point to one positive example and got the "you don't know what yer talking about" keyboard warrior response. If you want to call them freaks and throw stones at them, that's your own private hell. I get that it's weird. Because it's pretty friggin rare. But it exists. Deal with it. Just know I'm gonna be right next those freaks throwing those stones back at you harder.

So let me translate this and offer my own opinion.


His mom is a girl that you knew in high school.


This "girl" is actually a boy, and the neighbors were "weird-ed out" about that.  I can understand that when you are talking about an infant/toddler that is a boy wearing girl's clothing.


I don't agree with, nor do I believe that this family was evicted because of their strange behavior.  I'll even go so far as to say that if these "parents" were dressing their boy up in girl's clothing and treating him like a girl from the age of two, they probably were irresponsible with other things such as taking care of rental property or actually paying their rent and that's the real reason why they were evicted.


Let me guess... you're a college student.
Quote:A friend of mine's kid is transgender and has known since she was two. She is in kindergarten now and most people wouldn't even know she has male body parts if they weren't told. Don't question whether they are old enough to make that call and don't chastise parents for making what is seemingly a difficult decision in loving their kid as they are no matter how uncomfortable or how much struggle comes with it. If you want an education on what it means to be transgender, don't go the Kardashian route, watch the series I am Jazz. Otherwise, try to understand that you may not know what you are talking about on this subject and your assumptions can be pretty offensive.
Kotite, I'm a strong ally of the trans* community, but even I have to wonder if giving HRT to a 13-year-old is a bad idea. In your example, the girl is being allowed to live life as a female despite having male body parts. If the child reaches a point where she realizes that her biological gender is correct, the worst that would happen is that she'd have to change schools.


Meanwhile, that 13-year-old receiving HRT is having her body's growth fundamentally altered based upon a conclusion reached by a mind that isn't fully developed. If a 13-year-old with male hardware realizes that she is actually a girl, by all means, let her be who she is, but HRT? At 13? That's a hell of a risk to take on someone who isn't even close to finished with their sexual development.
I am out of college over 20 years. It's pretty [BLEEP] offensive sharing an honest story about a real person and real events, a friend of mine for 25 years and getting that type of response. If you want proof IM me, cause I'm not putting out her private life on a message board for people who are ignorant cowards. If you really want to see who doesn't know what they're talking about message me and if you're in Jax I'll meet you myself to show you pics of the whole fam. Her mom has more years of education than I gather you have by such a response. You don't know her background or her life. You don't know what they deal with within their own family because of this. So why don't you quit while you think you're ahead.
Quote:I am out of college over 20 years. It's pretty [BAD WORD REMOVED] offensive sharing an honest story about a real person and real events, a friend of mine for 25 years and getting that type of response. If you want proof IM me, cause I'm not putting out her private life on a message board for people who are ignorant cowards. If you really want to see who doesn't know what they're talking about message me and if you're in Jax I'll meet you myself to show you pics of the whole fam. Her mom has more years of education than I gather you have by such a response. You don't know her background or her life. You don't know what they deal with within their own family because of this. So why don't you quit while you think you're ahead.

Eh... whatever.  If you are so "offended" by my comments and opinion, then deal with it.  I could really care less about the boy's mother, her education or her current family life.  You are the one that shared her story, and I merely commented on it and offered my point of view.  If you don't agree with it, as I said, you deal with it.  I do feel bad for the little boy.
Quote:Eh... whatever. If you are so "offended" by my comments and opinion, then deal with it. I could really care less about the boy's mother, her education or her current family life. You are the one that shared her story, and I merely commented on it and offered my point of view. If you don't agree with it, as I said, you deal with it. I do feel bad for the little GIRL <-- fixed.

You didn't just "merely offer your point of view." You challenged the validity of the story then attacked a friend of mine's character by first claiming she was somehow negligent as a tenant in payment or occupancy, then guessing she's just some confused college aged kid. That's what's offensive.

Quote:If you want proof IM me, cause I'm not putting out her private life on a message board for people who are ignorant cowards. If you really want to see who doesn't know what they're talking about message me and if you're in Jax I'll meet you myself to show you pics of the whole fam.


why don't you quit while you think you're ahead.
If you study other cultures, Kotite's account is not all that unusual.

Quote:If you study other cultures, Kotite's account is not all that unusual.

Such as?
Quote:Such as?

Ladyboys, bra...
Quote:You didn't just "merely offer your point of view." You challenged the validity of the story then attacked a friend of mine's character by first claiming she was somehow negligent as a tenant in payment or occupancy, then guessing she's just some confused college aged kid. That's what's offensive.

I speculated that the family was not evicted because of their strange and irresponsible behavior.  I do believe that's actually illegal.  A person can get evicted for failure to pay / late rent payments, not taking care of the property, not following rules, etc.


I also opined that if they were irresponsible enough to dress and treat a 2 year old boy as a girl, they were probably irresponsible in other ways.


Also, I was speculating that you were the confused college aged kid, not her.


Look, I can accept, though I disagree with a fully grown, fully developed adult individual deciding that they are the opposite sex, but I do not accept adults saying that a two year old "knows" that he or she is actually the opposite sex.  I think that in this case "mommy and daddy wanted a girl but got a boy instead".
Quote:You didn't just "merely offer your point of view." You challenged the validity of the story then attacked a friend of mine's character by first claiming she was somehow negligent as a tenant in payment or occupancy, then guessing she's just some confused college aged kid. That's what's offensive.
“Don't you understand that we need to be childish in order to understand? Only a child sees things with perfect clarity, because it hasn't developed all those filters which prevent us from seeing things that we don't expect to see.” 
― Douglas Adams

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” 
― Albert Einstein


I certainly dont know anything about transgenders, gays or lesbians. Its always been a strange phenomenon to me. But trying to understand it ( which I still dont ) is something to be worked on, in which I am. Certainly wont pass judgement. Until someone actually deals with it in one form or another, it may be tough to comprehend...but certainly not right to condemn.
I've asked you politely to not talk about people you don't know and a situation you know less than nothing about. Now I'm telling you to shut the [BLEEP] up.

You don't know them or what they've gone through and continue to go through as a family. I offered you a direct line to me twice if you want to hear their story. And you're just being a Richard by continuing to throw darts at a situation you have no clue about. Stop talking about them like you know them.

Allow me to reply to to your latest..
Quote:I speculated that the family was not evicted because of their strange and irresponsible behavior. ***It's a strange situation, but if you knew their story you'd realize just how much of a donkey this line makes you sound.***

I do believe that's actually illegal. ***A lot of people think it is. But you are wrong. Again, they live in the most liberal state you can think of, yet it is legal there and is also legal here as Jacksonville is the largest city in the country without protections for LGBT citizens because it lacks a six word expansion of the existing Human Rights Ordinance which most other cities have had for years. You can look this stuff up you know.***

A person can get evicted for failure to pay / late rent payments, not taking care of the property, not following rules, etc. ***Thank you for that refresher on tenant 101. None of this was the case, which you would know if you knew anything about them, but I digress.. The case here was that they live in a place with a smaller population where people can be real bigoted jerks and influence a landlord to evict people for no reason or any reason they want. There was no inclusive protection to their local government's laws on public accommodation, so they got I think 5 weeks to pack up their stuff and find a new place. So yeah.. I'm gonna jump ahead and take a snapshot of this moment to rip you're closing argument to shreds, but don't worry, I'll continue that thought...***

I also opined that if they were irresponsible enough to dress and treat a 2 year old boy as a girl, they were probably irresponsible in other ways. ***I will clarify on this. This kid came out and from the time any kid starts talking, this one has acted like a girl. Because this kid has always believed, "I am a girl." From the time this kid was 2, there were obvious signs this one identified as a girl. I will not go into full detail, but wearing girls clothes full time did not occur for a couple years, though wearing a tiara at home was quite common. All that aside.. you call that irresponsible. Because... it's different? It's a little weird? Okay. So since you are on a roll with irresponsible behavior.. what other irresponsible behavior could you attribute to them blindly.. not knowing a thing about them.. that is grounds for eviction? Since you love nothing more than blind speculation, allow me to stab at a few.. drug usage? blowing off fireworks at 3 am? sex parties? animal molestation? Not these people. They were perfect tenants. Quiet and punctual with the rent. I like your sentence more when I replace the word irresponsible with the word "unusual" since you use it twice, but even replacing the words doesn't correct the fact that this sentence makes no sense.***

Also, I was speculating that you were the confused college aged kid, not her. ***You mean someone you incorrectly thought you could intellectually bully based on your above average vocabulary and life experience?***

Look, I can accept, though I disagree with a fully grown, fully developed adult individual deciding that they are the opposite sex, but I do not accept adults saying that a two year old "knows" that he or she is actually the opposite sex. ***The adults didn't say it. The kid said it. To a clinical psychologist who agreed with her. But that was a few years later. You don't have to accept it. It's not your [BLEEP] life. And they don't need your permission. I will stress again, this kid identified as a girl from the moment she was born and the parents started figuring it out by the age of two.***

I think that in this case "mommy and daddy wanted a girl but got a boy instead". ***This is the argument you want to drive home? This is your zinger? You can believe this more than you can believe a boy was born with the self image and brain of a girl? You can believe that this is even possible? Imagine your childhood. From the time you are born your parents force you to tell everyone you are the opposite sex of what your genitalia says you are. Because "mommy and daddy wanted a girl but got a boy instead." Do you realize how insane that makes you sound? That you can believe that parents would actually do that to their kid from the moment they are born. That they would CHOOSE this life for their kid and for themselves. That a kid.. ANY kid could be brainwashed into living that way? This kid was miserable being forced to wear boy's clothes for years and experienced absolute glee the first time her parents let her wear a real dress. But you think this is some incredibly "irresponsible" plot by scheming parents who just wanted a little girl and used psychological mysticism to make their little boy think it was a little girl.. because that is even possible. And of course.. EVERY parent would be a hit at the bake sales and birthday parties by standing out and choosing to FORCE their kid to act like the opposite sex. They wouldn't be talked about behind their backs, ostracized by entire branches on their family tree, ridiculed, discriminated against or evicted because of that. Let's CHOOSE this life for our family. Can you grasp just how ridiculous this sounds?***
Quote:Such as?

Southeast Asia, Japan, South America for starters.
Quote:Southeast Asia, Japan, South America for starters.

I was gonna say Transylvania.
What if someone identifies with necrophilia and has to kill their sex partner to achieve arousal?
Quote:What if someone identifies with necrophilia and has to kill their sex partner to achieve arousal?

Transgender has nothing to do with sexual arousal or sexual orientation. It has to do with gender identification. Your point is not valid as it doesn't relate to the discussion in any other way than it is something you are repulsed by. It also exposes a clear lack of understanding on your part.
Quote:What if someone identifies with necrophilia and has to kill their sex partner to achieve arousal?

Then they are murderers.


What fears do transgenders cause you to even conjure a scenario like that for comparison?
Quote:Then they are murderers.


What fears do transgenders cause you to even conjure a scenario like that for comparison?

No one fears transgenders, we fear the people and society that are turning them into transgenders.
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