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Quote:No one fears transgenders, we fear the people and society that are turning them into transgenders.

People and society have that power? How is that? Could a person or society turn YOU into a transgender person? That's a rational fear for you? Be gone, before someone drops a house on you! Do you want a do-over on this post. This is world record level dumb.
Sexual arousal is incidental.  A person can identify as a deity or an angel of death that dispenses justice to those they don't deem unworthy.  Or what if a child identifies as a bird and insists on jumping off the empire state building without a parachute.  Should we make allowances for that person to leap to their deaths so that they can truly express themselves?
Quote:Sexual arousal is incidental. A person can identify as a deity or an angel of death that dispenses justice to those they don't deem unworthy. Or what if a child identifies as a bird and insists on jumping off the empire state building without a parachute. Should we make allowances for that person to leap to their deaths so that they can truly express themselves?

You keep posing absurd hypotheticals yet don't respond directly to any of the explanations provided to you on what transgender IS. You would rather cling to a bunch of unfounded and misguided guesses than attempt to explain it. They are childish and representative of your inability to allow any opposing view point, no matter how clearly defined to permeate your belief structure. So instead of even trying to contradict or debate anything I have stated for the past three pages of posts, you propose asinine hypotheses sprinkled with failed attempts at humor. Classic case of cognitive dissonance.
I posed a question.  Each of them simple questions.  You refuse to answer them.  That's predictable. 


The truth is that you yourself don't fully understand the position that you yourself hold.  You can give us all the warm fuzzy anecdotal evidence that you want, but in essence what you are saying is that no matter how silly or biologically incorrect someone's base desires are we as a society should bend over backwards to indulge them.  That is part and parcel with the modernist fetish of nihilism.  That's fine.  It's a free country, you are free to believe whatever you want to believe. 


At the same time you fail to acknowledge that at some point in society we have to establish rules and normatives otherwise we are headed for chaos.  Right behind the LGBTQ movement is "I identify as a pedophile don't judge me," etc. etc. etc.  History has shown us as a society what happens when a Man's belly becomes his or her deity to be served at no end. 


Just because someone feels a certain way or identifies this way or that way doesn't bind society as a whole to abandon its fundamental structure to placate whatever malady someone may be stricken with.  If a 60 year old woman identifies as an NFL player are we going to mandate that she get a contract or its discriminatory?  If someone identifies as a surgeon does that mean that I have to let them take out my gallbladder with a kitchen knife. 


As human beings we all have our quirks and idocinricies, that's just part of the package.  I think that in a free society as much as can be allowed we shouldn't discriminate against people or treat them harshly because they are different.  That being said the idea that we as a society have to abandon our core beliefs or, I don't know, the basic laws of biology to play along with every crackpot or symptom of mental illness is truly asinine.

Quote:Right behind the LGBTQ movement is "I identify as a pedophile don't judge me," etc. etc. etc.

Oh boy, here we go!
Hogwash. You are stringing a bunch of silly questions together to avoid directly confronting any of the statements I made about a real situation. You are so afraid to directly challenge ANY of the statements I have made about a very real situation that you continually call them "anecdotal" implying they are not reliable because they are from personal accounts. I would provide a monsoon of scientific evidence to support my viewpoint, but you would only attempt to discredit any link I posted whether it be from Scientific American or the Christian Science Monitor as being skewed, slanted or sympathetic. So instead I stand by a very real account, while you provide no evidence whatsoever that you can even define what transgender is or why it happens.

Instead you, and others, jump to some other extreme which has no line of logic to it whatsoever.. "If I try to understand why someone is transgender and heaven forbid, I actually get to a point where I don't think it's as disgusting as I currently do, then next people are gonna try to get me to think necrophilia or pedophilia are okay." This is ridiculous.

You say sexual arousal is incidental, but I just used your own words. I will repeat what I stated earlier and try to use smaller words so you can digest it.

Someone who is transgender self identifies as the opposite sex. They are literally a girl trapped in a boy's body or vice versa. This has nothing to do with sexual attraction, arousal or what is commonly referred to as orientation. Let me blow your mind and let you know that it is possible for a boy to be born and self identify as a girl and have the sexual orientation which makes them naturally attracted to girls.

To play your little game.. if a child identifies as a bird and jumps off a building without a parachute, they will die. I don't know what allowances you would need to make for them. They are questions that bear no relevance to the discussion and enforce your feelings of mental stress when confronted with an idea you don't understand. You can't face something directly so you make up dumb [BAD WORD REMOVED].

You dig a deeper hole by throwing hypotheticals where a granny identifies as a football player or some random joe identifies as a surgeon. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." Nobody can identify as those things. Or a bird.. or a deity.. Those are called delusions. But a person can feel like they were born with the wrong body parts based on how they think and feel about themselves. I know this is a rare occurrence, but there are enough documented cases in history which have consistent themes for there to be any number of educational studies, websites, etc. for you to never look up and ignore.

You say I don't understand the position I myself hold.. ?? .. I think I have a better understanding of this than you. I actually have had conversations with transgender people and know someone who is transitioning from a woman to a man. You spin boogeyman stories.

You say that "
in essence what you are saying is that no matter how silly or biologically incorrect someone's base desires are we as a society should bend over backwards to indulge them."

I never said that. And I don't care whether people like or agree with people who are gay or transgender. But I do feel they should have equal protection to earn a living and to public accommodation. Is adding LGBT to the list of protected people (race, religion, age, etc.) bending over backwards for them? Allowing them to have the same rights I as a straight man have today?

You wrap up by saying discrimination is bad then basically backtrack on that statement by further exposing your ignorance on this subject. At the end of the day, there are two types of people. People who try to figure out things they don't fully understand and people who try to tear down, destroy or belittle things they don't fully understand. You refuse to directly challenge a single thing I have typed about a real account I shared in detail and you are throwing feces against the wall hoping any of it will stick with the last three posts. It doesn't. You are all over the place. You're throwing any wild scenario out there you can conceive instead of accepting that ANY of what I have shared could be true. That is cognitive dissonance.
Quote:No one fears transgenders, we fear the people and society that are turning them into transgenders.

How many transgenders do you actually know?


External forces have no effect other than try to turn them into something they aren't.
Quote:Oh boy, here we go!

Tell me about it.
Quote:Hogwash. You are stringing a bunch of silly questions together to avoid directly confronting any of the statements I made about a real situation. You are so afraid to directly challenge ANY of the statements I have made about a very real situation that you continually call them "anecdotal" implying they are not reliable because they are from personal accounts. I would provide a monsoon of scientific evidence to support my viewpoint, but you would only attempt to discredit any link I posted whether it be from Scientific American or the Christian Science Monitor as being skewed, slanted or sympathetic. So instead I stand by a very real account, while you provide no evidence whatsoever that you can even define what transgender is or why it happens.


My gosh this is sad...  I don't have to define transgenderism.  I don't have to come up with some sing song kumbayah explanation for every psychological malady that exists.  I do know that it has nothing to do with biological order.  If you're talking about someone with ambiguous chromosomes or born with hermaphroditic genitalia and the parents chose wrong that's a different  conversation.  But if you're talking about someone who is born with a defined set of chromosomes and unambiguous lady or boy parts who just thinks the grass is greener on the other side of the gender fence then i'm sorry you can't make a credible difference between that particular mental illness and someone having a paranoid delusion that aliens from mars implanted something in them or thinking they are a bird.  The idea that we should find meaning and subsidize the absurd is the foundation for our societies collapse.  

Instead you, and others, jump to some other extreme which has no line of logic to it whatsoever.. "If I try to understand why someone is transgender and heaven forbid, I actually get to a point where I don't think it's as disgusting as I currently do, then next people are gonna try to get me to think necrophilia or pedophilia are okay." This is ridiculous.


you said it not me.

You say sexual arousal is incidental, but I just used your own words. I will repeat what I stated earlier and try to use smaller words so you can digest it.

Someone who is transgender self identifies as the opposite sex. They are literally a girl trapped in a boy's body or vice versa. This has nothing to do with sexual attraction, arousal or what is commonly referred to as orientation. Let me blow your mind and let you know that it is possible for a boy to be born and self identify as a girl and have the sexual orientation which makes them naturally attracted to girls.


More childishness.  Just because you have been seduced by the flavor of the month romanticism doesn't make it anymore correct. As i said in my previous post, which you willfully ignore, if a child self identifies as a toaster should we then let them plug themselves into an outlet?  Jump off the roof because they feel like they are a super hero trapped in a mortals body?  


And i'm fully aware that a transgirl can still be attracted to straight or bio girls which further reinforces that this is a psychological malady that doesn't deserve emotional subsidy from society.  

To play your little game.. if a child identifies as a bird and jumps off a building without a parachute, they will die. I don't know what allowances you would need to make for them. They are questions that bear no relevance to the discussion and enforce your feelings of mental stress when confronted with an idea you don't understand. You can't face something directly so you make up dumb [BAD WORD REMOVED].


Lol...  I'm sensing a little bit of hostility at the end of the 45 seconds.  I'm not stressed and it is something that i understand.  Incidentally its usually the one who starts cursing who is stressed, just to let you know.  As a society we have a responsibility to protect the mentally ill from harming THEMSELVES and others.  The idea that you would callously allow the trans genome child to leap to their death is startling.  

You dig a deeper hole by throwing hypotheticals where a granny identifies as a football player or some random joe identifies as a surgeon. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." Nobody can identify as those things. Or a bird.. or a deity.. Those are called delusions
. But a person can feel like they were born with the wrong body parts based on how they think and feel about themselves. I know this is a rare occurrence, but there are enough documented cases in history which have consistent themes for there to be any number of educational studies, websites, etc. for you to never look up and ignore.


oh wait, you do know what the word means.  Unfortunately you have offered no real basis for distinguishing between those DELUSIONS and the pseudo romantic fascination that society has lifting up those who are TRANSGENDER.  

You say I don't understand the position I myself hold.. ?? .. I think I have a better understanding of this than you. I actually have had conversations with transgender people and know someone who is transitioning from a woman to a man. You spin boogeyman stories.


"I talked to people, i know i care,"  lol.  

You say that "
in essence what you are saying is that no matter how silly or biologically incorrect someone's base desires are we as a society should bend over backwards to indulge them."

I never said that. And I don't care whether people like or agree with people who are gay or transgender. But I do feel they should have equal protection to earn a living and to public accommodation. Is adding LGBT to the list of protected people (race, religion, age, etc.) bending over backwards for them? Allowing them to have the same rights I as a straight man have today?


even more leftist jargon.  It's too early in the morning for this.  The constitution doesn't require making these redundant subclasses because we as a society recognize everyone's God given right to be as delusional and biologically incorrect as they choose to be. 

You wrap up by saying discrimination is bad then basically backtrack on that statement by further exposing your ignorance on this subject. At the end of the day, there are two types of people. People who try to figure out things they don't fully understand and people who try to tear down, destroy or belittle things they don't fully understand. You refuse to directly challenge a single thing I have typed about a real account I shared in detail and you are throwing feces against the wall hoping any of it will stick with the last three posts. It doesn't. You are all over the place. You're throwing any wild scenario out there you can conceive instead of accepting that ANY of what I have shared could be true. That is cognitive dissonance.

lol...  I'm not experiencing any stress because i have a clearly defined belief system and as much as you would like to think so nothing that you are saying is new.  It's the same recycled "I talked to the people, you don't understand, they're trapped freedom of expression" line that we have all been force-fed by our current society.  


The truth is that there are behaviors and desires that lead to the health of a person and overall society.  


ALL people have desires and urges that detract from their health as individuals and that of society as a whole.  


To promote the former is societal evolution, to promote the latter is societal suicide no matter how many people have cried on your shoulder.
That's great. But for the third time, transgender has to do with gender identity, not sexual orientation.

Nobody is defending or endorsing pedophilia. Not even the subject who wrote this who admits to object of his desire does not have the capacity to reciprocate it.
Let me sum up what you basically said with your last offering..

You don't have to define transgender = you don't understand what it is. You are resistant to educate yourself on the subject = you don't care OR you are content with the definition or explanation you have built for yourself and will fight tooth and nail against any other explanation provided for why it occurs.

Either you can't read or can't process the words I wrote or you would know a person cannot identify as a [BLEEP] toaster either. I use profanity because the arguments you pose are mindnumbingly moronic.

And you mock me for having the first hand knowledge of something you know of only from a distance? That reveals everything about you. Jacksonville has their Gay Pride festival this weekend. You can head to Riverside this Sunday to gather research on the subject or test all these theories you seem to have such conviction for. Crazy right? Thinking some keyboard warrior would leave their bubble and actually put themselves in a position where their beliefs could be validated or challenged? If you have the stones to actually come, I'd meet you myself and we could talk more on all you think you know on the subject. I'll be the straight guy. Should make me easy to spot.

Your comment on equal protections and expanding the Human Rights Ordinance is also very revealing. Adding six words to protect gays or transgender people in Jacksonville from being fired from their job, evicted or kicked out of a restaurant JUST FOR BEING GAY OR TRANSGENDER is bending over backwards for them. Because they are a minority. Like blacks. Jews. Muslims. Handicapped people. And they're the only ones left we can still keep or thumb on. Just admit you want to reserve the right to discriminate against these people because you don't like or understand them. At least you'd be honest.

You keep sticking to that clearly defined belief system you have where everything you know or don't know or think you know is placed in a convenient little box for you. And if you can't explain it or it doesn't impact you directly, it doesn't concern you. I would wish that you had a kid or grandkid who was born transgender so you could have a modicum of sympathy or understanding on this subject, but you would only make that kid's life a living Hell and drive them to suicide or drug addiction.
Lol. I state that all people are inherently protected under the constitution and you say that means i wanr to reserve the right to discriminate? I dont think I'm the one who can't read. Lol.

And you can identify as a toaster, there is a broad spectrum of psychological delusions. You just amplify those that fit your paradigm.

I fully understand the arguments made to try and rationalize transgenderism. I just recognize they are nihlistic hogwash.
So you agree that it should be okay for people to be fired, evicted or kicked out of a restaurant just for being gay or transgender?

Do roughly 700,000 Americans identify as a toaster? No?

Hmmm... could it be possible your definition of "identify" is not the blanket statement of psychological disorder you have predefined?

Have you spent half a second researching any of this or are you talking out your rear based on "how you see things?" (This is rhetorical. We all know the answer here.)

Your lack of understanding on this subject is as immense as your inflexibility to admit any opposing fact, hypothesis or testimony as valid or even possible despite your obvious absence of any real knowledge on what transgender is.
Quote:People and society have that power? How is that? Could a person or society turn YOU into a transgender person? That's a rational fear for you? Be gone, before someone drops a house on you! Do you want a do-over on this post. This is world record level dumb.

Wow, a Wizard of Oz reference in a sexual identity thread? Funny.


Yes, parents and society have that power. It's clear from the examples given in this thread that children's delusions about gender identity are being nurtured rather than neutralized. As Doctor McHugh says, transgenderism is a mental disorder to be treated.
You said that you can't identify, you didn't place a numerical value on it.

You can continue to try and mischarectetize my position. It exposes how shallow your point of view is. You havent expressed an opinion. You keep parroting your own bias without digesting any other point of view. That is the definition of cognitive dissonance.
Quote:You said that you can't identify, you didn't place a numerical value on it.

You can continue to try and mischarectetize my position. It exposes how shallow your point of view is. You havent expressed an opinion. You keep parroting your own bias without digesting any other point of view. That is the definition of cognitive dissonance.

I asked a series of questions which you didn't answer. What are you afraid of? I answered yours.
Quote:Wow, a Wizard of Oz reference in a sexual identity thread? Funny.

Yes, parents and society have that power. It's clear from the examples given in this thread that children's delusions about gender identity are being nurtured rather than neutralized. As Doctor McHugh says, transgenderism is a mental disorder to be treated.
No parent or societal influence has this power you claim. Simple logic tells you that. As does the detailed analysis of this scenario I have already provided. I used a Wizard of Oz reference because that is as fantastic as claiming such a statement is plausible. In Africa people burn other people for being witches and turning into goats. They believe that is possible. I guess that explains how people can make up anything, real or imagined to justify their beliefs, fears or anxiety on things they don't really understand.

I won't ask how YOU would treat such cases or ask if you have done any research on those who have tried to treat it or what those results were. The fact is you don't know what it is because you've never had to deal with it in your personal life. And you have never taken any time to research something you have already made your mind up about. You are perpetuating falsehoods and fairy tales with this unfounded and impossible statement.
No u didnt
Sure I did. You even commented on not liking my answers to your dumb questions. Don't be a coward. Answer the questions I asked. I even filled in one answer for you.
Quote:I've asked you politely to not talk about people you don't know and a situation you know less than nothing about. Now I'm telling you to shut the [BAD WORD REMOVED] up.

You don't know them or what they've gone through and continue to go through as a family. I offered you a direct line to me twice if you want to hear their story. And you're just being a Richard by continuing to throw darts at a situation you have no clue about. Stop talking about them like you know them.

Allow me to reply to to your latest..

No, you didn't "ask me politely to not talk about people that I don't know".  You just didn't like my opinion regarding the situation that you brought up.  Tough.


You can tell me whatever you wish.  You certainly have a right to free speech just like I do.


I'm still of the opinion that the family that you posted about is irresponsible and messed up.  Like it or not, that's my opinion.
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