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Full Version: Transgender HS student wants to use female locker room
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Quote:You really just don't understand or do not want to understand. It seems like instead of trying to understand you are merely attempting to debate your way into trying to prove you are right about.... something though I am not sure what exactly? I suggest you have an actual conversation with someone and see for yourself how misguided you are in thinking you understand. 


No they did not say that and they do not. YOU say that. That is your translation to help you understand something you cannot begin to understand.


You are still continuing the flawed argument that "science says" no science does not say either way that is blatantly false. Anatomy does not address the mind and other sciences barely understand a small portion of the mind. The entire basis for your trans vs creationism argument is flawed at it's basic level. 

What do they not say?  "This is who I am"?  What does that really mean?   Does that make it fact or is that what he/she believes?
Quote:What do they not say?  "This is who I am"?  What does that really mean?   Does that make it fact or is that what he/she believes?

They do not say it's a belief. Those are your words you are saying. You are interpreting "this is who I am" with "this is what I believe". They do not say that nor think that and they would disagree with your interpretation. 


It makes it a fact for them. 


One more time this is not settled science there is nothing to point to for people like you are me to use as facts in this scenario. There is no science for this that I am aware of . You either take what they say and roll with it or you think they are lying/making it all up. 

Quote:I think the exact same stance was taken years ago regarding gay/lesbian folk.


I get the feeling you have never had this conversation with someone living it. Here is the difference. Ask them about themselves and their response is with conviction "this is who I am". Ask someone who believes in creationism and their response is, with conviction "this is what I believe". There is literally nothing for them to believe because it is just who they are. The only belief taking place here is your belief that it's just a belief on their part.


That right there is the difference. 

I wonder how much time you've spent working or residing in a behavioral health unit? Those places are full of people who's convicted response to "Who are you?" is pure unadulterated lunacy. What a person believes about themselves, especially the mentally ill, often bears little resemblance to the the truth and that truth is rarely as relative as you seem to want it to be.


It makes it a fact for them. 


See? This is ridiculous, what you choose to believe does not create it as fact. If it were so then there would be no truth and no fact, nothing but a universe of relativity.
If transgendered people are mentally ill (which they aren't), most are some of the most functional mentally ill people you'll ever meet. The only thing keeping them from meshing seamlessly with society is the uninformed, bigoted attitudes they encounter.

In our country's social effort to never offend anyone, nor restrict anyone's rights (as long as they aren't christian), we have created a PC Police that is more feared by some than other country's secret police.

Quote:See? This is ridiculous, what you choose to believe does not create it as fact. If it were so then there would be no truth and no fact, nothing but a universe of relativity.

This is the GOP in a nutshell. Hence the insane position on most topics they carry.
Quote:In our country's social effort to never offend anyone, nor restrict anyone's rights (as long as they aren't christian), we have created a PC Police that is more feared by some than other country's secret police.

Christians rights are not being restricted. This is a narratives perpetrated by fearmongers that base eats hook, line, and sinker.
It's very, very difficult, if not impossible, for some people to relate to things they do not understand or feel. It's probably difficult for some of you to understand how someone who's White or Black could be attracted to someone else who's not of their race, because you might not feel that same way. It's hard to relate to, right?


It's difficult for me to understand why some people prefer certain makes of cars, or why some people prefer the color blue to the color red. I don't feel that way, so how can they feel that way. The human brain is amazing. You can be created with parts of one sex, but your brain tells you this is wrong. Its been said that when you lose an arm or leg, you can still feel it there. It's not there, but your brain is telling you it is. It's hard to understand that isn't it. It's not there, why do you feel it? I feel very sad for people who just happened to get the wrong parts. I've felt that way in my life, but I'm not to that end of the spectrum where action would need to be taken, but I can to an extent relate.

Quote:It's very, very difficult, if not impossible, for some people to relate to things they do not understand or feel. It's probably difficult for some of you to understand how someone who's White or Black could be attracted to someone else who's not of their race, because you might not feel that same way. It's hard to relate to, right?


It's difficult for me to understand why some people prefer certain makes of cars, or why some people prefer the color blue to the color red. I don't feel that way, so how can they feel that way. The human brain is amazing. You can be created with parts of one sex, but your brain tells you this is wrong. Its been said that when you lose an arm or leg, you can still feel it there. It's not there, but your brain is telling you it is. It's hard to understand that isn't it. It's not there, why do you feel it? I feel very sad for people who just happened to get the wrong parts. I've felt that way in my life, but I'm not to that end of the spectrum where action would need to be taken, but I can to an extent relate.

Cool story.


You feeling bad for those people doesn't mean they should be allowed to choose whatever locker room they want to use.
Quote:Christians rights are not being restricted. This is a narratives perpetrated by fearmongers that base eats hook, line, and sinker.

Do you think there are any things that white men aren't allowed to do simply because they are white or male? Honest question.
Quote:Do you think there are any things that white men aren't allowed to do simply because they are white or male? Honest question.


I am not sure I fully I understand your question other than I am sure it is truly an honest question nor what it has to do with the fable of christian persecution.

Quote:Cool story.


You feeling bad for those people doesn't mean they should be allowed to choose whatever locker room they want to use.
This topic has way veered away from the question of a locker room into the "Why do they feel that way if they're born with XX sexual parts". I was merely making a point about everyone's complete mis-understanding of something because they struggle to relate. My opinion on the locker room deal is I lean towards a neutral area if those in the womens area, or mens area feel uncomfortable with it.
Quote:This topic has way veered away from the question of a locker room into the "Why do they feel that way if they're born with XX sexual parts". I was merely making a point about everyone's complete mis-understanding of something because they struggle to relate. My opinion on the locker room deal is I lean towards a neutral area if those in the womens area, or mens area feel uncomfortable with it.
Most people, in fact I think everyone in this thread has agreed with the neutral bathroom. Since everyone agreed the discussion veered into that have mental issues, they are making it up, it's all in their heads, it's just a belief. They was no animosity from either side toward the other on this initial topic so someone had to make it an issue because they feed on it. 
Quote:My opinion on the locker room deal is I lean towards a neutral area if those in the womens area, or mens area feel uncomfortable with it.
There might have been one or two people much earlier on who said that she should use the boys locker room and deal with it, but I do believe that just about everyone, regardless of their stance on transgender issues, has been in agreement on the neutral third location being the fair compromise for everyone.
Quote:Most people, in fact I think everyone in this thread has agreed with the neutral bathroom. Since everyone agreed the discussion veered into that have mental issues, they are making it up, it's all in their heads, it's just a belief. They was no animosity from either side toward the other on this initial topic so someone had to make it an issue because they feed on it. 

These political posts, heck all posts, on this board become a really bad game of telephone. You start off at point a. and then veer in circles until nothing makes any sense what so ever.


It's the debate that some people seem to enjoy. Debating can be fun, but never does anyone concede and say good point or ok, I can see that. We just all attack it from a different angle.  Me included. Smile
Quote:There might have been one or two people much earlier on who said that she should use the boys locker room and deal with it, but I do believe that just about everyone, regardless of their stance on transgender issues, has been in agreement on the neutral third location being the fair compromise for everyone.
Yes, agreed. It makes the most sense for all involved.


I didn't remark on this before, but I will now. Pages ago someone said (not you I don't think) what's to prevent any sicko from dressing up and claiming they're a trans so they can change with the girls/boys. You can pretty much do all of those things right now, regardless of a rule going on way or another. If I wanted to get up right now and walk right into the mens bathroom, I could do that.
Quote:These political posts, heck all posts, on this board become a really bad game of telephone. You start off at point a. and then veer in circles until nothing makes any sense what so ever.


It's the debate that some people seem to enjoy. Debating can be fun, but never does anyone concede and say good point or ok, I can see that. We just all attack it from a different angle.  Me included. Smile
You are wrong because reasons!!!!!  :teehee:
Quote:You are wrong because reasons!!!!!  :teehee:

It all makes perfect sense to me!!


I am not sure I fully I understand your question other than I am sure it is truly an honest question nor what it has to do with the fable of christian persecution.

My point has nothing to do with christian persecution. Sorry if quoting that post confused you, it's just the post that made me think of my question.


Anyways, my question was pretty straight forward. Do you think there are things out there that white males are unable to do simply because they are white or male? 
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