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Full Version: "We're further along than we anticipated" Bradley on offense
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Quote:The quarter back needs to throw the ball to the running backs and recie vers. Then and only then will the jag uars off ense pro duce touch downs.

Your not funny. Touchdowns happy?
I'm more sold on lee than hurns.. If lee stays healthy he's a legit starter.. Hurns dropping balls makes me nervous.. I think hurns better fits the slot spot.. Lee would get popped once then be hurt again.. Lee playing the slot isn't a good idea.. Its actually not all that smart..
I'm not sold on this WR group as a whole.  So far Robinson is the only one that doesnt worry me but that said anyone can see that the first team offense is moving the ball and them not getting into the endzone just shows how young this team really is.

Quote:Oh does Gus Bradley know this? Because I believe he proclaimed the offense is further along with this knowledge. Are you sure your paying attention?
Obviously reading comprehension isn't a strong suit for you, so as you're looking at stat lines, keep that in mind.
Quote:But we're further along hurricane. Isn't it obvious.

So, to you, the ONLY indicator that the offense looks better (after two pre-season games I might add) is touchdowns? The fact that they're moving the ball and Bortles looks WAY better makes no difference?
Quote:Obviously reading comprehension isn't a strong suit for you, so as you're looking at stat lines, keep that in mind.

Don't deflect. It's dumb. I watch the games. Multiple times even. I have this nice feature that allows me to watch every play condensed without interruption. It's not on tv but online. I watch every play. How are we further along?
Quote:So, to you, the ONLY indicator that the offense looks better (after two pre-season games I might add) is touchdowns? The fact that they're moving the ball and Bortles looks WAY better makes no difference?
Hang on.  He needs to change his tie.  It's sopping wet.


Quote:Don't deflect. It's dumb. I watch the games. Multiple times even. I have this nice feature that allows me to watch every play condensed without interruption. It's not on tv but online. I watch every play. How are we further along?
Deflect?  You completely misread my post, and you're saying that by pointing that out I'm deflecting?  Okay.  Keep making my point for me. 


If you can't see this offense is further along than a year ago, maybe you should take up a hobby that's more suitable to your intellect, like chewing or something.
Quote:So, to you, the ONLY indicator that the offense looks better (after two pre-season games I might add) is touchdowns? The fact that they're moving the ball and Bortles looks WAY better makes no difference?

Duh! Yeah I acknowledged that individually a bunch of prices on offense look improved. As an offense how are they further along? Touchdowns matter right?
Hurns has dropped a potential TD pass


Harbor has dropped a potential TD pass


Blake barely missed Robinson for a TD


Blake barely missed Harbor for a TD

Quote:Duh! Yeah I acknowledged that individually a bunch of prices on offense look improved. As an offense how are they further along? Touchdowns matter right?

You can't be that dumb.


Carry on.
Quote:You can't be that dumb.


Carry on.
Wanna bet?
Quote:Hurns has dropped a potential TD pass


Harbor has dropped a potential TD pass


Blake barely missed Robinson for a TD


Blake barely missed Harbor for a TD
Bro, stats! Stats! We only look at stats and don't take into account anything else.

Quote:Yeah ok Gus. I'll believe you when I can see a few TD's thrown in a game. It would be nice if we could see some of that improvement you speak of actually equate to points. It sounds like lip service to me. The Giants dominated every offensive statistic yet were further along than anticipated. I guess we're waiting till the regular season to really show what we've got eh? At least that kicker competition is heating up because we're gonna need the best kicker possible. Actually it wouldn't be a bad idea to keep two kickers and go kicker by committee. I'm not bitter at all I like 49 yard field goals!
Apparently your expectations and Gus/Caldwell's expectations are not the same...I will however mention that every year since we started this down hill spiral, we have heard the same thing every year after the draft and FA period..." We are happy with where we are, we got better today, we are comfortable with our recievers, the players look good in practice," et.al and then the season starts and we have the same old stuff as the last year...


I will also say that Caldwell has seemingly drafted well and brought in talented players...In year 3 of a nearly completly gutted roster and rebuild, we should start to see the improvement...I do think this team is much better than when Caldwell stepped in, and I can see improvement, it's just not manifesting in the W column yet...


This is the year the W's must start coming, but I don't think there is a magic number in mind, I think as long as the team is progressing everyone is safe but next year will be the hot seat for Gus...At some point in time the W's will be the measuring stick for progress, but in year 3 I think that as long as we play tight close games, make fewer stupid mistakes, move the chains, and play good defense, the organization will be content
Quote:Go ahead I'm all ears.

I've spotted the problem; you need something between them.
Quote:Apparently your expectations and Gus/Caldwell's expectations are not the same...I will however mention that every year since we started this down hill spiral, we have heard the same thing every year after the draft and FA period..." We are happy with where we are, we got better today, we are comfortable with our recievers, the players look good in practice," et.al and then the season starts and we have the same old stuff as the last year...

I will also say that Caldwell has seemingly drafted well and brought in talented players...In year 3 of a nearly completly gutted roster and rebuild, we should start to see the improvement...I do think this team is much better than when Caldwell stepped in, and I can see improvement, it's just not manifesting in the W column yet...

This is the year the W's must start coming, but I don't think there is a magic number in mind, I think as long as the team is progressing everyone is safe but next year will be the hot seat for Gus...At some point in time the W's will be the measuring stick for progress, but in year 3 I think that as long as we play tight close games, make fewer stupid mistakes, move the chains, and play good defense, the organization will be content

Thank you for you well thought out post. It's one thing to read about overall improvement of the offense but then to see it is another thing. I see a bunch of individual improvement but not as an offense. This offense is still not clicking. With or without the injuries we are being told that the unit as a whole is far ahead. i don't see it. I see a bunch of mistakes. Whiffs on the offensive line, dropped passes, miscommunication on routes. Missed reads. Those are the things that make an offense better. And yet it's not improved. But apparently most on this thread say otherwise.
Quote:I've spotted the problem; you need something between them.
Quote:Thank you for you well thought out post. It's one thing to read about overall improvement of the offense but then to see it is another thing. I see a bunch of individual improvement but not as an offense. This offense is still not clicking. With or without the injuries we are being told that the unit as a whole is far ahead. i don't see it. I see a bunch of mistakes. Whiffs on the offensive line, dropped passes, miscommunication on routes. Missed reads. Those are the things that make an offense better. And yet it's not improved. But apparently most on this thread say otherwise.
No, most with a functional football IQ say otherwise. Not just those in this thread.
Quote:No, most with a functional football IQ say otherwise. Not just those in this thread.

Can you specifically address what I mentioned regarding the offensive issues?
Quote:Thank you for your honesty. I have that expectation as well. But I'd like to know where and how our offense is further along? Because maybe my expectations of this team winning 6 games is too high.
How about no 1st team 3 and outs against the Giants and Blake is 100% on red zone possessions this preseason. Through 2.5 quarters Blake is:

19/31 216 yards 1 rushing TD and 0 INTs with 1 3 and out drive. That's improvement if I've ever seen it.
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