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Quote:One thing that caught my attention is that Michael Savage came out in support of Donald Trump.   Being that I'm convinced Savage is a phony,   it didn't surprise me in the least that he's supporting Trump,  another phony,   in the 2016 Campaign for President.  

LOL, is he still on the air?  I do know that he used to come on the air late at night here, but since I don't work late night hours anymore I'm not sure who is on.  I could never take him seriously.  I did try to read one of his books at one time, but my interest left me after about the 1st chapter or so.


You did say that you think that Donald Trump is a phony.  Care to elaborate, especially concerning my earlier post?  I do know that you are conservative and offer pretty level minded point of view.
Quote:LOL, is he still on the air?  I do know that he used to come on the air late at night here, but since I don't work late night hours anymore I'm not sure who is on.  I could never take him seriously.  I did try to read one of his books at one time, but my interest left me after about the 1st chapter or so.


You did say that you think that Donald Trump is a phony.  Care to elaborate, especially concerning my earlier post?  I do know that you are conservative and offer pretty level minded point of view.

Unfortunately,  Michael Savage is still on the air.   Much like Donald Trump,  Savage comes across as a megalomaniac,   though not quite to the extent of Trump.  


Considering the track record of Donald Trump supporting left wing candidates and causes not that long ago and his criticism of Mitt Romney in 2012 about his immigration comments,  it's hard to picture Trump as a Conservative.   I'm not a fan of Mitt Romney but Trump's credibility is the issue:


Quote:Unfortunately,  Michael Savage is still on the air.   Much like Donald Trump,  Savage comes across as a megalomaniac,   though not quite to the extent of Trump.  


Considering the track record of Donald Trump supporting left wing candidates and causes not that long ago and his criticism of Mitt Romney in 2012 about his immigration comments,  it's hard to picture Trump as a Conservative.   I'm not a fan of Mitt Romney but Trump's credibility is the issue:



The last quote in that article says a lot.


Let me ask you this.  How do you think that the FOX News moderators handled the debate?  Was it fair?  Do you see any candidate being treated more or less favorably?


I would just like to keep these thoughts and discussion in mind once the democrats have their first debate.
Quote:What is puzzling is how those on the very far right (examples of whom I stated earlier, Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham) can be so clearly behind Donald Trump.
The people you've mentioned (along with others who favor Trump) are members of the media first and conservatives second. Trump is a flashpoint for conversation. It's not like John Kasich, who is remarkably nondescript and doesn't generate huge discussion because, well, no one loves him and no one hates him. I have yet to talk to someone who's indifferent about Trump, and the reasons people love or hate him are as varied as the colors of the rainbow. Talking about the policy ideas of Dr. Carson will probably put listeners/viewers to sleep after a few minutes, but throwing Trump's name out there will buy you an entire seven-minute segment and then some, and get your audience engaged and waiting for more. Why are prominent female conservatives behind Trump? Because when the same guy calls in every day and asks how a woman could possibly support Donald Trump, they get to repeat the same impassioned defense of his policies over his mouth, and they generate the sort of intense, visceral response from their audience that keeps people engaged in the show.


TL;DR - ratings


Quote:Let me ask you this.  How do you think that the FOX News moderators handled the debate?  Was it fair?  Do you see any candidate being treated more or less favorably?
Not directed to me, but I'll answer it anyway. It seemed like Trump was flat-out abused by the moderators, although he brought a lot of that on himself with the way he was answering them. Everyone else had some curveballs thrown their way. No one was really handled with kid gloves, although Huckabee and Kasich seemed like they were given lighter questions overall. Cruz definitely got a few softball questions, although I seem to recall a couple of them coming right after a moderator body-slammed Trump, so maybe they just felt easier by comparison. One could speculate that Huckabee's status as a former colleague (and, soon, a former candidate) probably won him some favor, and Kasich just doesn't have the type of resume that Rand Paul or Jeb Bush bring to the table, nor does he have the type of mouth that Cruz, Rubio or Trump possess.


I'll say this: considering that it was a Republican debate on Fox News, I was expecting them to absolutely hammer a few candidates that Murdoch doesn't want around, and throw wiffle balls at guys they want to see in it down the road. I didn't really see much of that, certainly not to the extent that I would expect an MSNBC Democratic debate to beat Bernie Sanders into a pulp then hand his remains to Hillary Clinton.

Not directed to me, but I'll answer it anyway. It seemed like Trump was flat-out abused by the moderators, although he brought a lot of that on himself with the way he was answering them. Everyone else had some curveballs thrown their way. No one was really handled with kid gloves, although Huckabee and Kasich seemed like they were given lighter questions overall. Cruz definitely got a few softball questions, although I seem to recall a couple of them coming right after a moderator body-slammed Trump, so maybe they just felt easier by comparison. One could speculate that Huckabee's status as a former colleague (and, soon, a former candidate) probably won him some favor, and Kasich just doesn't have the type of resume that Rand Paul or Jeb Bush bring to the table, nor does he have the type of mouth that Cruz, Rubio or Trump possess.


I'll say this: considering that it was a Republican debate on Fox News, I was expecting them to absolutely hammer a few candidates that Murdoch doesn't want around, and throw wiffle balls at guys they want to see in it down the road. I didn't really see much of that, certainly not to the extent that I would expect an MSNBC Democratic debate to beat Bernie Sanders into a pulp then hand his remains to Hillary Clinton.

I would like to see it you can provide anything to back up what I bolded in your quote.


Specifically, how was Trump "flat-out abused by the moderators"?  How did Cruz "definitely get a few softball questions"?  Which ones?  Let's look at the evidence rather than "talking points".
I know you're a stickler for citations, but the question asked was one of opinion. I gave you mine based solely upon having watched the debate and said, "Wow, they've hit Trump on women, on immigration, on his business history and on his partisan history. All they have left is his hair." It's also based upon my wife and I both commenting on how soft some of the questions Cruz got by comparison were by comparison. There are factual questions, and there are "How do you think..." questions. You asked the latter.

Quote:I know you're a stickler for citations, but the question asked was one of opinion. I gave you mine based solely upon having watched the debate and said, "Wow, they've hit Trump on women, on immigration, on his business history and on his partisan history. All they have left is his hair." It's also based upon my wife and I both commented on how soft some of the questions Cruz got by comparison were by comparison. There are factual questions, and there are "How do you think..." questions. You asked the latter.

Fair enough, I was asking how "you" (since my question wasn't directed at you specifically) thought that the FOX News handled the debate.  You gave your opinion based on what you and your wife thought.


What about now?  Were they "harder on Trump" and "softer" towards other candidates?  The video and the transcript is online for people to review.  I would hope that people don't form an opinion based on "live TV" without going back and doing some review and research.  I pointed out each question that Trump was asked with my own comments.  I provided a link to the debate and gave time marks so that people can find the information.  I'm not sure exactly how to put a link to my former comment, but it's #195 in this thread.  How are those questions "hitting" Trump when they are valid questions to ask of a presidential candidate?


I don't have the time now, but the same thing can be done regarding the questions asked of Ted Cruz in order for us to compare.  Perhaps you might do it to back up your point.
It's funny. I can't tell what Trump is about. On one hand he's being brash and insulting at the same time he's shining a light on the corruption in campaign finance. The only person "on the right" even mentioning it. 

Quote:I don't have the time now, but the same thing can be done regarding the questions asked of Ted Cruz in order for us to compare.  Perhaps you might do it to back up your point.
That's a big negative, on time and on willingness to watch the debate again or read the transcript. Like I've said twice now, Trump brought a lot of his hammering on himself. If you are so inclined as to watch the debate again, watch the moderators' demeanor towards Trump, Cruz and everyone else. The only time I saw any moderator get nearly as hostile to other candidates as they all were to Trump was when Megyn Kelly shot back at Dr. Carson after his "I thought you'd never ask me another question," quip, and when she challenged Rubio on his (incorrect) assertion that he had never favored a rape/incest exception for abortion. Even the latter incident wasn't really all that harsh. The moderators' demeanor towards other candidates was much lighter, with Cruz in particular catching my eye as being addressed favorably throughout.


It's possible that personal perception affects my hindsight. I didn't like Cruz going into the debate, and coming out of it I can pretty safely say that I'd vote for him over Kim Jong-Il, but it'd be a really close decision. That may well be coloring my view of the treatment he got some.
I can't believe Trump is pulling away in the polls. May have to do with the fact that he speaks his mind with zero filter, and the Baby Boomers love that and think we need that.

All in all for me, there's no one I'd vote for on that stage. I used to like Christie but he sold out on his beliefs.

Well, it's good for this country that we get to see bluster and hyperbole then 2 days later we see Bernie graciously step to the side and let people hijack his platform and he listened intently. Would love to see a Clinton/Sanders ticket.

Quote:It's funny. I can't tell what Trump is about. On one hand he's being brash and insulting at the same time he's shining a light on the corruption in campaign finance. The only person "on the right" even mentioning it. 
The only reason he did it is because as a rich dude, he wants to portray himself as above such possible corruption.


Like EVERYTHING else Donald does, he will use other people's money to finance this risk if he stays in.  Risking other people's money is what he's been doing for 30 years, why change now.  Trust me, if by some miracle he is nominated, he will accept the Koch and Adelson funds like everyone else.


But again, he only mentioned it to shine the light on himself - which is another thing he always does.
Quote:Trump is the perfect caricature of the far right through the eyes of the Left: crony capitalist, racist, and misogynist. Hillary's team did a masterful job building him and the media (birm) is doing a great job selling him.
Sorry man, you don't get to blame the Left for this one.


You have to face facts that a significant minority of Republicans actually like this guy.  The crazy ones.
Quote:Sorry man, you don't get to blame the Left for this one.


You have to face facts that a significant minority of Republicans actually like this guy.  The crazy ones.

I'm not disagreeing, I just feel like he's being encouraged the same way Perot was, to split the right in half.
Quote:The only reason he did it is because as a rich dude, he wants to portray himself as above such possible corruption.


Like EVERYTHING else Donald does, he will use other people's money to finance this risk if he stays in.  Risking other people's money is what he's been doing for 30 years, why change now.  Trust me, if by some miracle he is nominated, he will accept the Koch and Adelson funds like everyone else.


But again, he only mentioned it to shine the light on himself - which is another thing he always does.
That's very likely true. I just like how he comes right out and says something very well known but no one talks about and the moderators ignored him while others asked him to give them money!
Quote:I'm not disagreeing, I just feel like he's being encouraged the same way Perot was, to split the right in half.
Not seeing it.


If anything, he's being hammered from the sensible right and the would-be liberal media.  While Hilary would LOVE this guy as her competition, neither her nor her confederates are seen supporting him.


He's a product of anger, and to a lesser extent, delusion, and it is being driven by the angriest and most delusional right wing zealots.


That being said, he's winning polls.  We'll see if he can win anything when his competition thins and it's time to cast a ballot. 
Quote:I'm not disagreeing, I just feel like he's being encouraged the same way Perot was, to split the right in half.
That is without a doubt true. 
Quote:Well, it's good for this country that we get to see bluster and hyperbole then 2 days later we see Bernie graciously step to the side and let people hijack his platform and he listened intently. Would love to see a Clinton/Sanders ticket.
As much as I hate to say it because I don't want a seemingly good man and good politician roped in with her, I think Clinton/O'Malley could be the Democratic ticket next year. I don't see Sanders as the type who'd be willing to be a VP at this point in his career.


Quote:I'm not disagreeing, I just feel like he's being encouraged the same way Perot was, to split the right in half.
Oh, that's definitely happening. Trump running as a third party candidate if he doesn't get the Republican bid seems highly likely.
Trump is even making the news over here.

Everyone talking about Trump is probably more important than whether he wins selection or not to him
I was very disappointed in Jeb Bush, he should have been more aggressive. 


It was like everytime he was asked a question, he got tentative and was over watching his words. 

Quote:That's very likely true. I just like how he comes right out and says something very well known but no one talks about and the moderators ignored him while others asked him to give them money!

So where's this "corruption" he's brought to light?


Asking rich people for campaign contributions is now illegal?
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