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Full Version: Fox Republican Debate--- Let's laugh and Drink together!
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Quote:Abortion question:  



Huckee takes a bold position to say that defunding PP isn't good enough.   Instead, we should say conception is life and make Amendment to the Constitution to protect the egg that is conceived.


Supreme Court isn't the Supreme Being...

Quote:Abortion question:  



Huckee takes a bold position to say that defunding PP isn't good enough.   Instead, we should say conception is life and make Amendment to the Constitution to protect the egg that is conceived.


Supreme Court isn't the Supreme Being...

Huckabee isn't a serious contender so why not say outlandish stuff.
Quote:Wallace pushes back to Trump about Mexicans



Trump says, Border patrol says our leaders are stupid....  LOL!  He's awesome!!!

Trump is hilarious. 


The comments he made about the lady breast pumping.  I'm paraphrasing, but "she is disgusting, pulling it out right there and pumping.  She's a loser, I destroyed her, I'm a winner and did I say she is disgusting?!?!... Next question".   
Rubio says:  Illegals call him to say, "hey I need to be illegal"...  LOL, does anyone believe that line of dung?

Man, Ted Cruz has no love from the audience...

Cruz, Obama is killing us...  Illegals are killing our country...



"Never supported amenesty"  quiet claps...  Better than he got when he was talking...

Fattie Christie:  blah blah blah 9/11...



Christie:  I'm a tough guy:  I'm gonna keep on with the Bush Doctrine...




Rand:  Hey Fattie-- You're a fascist.... 



Fattie:  What evs...


Rand:  You're lame



Fattie:  YOU ARE!!!  (Crowd boos)


Rand:  You just don't get it, do you?  


Fattie:  Uh,..  what?


Rand:  You love Obama, get out of here!!!  (Crowd roars)


Fattie:  9/11  (silence)


Fattie:  You stink.  (Boos)

Megan:  Cruz, How will you beat ISIS?



Cruz:  You have to say radical islam...  (crowd roars)



Cruz:  We can't win hearts and minds to islamists.   We have to just kill them all...  (crowd applauds)


Cruz:  ISIS is evil, jihad is bad.  Idealogical is bad.  


Obama needs to call out radical islam.  The prayer breakfast was too weak.  We need to call out radical islam.  (crowd clapped pretty good)

Jeb...  blah blah blah...


He called a bunch of dudes that died because of his brother...




Revisionist history to blame Obama.  But OK.  It's Obama's fault that ISIS was created, says Bush 
I'm voting for Rand Paul. I mean, that's it, I'm changing my registration to Republican and voting for Rand Paul.

Cruz is not impressive. He strikes me as a xenophobic racist with all extremities removed from reality.
Walker:  He's met with Saudies...  Oh man...



LOL, wow...  He's just gonna keep it clean and straight... Smart on him

haha I wasn't sure I was going to get to talk again

Black dude, "hey, thanks for asking me a question"  LOL

Carson:  Let the Generals kill.   


(Dude, I just don't get why we think that war mongers are going to bring peace...  It's a silly concept...  But that's just me.)

Ben Carson - Torture!!!!   Wallbash .  That's me throwing ISIS head into a wall for information.

haha trump

Is there any serious candidates? Sounds like a good laugh...
Trump:  I told everyone Iraq was bunk!!!



Trump on Healthcare:  Single payer worked...  But now private system is good, I have a huge company that will out sell everyone.  I have the power.  I will make it great.  I'm awesome.  Make me the dictator.  


Then we'll figure out about the poor because I'm awesome....


Donald is killing me!

Trump:  Most of these yahoos have been paid by me...


I'm a business guy, I give to politicians...


This whole system is jacked.  


But yeah, these republicans are awesome. 

Haha Trump is full of it, he keeps deflecting

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