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Quote:I'm not in a gated community, and wouldn't want to be in one. But homeowner fees are a choice. An actual contract that the homeowner chooses to sign, not one that is imposed without approval by 51% of the neighbors.


I have no problem with sales taxes, since buying or not buying something is a choice. Gasoline taxes that are used to support road building and maintenance are IMO the best taxes, because they are essentially very convenient user fees. Income taxes are theft.

lol - you need to join Eric, as he wishes it were still 1890 and things were so much simpler then.


I love that tough talk about how income taxes are theft. And yet I'm guessing you like to rail about welfare and free-loaders, yada yada yada. Seems to me you want the benefits without having to pay for them. Do want an EBT card sent your way?
Quote:So what do consider the constitution?

I didn't sign the Constitution. I'm not THAT old.


The Constitution only allows the collection of taxes, it doesn't mandate it. The 16th amendment allows theft, it doesn't mandate it, and I certainly wouldn't have signed that particular part. And the federal government is so controlled by parasites that it will never be overturned.


What exactly am I getting for the money the federal government takes from me by force that I find useful? 1. National defense, although the DoD is way too bloated. 2. Interstate highways, but user fees in the form of gasoline taxes paid for that. Hmm, I can't think of much else. 90% or more of federal spending is just waste.


A tax is like cancer, once it's there it's always there. On rare occasions there's a remission, but it will eventually come back.

Quote:lol - you need to join Eric, as he wishes it were still 1890 and things were so much simpler then.


I love that tough talk about how income taxes are theft. And yet I'm guessing you like to rail about welfare and free-loaders, yada yada yada. Seems to me you want the benefits without having to pay for them. Do want an EBT card sent your way?

Stating that theft is theft is not tough talk. I'm paying the guy with the gun, not fighting him.

And part of that social contract includes how the government will spend the money it takes in based on the will of the people. By said constitution planned parenthood should appear in a line item and be openly voted upon to recieve the peoples money. At current its hidden in grants not approved by congress in the proliferation of extra constitutional executive authority that violates the vasic tennants of sepration of powers that the constitution was built on.
Geez, some of this discussion should go into another thread.
Quote:That's not my main point, but yes, that is the case. Love it or leave it, baby.

But the main point is that taxes are part of the social contract. It's also in the constitution.

You guys are acting like you live in some dictatorship that is forcing a great evil onto you. Seriously, come back to reality. The water is fine... :-)
Actually the fluoride in the water is very bad for you.
Quote:lol - you need to join Eric, as he wishes it were still 1890 and things were so much simpler then.

I love that tough talk about how income taxes are theft. And yet I'm guessing you like to rail about welfare and free-loaders, yada yada yada. Seems to me you want the benefits without having to pay for them. Do want an EBT card sent your way?

Yes because pointing out the temporary income tax which has become now the bedrock of funding the uncontrolled spending at the federal level is the same as going back to 1890.

Perhaps you are allowing the benefits of a big state sway your mind and accepting the compromises in personally liberty and responsibility.
Quote:You can move to one of those African countries that have no taxes anytime you want. Nobody his holding a gun to your head and forcing you into an internment camp/ghetto in which you are forced to live.

I can't believe I (a commie liberal :teehee: ) is saying this... But love it or leave it... :yucky:

Taxes are the price one pays to live in a society that provides for it's people. To think that taxes are taken by force means you believe the government is illegitimate. At least, that's my point of view.

There are certain things our government does I disagree with. Lately, those things have become more and more. But I never looked at taxes as being force-ably taken from me.

It's not the existence of taxes it's the method of collection that is criminal today. Consumption taxes are very much aligned with the constitution, not so much the temporary production tax we are suffering under.
Quote:It's not the existence of taxes it's the method of collection that is criminal today. Consumption taxes are very much aligned with the constitution, not so much the temporary production tax we are suffering under.

Consumption Tax would be terrible for most people.  I'm sure you'd find more of your money going toward taxes (unless you manage to save most of your money, or happen to be wealthy) with a consumption tax.  I know my family would.  I calculated it.  I used to favor the consumption tax myself, until I calculated it out.  It'd also be bad for small businesses too because they're far less prepared for such a change than big businesses are.  

Also any money you've already saved?  It's worth less now.  If you've saved a lot it might not matter, but if you're like our family and have only saved what you've been able to then it's more harmful. 

Honestly this is a subject for another topic.  But you'd also have to have a much higher consumption tax than most people presume. 

Quote:There is no contract. I didn't sign any contract agreeing to pay taxes. Did you? 'Social Contract' is just some [BAD WORD REMOVED] term invented by a leftist pundit to justify theft.
I'll forward your thoughts on the term along to Mr. Rousseau.


Oh, wait, I can't. He coined the term in 1762.
Quote:So what do consider the constitution?

Suborned by the Left via the 19th Amendment.
Quote:Suborned by the Left via the 19th Amendment.
huh? Women's right to vote was a form of bribery?



<div style="font-size:large;">səˈbôrn/

past tense: <b>suborned</b>; past participle: <b>suborned</b>
<ol class="">[*]

<div style="margin-left:20px;">
<div style=";">
<div>bribe or otherwise induce (someone) to commit an unlawful act such as perjury.


<div style="margin:0px;font-family:arial, 'sans-serif-light', sans-serif;font-weight:lighter;">
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And right wingers wonder why they are considered a bunch of losers backing a bunch of losers.


Some of you sound like Ron Paul on good day or Ted Cruz on any day - and that's not good.


I like how the NY Times referenced Trump's platform being post-policy (lol). Some of you seem afraid to enter the 20th (much less the 21st) century, with your babble about income taxes being theft, the 19th amendment, etc. If you try real hard you may be able to defeat Franklin Roosevelt.


I think a number of you secretly want to see Hillary win. You can then remain pure and self-righteous, while keeping those pants-suit jokes coming.


huh? Women's right to vote was a form of bribery?


<div style="font-family:arial, 'sans-serif-light', sans-serif;font-weight:lighter;font-size:xx-large;">sub·orn

<div style="font-size:large;">səˈbôrn/

past tense: <b>suborned</b>; past participle: <b>suborned</b>
  1. <div style="margin-left:20px;">
    <div>bribe or otherwise induce (someone) to commit an unlawful act such as perjury.


<div style="margin:0px;font-family:arial, 'sans-serif-light', sans-serif;font-weight:lighter;">
<div style="margin-left:20px;">


Obviously the mistake was letting women vote.  I mean what kind of crazy society do we live in? 
Quote:Obviously the mistake was letting women vote. I mean what kind of crazy society do we live in?

Someone had to say it!
Quote:Obviously the mistake was letting women vote.  I mean what kind of crazy society do we live in? 
First we give blacks rights and now women?!?!?! What is going on here?!?!
Quote:Suborned by the Left via the 19th Amendment.

The 16th amendment.

Quote:Obviously the mistake was letting women vote.  I mean what kind of crazy society do we live in? 

You leftists can't argue policy so you have to run with a typo?

Quote:You leftists can't argue policy so you have to run with a typo?

It's okay to have a sense of humor.
Quote:Actually the fluoride in the water is very bad for you.

And you know that because people in cities with fluoridated water are dying off in droves? Nope. People are living longer and seniors are healthier than ever.


Don't buy into a claim that doesn't make sense when you look at the actual data.

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