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Trying to hurt people because #politics. Such a strange world we live in.

Trying to hurt people because #politics. Such a strange world we live in.
Oh dear, you've cited an AJA article.


(dons fireproof suit and walks away)
Quote:Oh dear, you've cited an AJA article.


(dons fireproof suit and walks away)
Aren't they all muslims calling for jihad? That's what I heard. 
What ever happened to freedom of religion in this country?  Why should I have to pay tribute (tax dollars) to pay for the murder of children and selling of their body parts?

How can you ever salute the flag, and sing our song without having that image of greedy evil doctors crushing baby skulls & sucking out brains to sell?

This one thing is very clear to me, you can not say that you love people and be pro-choice (another democrat play on words to lessen the horrible thing that they are truly suggesting which is Pro-Murder of babies or lets just make it real simple and say that they are Pro-Abortion instead of pro-choice).  That really gets me how they will say you can't say illegal aliens they are undocumented immigrants, no they broke our laws and disregard our way of life.  They make no effort to even learn our language and culture after breaking our laws, and the Democrats cater to them to gain their votes for their own evil power plans.


SIgh, I'm getting to amped up for thursday morning.

History will see this as our slavery or segregation: the great moral stein of our generation.
Quote:History will see this as our slavery or segregation: the great moral stein of our generation.

I doubt that highly...

Now, trickle down economics.... that might be in the running...
Quote:History will see this as our slavery or segregation: the great moral stein of our generation.
No it won't. It will most likely be our failure to address climate change. Abortions have been happening since the dawn of man and will continue throughout the course of history be it at planned parenthood or with a clothes hanger or grandma's home made concoction. This is the reality you refuse to acknowledge. Take away planned parenthood, the abortions remain. Much more dangerous abortions.

Carry on
Quote:History will see this as our slavery or segregation: the great moral stein of our generation.

Moral stein?
Quote:No it won't. It will most likely be our failure to address climate change. Abortions have been happening since the dawn of man and will continue throughout the course of history be it at planned parenthood or with a clothes hanger or grandma's home made concoction. This is the reality you refuse to acknowledge. Take away planned parenthood, the abortions remain. Much more dangerous abortions.

Carry on

It isn't just a matter of abortions taking place, rather that the number of abortions performed has increased dramatically, disproportional to population growth.
Actually abortions have been at their lowest since 1973.  


Quote:Actually abortions have been at their lowest since 1973.  


Interesting. If abortions are at their lowest and declining, why has Planned Parenthoods number of abortions performed yearly increased every year since 2006?

Quote:Interesting. If abortions are at their lowest and declining, why has Planned Parenthoods number of abortions performed yearly increased every year since 2006?

Planned parenthood aren't the only people performing abortions but are they ones who have been getting all the press.
Quote:Planned parenthood aren't the only people performing abortions but are they ones who have been getting all the press.

Ok, but that doesn't explain how if abortions are in a decline, why PPs abortion numbers are increasing.
Quote:Moral stein?
Sounds like a righteous brew.


Quote:Interesting. If abortions are at their lowest and declining, why has Planned Parenthoods number of abortions performed yearly increased every year since 2006?
Because more people are having them performed safely at Planned Parenthood rather than with a clothes hanger in a back alley by Dr. Nick?
Quote:Ok, but that doesn't explain how if abortions are in a decline, why PPs abortion numbers are increasing.

Yes it does. Think about it. The demonization of PP by the right has had a backfire effect. All press is good press, you know?
Quote:It isn't just a matter of abortions taking place, rather that the number of abortions performed has increased dramatically, disproportional to population growth.

Actually, I heard the number of abortions have been going down over time...

Now imagine if we had universal health care for all along with better prevention education--and abstinence does not count as prevention education... we could probably reduce the number even more!
Quote:Ok, but that doesn't explain how if abortions are in a decline, why PPs abortion numbers are increasing.

Because in southern states, the Republican led legislatures have made laws so that many abortion clinics have had to close. Some have no other option but Planned Parenthood.
Quote:Because in southern states, the Republican led legislatures have made laws so that many abortion clinics have had to close. Some have no other option but Planned Parenthood.

Interesting, I could believe that. Any source?
In Missouri, Planned Parenthood is the only provider.


In other states (Nebraska, North Carolina), Planned Parenthood clinics are the only provider for a major portion of the state.

I don't support the right's push to ban abortions and specifically not target planned parenthood. What I do find curious is the right's motives. They claim this is about abortion and fetal tissue etc... If that was the case why not push for legislation to simply ban PP from performing abortions regardless of funding? Why try to shut the whole thing down when it provides exponentially more for women and families then just abortion? To now try to shut the government down over this? If the reason they use is truthful then there is an easier route to take then the one they are on. The obvious answer is it's a lie to strum up base support of something the really have a problem with. 

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