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Also, federal d funding for abortion is already illegal. It's like side folks have a hard time keeping up with the conversation.
Quote:Also, federal d funding for abortion is already illegal. It's like side folks have a hard time keeping up with the conversation.

That's because some feel there is no way callous murderers could possibly be trusted to obey laws.
Quote:Also, federal d funding for abortion is already illegal. It's like side folks have a hard time keeping up with the conversation.

Doesn't really matter where the money goes, they are still propping up an abortion-performing entity. I guess we should  also trust PP to keep their word that their funding doesn't leak into other areas of their business. After all, they have proven to be very trustworthy in the past :thumbsup: .


Having not read the entire thread, has it already been brought up that the abortions performed by PP (and in general) are overwhelmingly minority?


Has it been brought up how poor PP's services (real mammograms, education, abortions, etc) are compared to most local women's health community centers? Or how the number of local women's health community centers enormously outweigh the number of PP centers?




"Even though Planned Parenthood has a total revenue of $1.3 billion — in 2013-14, PPFA reported an excess of revenue over expenses of $127.1 million, a revenue increase of $40 million from 2012) — it has consistently dropped the very services it likes to tout. The Family Research Council’s PP Fact Sheet, based on Planned Parenthood’s own annual reports, reveals the following:
From 2009 to 2013, cancer-screening and -prevention programs dropped by about half.
From 2009 to 2013, prenatal services dropped by more than half.
From 2009 to 2013, breast exams dropped by 41 percent. (PP does not do mammograms.)
In 2013, if a pregnant woman walked into a Planned Parenthood facility, she was 174 times more likely to receive an abortion than an adoption referral. In that year, PPFA performed 327,653 abortions while providing only 1,880 adoption referrals.
From 2011 to 2013, adoption referrals have decreased by 18 percent. According to Planned Parenthood’s 2013-14 report, out of total services for pregnant women (adoption referrals, prenatal services, abortion), abortion made up over 94 percent.
Prenatal care made up only about 5 percent of pregnancy services. Meanwhile, PP’s abortion numbers have consistently increased every year, from 289,000 in 2006 to 327,000 in 2013."
[Image: planned-parenthood-abortion-cancer-screening.jpg]

<div>"According to the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, 90 percent of the 8,409 “safety-net health centers” at which taxpayer-funded family-planning services were provided in 2010 were places other than Planned Parenthood. The vast majority of low-income women obtained subsidized family-planning services at:
• 3,165 federally qualified health centers
• 2,439 health-department clinics
• 1,324 other non-Planned Parenthood clinics
• 664 hospitals"

No one is going to miss PP.

Having not read the entire thread, has it already been brought up that the abortions performed by PP (and in general) are overwhelmingly minority?


It needs to stop :yes:. Equality, ya know?
sarah palin is on a crusade saying PP just wants to kill black babies. Coincidence?
Quote:It needs to stop :yes:. Equality, ya know?

Glad to know equality is at the top of your agenda.
I wonder how people would feel if Planned Parenthood goes down, and then abortions almost double.

Quote:sarah palin is on a crusade saying PP just wants to kill black babies. Coincidence?

1 in three black pregnancies in the state of NY end in abortion.
Quote:What laws were broken?

It is illegal to alter an abortion procedure to obtain specimens.  


It is illegal to inform the abortion staff that the intention is to harvest specimens.  


And it is illegal to sell specimens for profit.
Quote:It is illegal to alter an abortion procedure to obtain specimens.  


It is illegal to inform the abortion staff that the intention is to harvest specimens.  


And it is illegal to sell specimens for profit.

Illustrating those facts, a fifth video was released.

It is illegal to alter an abortion procedure to obtain specimens.  


It is illegal to inform the abortion staff that the intention is to harvest specimens.  


And it is illegal to sell specimens for profit.

What proof is there that PP has broken any laws?




What proof is there that PP has broken any laws?



Perhaps your answer is in what has already been stated and taking a look at the videos.  Granted, there is no proof that they have already broken the law, but there is pretty darn good evidence of their willingness to do so.



What proof is there that PP has broken any laws?



PP "We actively do these things to break the law. Let me tell you all about it and how we did it."

Quote:1 in three black pregnancies in the state of NY end in abortion.
What does that have to do with a straight claim of ethnic cleansing? Do you agree with her claim? 
Quote:Perhaps your answer is in what has already been stated and taking a look at the videos.  Granted, there is no proof that they have already broken the law, but there is pretty darn good evidence of their willingness to do so.

What specifically discussed in these videos is illegal. Don't say "watch the video". Give a specific example of what is discussed and how it is illegal.
And the group was founded with that exact purpose
Quote:What specifically discussed in these videos is illegal. Don't say "watch the video". Give a specific example of what is discussed and how it is illegal.

Since you are too lazy to do any research yourself.


From the article that I linked to.



In the fifth of a series of videos from the Center for Medical Progress, a woman identified as Melissa Farrell, director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, discusses contributing to the organization's "diversification of the revenue stream" and the potential to "get creative" with conditions for procurement needs. The video was reportedly filmed in April at a Planned Parenthood facility in Texas.

"Just depending on the patient's anatomy, how many weeks, where it's placed in the uterus ... we're going to potentially be able to have some that will be more or less intact and then some that will not be," she says.
"But it's something that we can look at exploring how we can make that happen so we have a higher chance," she adds.
"And we've had studies in which the company, or in the case of the investigator, has a specific need for a certain portion of the products of conception and we bake that into our contract, and our protocol, that we follow this. So we deviate from our standard in order to do that.
"If we alter our process and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, then we can make it part of the budget, that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. I mean, it's all just a matter of line items," she says.
Quote:Since you are too lazy to do any research yourself.


From the article that I linked to.

It is reasonable to expect the accuser to identify the basis of the accusations.

Quote:It is reasonable to expect the accuser to identify the basis of the accusations.

Assuming that you are referring to Bon Jagley.


Absolutely.  The basis of accusations is very much available.  I've posted links that brings a person to unedited versions of the videos.  I've also linked to news stories that explain everything.


If I attempt to "spoon feed" the actual FACTS of the matter, there is the chance that I might get something wrong.  I encourage people to investigate and research for themselves rather than rely on my word.
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