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Full Version: Should the confederate flag continued to be honored?
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Quote:Where can I send the racist flag for you to waive?

By the way.. this is the only response you gave me 


"The Civil War was fought over far more than slavery.  Those of us who were educated in the south are well aware that slavery was but one issue in a list of issues that ultimately brought about the Civil War.  Apparently, whatever government indoctrination center that taught you only focused on one particular subject. "


So yeah.. this is hardly a response as to how slavery wasnt the biggest and driving issue for the war. 
Quote:So how important is it when there are more dire issues that need to be addressed?


I'm all for eliminating the problem of racism, but is taking down a flag at a Confederate Memorial going to solve the issue?

That point has been made repeatedly in this thread.  The succession statement guy will simply chose to ignore.  Thanks for attending.  Don't forget to tip the wait staff. 
Quote:By the way.. this is the only response you gave me 


"The Civil War was fought over far more than slavery.  Those of us who were educated in the south are well aware that slavery was but one issue in a list of issues that ultimately brought about the Civil War.  Apparently, whatever government indoctrination center that taught you only focused on one particular subject. "


So yeah.. this is hardly a response as to how slavery wasnt the biggest and driving issue for the war. 

Let that sink in.  Clearly it takes more time to travel through that vacant space between your ears. 


Seriously, leave intelligent debate to people who possess one and can do the other coherently, okay, Mr. Succession Statement?  You're truly embarrassing yourself.

Can I just point out how much I hate the fact that after a mass shooting, instead of talking about meaningful gun law reforms that recognize the Second Amendment while still making it harder for people like the Charleston shooter to get weapons, we as a nation are arguing about a bleep-bleeping flag?

Quote:Let that sink in.  Clearly it takes more time to travel through that vacant space between your ears. 

Ok. And I posted only one of the many secession (happy now) statements from the slave states which DIRECTLY said they were seceding because they wanted to keep slavery. But you continue to act like that issue was at the bottom of the list instead of at the top. 
Quote:Can I just point out how much I hate the fact that after a mass shooting, instead of talking about meaningful gun law reforms that recognize the Second Amendment while still making it harder for people like the Charleston shooter to get weapons, we as a nation are arguing about a bleep-bleeping flag?

What law would have prevented that shooting?  If the system failed, it wasn't because there wasn't a law on the books to handle it. 
Quote:Can I just point out how much I hate the fact that after a mass shooting, instead of talking about meaningful gun law reforms that recognize the Second Amendment while still making it harder for people like the Charleston shooter to get weapons, we as a nation are arguing about a bleep-bleeping flag?

You think talking about a flag is bad, just try to talk about limiting or taking away guns, haha. 
If that priest had an AK47 strapped to his side, this massacre wouldnt have happened!

Quote:What law would have prevented that shooting?  If the system failed, it wasn't because there wasn't a law on the books to handle it. 
And isn't that kind of the discussion we should all be having instead? The NRA has got to be wetting its pants with glee that we're all hung up on a stupid flag instead of trying to make it harder for sociopaths to get guns.
Quote:Ok. And I posted only one of the many secession (happy now) statements from the slave states which DIRECTLY said they were seceding because they wanted to keep slavery. But you continue to act like that issue was at the bottom of the list instead of at the top. 

And once again, slavery was just ONE of multiple issues, but you can't seem to grasp that point because you were educated in a government indoctrination center where the last thing they teach drones like you is critical thinking. 


I never indicated slavery was at the bottom of the list.  Nor have I said where it would have resided on that list.  You simply can't seem to comprehend the fact that it wasn't the ONLY item on the list, and I doubt anyone is going to teach you otherwise. Obviously, you don't know the difference between secession and succession, so expecting you to read that statement and understand what it says is pretty far fetched. 
Quote:And once again, slavery was just ONE of multiple issues, but you can't seem to grasp that point because you were educated in a government indoctrination center where the last thing they teach drones like you is critical thinking. 


I never indicated slavery was at the bottom of the list.  Nor have I said where it would have resided on that list.  You simply can't seem to comprehend the fact that it wasn't the ONLY item on the list, and I doubt anyone is going to teach you otherwise. Obviously, you don't know the difference between secession and succession, so expecting you to read that statement and understand what it says is pretty far fetched. 

Ok, now we are getting somewhere with you. Can you admit that it was the BIGGEST item on the list? 
Quote:And isn't that kind of the discussion we should all be having instead? The NRA has got to be wetting its pants with glee that we're all hung up on a stupid flag instead of trying to make it harder for sociopaths to get guns.

There was a law broken.  The system didn't catch it.  So, should they create another law just because the system missed the fact that this guy was charged with a felony a month prior?  In SC, if you are charged with a felony, you cannot purchase a firearm.  They ran the background check which includes a federal check, and no flags were raised.  That's not a law problem. 


There was a law broken.  A law the pastor of the church, and victim #1 supported wholeheartedly.  It made it illegal to carry a firearm into a place of worship.  That law ultimately cost 9 people their lives.  Had one been a concealed carry owner, or had armed security been permitted on the grounds, the likelihood that all of these people would have died would have dropped considerably.  So, what new law would fix that law? 


Seriously, the need for more gun laws isn't the issue.  If you look at where many of the mass casualty shootings have occurred in recent years, the common thread is that they were some sort of gun free zone.  That didn't stop the shooters, but law abiding citizens did respect the laws, and it cost people their lives.  More laws aren't going to fix this. That's nothing more than lip service to suggest otherwise.


If you look at the high profile mass shootings that have occurred over the past several years, in most cases, the shooters obtained the weapons outside of the law.  Sandy Hook?  The kid broke into his mother's gun cabinet and took them.  Charleston?  A mentally ill man legally purchased a gun from a dealer despite the fact that he was medicated, and charged with a felony.  The list goes on and on.  More restrictive gun laws aren't going to prevent this type of thing from happening.  It sounds warm and fuzzy to suggest otherwise, but there are more than enough laws on the books right now to deal with almost every one of these situations. 

Quote:And once again, slavery was just ONE of multiple issues, but you can't seem to grasp that point because you were educated in a government indoctrination center where the last thing they teach drones like you is critical thinking. 


I never indicated slavery was at the bottom of the list.  Nor have I said where it would have resided on that list.  You simply can't seem to comprehend the fact that it wasn't the ONLY item on the list, and I doubt anyone is going to teach you otherwise. Obviously, you don't know the difference between secession and succession, so expecting you to read that statement and understand what it says is pretty far fetched. 

Going after spelling mistakes, I see im getting to you. Im sorry I dont regularly spell out that word. If you want to harp on that point instead of talking about the actual points that says all there is to say. 
Quote:Ok, now we are getting somewhere with you. Can you admit that it was the BIGGEST item on the list? 

No, because it wasn't.  States rights was the biggest issue, but they weren't desperately seeking a politically correct agenda item like you are here. 
Quote:Going after spelling mistakes, I see im getting to you. Im sorry I dont regularly spell out that word. If you want to harp on that point instead of talking about the actual points that says all there is to say. 
Using the word succession repeatedly to talk about secession isn't a spelling problem.  It's a language problem for the person typing it.


If you're not capable of using the correct words in a discussion, there's really not much merit to anything else you're offering up. 

Quote:No, because it wasn't.  States rights was the biggest issue, but they weren't desperately seeking a politically correct agenda item like you are here. 

Haha. Ok. The Civil War wasnt about slavery. Now I see where our opinions diverge. Gotcha. Have a good day. Thanks for the spelling lesson boss. 
Quote:Pretty cute how southern folk think yankee is an insult. Seems like the bitterness over that L yall took is still strong

Aren't you way too far above the Mason-Dixon Line to be throwing out "y'all" in a sentence?
Quote:Haha. Ok. The Civil War wasnt about slavery. Now I see where our opinions diverge. Gotcha. Have a good day. Thanks for the spelling lesson boss. 

Once again, you're exposing the ignorance that permeates to the core. 


When you don't know the correct word to use, and you use the wrong word repeatedly, then try to pawn it off as a spelling issue, it takes that to a whole new level. 


The DNC must have you on speed dial as a very reliable vote because they like their voters to be single issue and they prefer they don't think too much.  You're probably a party boss with this display.

Quote:Aren't you way too far above the Mason-Dixon Line to be throwing out "y'all" in a sentence?

Now you're just going to confuse him even more. 
Quote:Aren't you way too far above the Mason-Dixon Line to be throwing out "y'all" in a sentence?

Nah other than UGK and Outkast thats probably the best creation the south has spawned Smile
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