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Quote:I think this is it. He is not ready, mentally, or physically, and that it why he does not apply for reinstatement. He's been out of football so long, what else does he have to do? Spend his millions. Basically a kid in his early 20's, no job, no responsibilities, just a fistful of dollars, a little bit of fame, and the world for his taking. And as much I as I did not want to admit it, I think we have lost our 5th overall pick of the 2012 draft. We worked hard at all that losing, to get ourselves that 5th overall pick, and it profited us nothing. It's a hard pill to swallow, as he was suppose to be that pick that gave us that true number 1 receiver that we had long been missing. We had not been able to fill the void since Jimmy Smith retired. We tried with the Matt Jones experiment. Wait a second, didn't Jimmy and Matt both leave the franchise for similar issues such as Blackmon's issues? Why us?

All I did was google "Justin Blackmon Treatment" to find out that as of 10/1/14, Justin had completed nearly half of a 90 day treatment program. So much for all of this hippa and non-disclosure of his treatment status. We are in dark about Justin's current status because there is no status. I don't think there will ever be a status again. I was in denial, and wanted him to come back. I was unwilling to believe that we got stiffed again with another first round pick. We have done wonders with rebuilding our receivers corp. Now we just need the icing on the cake such as drafting Kevin White or Amari Cooper.

I have just take the "if come back then he does, if not oh well" approach. It no need to really worry about his football career right now. Just give Justin Blackmom the man support and if the football player ever returns then that makes it that much better.
Quote:I have just take the "if come back then he does, if not oh well" approach. It no need to really worry about his football career right now. Just give Justin Blackmom the man support and if the football player ever returns then that makes it that much better.

As simple as this sounds, this is the answer. Easier said than done though. As a fan, I am mad at Justin. Mad that we drafted him and he squandered our pick. As a human being, I wish the best for him, and hope that he can straighten himself out. I have burried the notion that he will back as football player. Don't see it happening. I had high hopes for his return, but now I see why Dave has said what he said. He's a luxury. Translation: we have moved on, because we know what's up. I think they are holding on to the very slim possibility that he could make a comeback, by keeping him on the roster. Why not? It's not costing anything. But I really feel the general consensus (unspoken) is that he won't be back.

These are my opinions...flamers will flame regardless.
Quote:As simple as this sounds, this is the answer. Easier said than done though. As a fan, I am mad at Justin. Mad that we drafted him and he squandered our pick. As a human being, I wish the best for him, and hope that he can straighten himself out. I have burried the notion that he will back as football player. Don't see it happening. I had high hopes for his return, but now I see why Dave has said what he said. He's a luxury. Translation: we have moved on, because we know what's up. I think they are holding on to the very slim possibility that he could make a comeback, by keeping him on the roster. Why not? It's not costing anything. But I really feel the general consensus (unspoken) is that he won't be back.

These are my opinions...flamers will flame regardless.
No you are taking the correct approach and are most likely realizing the truth. I personally think his "demons" are to much right now. He has a history with these "issues". I honestly don't think he feels he has a "problem". He may jump through the hoops to appease whomever it is but this just comes off as the Ricky Williams deal. He is an adult and honestly sees nothing wrong with his his actions. Another thing that I thought about is look at where he is from. In the midwestern states a child is allowed to drink alcohol if the parent allows it (i'm from Florida so this is a no no. I never knew this until I moved out to Texas last year). 


This guy may have been drinking for a while since he was a kid and with it being allowed it was never really seen as a big deal. Again I'm just speculating because at this point because this is all we can do. This just seems like a situation where a guy is content in his life, made a few million and feels he can support his habit and live as he pleases and there is nothing wrong with that. If he ever needed more money he is talented enough to make a team and make a few more millions in the future.  


Sometimes as fans we forget that everyone that plays for our favorite team is not as passionate about the sport as we are or as we want them to be. Matt Jones would tell you his first love was basketball. Russell Wilson was just at the Rangers spring training and was a draft able baseball player. Sometimes football is just what they are good at. Just because they have a talent or a gift doesn't mean they love it.


Just root for the man Justin Blackmon to succeed in life. The football player B14CKMON is non-existent right now. 
Quote:No you are taking the correct approach and are most likely realizing the truth. I personally think his "demons" are to much right now. He has a history with these "issues". I honestly don't think he feels he has a "problem". He may jump through the hoops to appease whomever it is but this just comes off as the Ricky Williams deal. He is an adult and honestly sees nothing wrong with his his actions. Another thing that I thought about is look at where he is from. In the midwestern states a child is allowed to drink alcohol if the parent allows it (i'm from Florida so this is a no no. I never knew this until I moved out to Texas last year).

This guy may have been drinking for a while since he was a kid and with it being allowed it was never really seen as a big deal. Again I'm just speculating because at this point because this is all we can do. This just seems like a situation where a guy is content in his life, made a few million and feels he can support his habit and live as he pleases and there is nothing wrong with that. If he ever needed more money he is talented enough to make a team and make a few more millions in the future.

Sometimes as fans we forget that everyone that plays for our favorite team is not as passionate about the sport as we are or as we want them to be. Matt Jones would tell you his first love was basketball. Russell Wilson was just at the Rangers spring training and was a draft able baseball player. Sometimes football is just what they are good at. Just because they have a talent or a gift doesn't mean they love it.

Just root for the man Justin Blackmon to succeed in life. The football player B14CKMON is non-existent right now.

Well said.
Quote:when you have a problem, such as addiction, you shouldn't surround yourself with temptations...


but technically, yeah, I guess he isn't doing any wrong.
well then I guess he should never go out to eat again because there will be temptation to drink at nearly every major (not fast food) establishment...I guess he shouldn't go running around down town area because there are drug dealers everywhere...The point is there is temptation everywhere, no matter where you are so it can't be eliminated from his life...I would agree he certainly can't hang out with people who hit the bars regularly, or use drugs, but no one can make someone drink in a casino or any other place if they do not want to...
Quote:when you have a problem, such as addiction, you shouldn't surround yourself with temptations...


but technically, yeah, I guess he isn't doing any wrong.
so he's just supposed to go to work (assumably) and then go home and stay home so he doesn't see temptation in the grocery store, or advertisements on billboards, not watch tv because of the commercials which will show ads that could be tempting....He's just supposed to alienate himself from the world so he doesn't face temptation? C'mon man...I understand your point and it's valid, but there is no way to keep temptation out of his life
Excuse it away all you want, there's nothing good/productive to come out of going there.


Even for someone without a drinking problem.

Quote:Excuse it away all you want, there's nothing good/productive to come out of going there.


Even for someone without a drinking problem.
so because you feel that way, all casinos are bad for anyone and everyone...Gotcha :thumbsup:
Quote:so because you feel that way, all casinos are bad for anyone and everyone...Gotcha :thumbsup:


You obviously don't get it. Addiction means you should do what you can to AVOID putting yourself in positions to relapse.


Granted.,... if he can control it... go for it... go ching ching ching at the casinos...

But given his past, it is clear he can't. So someone like himself, shouldn't be in casinos.. or any restaurant that serves alcohol... or a dance club...

He shouldn't go to a bed and breakfast that serves mimosas...


Do you get it? All it takes is one relapse and he ruins everything (if anything) he's worked for up to this point.

And if he needs to avoid that stuff for life, then so be it.


Addiction is something you battle for life kid. It's clear the world is too big for you to see outside your little box.

You obviously don't get it. Addiction means you should do what you can to AVOID putting yourself in positions to relapse.

Granted.,... if he can control it... go for it... go ching ching ching at the casinos...

But given his past, it is clear he can't. So someone like himself, shouldn't be in casinos.. or any restaurant that serves alcohol... or a dance club...

He shouldn't go to a bed and breakfast that serves mimosas...

Do you get it? All it takes is one relapse and he ruins everything (if anything) he's worked for up to this point.

And if he needs to avoid that stuff for life, then so be it.

Addiction is something you battle for life kid. It's clear the world is too big for you to see outside your little box.

In reality, an alcoholic will never escape the pressures of alcohol. It's a lifetime commitment that's going to rear its ugly head wherever they go, not just casinos. He could go to the local 7-11 to get a slurpee and there's a 12 pack of beer with his name on it. If he wants to go to a casino, then he should go and he's not setting himself up for a relapse because of it. The pressures are everywhere and he can't lock himself into a closet for the rest of his life.
Screw him. I'm sure he wouldn't give a damn about any of us if we were going through life problems. His actions already show that he couldn't care less about the Jags or the fans. If he wants to be a junkie loser then that's his prerogative, it doesn't affect any of our lives in any way.


You obviously don't get it. Addiction means you should do what you can to AVOID putting yourself in positions to relapse.


Granted.,... if he can control it... go for it... go ching ching ching at the casinos...

But given his past, it is clear he can't. So someone like himself, shouldn't be in casinos.. or any restaurant that serves alcohol... or a dance club...

He shouldn't go to a bed and breakfast that serves mimosas...


Do you get it? All it takes is one relapse and he ruins everything (if anything) he's worked for up to this point.

And if he needs to avoid that stuff for life, then so be it.


Addiction is something you battle for life kid. It's clear the world is too big for you to see outside your little box.
Oh I get it but that would mean that he has to just go to work and go home and lock himself away from the real world...If it's so bad to be in casino then all the commercials on tv would be a bad idea because it could influence him into drinking, movies and tv shows could  provide temptation to drink or do drugs, bill boards and magazine ads could provide temptation to drink and do drugs...Going to the grocery store could provide temptation as they sell beer and wine...Going out to eat could provide temptation because nearly every eatery serves alcohol...


The moral of this story is there is nowhere on planet earth to be safe from temptation, not to mention the post you are replying to was a reply to a post that basically said casinos are bad for everyone

Quote:In reality, an alcoholic will never escape the pressures of alcohol. It's a lifetime commitment that's going to rear its ugly head wherever they go, not just casinos. He could go to the local 7-11 to get a slurpee and there's a 12 pack of beer with his name on it. If he wants to go to a casino, then he should go and he's not setting himself up for a relapse because of it. The pressures are everywhere and he can't lock himself into a closet for the rest of his life.
BINGO! There is nowhere temptation does not exist, even tv, video games, and movies provide temptation...There is nowhere and no way to escape it and nowhere to hide...The man can't just stop living and close his eyes and ears and never step foot outside his house
Quote:In reality, an alcoholic will never escape the pressures of alcohol. It's a lifetime commitment that's going to rear its ugly head wherever they go, not just casinos. He could go to the local 7-11 to get a slurpee and there's a 12 pack of beer with his name on it. If he wants to go to a casino, then he should go and he's not setting himself up for a relapse because of it. The pressures are everywhere and he can't lock himself into a closet for the rest of his life.


You can't drive down any major thoroughfare in this town without passing a bar or a liquor store.  Is he supposed to teleport himself to the stadium, where they also serve beer,wine and liquor?


Is he expected to never buy groceries again?  Because there's temptation there, especially since he's a beer drinker. 


This hullabaloo over him being at a casino is borderline comical since there's zero context behind why he was there.  No, it's not an ideal place for someone with an addiction problem to spend their time, but without knowing WHY he was there, it's a little difficult for even the self righteous morality police on this board to pass judgment.  We don't even know for sure WHEN that picture was taken beyond the claims of some anonymous guy on the interwebs.  There's nothing concrete to confirm that this picture was taken during the current suspension other than the word of some guy who I'm sure is a pillar of society whose credibility should never be called into question. 


The bottom line is that Blackmon has reportedly taken his rehab seriously, and that he is doing well.  That's coming from his camp, and what has been conveyed by the Jaguars as well.  We won't know the truth about anything until such time as he decides to apply for reinstatement.  Until that happens, let the self righteous among us continue to launch their salvos about something they know little to nothing about. 


Hopefully Blackmon is doing what he can to get his life back on track.  If that leads him back to the field, great.  If it doesn't, it's a terrible tragedy to squander such talent, but it is what it is.  Either way, the team will move on, with or without him.

Quote:This hullabaloo over him being at a casino is borderline comical since there's zero context behind why he was there.  No, it's not an ideal place for someone with an addiction problem to spend their time, but without knowing WHY he was there, it's a little difficult for even the self righteous morality police on this board to pass judgment.
Oh, don't be ridiculous. It's nothing to do with 'self righteous morality'. Some people here actually know people who are recovering alcoholics and know what they would and wouldn't do. And going to a casino would probably be pretty high on the 'wouldn't do' list. Sure, there could be reasons to be there; there are also a lot of reasons not to be there, as most alcohol rehab places will tell you.
Until you deal with addiction you just don't really know the struggle.


Fresh out of rehab, you probably shouldn't put yourself in a place that hands out free alcohol.

Promotes it.


Your hyperbole is nonsensical. "Oh he should lock himself in a closet"


Well... if that is what it takes to stay clean, yes.

This isn't about his football life.


You are all worried that he'll be suspended again. I'm worried the dude will kill himself. Or someone else.


Like I said before... if he has his stuff under control and can be there... good for him. Typically, someone fresh out of the programs should be more cautious at first. Until you get the hang of being a big boy.

I wonder if we care the same about the junkie next door.  Our alcoholic sister.  The addict mother with 3 kids and no way out.

I wonder if our well wishes apply to them too. 

We all have big words and seem to know what’s best, but I wonder how many of us have actually reached out to help someone.  Especially someone we don’t know personally.

It would be a better place if our actions were as loud as our words.

Maybe its just the thought that counts.

Quote:I wonder if we care the same about the junkie next door.  Our alcoholic sister.  The addict mother with 3 kids and no way out.

I wonder if our well wishes apply to them too. 

We all have big words and seem to know what’s best, but I wonder how many of us have actually reached out to help someone.  Especially someone we don’t know personally.

It would be a better place if our actions were as loud as our words.

Maybe its just the thought that counts.

Well said. 
There are some new fat Justin Blackmon pictures floating around twitter today.


Can't get the photo to embed, but this is interesting. Here's another one


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