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"Get you're POPCORN ready JVille"

On Shad's jet ..

Forget this guy is right ..
He's been done since 2013,it's just taking this board a while to come to grips with it.
He looks nearly as big as Alfie but seriously this looks like a bad photo shop!!!!
This makes the decision to draft Amari easier. Amari and ARob on the outside with Lee in the slot
Quote:He looks nearly as big as Alfie but seriously this looks like a bad photo shop!!!!

You take that back; he's not even a third of the size of fat Alfert.
The Jaguars have a better chance (odds) of going to the SuperBowl this year than Justin Blackmon has of ever coming back into the NFL.

Did you all look at the White Castles?

Quote:This makes the decision to draft Amari easier. Amari and ARob on the outside with Lee in the slot

I'm on board with Amari he's never coming back
Quote:He looks nearly as big as Alfie but seriously this looks like a bad photo shop!!!!

lol, not even close.
Trading Lewis just became easier when the new 2nd TE Blackmon returns...

The blonde next to him looks like she's ready to join the Roar.

So if we lose JB, we can still pick up talent for the organization.

It's win/win
Quote:thats a good sign imo. he dont look drawn up, a healthy young man can focus on diet and workout and be in shape in three weeks
He hasn't been in the NFL in a year and has been in rehab.

You're being delusional.
Quote:[Image: 19o49k.jpg]




Thats a girl.
Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='http://dirtywatersports.sportsblog.com/posts/2162321/must-see-picture-of-wr-justin-blackmon.html'>http://dirtywatersports.sportsblog.com/posts/2162321/must-see-picture-of-wr-justin-blackmon.html</a>
that's some fine reporting
I'll keep up the tradition of not posting the actual image for some reason and just post a link to bcc where another image of JB was posted in the comment section.  


I'm very disappointed in his fashion sense.

Quote:Trading Lewis just became easier when the new 2nd TE Blackmon returns...

b14ckmon is now blockman
After looking at the latest JB pic,I'm wondering. .is Justin an Arby's guy or a Taco Bell guy.
Quote:I wonder if we care the same about the junkie next door. Our alcoholic sister. The addict mother with 3 kids and no way out.

I wonder if our well wishes apply to them too.

We all have big words and seem to know what’s best, but I wonder how many of us have actually reached out to help someone. Especially someone we don’t know personally.

It would be a better place if our actions were as loud as our words.

Maybe its just the thought that counts.
Exactly people seem not to care when it's a celebrity/sportsman..
Justin Fatman


Can't get the photo to embed, but this is interesting. Here's another one



He does have fat cheeks now, he didnt have that before, he may not be the same ever Sad
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