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Full Version: Why do I get treated differently here?
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Quote:But actually all of this has answered your orginal question. You wanted to know why some people treat you differently, and now you know that there are some people on here that do not believe that you have Asperger's.

That flies in the face of why I thought people do it. Boys bullied me in school because I was different, not because they thought I was normal.


The claims I am not treated differently here make me wonder if I just think that because of an AS symptom that makes understanding people in a social setting difficult.

Quote:I started it to get answers directly from the people who seemed to treat me different because of my disability. Years ago I printed out some message board pages and took them to a psycology appointment. The psychologist told me not to respond to what I don't like when I told her about the cat sweater jokes. Well, that joke eventually stopped, but Dakota's jokes about cats being food did not and he is on my ignore list. Obviously I have to get answers from the jokers themselves because the ignore list only makes a problem on this board less severe, not completely gone.

One of the things you need to realize is that no matter how many times you ask the question "why", you aren't always going to get a answer. You can't make people tell you any thing. Making threads like this and demanding answers is not a good way to go about it as you see from some of the answers you received.

If you have a problem with someone on here, talk to them about it directly and in private... You might be better results that way.


Quote:That flies in the face of why I thought people do it. Boys bullied me in school because I was different, not because they thought I was normal.


The claims I am not treated differently here make me wonder if I just think that because of an AS symptom that makes understanding people in a social setting difficult.
At the end of the day JW, I don't know who you are and you don't know who I am. We're just users on a MB interacting with one another. Not a face to face meeting. so I, along with many others cannot make an accurate assumption of your condition. I would like to believe that you're telling the truth, but I've met so many people over the internet who have claimed to be something, that they in reality, are not anything.



Honestly though, the way that you reacted to some of the criticism here was just as bad as everyone else and did not help anyone or you. Telling people like me that I'm going to "burn in a lake of fire" for having the audacity to originally question your condition? how do you think that someone is going to react to that?

Quote:That flies in the face of why I thought people do it. Boys bullied me in school because I was different, not because they thought I was normal.


The claims I am not treated differently here make me wonder if I just think that because of an AS symptom that makes understanding people in a social setting difficult.

There are always going to be people that don't like you, but that would be the case whether you had AS or not. For every one that is on this board, there is someone on here that doesn't like them for whatever reason...except Sammy! I don't think there is anyone on here that doesn't love Sammy!! Lol
Quote:There are always going to be people that don't like you, but that would be the case whether you had AS or not. For every one that is on this board, there is someone on here that doesn't like them for whatever reason...except Sammy! I don't think there is anyone on here that doesn't love Sammy!! Lol

Exactly! Nobody likes me but that doesn't stop me from coming around! Big Grin

JW, you have to stop worrying about people liking or not liking you. Whether it be here or in life, people aren't going to like you. That goes for everyone, except for Sammy.

Sammy is my number one wingman, how could I not love the guy.
Quote:At the end of the day JW, I don't know who you are and you don't know who I am. We're just users on a MB interacting with one another. Not a face to face meeting. so I, along with many others cannot make an accurate assumption of your condition. I would like to believe that you're telling the truth, but I've met so many people over the Internet who have claimed to be something, that they in reality, are not anything.

It is sad that some people feel a need to lie about themselves and pretend to be what they are not. If no one did that you would not find it so hard to believe me.
Quote:Exactly! Nobody likes me but that doesn't stop me from coming around!

JW, you have to stop worrying about people liking or not liking you. Whether it be here or in life, people aren't going to like you. That goes for everyone, except for Sammy.

Sammy is my number one wingman, how could I not love the guy.

Sammy likes you.


What I worry about is not the fact that someone hates me, but why he does. If the reason a person hates me is something I can control, I need to know about it.


Quote:Sammy likes you.


What I worry about is not the fact that someone hates me, but why he does. If the reason a person hates me is something I can control, I need to know about it.
You really can't live the rest of your life being paranoid about what others think of you. You have to tell yourself (figuratively not literally) that there are just some people who just don't like you, just for being you. It's not something that you can control. Just know that there are some people on this MB who care about you and that you have family members who love you Wink 
Quote:You really can't live the rest of your life being paranoid about what others think of you. You have to tell yourself (figuratively not literally) that there are just some people who just don't like you, just for being you. It's not something that you can control. Just know that there are some people on this MB who care about you and that you have family members who love you.

Like some Jaguars fans hate Peyton Manning just because he was a Colt most of his HOF career?
Quote:Like some Jaguars fans hate Peyton Manning just because he was a Colt most of his HOF career?

No, I hate him because of his gigantic forehead. And the fact that he's a choker. And those terrible Papa John's commercials.


Quote:Like some Jaguars fans hate Peyton Manning just because he was a Colt most of his HOF career?
I actually am one of the few Jags fans on here who likes Peyton.
Quote:No, I hate him because of his gigantic forehead. And the fact that he's a choker. And those terrible Papa John's commercials.

Actually the Nationwide commercial is much worse than those.


Back on topic, has your opinion about me changed?
Quote:I actually am one of the few Jags fans on here who likes Peyton.

I like him too - just not the fact that he played for the Colts.
Quote:Why not? What do my posts look like to you? Do you even know what AS symptoms are?


Wrong. Signs become less severe as Aspies get older. Adults are affected in different ways.


Where did you get that crap from? Medications do not have anything to do with the diagnosis.
  I don't have a dog in this fight and certainly don't agree with those having fun at your expense, no matter the disabilities or lack of. From the look of your response, there was no comprehension of what I wrote versus your responses. Funny thing about the internet, you have no idea the background of the individuals that communicate with you. Let me say, I know more about AS then you certainly realize, so yes, I am fully aware of the symptoms and/or signs. I also understand it is a functioning form of Autism with actions that don't quite match up with yours. Of course, all cases are different for each individual. As far as where I got this "CRAP" as you so eloquently put it, that would be medical fact and years of published studies. I know that most people fail to read the printout given to us with our medications, but you should really give it a good read sometime and please share with me how this could not possibly have any impact on diagnosis or should I say misdiagnosis in some instances. May I suggest that your message board approaches or perhaps personal approaches be less direct and anger filled if you wish to not attract negative attention that frustrates you. Good luck!
Quote:I don't have a dog in this fight and certainly don't agree with those having fun at your expense, no matter the disabilities or lack of. From the look of your response, there was no comprehension of what I wrote versus your responses. Funny thing about the internet, you have no idea the background of the individuals that communicate with you. Let me say, I know more about AS then you certainly realize, so yes, I am fully aware of the symptoms and/or signs. I also understand it is a functioning form of autism with actions that don't quite match up with yours. Of course, all cases are different for each individual. As far as where I got this "CRAP" as you so eloquently put it, that would be medical fact and years of published studies. I know that most people fail to read the printout given to us with our medications, but you should really give it a good read sometime and please share with me how this could not possibly have any impact on diagnosis or should I say misdiagnosis in some instances. May I suggest that your message board approaches or perhaps personal approaches be less direct and anger filled if you wish to not attract negative attention that frustrates you. Good luck!

If you really know what the symptoms of ASDs are, why can't you figure out they are clearly evident when I interpret things too literally or say something inappropriate?
Let's see if changing my member title will help people who doubt I have an autistic spectrum disorder and all of the newbies who join next season.

Quote:Let's see if changing my member title will help people who doubt I have an autistic spectrum disorder and all of the newbies who join next season.

That doesn't make you sound like you have real issues, it just makes you sound like you are making a joke about being awkward. Kind of like if I added "vertically challenged jag fan" to mine people would assume I'm talking about being short.
Quote:The sarcasm issue is caused by an inability to understand when a word or sentence should not be interpreted literally

I fully believe that you're capable of understanding and interpreting far more than you do. I don't know if you're a troll, however. I'm not going to pretend to have some deep understanding of your situation, but I've seen you identify sarcasm when it suits you. I've seen you interpret non-literal comments as non-literal comments when they aren't obviously non-literal.


I wasn't going to say this because it may seem too harsh, but in comparison to some of the other comments, it may not be as bad. Either way, I think you want people to cater to your preferences without adjusting to anyone else's. You have been told where you struggle, and you've been told where the "problems" are when you communicate with others. However, you continue to do the same things over and over. I understand that you may always have issues with certain things, but you do some things that are just absurd or illogical. 


I don't think you've explained how you understand sarcasm at certain times, when it doesn't seem apparent, but you use this as an excuse to why you want people to change the way they talk at other times. 




Quote:an internet diagnosis by someone who is not certified in the field (yet) is not considered proof...get some experience in the field...book learning is a wonderful thing, but the real learning is done in the field...In no way am I putting the lady down who is on her way into this field...I actually commend her...But she has no experience other than what the books say and that's not everything...How much validity would you put in someone delivering your baby when the only experience they had was reading text books and writing papers, how about heart surgeon...

I think her opinion holds more weight than any of our's. She's far more qualified to make that statement than most of us.


Quote:Nobody is qualified to claim I do not have AS or call me a liar because none of the people who do know me personally. If you were to meet me at a Gators game, I guarantee you would notice immediately I am telling the truth about having AS.

Maybe, maybe not. If they aren't qualified to make that judgement (based on your posts), than no one is qualified to use your posts to support your having AS, either. I don't understand how you expect people to believe you but not use the same posts (that you think support AS) as reasons why they believe you don't have AS.
Quote:so this guy whose wife has a master and is a phd candidate in this exact field doesnt know what shes talking about...... or are you more qualified to call her incorrect than i am to call JW a liar?


this is bordering on hypocrisy now.
not really...while I have the utmost respect for higher education, this man's wife is still NOT a certified doctor, and has had no face to face interaction with this person on the board...while I respect her opinion, it can not be accepted until she actually sees the patient over several visits, becomes fully accredited in her field, and gains some actual professional experience AFTER she gets her license
Quote:And has that been the outcome?

How many times has she started a thread that went 20 pages just about her? Yeah, she makes her little world explode just like someone else said.
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