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Full Version: Trump’s Immigration Muslim Ban Excludes Countries With Business Ties
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Quote:No he hasn't. Most Muslims can Still enter the US.
"Most" Muslims are not the problem...It's a small percentage of Muslims that pose a threat to us 

Aren't most mass killings done by Americans and not even the muslim religion?
Quote:As someone who is originally from Europe, who has family there and who somewhat frequently travels there, I can only say that this is a good thing for us, here in America.

I do not believe that these are all bad people however just look at what is occurring in Europe. About a year ago I was in London, England, Oslo, Norway and Helsinki, Finland. Perhaps they stand out amongst the very homogenous, indigenous people but goodness, there are Muslims everywhere. To make matters worse they are almost always the beggars, the people trying to sell you something, they only take away from the otherwise nice vibe to the cities that they are in, sorry. It's almost equivalent to a section 8 family moving in next door, they bring down the value of everything nearby.

There are parts of Sweden where you as a native Swede cannot even walk down the streets for fear of being mugged, raped or killed. I am all for helping those who are truly in need however the other issue is that roughly half of these "refugees" are grown [BAD WORD REMOVED] men! Figure it out! As real men do on a daily basis. Incidences of rape in Sweden have increased significantly since letting in these refugees. Coincidence?

People from these countries cannot get their [BAD WORD REMOVED] together. Do not make it our problem. Place the needs of your own people ahead of those of other countries. We are $20 trillion in debt, the economy is bad and there is already a lack of jobs. How is bringing more people into this country going to help us? Eventually we as a nation will collapse, all we can do is delay the inevitable, bringing more people into the country just makes us more susceptible.

Ultimately the way that this type of situation should be viewed is does it help us? The United State of America. Sure there are many people who are trying to escape oppression, persecution and who want to come here for a better life but if this does not improve our country in the long run then you do not let these people in.

As "Samjag904" mentioned in another thread, bringing a large influx of anyone to this country only creates problems. Generally speaking, they do not assimilate.

You are one of the most prejudiced individuals I've ever seen post on this board.
Quote:You are one of the most prejudiced individuals I've ever seen post on this board.
Is it really prejudiced if you aren't pre-judging anything and you are just looking at the objective results? Maybe you should call him Postjudiced, but it doesn't have that same buzzword dog whistle effect does it?


In this PC world you are expected to ignore actual reality and your own experiences in favor of platitudes.  Listen and believe. 

Quote:Aren't most mass killings done by Americans and not even the muslim religion?

Shhhh. You can't just dismiss the boogeyman.
Quote:Aren't most mass killings done by Americans and not even the muslim religion?
When 1% of the population is Muslim, I would hope they would commit fewer mass shootings than other groups of people 60 times their size. 


Let's do some research here. Since November 2014 we have had 65 mass shootings (where 3 or more were killed). 3 of them (Orlando, San Bernandino, Chattanooga) were related to radical islam. So that's 3/65. That is 4.62% of all mass shootings in this time frame were conducted because of radical Islam. 1% commits 4.6%. It's not huge numbers but that's because they are so few here. If you extrapolate that out and say there are 10% Muslims, they would be accounting for 46% of mass shootings. Clearly, there is an issue within that community. 




Quote:Is it really prejudiced if you aren't pre-judging anything and you are just looking at the objective results? Maybe you should call him Postjudiced, but it doesn't have that same buzzword dog whistle effect does it?

In this PC world you are expected to ignore actual reality and your own experiences in favor of platitudes. Listen and believe.

Skittles man.. Skittles.
Anyone surprised DHS was not consulted before this caper was rolled out?

No. Of course not. Trump is the smartest guy in the world and doesn't need to ask anyone anything. He just needs to be impulsive and erratic.
Quote:That "All Lives Matter" crowd must be on vacation.

Progressivism: all emotion all the time
Quote:Guess you should have paid attention then, cuz so far he's doing what he said he'd do.

I guess soo... So far..
Quote:Progressivism: all emotion all the time

So... all lives don't matter? That was the line I heard over and over.
Quote:So... all lives don't matter? That was the line I heard over and over.

All lives mattering doesn't mean I let strangers into my daughters room.

All emotion..... All the time.
Quote:So... all lives don't matter? That was the line I heard over and over.

Yes, some need helping and some need killing, but they all matter.
I'd just like to reiterate the irresponsibility of the OP and everyone who is trying to push the OP's narrative.  Congress and the obama administration highlighted the 7 countries on this list back in 2015 as being the 7 most destabalized/terrorist harboring countries.  That was the baseline for the executive order.  To promote the idea that Donald Trump came up with these names out of thin air with his right hand on his wallet is irresponsible, unfounded, and beneath our level of discourse. 


This isn't a permanent ban, this is a pause to establish vetting procedures.  In countriels like Syria and lybia THERE IS NO infrastructure for us to vet against.  If you have someone on facebook or a senator from the Left telling you how inordinate our refugee vetting program is then please ask them to explain how you vet somoene against no intelligence or supporting doucmentation from a cooperating government infrastructure or how we allowed two fromer insurgent bomb makers from Iraq into the country through that refugee program. 


In the final analysis, the intelligence resources that it will take to actually vet the people we are talking about admitting to the country would actually cost MORE money than clearing a part of Syria and establishing safe humanitarian harbor for these people.  The masochistic myopic view that we have to bring people to the mainland US just to give them food and shelter is ill conceived and devoid of the context under which the rest of the western world is dealing with cultural integration or in this case lack there of.  As we sit here today we have over 1000 active ISIS investigations in every one of the 50 states.  We do not have enough agents in the FBI to maintain 24 hour surveilance of everyone currently under reasonable suspicion.  The idea that we should bring in hundreds of thousands of more individuals from parts of the world where we can't verify their personal identities or histories but we do know about organized terror strongholds is the kind of madness that i can't fully explain. 


In certain parts of Europe they are teaching young women what to wear as not to invite themselves to be raped and they are trying to ban certain apparel because of the culture that it promotes.  IF you want to be like france and have armed police lakeside to make sure that someone isn't wearing a birkini then just say so! 

Quote:All lives mattering doesn't mean I let strangers into my daughters room.

All emotion..... All the time.

Signs you might be paranoid.

When you somehow equate legal immigration with people coming into your daughter's room.

No logic whatsoever in that statement.
Quote:Yes, some need helping and some need killing, but they all matter.

Muslim people fleeing war zones fall under which?
Quote:Signs you might be paranoid.

When you somehow equate legal immigration with people coming into your daughter's room.

No logic whatsoever in that statement.

See, there's your issue, you think we're talking about legal immigration. No one is against that, but we want it done right. But you know that, you have to distort our position or else yours collapses on itself.
Quote:Muslim people fleeing war zones fall under which?

Both. How do you know which are which?

Quote:Anyone surprised DHS was not consulted before this caper was rolled out?

No. Of course not. Trump is the smartest guy in the world and doesn't need to ask anyone anything. He just needs to be impulsive and erratic.

Stop running with what some idiot on here posted. It is not even remotely true. I swear you only come around here to throw "troll" grenades and run. Sit back and watch the carnage. Hope you are at least learning something, but I have my doubts.
Quote:So... all lives don't matter? That was the line I heard over and over.

All lives matter and blue lives matter only come up when black people start complaining about how their lives don't matter. Otherwise they are quiet.
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