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Full Version: Trump’s Immigration Muslim Ban Excludes Countries With Business Ties
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Quote:Signs you might be paranoid.

When you somehow equate legal immigration with people coming into your daughter's room.

No logic whatsoever in that statement.

There it is folks. If you needed any proof that Kotex is a...well...just special.
Quote:See, there's your issue, you think we're talking about legal immigration. No one is against that, but we want it done right. But you know that, you have to distort our position or else yours collapses on itself.

Okay.. How does illegal immigration translate to strangers in your daughter's bedroom?
Quote:There it is folks. If you needed any proof that Kotex is a...well...just special.

Go ahead Captain Logic and connect the dots from immigration to strangers in your kid's bedroom.
Quote:Okay.. How does illegal immigration translate to strangers in your daughter's bedroom?

It's more likely a white Christian male ends up in his daughters bed room.
Quote:It's more likely a white Christian male ends up in his daughters bed room.

You're on a roll today.. Must be high and bored..
Quote:You're on a roll today.. Must be high and bored..

Tell me how I'm wrong.
Quote:Tell me how I'm wrong.

You're not. It's whitey's fault..
Quote:Conservatives: “We hate blacks, Muslims, women, the poor, unions, GLBT, and basically anyone who doesn’t fit into into our vision of what America should be.

Wow. Just, wow.

I don't know what has been said further along in this thread; I didn't get past this post.


I am an Independent that leans toward conservative views. I absolutely DO NOT believe in ANY of those wacko statements you so easily try to brand on a whole group of people.

Either you're severely uninformed about the beliefs of individuals other than yourself,, or you're just completely brainwashed by the sickening propoganda of our "news" media these days.

You just labeled a whole group of people that you dont even know as individuals as being racist, sexist, homophobic, etc...

Do you even see your ridiculous hypocrisy?

Sadly, probably not.
Quote:Signs you might be paranoid.

When you somehow equate legal immigration with people coming into your daughter's room.

No logic whatsoever in that statement.

Game... Set.... You know the rest!
Quote:Go ahead Captain Logic and connect the dots from immigration to strangers in your kid's bedroom.
Quote:It's more likely a white Christian male ends up in his daughters bed room.
I can guarantee all men are created/treated equal if dumb enough to even think about breaking into my home!
Quote:I can guarantee all men are created/treated equal if dumb enough to even think about breaking into my home!

Quote:Tell me how I'm wrong.

There's your sign.  You believe in yourself for no good reason.
Quote:Wow. Just, wow.

I don't know what has been said further along in this thread; I didn't get past this post.


I am an Independent that leans toward conservative views. I absolutely DO NOT believe in ANY of those wacko statements you so easily try to brand on a whole group of people.

Either you're severely uninformed about the beliefs of individuals other than yourself,, or you're just completely brainwashed by the sickening propoganda of our "news" media these days.

You just labeled a whole group of people that you dont even know as individuals as being racist, sexist, homophobic, etc...

Do you even see your ridiculous hypocrisy?

Sadly, probably not.

If you build a fake representation of everything you hate and label it something, then everyone with a different viewpoint than your own becomes that object of hate.


It doesn't take any thought at all to be a leftist.  Just hate everyone that isn't a clone of yourself.
Quote:Okay.. How does illegal immigration translate to strangers in your daughter's bedroom?

This country is my house. These interlopers are in my living room [BLEEP] on my coffee table, eating the food from my fridge, using my wifi and occasionally shooting or raping one of my family members. 


You wouldn't put up with uninvited guests in your home, why do you expect us to accept it in our country? Because Drumpf and nothing else.

So.. No response. Nobody is coming into your kid's bedroom. You lose. Good day sir.
Quote:This country is my house. These interlopers are in my living room [BAD WORD REMOVED] on my coffee table, eating the food from my fridge, using my wifi and occasionally shooting or raping one of my family members.

You wouldn't put up with uninvited guests in your home, why do you expect us to accept it in our country? Because Drumpf and nothing else.

This country is not your house. Someone who goes on and on about property rights should know better.
Quote:Game... Set.... You know the rest!

Paranoid and delusional. But we knew that.
Copied from Faisal Saeed Al Mutar.. Go on and tear it down..

"To the people who keep posting here that I should "stop whining" about the #TrumpBan

I didn't want to address you first but I feel like it's necessary to clear misunderstandings because some of you accused me of being a "Secret jihadist who is hiding something". #LOL #IamAnAtheistJihadist

First, let's start with the argument that I am "whining"

Well, just imagine this for a bit.

You were born in a country not of your choice whatsoever in the middle of a war, sanctions and then another war and then another war.

You lost your eldest innocent brother who has nothing to do with the war and his life was taken by Al Qaeda.

You lost your cousin who has nothing to do with the war and his life was taken by Al Qaeda.

You saw many people killed in front of your eyes due to sectarian violence and had to sometimes walk on dead bodies to go to school.

you finish school and you escape the country hoping for a better future.

You go to Lebanon and gets treated very badly in a country also filled with sectarian violence.

You suck it up thinking you are only there temporarily.

You apply to the UK, you get rejected 3 times and wait months to get your rejection.

You suck it up and leave to a safe place, Malaysia, you apply for a refugee status that took years to be approved and eventually make it to the United States with extreme happiness, you work hard, you follow all the rules, you integrate very well in American society.

You even get an award from the white house!

and #TrumpBan happens that effects your family and restricts you from going anywhere over seas even the reason why I am flying there is to give a talk about countering extremism but I am still an Iraqi.

Imagine this, take your time tell me if I AM the one who is 'whining'."
Quote:If you build a fake representation of everything you hate and label it something, then everyone with a different viewpoint than your own becomes that object of hate.


It doesn't take any thought at all to be a leftist.  Just hate everyone that isn't a clone of yourself.

Oh, come on.  BOTH sides do that.  Right on this message board.   You just did it yourself!  


"It doesn't take any thought at all to be a leftist.  Just hate everyone that isn't a clone of yourself."


Do you not see the irony in that statement? 
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