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Full Version: The 'Bank want you to sit down. Jags send letters to section asking for fans to be considerate of others.
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Quote:Except the only problem with this is that, it's a FOOTBALL GAME! We are NOT attending the opera nor the local movie theatre. The folks who stand are paying good money to attend the FOOTBALL game and should be allowed to stand on their heads if that's how they choose to watch the game. This same rationale goes for concerts and many other similar GROUP experienced, socialized activities. If you are attending any sort of entertainment activity, which has a fan-base, and thus you identify and attend as one, then enjoy the experience in whatever manner makes you comfortable. People cheer for all sorts of reasons. Being allowed to stand, cheer, and be excited only during selective plays, of which ARE DEEMED APPROPRIATE NOT BY THE FAN HIMSELF, restricts people from self-expression; dictating their actions and thus, stripping away one's God given right to decide for themselves what qualifies as entertainment, in order to elicit a standing, cheering response.

Yes...by all means, do what ever you want and screw everyone else that also paid good money to watch the game.

Congratulations...you passed the "it's all about Me Me Me" class! Rolleyes
Quote:Steeler fans have towels waving in everyone's faces and no one cares. Everyone in Green Bay has a big block of cheese on their head and everyone sitting behind them lives.

They also wave the terrible towels from their seats. Or wear big blocks of cheese on their heads while sitting down. It's not obscuring someone's view of the field completely and making it absolutely pointless for the people behind them to spend the money they've spent on tickets to attend the game.
What's funny is the story is from last week but a national outlet caught wind of it. When I saw the letter I cringed because I knew when it got picked up by the national media that it would make the team look silly.
Quote:What's funny is the story is from last week but a national outlet caught wind of it. When I saw the letter I cringed because I knew when it got picked up by the national media that it would make the team look silly.

Taken out of context it probably would, but I can assure you every other stadium in the league has a similar policy to protect their financial interest, I.E. the majority of the fans who don't wish to stand to watch a 3 hour long football game.
Quote:What's funny is the story is from last week but a national outlet caught wind of it. When I saw the letter I cringed because I knew when it got picked up by the national media that it would make the team look silly.

It should make them look silly. Football is an alpha sport. It's rough, it's played in the elements, it's a tough game. It brings people out in droves with body paint, signs and costumes.


But please remain seated and contain your enthusiasm.

Quote:It should make them look silly. Football is an alpha sport. It's rough, it's played in the elements, it's a tough game. It brings people out in droves with body paint, signs and costumes.


But please remain seated and contain your enthusiasm.

Sitting down for parts of the game doesn't mean you're containing your enthusiasm. You don't have to sit there like a zombie. Expecting everyone behind you to stand up because you feel it's necessary when it really isn't is just plain inconsiderate. Put it any way you want, at the end of the day that's all it is.
Quote:Sitting down for parts of the game doesn't mean you're containing your enthusiasm. You don't have to sit there like a zombie. Expecting everyone behind you to stand up because you feel it's necessary when it really isn't is just plain inconsiderate. Put it any way you want, at the end of the day that's all it is.

It's not inconsiderate when 2 of the largest screens in the world are right in front of you. If you don't wanna look at the screens then just stand up too.
Quote:It should make them look silly. Football is an alpha sport. It's rough, it's played in the elements, it's a tough game. It brings people out in droves with body paint, signs and costumes.


But please remain seated and contain your enthusiasm.

Are you refusing to acknowledge what they really said on purpose, or do you really not understand what they mean?
I can't fathom what anyone would have stood up for any duration during the game on Sunday.  Common sense. 

Quote:It's not inconsiderate when 2 of the largest screens in the world are right in front of you. If you don't wanna look at the screens then just stand up too.

So I can either stand up because someone in front of me is a selfish [BAD WORD REMOVED] hole, or I can watch the game on a big TV after paying hundreds of dollars for the privilege. Gee thanks.
Quote:I can't fathom what anyone would have stood up for any duration during the game on Sunday.  Common sense. 

I stood up.. On 3rd downs for our defense. When they blew that obnoxious horn that I really hope they decide to do away with. After that, I sat back down. I would have stood up for an INT or a sack or hell even a first down, but alas...
I don't mind standing sometimes.  but it is annoying all game. not to mention it snowballs one person than the people behind them. all the way back in a section.  but no one cares about the older people or short people.  my wife pretty much has to look at the boards when everyone is standing.  she never complains but we would move if we had people like that infront of us.


jumping up for big plays just happens. do it myself. but during the commercial time outs people need to stand?

Quote:It's not inconsiderate when 2 of the largest screens in the world are right in front of you. If you don't wanna look at the screens then just stand up too.

It is inconsiderate. You want to stand up? Go to the Bud Zone.. or the Clevelander.. They literally have created spaces in the stadium where people who wish to stand the entire game can stand and watch the game and still have a good view of the stadium. But they spent millions of dollars putting seats in the stadium so that the MAJORITY can watch the game comfortably and stand when the situation calls for it.
Quote:I imagine the same thing would happen there that happens here. There's a reason why NFL stadiums have seats instead of just concrete benches like college stadiums. It's general admission there, you pay for a spot somewhere on the row and you cram in there with a bunch of college students and you scream your head off for the entire game. The NFL isn't college, the atmosphere is totally different.

Imagine how that is affecting Vikings fans while they wait for a Metrodome replacement. I bet they can't wait to get real seats again.
Quote:So I can either stand up because someone in front of me is a selfish [BAD WORD REMOVED] hole, or I can watch the game on a big TV after paying hundreds of dollars for the privilege. Gee thanks.

Basically. I mean I like to sit myself but to ask someone attending America's rowdiest sport to sit makes as much sense as asking the manager at Toys R Us if they sell toys.

If you don't want to stand, show up in a wheel chair.

Quote:If you go to a concert it's general admission. That gives you access to a space where you stand and dance and scream your head off. Unless you go to a concert with seats. Then if you stand and scream your head off during a time when most everybody else in the place is sitting because it's not warranted, you're asked to sit down or leave. No matter what way you slice it, in an NFL stadium, someone's right to either stand or sit is going to be violated. Since the NFL decided to cater to the fans who prefer to sit for parts of the game by putting chairs and wifi and cup holders in stadiums, they are going to side with the fans who DON'T want to stand for 3 hours straight to watch a football game.

Coming from someone who's been to more concerts than I can count, no most are NOT general admission. SOME, have a general admission section. No, general admission isn't there to serve as the designated area for purposes of standing and dancing etc. If you have been to a lot of concerts you would know there is less room in GA than in designated seating and it is for folks who want to be as close to the band/artist as possible. You would also be aware that it is near Impossible to dance around or move about in GA, as you are packed together like sardines. Out of the hundreds of concerts I've been to, consisting of a variety if genres, most at least 3 hours plus, almost everyone stands the entire time and some dance, scream etc, wait for it......IN THEIR ACTUAL SEATS. Never, and I repeat, NEVER, have I nor anyone I know, ever been approached and asked to sit, nor been told that by expressing ourselves with our chosen free will, that we were in "violation" of a thing. As far as "it's not warranted" because "everybody else" is sitting, well apparently that isn't true or we wouldn't be having this discussion. In addition, what is and isn't warranted based solely on how one chooses to use his or her own body, being told to sit or stand isn't up for anyone else to decide. Heck, maybe I was Guy Whimper's only fan, or had a crush on him and wanted to stand every down he was on the field. Again, my prerogative. Or hey, perhaps I just have a bad back from the invasive spine surgery I had and it is MORE COMFORTABLE to simply stand. You decide what's warranted, since you're prohibiting my body to do so for me.
Quote:Basically. I mean I like to sit myself but to ask someone attending America's rowdiest sport to sit makes as much sense as asking the manager at Toys R Us if they sell toys.

Again...they aren't asking anyone to never stand up at all!

Next home game look around you and really pay attention to the people that are standing up the whole time compared to the people that are up and down as the game play warrents it. Standing up the whole time is not the normal way a very large majority of people watch a game.
Quote:Yes...by all means, do what ever you want and screw everyone else that also paid good money to watch the game.

Congratulations...you passed the "it's all about Me Me Me" class! Rolleyes
My point exactly. I am not the one who is trying to dictate how others choose to use their bodies while viewing the game. However, by telling others when it is or is not appropriate to stand up and for how long, that is by proxy, all YOU YOU YOU my dear. Wink
Quote:Coming from someone who's been to more concerts than I can count, no most are NOT general admission. SOME, have a general admission section. No, general admission isn't there to serve as the designated area for purposes of standing and dancing etc. If you have been to a lot of concerts you would know there is less room in GA than in designated seating and it is for folks who want to be as close to the band/artist as possible. You would also be aware that it is near Impossible to dance around or move about in GA, as you are packed together like sardines. Out of the hundreds of concerts I've been to, consisting of a variety if genres, most at least 3 hours plus, almost everyone stands the entire time and some dance, scream etc, wait for it......IN THEIR ACTUAL SEATS. Never, and I repeat, NEVER, have I nor anyone I know, ever been approached and asked to sit, nor been told that by expressing ourselves with our chosen free will, that we were in "violation" of a thing. As far as "it's not warranted" because "everybody else" is sitting, well apparently that isn't true or we wouldn't be having this discussion. In addition, what is and isn't warranted based solely on how one chooses to use his or her own body, being told to sit or stand isn't up for anyone else to decide. Heck, maybe I was Guy Whimper's only fan, or had a crush on him and wanted to stand every down he was on the field. Again, my prerogative. Or hey, perhaps I just have a bad back from the invasive spine surgery I had and it is MORE COMFORTABLE to simply stand. You decide what's warranted, since you're prohibiting my body to do so for me.

Or maybe I paid just as much as you did to see the same game as you did but I am seeing nothing but YOU while you have a perfectly clear view of the game. I guess I should stand up too, right? So the person behind me who paid just as much as I did to see the same game I did can have THEIR view blocked by ME. Unless they stand up... And so on... Hey, why even have seats? Hell, why don't the Jags just save themselves all the money of repairing and replacing seats throughout the season and just do away with them all so we can all just stand the entire game! Then the Jags can feel good about not "telling you what to do with your body" while they watch thousands of fans who paid their money for tickets and keep the Jags profitable year after year file right on out of the stadium and never come back. But hey, the couple hundred fans that insist on standing the entire game will have a great view of the field, and the Mayflower moving trucks when they come to pack up the team and move them to God knows where. But it'll be good to know you got to stand up to watch the game and to hell with what everyone else wants because NOBODY can tell YOU what to do, right? It's all about YOU
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