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Full Version: The Jags want Henne to be more explosive minded per the FTU
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Quote:It may deter oncoming defensive linemen.
Can't remember, did it work in The Replacements?
Quote:Henne could go 20/20 for 400 yards, 5 TD's and it still wouldn't affect when they put Bortles in. Why would it? Henne isn't our future. There's no reason to sit Bortles once he's ready.

It wouldn't impact the long term, but if Henne is doing *that* well in the short term, it could keep Bortles out for this year.
Quote:It wouldn't impact the long term, but if Henne is doing *that* well in the short term, it could keep Bortles out for this year.
If Dave and Gus are to believed, how well or poorly Henne plays, is not and will not, be a factor in the timing of Bortles taking over the starting role.


Yeah, I'm scratching my head over the logic too. 
Quote:If Dave and Gus are to believed, how well or poorly Henne plays, is not and will not, be a factor in the timing of Bortles taking over the starting role.


Yeah, I'm scratching my head over the logic too. 

To a point.  But I believe they'll evaluate it as things go along too and not be inflexible.  If Henne is throwing for 400 yards a game consistently, I really doubt if they'll make a change this year.  But I doubt it'll be an issue.  I personally believe Henne is a competent pro, but he's not an all-star and at some point along the line, the transition will happen.  I think it happens after the bye.  We'll see.

Quote:If Dave and Gus are to believed,

The problem with looking at it this way is that you have to be able to read through the coach speak at the podium.  They aren't going to undermine Chad while he's at the helm  -- and they're not going to give Blake a reason to think they won't support him the same way when he makes mistakes.  


So they aren't going to reveal what the cut-off point is for Chad.  The hook will come out when it comes - but they won't blatantly announce the conditions of it. 
Quote: They aren't going to undermine Chad while he's at the helm  

Haven't they essentially done so already?  Isn't saying Bortles starts when he's "ready", the equivalent of telling Henne (quite publicly) he's history, regardless of how well he plays and there's nothing he can do to change the decision?
The only way Henne will be more explosive Sunday is if he eats a quart of chili.
Quote:Haven't they essentially done so already?  Isn't saying Bortles starts when he's "ready", the equivalent of telling Henne (quite publicly) he's history, regardless of how well he plays and there's nothing he can do to change the decision?

Only if you assume that what they tell Henne is the exact same message they deliver in press conferences or interviews.  We don't know what they tell him behind closed doors.  

Besides - as soon as a team drafts a QB at #3 - then every other QB on the roster is essentially fighting for the back-up job unless the team scouted poorly. So Henne has known his eventual fate since May. Probably before that.  


That's different than saying "Hey guys, we know Chad sucks but we need Blake to be able to identify the Mike two weeks in a row when he faces different schemes. Oh, and the line is really crappy right now too. We'll put the kid in a few weeks from now  - and until then we just have to let Chad attempt to scrape out a win while we try to tie up some loose ends." They can't say that. But I believe that's the case. 


Whether you believe they are waiting for Blake to be ready, or waiting for the O-line and receivers to be ready, it doesn't change the fact that they aren't going to throw Henne under the bus like that while they wait for one or more of those things to happen.  If you are truly trying to create a comfortable learning environment for the rookie - then that would warp it completely. 
The 11th minute mark in the 4th quarter Henne was 4-14 for 26 yards in the 2nd half. Clearly it wasnt his fault. Blame the rookies for dropping all those passes. He'll have a big game against the Redskins. Book it.
[Image: 454851362.0_standard_783.0.jpg]


" Uh..... Blake? Will you wear my jersey and go out there against the skins so they think I'm doin more mind explosions n' stuff?

Henne couldn't sniff Garrard's jockstrap.
Quote:"Huck and chuck"? is that some sort of euphemism for vomiting?

Yes. It's what I feel like doing every time he starts.
Quote:Only if you assume that what they tell Henne is the exact same message they deliver in press conferences or interviews.  We don't know what they tell him behind closed doors.  

Besides - as soon as a team drafts a QB at #3 - then every other QB on the roster is essentially fighting for the back-up job unless the team scouted poorly. So Henne has known his eventual fate since May. Probably before that.  


That's different than saying "Hey guys, we know Chad sucks but we need Blake to be able to identify the Mike two weeks in a row when he faces different schemes. Oh, and the line is really crappy right now too. We'll put the kid in a few weeks from now  - and until then we just have to let Chad attempt to scrape out a win while we try to tie up some loose ends." They can't say that. But I believe that's the case. 


Whether you believe they are waiting for Blake to be ready, or waiting for the O-line and receivers to be ready, it doesn't change the fact that they aren't going to throw Henne under the bus like that while they wait for one or more of those things to happen.  If you are truly trying to create a comfortable learning environment for the rookie - then that would warp it completely. 
what he said...
Quote:[Image: 454851362.0_standard_783.0.jpg]

" Uh..... Blake? Will you wear my jersey and go out there against the skins so they think I'm doin more mind explosions n' stuff?

Quote:Interesting what a franchise QB will mask, though. Will a damn play in the 2nd half.

Which is what the Henne apologists just aren't getting.


In the modern NFL you either have to have a franchise level QB, or you have to have an elite roster around the QB to even begin to be successful.


Right now the Jaguars have neither starting.


You can say it's not Henne's fault, but it is Henne's fault. It's Henne's fault that he's not a franchise level guy. Intrinsically it's on him.


So to the posters trying to run to Henne's aid, just stop. The guy isn't good enough, and everyone already knows it.


No amount of being bailed out by Hurns for TDs will change that.
Huckabee and Chuck Norris were using Huck n Chuck for Huckabee's run for presidency.
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