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Full Version: Anyone Else Starting To Think Lee Might Bust?
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err no...

Janis is better...more burst
my tv said the game came on at 730 and didnt start recording so i missed it. anyone wanna break down the play for me?

Quote:my tv said the game came on at 730 and didnt start recording so i missed it. anyone wanna break down the play for me?


so lee pretty much burned everyone and blake threw a perfect pass?
Looked right little pump fake and hit Lee in stride to the left.
just curious on TMDs take. how did Lee's knee look there?

I think Lee benefitted from Bortles because there is no way Henne makes the throw so he would have been a blank on the stat sheet.

Play Bortles and develop all the young players
Quote:I think Lee benefitted from Bortles because there is no way Henne makes the throw so he would have been a blank on the stat sheet.

Play Bortles and develop all the young players

Henne would have checked that down 2 seconds before Lee hit the top of his route.
Reading the 8 pages of this thread was classic!!!  What a payoff!!!



The .gif of the pass that Bortles threw to Lee was great.  Thanks Tuxedo!  +1 to you sir.


So....   About that explosiveness and what not...




On a serious note, it's just the pre-season. Lee still has to show up for the regular season.  So does Hurns.  Heck, so does Bortles.  


There's a reason why preseason games don't count towards the regular season record...  


Love this link!  https://twitter.com/SBNationGIF/status/5...24/photo/1
Lol yea sure looking like a bust, after 3 preseason games somebody makes a dumb thread like this 
I think he'll be a bust...



...a bust in the Hall of Fame!



Lol at people who overreact over two bad preseason gamess.


Lee will be fine.


Well he has 2 of the 3 receiving TDs lol
Don't count on seeing a play even remotely similar to that one as long as Henne is playing.


After taking that double sack, it is a miracle Bortles recovered and was able to make a 50 yard completion. I am surprised his entire career wasn't ruined by playing with a poor offensive line.


Henne makes everyone worse. Remember that.

Disclaimer: I have low expectations out of rookie receivers. Justin Blackmon was underwhelming the first half of his rookie year but worse yet at the time, they were trying to force the ball to him and he didn't look overly fast or athletic, dropped passes, and wasn't precise in routes. Things eventually clicked (on the field). Cecil Shorts was similar. Once Bortles is in the lineup and has a healthy cadre of WRs, I can see Marquise Lee getting a fair amount of single coverage and will be fine
In my entirely subjective opinion, it seems nearly all rookies initially either play slow and mechanical when attempting to perform technique learned in practice or try to rely on what tricks worked for them in college. Either way, veteran DBs can shut that down pretty easily
Nice to see Lee show some explosiveness tonight. 


Good for him. Good for us. 

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