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Quote:This is from Comedy Central, correct?


I was waiting for something about the Trilateral Commission or something of that sort. Never gets old.

No I fully believe Obama's primary objective is to destroy the American Economy, I believe he subscribes to the school of thought that America is the reason for the worlds injustices and that American Colonialism must be brought down to establish a more fair and just world.
Quote:This is very true, Presidents are just puppets for the elites. Obama was sent in to finish what Bush started, take down the American Economy to set up a global currency. 

Really? Really? Haven't seen this kind of rhetoric since the '30s. Priceless!


Please, don't respond. I'm sure you actually believe this simplistic tripe. I'm not trying to talk you out of anything. I just find it highly amusing that this kind of stuff is still making the rounds.
Quote:Obama could have the cure for cancer and this congress wouldn't pass it.

While true,,,, the House of Representatives could have plans for a fiscally responsible government budget and this president wouldn't pass it.

Goes both ways.
Quote:Really? Really? Haven't seen this kind of rhetoric since the '30s. Priceless!


Please, don't respond. I'm sure you actually believe this simplistic tripe. I'm not trying to talk you out of anything. I just find it highly amusing that this kind of stuff is still making the rounds.

And what followed the 30's, after the Great Depression and World War II you saw the establishment of the United Nations.


Was it rhetoric when the warning signs leading up to the Great Depression where ignored? Never mind everything is fine, Obama has the employment rate down to 6% and the stock markets at 17,000 and counting, Everything's fine America........... 
I hope you are not referring to the Paul Ryan budget.
Quote:I hope you are not referring to the Paul Ryan budget.

Paul Ryan is a loon, he's another Republican that is bent on Government fixing the problem rather than getting out of the way.
Quote:Can anyone explain how the S&P has literally doubled under Obama, yet the economy is on the tank? I am serious. I don't fully understand how that can be. I always thought the S&P was a barometer of how the market was performing. Where is the economy major that can shed some light? I have asked others about this and not gotten anything that makes sense to me.

The answer to this is that the current administration is "printing" billions of new dollars every month into the economy,, and tunneling directly into the markets.

This is why the markets are going the way they are.

I say "printing," while it's actually electronic new funds. While it make sthe markets flourish,, it devalues our dollars.
Quote:I hope you are not referring to the Paul Ryan budget.

Lol. No. Just trying to illustrate that the House could "have a cure for cancer and Obama/Senate wouldn't pass it."

That's all.
Is this known or suspected. Links to any not blatantly partisan news site?
Quote:Is this known or suspected. Links to any not blatantly partisan news site?

Here you go enjoy there's plenty of reading material on QE Unlimited








I could give you a thousand of these links, just literally google what is QE Unlimited, it's not a hidden secret we are openly doing this.
Who the heck voted excellent and I'd like to see them explain it. Even some of the most extreme liberals are admitting he's been a disaster.
Easy to point fingers and complain. Any solutions for 2016?

Santorum, Bachmann, Palin? Aka Larry Curly and Moe. Then there's Guvnah Perry of Texas, who still doesn't look smarter with his new glasses. Christie? Viable, but has baggage, as does Cruz. Rubio? Maybe, as long as he can stay hydrated.

The GOP has no viable candidate that they will rally around.

When Mitt was the last choice, über right Limbaugh chastised the choice for months. Yeah, that helped.

Simply put, they beat themselves.

Money is the factor. Even a foreign company can donate if they have any affiliation here.

If Hillary runs, as I've mentioned before, I'm betting she wins. If she doesn't, it could be close. If its Elizabeth Warren or Biden then the GOP has a shot. But please, not another cluster * like McCain Palin. That was a nightmare.
Quote:Easy to point fingers and complain. Any solutions for 2016?

Santorum, Bachmann, Palin? Aka Larry Curly and Moe. Then there's Guvnah Perry of Texas, who still doesn't look smarter with his new glasses. Christie? Viable, but has baggage, as does Cruz. Rubio? Maybe, as long as he can stay hydrated.

The GOP has no viable candidate that they will rally around.

When Mitt was the last choice, über right Limbaugh chastised the choice for months. Yeah, that helped.

Simply put, they beat themselves.

Money is the factor. Even a foreign company can donate if they have any affiliation here.

If Hillary runs, as I've mentioned before, I'm betting she wins. If she doesn't, it could be close. If its Elizabeth Warren or Biden then the GOP has a shot. But please, not another cluster * like McCain Palin. That was a nightmare.

My first choice is Rand Paul but I know he stands next to no chance winning the nomination
Is there any truth to the story about him rallying support from a neo-nazi group or is that propaganda? I thought I heard something on that somewhere and nothing surprises me anymore.
Quote:Obama could have the cure for cancer and this congress wouldn't pass it.
Actually, they would. They would just take off the tax for all of the special interests, and the bill would die a slow, painful death on Harry Reids desk, just like all the things you blame congress for.


Don't let facts get in the way of a good talking point though.
You're right. Most effective Congress EVER held back by Obummer.
Quote:Is there any truth to the story about him rallying support from a neo-nazi group or is that propaganda? I thought I heard something on that somewhere and nothing surprises me anymore.
I've followed rand for a while and I'm not aware of any association to neo-nazi groups.

You'll find anyone that wants limited government Is always categorized as a racist it's been that way for years.
I read somewhere he was taking contributions and meeting with guys from the same group that backed David Duke. You have no knowledge of this?
Quote:Can anyone explain how the S&P has literally doubled under Obama, yet the economy is on the tank? I am serious. I don't fully understand how that can be. I always thought the S&P was a barometer of how the market was performing. Where is the economy major that can shed some light? I have asked others about this and not gotten anything that makes sense to me.

The simplest answer is that printing new money out of thin air props up the transaction based industries for a short time. Flooding the market with new dollars enables commerce to boom until inflation sets in, consumer confidence plummets and the whole system collapses. If you hit the point of saturation then you get hyper-inflation like we've seen in Zimbabwe under Mugabe. The more the government does to "help" the worse the eventual outcome will be.


Historically speaking, the events in France that led to the reign of Napoleon are the textbook case of how fiat currency can destroy an economy. Here's a link to a free PDF that recounts the events. Page 59 has a nice table that shows the inflationary effect of the time in American currency. That a bushel of wheat went from 40 cents to 45 dollars in just 5 years should terrify us all for what's about to happen in this economy. 




This looks and feels familiar too: 


"For this general distress arising from the development
and collapse of "fiat" money in France, there was, indeed,
one exception. In Paris and a few of the other great cities,
men like Tallien, of the heartless, debauched, luxurious,
speculator, contractor and stock-gambler class, had risen
above the ruins of the multitudes of smaller fortunes. Tallien,
one of the worst demagogue "reformers," and a certain
number of men like him, had been skillful enough to
become millionaires, while their dupes, who had clamored
for issues of paper money, had become paupers."
Quote:You're right. Most effective Congress EVER held back by Obummer.
Actually, the senate has a lot more to do with it.
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