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I am also not seeing a QB at #3...I am really starting to lean toward Watkins there...and we target a guy at #39...

Quote:I am not romanticizing him in the sense that I think he is better than he was...I agree...it was very frustrating watching him miss open WRs or not throw it when he should.


My question is shouldn't he have been focused on getting better EVERY year?  isn't getting better what would have given him the starting job before?  What else did he have to focus on?  I just don't get how knowing he is penciled in as the starter going into camp is going to somehow make him a better QB. 


It is just my opinion but he has reached his peak in my mind...maybe I am wrong...Honestly I would love to be...I would love for this "backing" or "new found ability to focus on getting better" or whatever turned him into a very good QB allowing us to move on with him...but I don't see it...I see it being another painful year at The Bank for Jags fans...

You don' think Henne was focused on getting better every year?  You need to go back and look at what was happening in Miami while he was there.  Look at the coaching changes and rotating personnel he was dealing with in Miami.  He went through multiple head coaches and offensive coordinators while with the Dolphins.  It wasn't like there was any stability there.  That does impact a player having to learn new systems year after year.


We don't know if Henne has peaked.  He's still a relatively young player.  He's in year 2 of this system.  He's got the confidence of his coaching staff, and he's clearly motivated to prove something this year.  I don't expect him to become Peyton Manning, but a slightly better version of who he is will be just fine.  If we get more than that, it's gravy. 


I know there are many here who think you could take any scrub off any roster and they'd be better than Henne as if Henne is on the same level as Gabbert.  He's not.  I think we've seen that Henne is coachable, and that he can be moderately productive.  That's all you really want from a guy who clearly isn't in the long-term plans. 
Quote:I didn't mean making excuses for Henne specifically...more that we seem to be saying the exact same things about Henne as every other QB we have had since Mark B..."he just needs better line play"..."he just needs more weapons"..."we need the D to step up"...ect...


To me they are excuses because a franchise QB makes a lot of that better...Manning made an oline of undrafted guys look like all pros...Brady has made pedestrian at best WRs look like all pros...sometimes running lanes open up when teams are forced to respect the pass...ect.


I to think the focus is going to be to get a franchise guy...if not this year then next.


I didn't say lofty expectations...I simply said nothing in his career has shown he can be what some think he can be...in other words...nothing in his career has shown he can be a 20/12-15 guy...

Peyton Manning looks awfully average when his line lets him down and he's forced to move, or when his receivers start dropping passes.  No QB is immune to this, and every successful QB needs the tools around him to be at least moderately effective to give him a chance to produce.  You hear the same thing for every Jags QB because it's the same formula not only for them, but every other QB in the NFL.


Even elite QBs can't carry a team on their back if they don't have some semblance of a line, and a couple of receivers they can rely upon.  There are rare exceptions where they can do so for shorter intervals, but not for an entire season.  Henne played behind arguably the worst line in the league for 13 games, and he still managed to cobble together 3200 yards of passing.  It wasn't always pretty, and a good chunk of it came in garbage time, but that's what he had to work with. 


I think Henne has been in unstable situations throughout his career.  This is probably one of the first times where he's ending the season as a starter, and preparing for the next season with the same head coach, position coach, and coordinator.  That kind of continuity matters for guys, and with just a little bit of improvement, it wouldn't be shocking to see him get 20/15 and 3500 yards.  He wasn't that far off last year.
My question about him being focused was mainly questioning your "recount" of a piece of the interview about him being able to focus on getting better since he is penciled in as the starter.


I don't think you can take any scrub off any team by any means and they be better than Henne...but that doesn't change my opinion of Henne...just because he may be the best option for the team doesn't mean he is a good one.


You're right we don't know if he has peaked, it is just my opinion he has...he is 28 with 7 years experience...while not ancient as a player...he is not a spring chicken either... 

Quote:I am also not seeing a QB at #3...I am really starting to lean toward Watkins there...and we target a guy at #39...

That's all I'm saying as well.  People want to reach for a QB at 3, and I think we'd be better served to let things play out along the line of what you're suggesting here.  If not Watkins, then we go after Mack, unless Clowney is still there. 
I hope you're right man...I really do...I hope we are talking next year how Henne turned the corner is now our Alex Smith type player...a guy who got some stability and some pieces around him and can lead our team to the play offs...but until I see it start happening all I can do is look at his history and that is ugly.

Quote:My question about him being focused was mainly questioning your "recount" of a piece of the interview about him being able to focus on getting better since he is penciled in as the starter.


I don't think you can take any scrub off any team by any means and they be better than Henne...but that doesn't change my opinion of Henne...just because he may be the best option for the team doesn't mean he is a good one.


You're right we don't know if he has peaked, it is just my opinion he has...he is 28 with 7 years experience...while not ancient as a player...he is not a spring chicken either... 

He didn't say that.  That's my opinion based on what I heard from him.  He's talking about where he needs to get better, and he's also talking about how the rest of the offense needs to improve.  He's clearly deep into the Gus juice, and that's a good thing, IMO.  He sounds motivated and ready to go.


I don't think anyone is trying to say Henne is a "good" option.  He is the only one right now.


28 years old with 7 years experience is still young.  Look at the guys playing around the league.
Quote:I hope you're right man...I really do...I hope we are talking next year how Henne turned the corner is now our Alex Smith type player...a guy who got some stability and some pieces around him and can lead our team to the play offs...but until I see it start happening all I can do is look at his history and that is ugly.
I would actually love to see that.  I've always liked Henne, and I'm not quite sure why.  When the Jags signed him, I was happy with the deal because I thought maybe the change of scenery would do him some good.  It's his team this year, so we'll see if he can turn the corner.  If not, no harm. 
I am actually really starting to get weary of Clowney...all of the reports of him "playing scared or not to get hurt" and the questions about his motor (for lack of a better word)...just worries me.


Give me Watkins at #3 right now or trade down...


I am actually hoping that TB falls to round 2 and we can maybe package a pick or so and move up a few spots and get him to go with Watkins...

Henne sucks. And he will continue to suck.

Oh sorry...I misunderstood...I thought you were paraphrasing what he said.


I agree with you...I liked Henne coming out of college...I thought he was going to be good...heck I even drafted the guy on my fantasy football team the first few years (not a great endorsement I know...LOL) in the hopes he would turn it on...


This is all good banter/conversation now...come Dec/Jan time we will know where we stand for sure...

Quote:Henne sucks. And he will continue to suck.

care to elaborate more?
I agree that if Henne can just cut down on the turnovers he could have a respectable year. It's possible.. I wouldn't be money on it but he could still become a "little better" while we are grooming a young QB.

If this team gets a good line good receivers Henne is going to surprise some people.


I would be the first one to get drunk off the Henne

haha. Title makes me laugh. How good? Think you mean how bad? Not as bad as Gabbert, but arguably the worst starter in the NFL right now
Not very. He is around the same as he was since he entered the league.
The herps and derps are really making for enlightening discussion.

Quote:The herps and derps are really making for enlightening discussion.

He no good. 
Quote:Not very. He is around the same as he was since he entered the league.
Why was this thread even started, Henne is a back up. He will never be a franchise QB. He will not surprise us because Chad Henne is who he is. A QB who looks decent at one moment and plays Like shot the next.

Chad Henne is a sine curve.
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