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Quote:I would like to see you asking the questions at the presser then those idiot journalist(if you can call them that). Some of thier questions make you go hmmm. At least you could ask questions we would like anser to.

There was one point in particular where both Dave and Gus looked at David Lamm as if they would like to slap him for rudely yelling out a question. You even heard someone in the background (Ryan Robinson) try to shush Lamm a little.
I think Mallet has just as much talent/potential as any QB coming out in this draft. The only QBs I'd take over Mallet would be Bortles and Bridgewater.

Todman had a 100 yard rushing game this year, Did MoJo? 



Quote:WOah, yeah man, he got that one vs Houston (103).....whew my sentiment is just way off huh? What I said wasn't really meant to be taken as "literal" in that line. He wasn't even close to 100 rushing in any other game. 

How do you not realize how much of a joke you are. Seriously. Get some friends or something. Good lord.


Quote:I think Mallet has just as much talent/potential as any QB coming out in this draft. The only QBs I'd take over Mallet would be Bortles and Bridgewater.

for me, its only Bridge. I'd rather have Mallett over Bortles. 


Quote:A 3rd for Mallet was a starting point for trades? According to what gm?

the 3rd rounder was reported as the price for Mallett according to some of the usual tabloid football sites (PFT, rotowire) last offseason when he was rumored to have been on the market. 
Quote:for me, its only Bridge. I'd rather have Mallett over Bortles.

the 3rd rounder was reported as the price for Mallett according to some of the usual tabloid football sites (PFT, rotowire) last offseason when he was rumored to have been on the market.

Lol got it.
Quote:How do you not realize how much of a joke you are. Seriously. Get some friends or something. Good lord.


awww, another butthurt MoJo fan. 




Glad he's gone. :yes: 
Quote:Lol got it.

knee slapper, huh? 
Quote:Yeah and how has that turned out? 


Gabbert has great size, blah blah blah, he ran a decent 40


and I guess he has a good arm. 


But he might be the worst running QB I have ever seen, and for a guy with such a great arm, he sure doesn't show it.  Not to mention he is extremely inaccurate. 


Here's the problem with this discussion.


Gabbert has already had an opportunity to showcase all the flaws in his game that make him a bad NFL quarterback. 


Mallet has not (or to demonstrate the opposite).


It's easy to look now and say, 'Well, yeah, there's a chance Mallet will have more NFL talent than Gabbert." 
Quote:Here's the problem with this discussion.


Gabbert has already had an opportunity to showcase all the flaws in his game that make him a bad NFL quarterback. 


Mallet has not (or to demonstrate the opposite).


It's easy to look now and say, 'Well, yeah, there's a chance Mallet will have more NFL talent than Gabbert." 


Mallett was the better QB of the 2 in college easily. 


If off field concerns had nothing to do with the draft process, Mallett would be drafted ahead of Gabbert every time. 


Gabbs easily failed the eye test in college. He was drafted on "potential", size, and a clean image. 


Mallett was basically the reverse. He passed the eye test in college, but has a bad image/ bad reputation coming out of college and for some strange reason was seen as "peaked". 


So many of these QB that are drafted on potential simply never come close to reaching it in the NFL. Gimme the low floor QB that doesn't need tons of work to fix, every time. 

Quote:awww, another butthurt MoJo fan. 




Glad he's gone. :yes:

LOL I have no problem with MJD leaving. It's been pretty clear since last offseason that this would be his last season and he didn't do anything this year to change that notion.

The problem I do have is the same that everyone else on this message board has: you and your incessant pompous ramblings that have zero merit whatsoever.
Quote:LOL I have no problem with MJD leaving. It's been pretty clear since last offseason that this would be his last season and he didn't do anything this year to change that notion.

The problem I do have is the same that everyone else on this message board has: you and your incessant pompous ramblings that have zero merit whatsoever.

then don't respond or better yet, put me on ignore. Use it, and stop complaining, 
TMD, do you think Mallet is worth trading pick #39 for?

Quote:Here's the problem with this discussion.


Gabbert has already had an opportunity to showcase all the flaws in his game that make him a bad NFL quarterback. 


Mallet has not (or to demonstrate the opposite).


It's easy to look now and say, 'Well, yeah, there's a chance Mallet will have more NFL talent than Gabbert." 

Not really.  I am not looking at it now. 


When Mallet was coming out I thought he was the better prospect.  By a long shot.  I didn't even think Gabbert should have been a first round pick.  He just so happened to go to a team that has a top 5 QB of all time playing in front of him. 


Mallet got a bad rap coming out.  Attitude, off the field concerns, slow, I think there might have been a drug rumor going around about him, etc...


I would have rather the Jags taken Mallet with that pick than Gabbert.  That I know. 


Mallet might never amount to anything, my point is that this team has to find a way to get  a QB in here pretty much immediately that might be able to string together some wins, and possibly a playoff berth.  If it doesn't work with Mallet then so be it.  It would only be a third round pick. 


Of course, all this being if they don't have a QB in mind in this upcoming draft. 

Quote:then don't respond or better yet, put me on ignore. Use it, and stop complaining, 

Using that logic, why don't you stop posting? After all, all you do is complain.
Quote:awww, another butthurt MoJo fan. 




Glad he's gone. :yes:
That's a bit insensitive. He was a premier back in the league for most of his career, and the face of our franchise during it's turmoil. He was the one bright spot on the roster up until recently, arguably the best draft pick of the Harris/Del Rio era, was the league's leading rusher one season, and gave us many a good "pinball, mighty mouse" memory... Glad he's gone? geeze. It's not like he was Trent Richardson or anything.
Quote:TMD, do you think Mallet is worth trading pick #39 for?

Do you actually care about his opinion?

This time last year he was touting how Clowney wouldn't amount to anything because his name is funny.

This year Clowney is one of only 2 players worth drafting. His opinion changes like the wind, and his evaluation of QBs is on par with a worm's ability to fight it's way out of a paper bag. Dan Lefevour anyone?
Quote:TMD, do you think Mallet is worth trading pick #39 for?

I think I know where this loaded question is going. 


But at the risk of the backlash, I'll say no, because I don't think you'll have to pay that much to secure the deal. I think our 3rd rounder would get it done. 
Quote:Do you actually care about his opinion?

This time last year he was touting how Clowney wouldn't amount to anything because his name is funny.

This year Clowney is one of only 2 players worth drafting. His opinion changes like the wind, and his evaluation of QBs is on par with a worm's ability to fight it's way out of a paper bag. Dan Lefevour anyone?

awww, upset because no one cares about your opinion. snif. Go away. 
Quote:awww, upset because no one cares about your opinion. snif. Go away. 
lol I don't care if nobody wants my opinion. 


You obviously have some deep seeded need for others to want your opinion. So much so that you will change it, based on what you believe others will want to hear, and thus "value" it. 


I'm not the one who ranks player's abilities based on their names. I'm not the one who whiffed on ol' Dan. 

Thanks for playing though
TMD, I'll give you credit for realizing the question was loaded. But I'll use the transitive property:


"I'd love Bortles in the 2nd round." - TMD

"I like Mallet more than every quarterback, besides Bridgewater." - TMD


Therefor, Mallet would be worth a 2nd round pick if that is what the Patriots were asking for.

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